Carl Alacchi

Carl Alacchi

프로필 사진

Carl Alacchi

참여 작품

When Eric and Raj, old high school buds, try to build the next great app and become billionaires - they don't.
Rock Paper Scissors
Propriétaire de l'épicerie
Four men are each looking for a way out. Their fates collide one night.
La sacrée
Carlo Mezzini
Hidden 3D
Male victim
Brian's mother dies and is surprised when he inherit's The Sanctuary, her controversial experimental treatment center for addictions. When he and his friends are shown around the dilapidated building by a mysterious employee, it is clear that there is a sinister mood. Despite this the group enters a secret underground passage and the terrible reality is revealed. Brian's mother had built a revolutionary machine that cured people of their addiction, but as a side effect to materialize the addictions in a mutated form of children who are addicted to human flesh which have moved into the building.
Ring of Deceit
Milo Henskie
Madison Byrne is a beautiful young art expert who tries to help Jack Singer, a wealthy patron of her museum, unlock the mystery of an antique ring. This ring may or may not have belonged to his family before being lost in WWII. As she inches closer to the truth, the danger grows and Madison begins to suspect that Jack may not be as innocent as he appears. Could he be a murderer, bent on revenge or is someone else killing to keep a more sinister secret?
A Cargo to Africa
Deadly Isolation
Richard Wallace
In a quaint and quiet island community off the coast of Maine, Susan is a young widow suffering from deep grief for the loss of her husband, Ron. Two escaped convicts suffer from their own kind of deep grief at the loss of their diamonds stolen in a heist they participated in the year before, spear-headed by Susan's now late husband. One of the convicts, poses as an old college friend of Ron's enabling him to get close to a still vulnerable Susan and even closer to the diamonds.
동유럽의 작은 나라 크로코지아의 평범한 남자 빅터 나보스키(톰 행크스)는 뉴욕 입성의 부푼 마음을 안고 JFK 공항에 도착한다. 그러나 입국 심사대를 빠져 나가기도 전에 고국에선 쿠데타가 일어나고, 일시적으로 유령국가가 되었다는 소식을 접한다. 아무리 둘러봐도 그가 머물 곳은 JFK 공항 밖에 없지만, 공항 관리국의 프랭크에게 빅터는 골칫거리일 뿐. 지능적인 방법으로 밀어내기를 시도하는 프랭크에 굴하지 않고, 바보스러울 만큼 순박한 행동으로 버티기를 거듭하는 빅터. 이제 친구도 생기고 아름다운 승무원 아멜리아(캐서린 제타 존스)와 로맨스까지 키워나가는데...
Venezuelan Delegate
기후학자인 잭 홀박사는 남극에서 빙하 코어를 탐사하던 중 지구에 이상변화가 일어날 것을 감지하고 얼마 후 국제회의에서 지구의 기온 하락에 관한 연구발표를 하게 된다. 급격한 지구 온난화로 인해 남극, 북극의 빙하가 녹고 바닷물이 차가워지면서 해류의 흐름이 바뀌게 되어 결국 지구 전체가 빙하로 뒤덮이는 거대한 재앙이 올 것이라고 경고한다. 그러나 그의 주장은 비웃음만 당하고 상사와의 갈등만 일으키게 된다. 잭은 상사와의 논쟁으로 퀴즈대회 참가를 위해 뉴욕으로 가는 아들 샘을 데려다 주는 것을 잊어 버리고 만다. 얼마 후 아들이 탄 비행기가 이상난기류를 겪게 되고 일본에서는 우박으로 인한 피해가 TV를 통해 보도되는 등 지구 곳곳에 이상기후 증세가 나타나게 된다. 잭은 해양 온도가 13도나 떨어졌다는 소식을 듣게 되고 자신이 예견했던 빙하시대가 곧 닥칠 것이라는 두려움에 떨게 된다. 잭은 앞으로 일어날 재앙으로부터 아들을 구하러 가려던 중 백악관으로부터 연락을 받는다. 잭은 브리핑을 통해 현재 인류의 생존을 위해서는 지구 북부에 위치한 사람들은 이동하기 너무 늦었으므로 포기하고 우선 중부지역부터 최대한 사람들을 멕시코 국경 아래인 남쪽으로 이동시켜야 한다는 과감한 주장을 하면서 또다시 관료들과 갈등을 겪게 된다. 이동을 시작한 사람들은 일대 혼란에 휩싸이게 되고 그럼에도 불구하고 잭은 아들이 있는 북쪽 뉴욕으로 향한다. 인류를 구조할 방법을 제시한 채 아들을 구하기 위해 역진하는 잭의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가? 또, 인류는 지구의 대재앙을 극복할 수 있을 것인가?
Federal Protection
