Gordon Wilding


A Estação da Alegria
Production Design
Buscando novas ideias para seu livro, Merry vai para a nevada Vermont e descobre uma nova perspectiva sobre a alegria do Natal com Adam, um carismático trabalhador humanitário.
Brinquedos do Terror
Production Design
Pouco antes do Natal, a jovem Zoe, seu irmão Franklin e sua família se mudam para uma mansão isolada com um passado sombrio. Enquanto os adultos se concentram na renovação do local, as crianças entediadas encontram um baú de brinquedos escondido no sótão e ficam maravilhados quando os brinquedos lá dentro ganham vida. Mas eventos bizarros logo começam a acontecer – eventos que ameaçam a vida da família. Conforme o dia especial amanhece com presentes empilhados sob a árvore, a contagem de corpos aumenta e o sangue começa a fluir. Este “conto assustador” original vai fazer as crianças gritarem pelas férias!
A Kiss Before Christmas
Production Design
Ethan, always the nice guy, wakes up in a new reality at Christmas. Initially, he is enthralled with his new life but soon realizes that it's not what he thought it would be.
Love Strikes Twice
Production Design
Maggie and Josh are an out-of-sync married couple. Maggie wishes for a do-over and wakes up 15 years earlier. Will she choose Josh again or is an ex-boyfriend her happily ever after?
A New Year's Resolution
Production Designer
Quando uma produtora de um programa matinal deseja não negar as belas oportunidades que a vida lhe dá, tornando-se cobaia de seu próprio programa, suas realizações cruzam com um homem otimista - que talvez carregue a chave para a sua grande história de amor.
Sweet Autumn
Production Design
Maggie, a successful entrepreneur, returns home for a will reading and discovers she’s inherited half of her aunt’s famed maple candy business. What she doesn’t understand is why Aunt Dee’s maple supplier, Dex, inherited the other half. Her return also coincides with the town’s Sweet Autumn Fest, and through a series of letters Aunt Dee left, Maggie and Dex search for the reason behind her aunt’s final wishes. As she and Dex grow closer, Maggie must decide if the life she built is the one she wants.
Amazing Winter Romance
Production Design
When journalist Julia goes back home to find inspiration, she discovers her childhood friend has built a giant snow maze which prompts her to find her way to true love.
Our Christmas Love Song
Production Design
When country star Melody Jones is accused of plagiarizing her holiday single, she returns home to spend Christmas with her estranged family and old flame and learns what is important in life.
Merry & Bright
Production Design
Cate, CEO of the Merry and Bright Candy Cane Company, meets Gabe during the busy Christmas season. She assumes Gabe is the suitor her well-meaning mother is trying to set her up with when in reality, he works for Empire Corporate Recovery, which has been hired to take a closer look at Merry and Bright's operation and find ways to make the company more profitable. As Cate and Gabe begin to work together, they find ways to elevate the business and find that they have more in common than savvy business sense.
Two Turtle Doves
Dr. Sharon Hayes searches for a beloved family heirloom in a small Christmas town. When she unexpectedly discovers an adorable little girl and her disheartened father, she realizes that Christmas miracles really do happen.
Encontro Perfeito
Production Design
Stephanie participa de um programa de TV para encontrar seu par perfeito e embarca em uma romântica viagem ao campo. Seu pretendente parece ideal, mas o implicante guia turístico desperta um antigo sentimento. Será que o amor pode estar nos bastidores?
O Último Desejo
Production Design
Ken recebe a terrível notícia do falecimento do pai. Em seu testamento, ele pede que suas cinzas sejam espalhadas no campo de futebol americano de seu time favorito. Ken terá que descobrir como atenderá a esse pedido nada convencional.
Pesadelo no Inferno
Production Design
Pauline acaba de herdar uma casa de sua tia e então decide morar lá com suas duas filhas, Beth e Vera. Mas, logo na primeira noite, o lugar é atacado por violentos invasores e Pauline faz de tudo para proteger as crianças. Dezesseis anos depois, as meninas, agora já crescidas, voltam para a casa e se deparam com coisas estranhas.
Production Design
A hedonistic soccer mom embarks on a strange journey of self-discovery, seeking to reconnect with her estranged son by returning his pet rock back to the island of Menorca, Spain.
The Christmas Heart
Production Design
The tight-knit neighbors on Arthur Avenue have proudly lit Christmas luminaries for 40 years, but that long-standing tradition is cancelled this year when Matt Norman, a teenage boy in the neighborhood, is hospitalized in desperate need of a heart transplant. As his parents Ann and Mike anxiously pray by his bedside, a donor is found, while in Detroit, a mother is in anguish at her own son’s bedside. When Matt's neighbors decide to honor him in the best way they know how, they just might help save his life.
Teen Lust
Production Design
A shy high schooler struggles to lose his virginity before the local Satanic cult can sacrifice him to the devil.
Jogo de Asfixia
Production Design
Taryn finds herself gaining much-desired popularity when the charismatic new girl at school claims her as a “breath sister," teaching Taryn about the Choking Game. Hiding it from her ever-present mother, best friend, and teachers, Taryn sees choking as a way to build self-control and grab an easy high. But, as the stakes are raised through each subsequent ‘flight’, Taryn has no idea that she is actually putting her life in extreme danger.
