A journalistic investigation, built not on rumors and assumptions, but on direct evidence, revealing the true mechanisms of podium coronations. Hidden camera footage of negotiations with the owners of the largest national beauty contests and an attempt to answer the question of why these people are not yet in prison. Famous people on the jury are not a guarantee of fair judging. Irrefutable evidence of the corruption of the so-called “stars” who elect the next Miss and Mrs. The collection and subsequent theft of funds for charity is a side business of the owners of fraudulent shows. What actually awaits the titled Misses after purchasing the prize? And what do children's beauty pageants turn out to be like for young participants?
일련의 10대들이 비디오 게임 '스테이 얼라이브'를 가지게 되는데, 이 비디오게임은 17세기 실제로 있었던 '피의 백작부인(The Blood Countess)' 사건을 바탕으로 한 차세대 호러 서바이버 게임이다. 게임에 대해 아무것도 알지 못한 채, 게임에 열중한 이들은 곧, 자신들이 게임 속에서와 똑같이 잔인한 방법으로 하나 둘 살해당하고 있음을 깨닫는 주인공들. 게임 속 세계와 현실세계 사이의 경계가 사라진 후, 이들은 오직 살아남기 위해서라도 잔인한 '피의 백작부인'을 쓰러뜨릴 방법을 찾아야만 하는데...
Three friends, Fulvio, Marco and Filippo who are employed in a company that sells agricultural machinery are working under contract in socialist Bulgaria. Seeking entertainment, they are introduced to three Bulgarian beauties...