Gordon Wilding

참여 작품

'Tis the Season to be Merry
Production Design
Looking for a fresh angle to her book on relationships, Merry heads to snow-covered Vermont. She finds a new perspective and Christmas cheer with charismatic aid worker Chris.
Toys of Terror
Production Design
A big family moves into a dusty old house in the snowy woods of Washington with hopes of it being a nice holiday escape. But the kids soon discover a stash of old toys that just so happen to belong to a creepy ghost boy. As stranger and stranger things start to happen, some of the kids begin to sense that something in the house is not quite right…
A Kiss Before Christmas
Production Design
Ethan, always the nice guy, wakes up in a new reality at Christmas. Initially, he is enthralled with his new life but soon realizes that it's not what he thought it would be.
Love Strikes Twice
Production Design
Maggie and Josh are an out-of-sync married couple. Maggie wishes for a do-over and wakes up 15 years earlier. Will she choose Josh again or is an ex-boyfriend her happily ever after?
A New Year's Resolution
Production Designer
When a morning show producer makes a New Year's resolution to say yes more, she crosses paths with a confirmed Yes man who just might hold the key to her biggest story and to her heart.
Sweet Autumn
Production Design
Maggie, a successful entrepreneur, returns home for a will reading and discovers she’s inherited half of her aunt’s famed maple candy business. What she doesn’t understand is why Aunt Dee’s maple supplier, Dex, inherited the other half. Her return also coincides with the town’s Sweet Autumn Fest, and through a series of letters Aunt Dee left, Maggie and Dex search for the reason behind her aunt’s final wishes. As she and Dex grow closer, Maggie must decide if the life she built is the one she wants.
Amazing Winter Romance
Production Design
When journalist Julia goes back home to find inspiration, she discovers her childhood friend has built a giant snow maze which prompts her to find her way to true love.
Our Christmas Love Song
Production Design
When country star Melody Jones is accused of plagiarizing her holiday single, she returns home to spend Christmas with her estranged family and old flame and learns what is important in life.
Merry & Bright
Production Design
Cate, CEO of the Merry and Bright Candy Cane Company, meets Gabe during the busy Christmas season. She assumes Gabe is the suitor her well-meaning mother is trying to set her up with when in reality, he works for Empire Corporate Recovery, which has been hired to take a closer look at Merry and Bright's operation and find ways to make the company more profitable. As Cate and Gabe begin to work together, they find ways to elevate the business and find that they have more in common than savvy business sense.
Two Turtle Doves
Dr. Sharon Hayes searches for a beloved family heirloom in a small Christmas town. When she unexpectedly discovers an adorable little girl and her disheartened father, she realizes that Christmas miracles really do happen.
My One & Only
Production Design
Contestants on the popular reality dating TV show "The One" try to determine if they're fated to be together. Meanwhile, sparks fly between the female contestant and the handsome ranch owner who acts as their guide.
Sorry For Your Loss
Production Design
When a new dad has to return home to bury his estranged father, things take a turn for the complicated when the dead man's final wish is to have his ashes scattered on the field of his favorite professional sports team.
베스와 베라
Production Design
정체불명의 괴한으로부터 끔찍한 일을 겪은 어린 ‘베스’와 ‘베라’. 사고 이후, 언니 ‘베스’는 자전적 소설을 출간하며 성공하지만, 동생 ‘베라’는 여전히 그날의 공포에 사로잡힌 채 괴로워한다. 제발 자신을 버리지 말라고 절규하는 ‘베라’ 곁으로 다시 돌아온 ‘베스’. 하지만 끝내 끝나지 않고 되풀이되는 악몽 같은 현실과 엇갈린 진실은 두 자매를 점점 더 깊은 혼란에 빠뜨리는데…
Production Design
A hedonistic soccer mom embarks on a strange journey of self-discovery, seeking to reconnect with her estranged son by returning his pet rock back to the island of Menorca, Spain.
