Ivica Vidović

Ivica Vidović

출생 : 1939-05-10, Belgrade, Serbia

사망 : 2011-04-18

프로필 사진

Ivica Vidović

참여 작품

The Society of Jesus
Otac Ivan
It is the mid 17th century. The Jesuits spread their influence in Central Europe. Maria, a young Countess lives in the castle. Father Had is a honest and ardent servant of the Society of Jesus. He is dedicated to his life's mission, and as such he is an ideal tool in the hands of his superiors, who have their own plans. Had becomes Maria's confessor. Her woman's charm, intelligence and energy, as well as her beauty, are a constant temptation to him. Jesuits are making pressure on Had to finally realize their plans. Will the Jesuits, at last, achieve their goals and take the castle?
So Hot Was the Cannon
A grenade fired from a nearby hill kills the parents of a ten year old boy during the siege of Sarajevo in 1992. The Boy looses his ability to speak. A lady neighbor adopts and takes care of him. The Boy is thrown out from his destroyed apartment and begins to prowl around the city with a schoolmate. Too early and too soon, he goes through the process of growing up. He learns the meanings of such words as force, death, sex. He learns how to achieve. He learns about the values. He learns what matters the most. The Lady neighbor that takes care of him tries to shelter him and protect him. Unsuccessfully. The Boy rides to fall. Death and suffering become more frequent, and more severe. When the Lady neighbor's teenage son is killed by a sniper as a collateral damage, she then rejects the Boy. The Boy escapes the siege, and shoots from a cannon at the city.Fifteen years later, the Boy - now twenty five - and the Lady neighbor meet again. They are united in pain and suffering.
Just Between Us
Nikola is a man who knows how to really enjoy life; he's even able to rouse sympathy for his sinful ways. His brother turns a blind eye to his philandering although, with a broken marriage behind him, he doesn't have a clear conscience, either. Is there anything positive to be said about infidelity, or does it simply deserve the utmost contempt, particularly when it's more premeditated than spontaneous?
Where the Penguins Fly
On the same day several interrelated characters try to change their own lives and, in the process, change the lives of others.
Tressette: A Story of an Island
Three friends in desperate search for the fourth player of the card game called tressette.
Ivica Vidovic
A short documentary about one of the most prominent Croatian actors of all time.
Visions of Europe
Croatian Peasant (segment "Slovenia: Europa")
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.
The World's Greatest Monster
Kingdom of Yugoslavia. As soon as she was born, Stana had both hands bit off by a pig, but she still grows to be good embroiderer. Her beloved brother Toma went into the city, where he's trying to make money by working in the circus. Toma comes to take Stana, promising her a better life in the city. However, she find herself left to the fate of circus act, and her brother eventually sells her to a doctor working on prostheses for disabled. At the same time, with the help of his uncle from the States, Toma tries to pull his cousin Ilija out from jail, a miner imprisoned for his leftist inclinations.
Fine Dead Girls
Iva and Marija, a young lesbian couple, rent an apartment in Zagreb, in a building that seems to provide a quiet and safe environment for their love, but over time the atmosphere in the building becomes more and more threatening. The elder landlady Olga dominates the building. Other tenants include her calm husband, her grown-up son Daniel who has a crush on Iva, the prostitute Lidija, an abused housewife, a widower keeping the corpse of his newly deceased wife, a gynecologist performing abortions in one flat of the house, and an ex-soldier who regularly plays martial music at night. After Olga finds out that Iva and Marija are lesbians, the situation escalates .
When the Dead Start Singing
At the beginning of 1990s, two Croatian emigrants, economically minded Cinco and politically minded Marinko, arrive in Croatia from Germany, homesick for their families and hometowns. In order to get a German pension, Cinco pretends to be dead and travels in a coffin. Soon, Marinko joins him because he is running away from an old agent of the Yugoslav State Security Service. On their trip in a motor hearse, Cinco and Marinko face many adventures, which culminate when they are stopped at Serbian barricades close to their destination.
Lapitch the Little Shoemaker
Markov otac (voice)