Gio Brogianto
"Chop Chop" Frankie Carbone has made a career out of stealing cars for the mob in Chicago. An attempted assassination by a mob boss goes badly and Frankie retaliates, only to wind up in the hands of the Feds. Frankie agrees to testify against the mobsters and his life is suddenly worthless - unless he submits to going into federal protection.
Two Thousand and None
A paleontologist is diagnosed with a fatal brain disease and, rather than falling into a depression, explodes into life.
Home Team
Henry Butler is a professional athlete with a little Pete Rose in him. His athletic interests go beyond the playing field and into the gambling dens. Convicted for his addiction, the soccer player is assigned to community service at a children's home as a condition of his parole. The home attempts to exploit his soccer skills by forming a team. Butler takes no interest, though, until the home burns down and the team begins playing for their homes instead of personal pride or a payoff.
Out of Control
Motel Keeper
A woman decides to steal her mobster boyfriend's car and a whole lot of his money, then tries to hide out in a small town. With a cop and a hit man on her tail, she makes friendly with a reformed criminal who will do whatever it takes to protect her.
An up-and-coming indie band consider signing a record deal.
The Peacekeeper
When a terrorist group steals the US President's personal communications computer for launching the US arsenal in case of war, only a heroic Major has the key to prevent a Presidential assassination or a nuclear holocaust.
Lead Roof Cop
A renegade police officer tracks a rapist spreading a deadly virus around 2009 Boston.
Tekno (Segment "Le Technétium")
Through an immigrant cab driver, our world collides with a nervous filmmaker, a lawyer whose new breasts her ex-boyfriend wants to see, a mystery man, a gay man who might or might not have AIDS, and a birthday girl who got stood up. It is a mixture of laughter and sadness, all floating on a sea of philosophy.
Hollow Point
Alberto Capucci
Livingston is trying to merge the Russians, Chinese and Italian gangsters into one group with huge amounts of money and power. FBI agent Susan and DEA agent Max are trying to stop them.
스캐너스 2
Degenerate Scanner
경찰 반장 존 포리스터는 페블러라는 피임약 사용으로 태어나게 된 스캐너라는 초능력자들을 이용하여 시장이 되어 권력을 장악하려 한다. 그는 스케너들을 이용하여 범죄를 일으키고 자신이 범죄를 소탕하 여론의 지지를 받으려한다. 스캐너이면서 정신이 순수한 데이빗을 속여서자기를 도와 경찰총장이 되도록하는데, 데이빗은 존의 진의를 알게되자그로부터 달아나 누나인 쥬디와 힘을 합하여 존의 하수인이며 역시 스케너의 피터를 물리치고 존의 음모를 분쇄한다.
The Pianist
Jean and her sister, played by Macha Grenon, have a life long infatuation with the Japanese Pianist who once lived across the street from them during their high school years. The film is set during the family's reunion on Vancouver Island and flashes back and forth over the last 10 years. By coincidence, Yoshi who is now a world famous Pianist is giving a concert in Vancouver and Amy is anxious to see him again but her sister curiously is not at all interested. The girls explore old passions, stalking, sibling rivalry and wrong life choice based on the fantasies of their youth.