Marie Turgeon

Marie Turgeon

출생 : , Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada


Born in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, she studied theatre and communications in Ottawa where she took part in several plays such as La Cité interdite, La poupée de Pélopia, Les Muses orphelines, Macbeth, La tempête, Coriolan and Les Cascadeurs de l’amour, a play fom Patrice Desbiens. She worked over ten yearsfor public television in Ontario, TVOntario, as a host and tv producer. She’s been living in Montréal for 15 years.

프로필 사진

Marie Turgeon

참여 작품

We're Still Together
Chris can't get along with anyone. When he's attacked in the street Bobby, a manic single dad, jumps in. The two set out into the Montreal night together crashing parties, meeting girls, and eventually seeing Bobby's estranged daughter - Chris soon discovers that the underside to Bobby's charm is a self-destructive streak. Over the course of the night, as they come to know each other they try not to lose themselves.
하늘을 걷는 남자
Petit's Mother
어려서부터 하늘을 걷는 도전을 꿈꿔온 무명 아티스트 ‘필립’(조셉 고든 레빗). 그에게 꿈을 이룰 수 있는 단 한 번의 기회가 찾아온다. 바로 전세계 최고 높이를 자랑하는 412미터 높이의 월드 트레이드 센터가 정식 오픈하기 전에 두 빌딩 사이를 밧줄로 연결해서 걷겠다는 것. 이 세상 누구도 생각지 못한 도전을 실행하기 위해 ‘필립’은 그를 도와줄 조력자들과 함께 고군분투하지만, 디데이가 다가올수록 예상 밖의 위기를 맞이하게 되는데….
La sacrée
Sofia Bronzeman
File 13
Thomas has killing headaches, Jean-François has stage freight and Benoit's wife has left him. After countless misfortunes the three of them bag a white collar thief that has been evading justice for ten years.
Everything Is Fine
Josh is an ordinary teen living in an ordinary suburb. One morning he finds his friend's dead body. Next, he discovers that three more friends also have killed themselves, leaving him out of their pact. As the sole survivor, Josh becomes more and more detached from the world around him. It is a modern portrait of today's teens: invincible yet fragile, clear-thinking yet confused...
Mary's Sons
Femme de Paul
After the death of her husband and teenage son, a woman (Carole Laure) puts an ad in a newspaper for a surrogate child.
The Stork Derby
Collette Gregory
The woman who birthed the most children in the City of Toronto within a certain time period would inherit a fortune in the midst of the Great Depression
A Diva's Christmas Carol
In this remake of Charles Dickens' classic "A Christmas Carol", a cold-hearted superstar singer gets a reality check when she meets three Christmas spirits who would change her miserly ways for the better.