Fed up with the harsh treatment his master has given him, a brave little mouse (and later his dog, Brewster) sets off on an adventure.
How the War Started on My Island
At the beginning of 1991, Yugoslav army did not acknowledge Croatian's independence, and still holding few military barracks in Croatia. Gajski travels to an island to get his son out of the army. Locals have besieged the barracks and organized a festival to try with singing and recitals to get major Aleksa and his soldiers to surrender, but Aleksa has explosives thru the barracks and wants to blow up the island.
Vesna Goes Fast
Czech immigrant Vesna arrives in Italy and is forced into casual prostitution by poverty. The encounter with a kind construction worker could help change her situation.
The Seventh Cronicle
In former Yugoslavia, following Tito's break-up with Stalin, the rocky island of Goli Otok was the camp site for political prisoners. From that officially non-existant yet dreaded place a young man escapes and seeks refuge on a nearby island. The nuns from the local convent find him unconscious and decide to give him shelter. A relentless secret policeman comes to the island and starts making life miserable for its inhabitants, hoping to find his prey...
Radovan Orlak Orao fell off a skyscraper on the day when four of his old friends waited for him to celebrate his birthday. They had been friends since childhood, but now at middle age they see each other only occasionally. Faced with the fact that they actually knew very little about their friend’s recent life, they start meeting more regularly and try to find out the circumstances that led to Orao’s suicide or possibly even murder…
Carnival, Angel and Dust
Three stories from the Mediterranean region that deal with feelings of loneliness, disappointment and transience, and efforts to overcome them.
A Man Who Liked Funerals
Filip Stančić
Filip lives in the small town of Samobor, which is near Zagreb. He works in the local library as a librarian. Even though he moved to the small town many years ago, he still misses the bustle of life in Zagreb. However, his boring routine is interrupted by the arrival of a new library manager, the pretty Elza. Soon, however, a series of strange deaths happen.
The Hole
Two neighbors quarrel through the hole in the wall which connects their bedrooms.
Unusual Jacket
A man discovers huge amounts of money popping up in the pockets of his jacket.
Cervantes from the Small Town
'Malo Misto' lives its own life, but not far behind the times. Hotel manager Roko Prč strives to organise tourism, so he introduces the first nudist beach. His wife Anđa brings two of her cousins from the Dalmatian hinterland and demands Roko to hire them. One of them, a young man named Ikan, earns the attention of a beautiful Swedish tourist. From Chile to Malo Misto returned Tonči, nicknamed Servantes, of course, without any money. He fell on the back of his hardworking aunt Keka, who even without him has enough problems of her own. Servantes also experiences an unexpected romance.
The Rhythm of Crime
Old houses in Zagreb are destroyed in order to build new, bigger blocks. A teacher who lives in one of these houses allows a stranger to share his home with him. The stranger has a fascination with statistics, and claims he can predict crimes based on statistical analyses. When a predicted murder did not occur, the stranger is adamant that the whole town will suffer unless a balance is achieved - and he leaves.
Slow Motion
A 40 year old former football star and idol of his generation feels that there's a gap between him and the rest of his peers. In order to cross divides over, he makes 20th anniversary party for his school friends he graduated with, only to find out that things are more complicated than he first thought.
Wolf Hunters of Upper and Lower Polaca
Two groups of men from neighboring villages get into a clash after both of them shot one wolf for the upcoming local festivity called "vucarenje" (wolf assembly), a rural custom typical for Dalmatian Zagora. Their rivalry ends in a tragic way.
Court Martial
Službeni branitelj
Just before Italy's capitulation in 1943, an eminent lawyer is being forcefully taken to the fort by Italian authorities along with his fourteen year old son, in order to reconstruct the judicial process for thirty nameless people that never actually took place.
The Rat Savior
Ivan Gajski