The Christmas Heart
Production Design
The tight-knit neighbors on Arthur Avenue have proudly lit Christmas luminaries for 40 years, but that long-standing tradition is cancelled this year when Matt Norman, a teenage boy in the neighborhood, is hospitalized in desperate need of a heart transplant. As his parents Ann and Mike anxiously pray by his bedside, a donor is found, while in Detroit, a mother is in anguish at her own son’s bedside. When Matt's neighbors decide to honor him in the best way they know how, they just might help save his life.
Teen Lust
Production Design
A shy high schooler struggles to lose his virginity before the local Satanic cult can sacrifice him to the devil.
The Choking Game
Production Design
Taryn finds herself gaining much-desired popularity when the charismatic new girl at school claims her as a “breath sister," teaching Taryn about the Choking Game. Hiding it from her ever-present mother, best friend, and teachers, Taryn sees choking as a way to build self-control and grab an easy high. But, as the stakes are raised through each subsequent ‘flight’, Taryn has no idea that she is actually putting her life in extreme danger.
Production Design
Euphoria brings together two intersecting road stories about the same person - a little girl called Lily who is taken away from home by her mother Celeste, and a young woman, Michelle, who journeys home to unravel the truth about her mysterious past.
Art Direction
어느 날, 뉴욕의 한복판에 핵공격으로 추정되는 대폭발이 일어난다. 그 중 한 건물에 있던 단 8명만이 지하 벙커로 대피한다. 핸드폰, 무전기등 외부와 연결할 수 있는 모든 통신시설이 끊기고, TV나 라디오도 없다. 하는 수 없이 구조대를 기다리던 그들 앞에 드디어 벙커의 문이 열리고 구조대인듯한 군인들이 들이닥친다. 하지만 그들은 방사능 복과 무기로 무장하였고 겁에 질린 사람들 중 마릴린(로잔나 아퀘트 분)의 딸 웬디를 무작정 잡아간다. 이 과정에서 무장한 군인 1명을 제압하고 그의 무기와 장비를 입고 실체를 파악하기에 이른다. 그들은 구조대가 아니라 방사능 실험을 위해 자신들을 실험대상으로 삼는다는 사실을 알고는 점점 희망을 잃어간다. 시간이 지날수록 식량이 떨어지고 사람들은 생존을 위해 점점 더 폭력적으로 변해가는데
Production Design
명문 집안의 둘째 아들인 '더그 글랫'은 내세울 거라고는 강한 주먹밖에 없다. 형인 '아이라'는 촉망 받는 외과의인데 반해, 글랫은 별다른 직업없이 주먹을 쓰는 일을 전전한다. 그러던 어느 날 친구와 함께 우연히 가게 된 아이스하키 경기장에서 관중석으로 난입한 선수를 단방에 때려눕힌다. 글랫의 강한 주먹을 눈여겨 본 감독은 주먹다짐이 암묵적으로 허용되는 '인포서'로서 그를 영입하게 되는데... 과연 스케이트도 타지 못하는 글랫이 아이스하키 선수로 거듭날 수 있을까?
The Good Life
Production Design
A movie about the travails of Jason (Mark Webber), a young gas station attendant and movie projectionist living in Nebraska. His encounters with various social difficulties and with Frances (Zooey Deschanel), a beautiful and enigmatic young woman leads to dramatic changes and decisions in his life.