Production Design
Euphoria brings together two intersecting road stories about the same person - a little girl called Lily who is taken away from home by her mother Celeste, and a young woman, Michelle, who journeys home to unravel the truth about her mysterious past.
O Abrigo
Art Direction
Nove estranhos escapam de um ataque nuclear escondendo-se em um abrigo reforçado. Aprisionados nas profundezas durante dias sem qualquer esperança de resgate, sabendo dos horrores que os aguardam do lado de fora, os membros deste grupo começam a enlouquecer pouco a pouco, à medida que as provisões diminuem e as tensões só aumentam. E enquanto a maioria parece se deixar levar pelo desespero, um dos sobreviventes se apega a um fino fio de esperança...
Os Brutamontes
Production Design
Doug é um homem satisfeito com sua vida, cujo único talento é bater nas pessoas. Um dia, ele vai a um jogo de hóquei e espanca um dos jogadores, e o técnico de um time fracassado vê em Doug o potencial para levantar a equipe e resolve contratá-lo.
The Good Life
Production Design
A movie about the travails of Jason (Mark Webber), a young gas station attendant and movie projectionist living in Nebraska. His encounters with various social difficulties and with Frances (Zooey Deschanel), a beautiful and enigmatic young woman leads to dramatic changes and decisions in his life.
Production Design
Tamara Riley (Jenna Dewan) é o "patinho feio" numa escola de 2º grau. Ela detesta sua vida e seus colegas de classe, que a acham esquisita e, nutre uma paixão secreta pelo professor Bill Natolly (Matthew Marsden). Ele evita a tentativa de Tamara de se aproximar, pois ama a sua esposa, Alison (Claudette Mink). Paralelamente a isto, Tamara escreveu no jornal do colégio uma matéria sobre o uso de anabolizantes por alunos, que teriam a cumplicidade dos treinadores, que fariam vista grossa. Os alunos atingidos pela notícia passam a odiá-la ainda mais. Enquanto isso Tamara, que pratica bruxaria, quer fazer um feitiço para conquistar Natolly, mas as consequências são inimagináveis.
A Woman's a Helluva Thing
Art Direction
After the death of his estranged mother, a misogynistic womanizer returns home to find that his ex-girlfriend had been his mother's secret lesbian lover.
Art Direction
A medieval cult travels to the 20th century and kills people in an attempt to bring about the end of the world. The policeman must stop them by summoning the spirit of Nostradamus.
Production Design
A medieval cult travels to the 20th century and kills people in an attempt to bring about the end of the world. The policeman must stop them by summoning the spirit of Nostradamus.
Lead Set Dresser
Viúvo contrata jovem bonita e sedutora como governanta. Os problemas têm início quando ele e seu filho se apaixonam pela mulher, criando um impasse.
Red Team
Art Direction
FBI Agent Jason Chandler has devoted his life to enforcing the law. But on the trail of a series of mysterious murders surrounding some of society's deadliest serial killers, Agent Chandler is forced down a path where no one can be trusted. Only this time, sociopathic killers are being meticulously murdered one by one in grisly circumstances - and it's no coincidence. Now, to search for justice, he must uncover the truth. And the life he must protect will be his own.
Twilight of the Ice Nymphs
Set Decoration
Peter Glahn is released after years of incarceration as a political prisoner and is now returning to his homeland, the mythical Mandragora where the sun never sets. On board the ship home, he meets the mysterious Juliana Kossel who vanishes after stealing his heart. Once he arrives on the island, he goes to the family ostrich farm run by his sister Amelia. He finds Amelia living with a farmhand named Cain Ball who fears that Peter's return will endanger the agreement he made with Amelia that will see him inherit the farm. Amelia has since fallen for the vain Dr. Isaac Solti who controls the island and has a hold on both Zephyr Eccles, the widow of a local fisherman, and Juliana, Peter's dream girl from the ship. Solti's true obsession is a recently discovered statue of Venus that possesses strange powers. All the characters meet at Solti's lab where the sexual tensions erupt.
Soft Like Me
Art Direction
On a secluded prairie farm, adolescent boys labor in wheat fields for a sexually predatory warden and his farmhands, who threaten to feed them to a voracious beast if they ever disobey. The newly arrived Linus instantly catches the warden's eye, and begins to receive secret visitations from a mysterious girl. The other boys tell Linus the legend of a special boy who fled the farm and became a glorious angel that will one day return to free them all. When Linus asks the girl if she is the angel, her answer is enigmatic. After the warden's favorite boy dies, Linus is poised to become the next victim. The girl reappears and promises to help him escape, but with hope comes punishment.
Soft Like Me
Production Design
On a secluded prairie farm, adolescent boys labor in wheat fields for a sexually predatory warden and his farmhands, who threaten to feed them to a voracious beast if they ever disobey. The newly arrived Linus instantly catches the warden's eye, and begins to receive secret visitations from a mysterious girl. The other boys tell Linus the legend of a special boy who fled the farm and became a glorious angel that will one day return to free them all. When Linus asks the girl if she is the angel, her answer is enigmatic. After the warden's favorite boy dies, Linus is poised to become the next victim. The girl reappears and promises to help him escape, but with hope comes punishment.