A poor writer discovers that a species of rats has banded together to impersonate humans and supplant them unnoticed, in a manner reminiscent of the transformations in Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros, or the covert conspiracy of pod-people in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. This film's story is based on a book by the Soviet writer Alexander Grin.
The Rabbit
Freiherr Heinrich von Doringer
Written in 1932 between the two world wars, this TV drama brings a critique of militarism and speaks of the meaninglessness of warfare and the tragedy of human lives and the tragedy of human lives in such an environment.
You Get It, Man
Our hero is Glista - a young Zagreb punk whose (sub)urban adventures depict his world and philosophy.
A Journey
This film shows a surreal train ride by several passengers whose journey is not quite what they expect in this brilliant short film.
Romance with a Double Bass
Lyrical story about a young double bass musician who travels with fellow musicians out of town to play at a wedding in a summer house. A thief and a girl, a bride at a wedding, will unexpectedly determine his fate. In a film without dialogue, music has a special role.
The Pine Tree in the Mountain
Communist party commissar Ivica is sent to the lowland village to monitor the local partisan squad. Despite their disagreements he befriends their leader Dikan and they plan to evacuate the chief headquarters. Dikan also sees the opportunity to have his personal revenge on an enemy officer, responsible for death of one of his men.
WR: 유기체의 신비
Vladimir Ilyich
이 영화는 크게 세 부분으로 나누어져 있다. 첫째, 시인 큐버크의 전위 예술과도 같은 행위로 이끌어지는 자본주의 문화에 대한 유머러스한 비판. 시인은 뉴욕 시내에서 낡아빠진 철모에 싸구려 장난감 소총을 들고 활보한다. 모두가 비웃으며 지나가지만, 그의 표현은 자본주의의 바탕에 군사적 압제와 힘이 도사리고 있음을 암시한다. 둘째, 독일 공산주의자인 동시에 프로이트의 제자였던 정신 분석학자 빌헬름 라이히의 일생과 업적에 관한 다큐멘터리 같은 필름. 실상 이 영화의 가장 핵심은 빌헬름 라이히이다. 그는 인간의 발랄한 성적 표현과 쾌락을 통해서 모든 정신적, 정치적 억압을 벗고 진정한 자유로움을 단숨에 얻을 수 있다고 강조했다. 금욕적인 공산주의 진영과 역시 청교도적인 자본주의 진영(특히 미국) 모두에서 배척당해 철저한 이단아가 되었지만, 그후 6,70년대 성해방을 거치며 그의 주장은 새롭게 재해석되었던 것이다. 그의 이론의 핵심은 우주에 존재하는 '오르곤' 에너지를 섹스를 통해 흡수한다는 것인데, 동양의 기(氣)나 도교의 성(性)과 매우 유사하다. 셋째, 유고에서 벌어지는 성과 정치의 변증법에 관한 마카베예프의 주장이다. 솔직한 충동과 마음을 거부하는 위선적인 삶을 살지 말고, 자유로움을 구가하며 표현하는 것이 심신 모두에 좋다는 이야기다. 이 이야기는 한 여공의 힘찬 연설로 진행되는데, 마치 그녀의 연설을 뒷받침하기라도 하듯 뒷방에서는 한창 그녀의 친구와 애인이 섹스에 열중하는 모습을 번갈아 보여준다. 그리고 어느 날 그 여공은 우연히 만난 남자와 섹스를 나누다가 쾌락에 너무 취한 나머지 두려움 속에서 그가 휘두른 스케이트날에 목이 잘려 죽고 만다. 그러나 칙칙한 살인 사건으로 흐르는 대신에 참회의 노래를 부르며 새로운 날을 기약하는 남자를 그녀는 미소로 용서한다.
Yugoslavia, 1948, the year of Inform Bureau's resolution and Tito's break-up with Stalin. The story takes place during a wedding in the Dalmatian inland in Croatia. Ante marries a much younger woman, Visnja; the groom's godfather is Andrija, the partisan war hero born in this very village, and a member of the new Communist political establishment. Two members of the Yugoslav State Security crash the traditional wedding ceremony. In the growing atmosphere of fear nobody knows who will be arrested.
Two stories - two truths are confronting. Former Partisan Miha is trying to tell a shocking story from the war times in the modern day disco club, where young people are having fun in a crazy rhythm of music with alcohol and drugs... Amongst the many issues this film explores are the following questions: Does the desire for pleasure and amusement always gain the upper hand against moral convictions and man's sense of responsibility and guilt? What things are worth sacrificing your life for? Are moral second thoughts and the search for the truth stronger than man's endless search for instant pleasure? Is the experience of war truly that which turns a boy into a man? And does love truly redeem death?
Passing Days
A confused young man seems like he's eternally waiting for something, but he never really lives up to see it.
When You Hear the Bells
Partizan commisar, a Communist intellectual from Zagreb, must bring the group of Serb partizans in line.
The Ambush
Ive Vrana
Idealistic young man supports the party and the new Yugoslavia's communist regime, but soon gets involved in various political and criminal machinations becoming more and more confused about what's right and what's wrong.
Prometheus from the Island of Viševica
A middle-aged manager of a big-scale company pays visit to his native island with his wife, in order to attend ceremony of unveiling a memorial plaque dedicated to local partisan heroes. During his visit, he's constantly overwhelmed by the memories from the past, his first love, the combat days and his enthusiasm to introduce electricity on the island, which was not appreciated by his fellow islanders.
Early Fall
Pepi, srednjoškolac
A young daughter resents another man coming into the life of her divorced mother.