Production Design
고등학교에 다니는 타마라는 영어 선생님 나톨리를 마음속으로 좋아하고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 나톨리가 자신을 좋아하게 만드는 마법을 쓰기에 이른다. 한편 나톨리 때문에 운동선수에서 쫓겨난 패트릭 일행은 타마라를 골려 주려고 나톨리 목소리를 흉내 내 타마라를 모텔로 유인한다. 타마라는 진짜인 줄 알고 모텔로 가서 쪽지에 써있는 대로 침대에서 기다리고 패트릭 일행은 옆방에서 그것을 지켜본다. 그리고 그것이 꾸민 일이란 걸 안 타마라는 울부짖으며 난리를 치다 탁자에 머리가 부딪쳐 죽게 된다. 겁을 먹은 아이들은 타마라를 몰래 산에 갖다가 묻지만 타마라는 그 다음 날 아침 학교에 나오게 된다. 그리고 그 후부터 타마라의 복수가 시작돼 한 사람씩 죽기 시작하자 아이들은 그런 사실을 나톨리에게 털어놓는다. 놀란 나톨리는 아내 앨리슨을 피신시키려고 하지만 공격을 당한 앨리슨은 가까스로 살아남는다. 하지만 타마라의 복수는 계속 되고 나톨리는 최후의 방법으로 타마라와 함께 옥상에서 떨어져 복수의 끝을 맺는데...
A Woman's a Helluva Thing
Art Direction
After the death of his estranged mother, a misogynistic womanizer returns home to find that his ex-girlfriend had been his mother's secret lesbian lover.
Art Direction
A medieval cult travels to the 20th century and kills people in an attempt to bring about the end of the world. The policeman must stop them by summoning the spirit of Nostradamus.
Production Design
A medieval cult travels to the 20th century and kills people in an attempt to bring about the end of the world. The policeman must stop them by summoning the spirit of Nostradamus.
Woman Wanted
Lead Set Dresser
A new woman comes between a widower and his adult son.
Red Team
Art Direction
FBI Agent Jason Chandler has devoted his life to enforcing the law. But on the trail of a series of mysterious murders surrounding some of society's deadliest serial killers, Agent Chandler is forced down a path where no one can be trusted. Only this time, sociopathic killers are being meticulously murdered one by one in grisly circumstances - and it's no coincidence. Now, to search for justice, he must uncover the truth. And the life he must protect will be his own.
Twilight of the Ice Nymphs
Set Decoration
Peter Glahn is released after years of incarceration as a political prisoner and is now returning to his homeland, the mythical Mandragora where the sun never sets. On board the ship home, he meets the mysterious Juliana Kossel who vanishes after stealing his heart. Once he arrives on the island, he goes to the family ostrich farm run by his sister Amelia. He finds Amelia living with a farmhand named Cain Ball who fears that Peter's return will endanger the agreement he made with Amelia that will see him inherit the farm. Amelia has since fallen for the vain Dr. Isaac Solti who controls the island and has a hold on both Zephyr Eccles, the widow of a local fisherman, and Juliana, Peter's dream girl from the ship. Solti's true obsession is a recently discovered statue of Venus that possesses strange powers. All the characters meet at Solti's lab where the sexual tensions erupt.
Soft Like Me
Art Direction
On a secluded prairie farm, adolescent boys labor in wheat fields for a sexually predatory warden and his farmhands, who threaten to feed them to a voracious beast if they ever disobey. The newly arrived Linus instantly catches the warden's eye, and begins to receive secret visitations from a mysterious girl. The other boys tell Linus the legend of a special boy who fled the farm and became a glorious angel that will one day return to free them all. When Linus asks the girl if she is the angel, her answer is enigmatic. After the warden's favorite boy dies, Linus is poised to become the next victim. The girl reappears and promises to help him escape, but with hope comes punishment.
Soft Like Me
Production Design
On a secluded prairie farm, adolescent boys labor in wheat fields for a sexually predatory warden and his farmhands, who threaten to feed them to a voracious beast if they ever disobey. The newly arrived Linus instantly catches the warden's eye, and begins to receive secret visitations from a mysterious girl. The other boys tell Linus the legend of a special boy who fled the farm and became a glorious angel that will one day return to free them all. When Linus asks the girl if she is the angel, her answer is enigmatic. After the warden's favorite boy dies, Linus is poised to become the next victim. The girl reappears and promises to help him escape, but with hope comes punishment.