La sacrée (2011)
장르 : 코미디
상영시간 : 0분
연출 : Dominic Desjardins
각본 : Daniel Marchildon
북퀘벡의 조용한 시골마을. 아름다운 전원에는 살육의 흔적만이 남아있다. 생존자들은 좀비의 습격을 피해 안전한 곳을 찾아서 떠나고 한 자급자족 커플의 집에 모인다. 아코디언을 든 여자, 친구를 잃은 남자, 소녀, 할아버지와 손자, 터프한 비즈니스 우먼. 이들은 살아남을 수 있을 것인가? (2018년 제22회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
시골 외딴 마을에서 진행된 서바이벌 캠프. 사고로 한 참가자가 죽었다. 살인죄를 뒤집어쓰지 않기 위해 입을 다물기로 한 사람들. 하지만 비밀은 오래가지 않는 법. 누군가가 캠프를 탈출해 경찰에 알리려 한다.
불 같은 성격이지만 유쾌하고 당당한 엄마 '디안'은 거칠지만 사랑스러운 사고뭉치 아들 '스티브'가 보호시설에서 사고를 쳐 쫓겨나자 홈스쿨링을 시작한다. 엄마가 행복하다면 무엇이든 할 수 있는 아들 스티브와 함께 행복한 생활을 꿈꾸는 디안. 하지만 홀로 생계를 책임지며 불안정한 성격의 스티브를 돌보기란 쉽지 않다. 이때 이들 앞에 나타난 이웃집 여인 '카일라'. 카일라의 등장으로 세 사람은 유일하게 서로에게 의지하며 지금까지 느껴보지 못한 작은 행복을 찾아가게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 디안 앞으로 한 장의 편지가 날아오는데…….
미그마크 부족이 거주하는 보호구역 바깥에 좀비가 창궐한다. 보안관인 트 레일러는 백인 좀비들로부터 임신한 아들의 여자친구와 보호구역으로 끊임 없이 밀려오는 난민까지 지켜내야 한다.
1960년 12월 25일, 독실한 카톨릭 집안인 ‘볼리외’가에서 아기 예수와 같은 날에 태어난 특별한 아이 ‘자크’. 특별한 생일만큼 자크에게는 개성 넘치는 독특한 가족들이 있다. 팻시클라인을 광적으로 좋아하시는 아버지, 아들에게 초능력이 있다고 믿는 어머니, 책벌레 큰형, 까칠한 날라리 둘째형, 단순한 스포츠맨 셋째형, 먹을 것에 미친 막내 이런 가족 사이에서 유별나게 성장하는 자크의 이야기와 ‘볼리외’가의 C.R.A.Z.Y한 그들의 좌충우돌 가족사가 펼쳐진다!
A shy nurse is bitten by a zombie and becomes a flesh eating sex kitten. GRAVEYARD ALIVE is a cross between 1920's German Expressionism and 1960's B-horror films. Shot in and around the Montreal area, this is Bastard Amber Production's first full-length feature. The story follows Patsy, a lonely, dreamy nurse who, after being bitten by a zombie, becomes a sex-kitten. With her newfound powers, she tries to win back her old flame, the suave and handsome Dr. Dox, from Goodie , a bitchy young nurse. As the film progresses, Patsy must also learn to deal with her new affliction and to live her life, no longer in her romantic dream world, but in a harsher yet ultimately more satisfying reality. Shot in Techniscope with a 1:2.35 aspect ratio, an old process used in many 1960's films such as Dario Argento's "The Cat O' Nine Tails", GRAVEYARD ALIVE promises to invigorate the horror genre stylistically as well as with its audacious and thought-provoking content.
Dog attempts to sleep in the hills of Laval, Québec, Canada.
로버트 플래허티는 몇명의 이누이트의 안내로 북극을 탐험하고 돌아온 뒤 영화를 완성하지만 그것이 마음에 들지 않는다. 그로부터 약 4년 뒤인 1920년, 그는 이누이트 한명에 초점을 맞춰 영화를 완성하겠다는 일념으로 다시 북극에 간다. 플래허티는 호프웰사운드 웅가바 북쪽에 사는 사냥꾼 나누크를 주인공으로 삼아 그와 그의 가족을 촬영한다. 이티비무이츠 부족인 나누크는 가족, 동료들과 불모의 땅인 북극에서 동물 사냥에 의존해 산다. 나누크는 원시적 사냥 도구인 작살로 여우, 바다표범, 바다코끼리, 북극곰 등을 사냥한다. 나누크는 백인 무역업자와 교류하며 사냥물을 칼, 구슬, 사탕 등으로 교환하기도 한다. 사냥감 중 무게가 2t가량 되는 바다코끼리는 사냥하기 만만치 않은 존재다. 나누크와 동료들은 바다코끼리가 육지에서는 힘을 못 쓴다는 것을 이용해 그들이 육지에 나와 잠을 청할 때를 노린다. 망을 보던 바다코끼리가 이를 눈치채고 동료들을 깨워 도망가지만 제일 늦은 한 마리가 작살에 걸리고 만다. 이티비무이츠족은 밀리고 당기는 오랜 대치 끝에 바다코끼리 포획에 성공한다. 그들은 포획한 바다코끼리의 배를 갈라 그 자리에서 살덩이를 나눠 먹는다. 그들은 적당한 곳을 찾아 얼음으로 이글루를 지어 생활한다. 어른들이 이글루를 만드는 동안 아이들은 썰매를 타며 논다. 다음날 이티비무이츠족은 허스키가 끄는 썰매로 이동해 바다표범을 사냥한다. 날이 저물자 그곳에 있던 버려진 이글루에서 잠을 청한다.
외롭지만 사랑스러운 전과자 바브즈 두브뢰유는 아침 전문 식당에서 요리사로 일한다. 그녀가 손님에게 식당 밖에서 만남을 제안하며, 예기치 않게 속죄의 길로 들어선다.
The film explores California's important place in the world of craft beer. Featuring interviews at 80 breweries from every corner of the state, the film deals with topics ranging from California's beer history, and the possibility of a craft beer bubble.
In October 1970, members of the Front de libération du Québec kidnapped Minister Pierre Laporte, triggering an unprecedented crisis in Quebec (Canada). Fifty years later, Félix Rose is trying to understand what could have led his father and uncle to commit such acts.
An indepth look into the art and craft of brewing beer and the Craft Beer community.
Made shortly after the referendum on Quebec's independence was held, this documentary illustrates what the politicians' promises were and how the population did not really care nor truly understand what was really at stake, even though just about everyone had an opinion on the subject.
In the summer of 1969, Bernard, a Gaspesian fisherman's son, arrive in Perce to fin work. He meets Paul, Jacques and Francis, Quebec Independence activists who have come to open the 'Fisherman's House'. They aim to organize public conferences and offer lodgings to young travelers. A motley crowd of Quebecers from all over the province soon flocks to Perce: artists, hippies, rockers, hitchhikers and the like shake local authorities. Bernard is won over by the trio's ideas and gets increasingly involved in their project. The following year, the will join the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ) and play a pivotal role in the Summer Crisis 1969.
Michael Jackson is a legend in the world of craft brewing. His 1977 book, The World Guide to Beer, was the first of its kind, and the first to categorize almost every major style of beer in the world. His 1993 television series, The Beer Hunter, became an instant classic, and helped launch the spectacular craft beer movement that we take for granted today. Michael's engaging writing literally saved many styles of beer from extinction, and his work inspired an entire generation of brewers to experiment with beer styles from around the world. Many in the beer world are unaware that Michael was also the leading author on the subject of whiskey, and his books on whiskey have sold more copies worldwide than his books on beer. His sudden death in 2007, at the age of 65, shocked the beer and whiskey worlds. His legacy and contributions were substantial, and should be recognized and remembered. As a person, Michael was one of the best, as those fortunate enough to know him can attest to.
Peggy Mount and David Kossoff star as Ada and Alf Larkin in this big screen version of the hugely popular 1950s TV comedy. Alf Larkin has finally made good his dream to own a pub. The trouble is, it's got no customers. But leave it to the Larkins to find unorthodox ways to bring in the punters.
Guibord is an independent Member of Parliament who represents Prescott-Makadewà-Rapides-aux Outardes, a vast county in Northern Quebec. As the entire country watches, Guibord unwillingly finds himself in the awkward position of holding the decisive vote to determine whether Canada will go to war. Accompanied by his wife, his daughter and an idealistic intern from Haiti named Sovereign, Guibord travels across his district in order to consult his constituents. While groups of lobbyists get involved in a debate that spins out of control, the MP will have to face his own conscience. 'My Internship in Canada' is a biting political satire in which politicians, citizens and lobbyists go head-to-head tearing democracy to shreds. Film starring Suzanne Clément, Patrick Huard and Mardy Men
The Michigan Beer Film explores the artistic and economic explosion of the Michigan craft beer industry in 2013. Shot over the course of 18 months, the film documents several breweries at different stages of the craft brewing journey, from a 1 barrel system to 800 fermenters. From Sawyer to Marquette, Leelanau to Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo to Detroit; craft beer is making an impact. The Michigan craft beer scene embodies an authenticity and determination that not only can Michigan connect with, but America as well.
A teenage Quebecer in the 1960s evolves from pro-independence activist to radical terrorist, in this gripping chronicle of the origins of the FLQ in the decade preceding the 1970 October Crisis.
Canadian director Catherine Annau's debut work is a documentary about the legacy of Pierre Trudeau, the long-running Prime Minister of Canada, who governed during the 1970s. The film focuses particularly on Trudeau's goal of creating a thoroughly bilingual nation. Annau interviews eight people in their mid-30s on both sides of the linguistic divide. One tells of her life growing up in a community of hard-core Quebec separatists, while another, a yuppie from Toronto, recalls believing as a child that people in Montreal got drunk and had sex all day long. Annau has all of the interviewees discuss how Trudeau's policies affected their lives and their perceptions of the other side, in this issue that strikes to the heart of Canada's national identity.