Gion-Reto Killias

Gion-Reto Killias

출생 : 1970-01-01, Zurich, Switzerland


Gion-Reto Killias is best known as a Swiss Film Editor.

프로필 사진

Gion-Reto Killias

참여 작품

Las Toreras
Jackie Brutsche tries to unravel the dark secrets of her family and answer unanswered questions about her mother.
Las Toreras
Director of Photography
Jackie Brutsche tries to unravel the dark secrets of her family and answer unanswered questions about her mother.
When his younger sister, a single parent, moves into the second apartment with her 5-year-old daughter Nina, an unexpected friendship develops between Josef and the uncared-for little girl.
Where We Belong
For Alyssia and Ilaria, every farewell is also a reunion. Just a while ago they were at the Italian Mediterranean coast, now here they are standing at a parking lot in front of an Esso gas station, waiting for their father’s car to appear around the corner. Affectionately, they bid their mother good-bye for now. The two sisters’ parents are separated. Just like Carleton, Sherazade and Thomas, the two girls have found their own way of dealing with the situation.
Amur senza fin
Mona’s marriage with Gieri has gone a bit stale after twenty years. Inspired by the unorthodox proposals of the new parish priest, she tries to revive her marriage, which causes great turmoil, not only for Gieri but the entire village community.
Around Luisa
Almost There
Three men embark on a journey in search of meaning and happiness in the autumn of their lives: Bob swaps his safe home for a camper van and tries to find himself in the barren Californian desert; Steve, drag queen and stand-up comedian, is fed up of England and makes amends with his past in Benidorm; Yamada rediscovers his smile by reading stories to children in Tokyo.
호수의 생각
출산을 앞두고 있는 사진작가 이네스는 사진집 발간을 위한 막바지 작업에 한창 몰두하고 있다. 사진집은 실종된 아버지에 대한 것으로, 작업하는 매 순간 이네스는 아버지를 떠올리며 과거의 기억과 현재를 오간다. 1976년 아르헨티나 군부 독재 시절에 아버지가 사라진 후 겪게 된 오랜 상실과 강박, 그리고 남은 가족들의 아슬아슬한 갈등과 연대를 그린 작품으로, 밀라그로스 무멘탈러는 과달루페 가오나의 사진 시집에서 영감을 얻었다고 한다.
A Decent Man
Conflict-avoidant Thomas just wants a relaxing holiday in the Swiss Alps. But, it's a slippery slope from the beginning. In an effort to repair his own family ties and to impress his boss, he takes his family and his employer's daughter with him. Tragedy strikes and Thomas feels responsible. Should he be his typical passive self? Or risk doing the right thing at the expense of his relationships with his family and employer?
Little Mountain Boy
A boy must brave deep winter snow to obtain an important family keepsake. Before he can even start this difficult journey he must first help his family survive financial ruin, rescue his beloved pet goat, and with his best friend, outwit a bratty bully who seems out to get him at every turn. Will he make it back to the village in time to celebrate the end-of-winter holiday of Chalandamarz?
Die schwarzen Brüder
Up until the middle of the 19Th century, poverty stricken mountain farmers from the Ticino area of Switzerland frequently sold their children to Milan as chimney sweeps or spazzacamini. That is also young Giorgios fate. He is forced to climb through pitch black chimneys, flinging down the soot with his bare hands. But he does not lose heart. Together with his buddies sharing in the same misery, he establishes the association of Black Brothers. They stick together, struggling against their penury and getting involved in fights with the street gangs of Milan. The film tells of the gripping adventures of the chimney sweep boys and their spectacular escape back to their native land.
문과 창을 열어라
여름날의 부에노스아이레스, 나른하지만 날이 선 분위기가 감도는 집에서 세 자매 마리나, 소피아, 비올레타가 하루를 시작한다. 사실 얼마 전, 세 자매를 돌보아 주었던 할머니가 세상을 떠났다. 세 자매는 함께, 또한 각자의 방식으로 할머니의 빈자리를 채우며 삶을 이어 간다. 그러던 어느 날, 비올레타가 말도 없이 집을 떠나 버린다. 상실과 부재로 인한 혼란과 불안을 극복하며 삶의 새로운 장으로 나아가려는 세 자매의 이야기를 그리고 있다.
Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari
Kari Tellenbach was born with a cleft palate. His mother takes care of him like a bird that has fallen out of the nest. As a young man Kari decides to become a barber and despite his handicap he wins the heart of Annemarie with his humour, charm and sensitivity. His happiness seems almost complete – but Annemarie’s middle class parents have already made other plans for their daughter.
Frühling im Herbst
Leni, in her mid-fifties, runs the local bakery with her son in a small Swiss town. When she falls in love with a much younger Argentinean dance teacher, her world is turned upside down.
Las Pelotas
젊은 여자
전 유고슬라비아 출신의 세 여성을 통해 생존에 대한 개념과 세대 간의 차이로 빚어지는 미묘한 오해를 보여주고 있는 영화. 50살의 꼬장꼬장한 루자는 세르비아 출신으로, 취리히에서 식당을 운영하고 있다. 그녀의 유일한 관심사는 돈벌이뿐이다. 루자의 식당에서 일하는 60살의 밀라는, 고향인 크로아티아에 집을 지을 수 있을 만큼 돈을 버는 것이 꿈이다. 22살의 아름답고 충동적인 아나는 사라예보 출신으로, 저녁시간에 식당에 와서 일한다. 뒤엉킨 적대감으로 인해 세 사람 사이의 우정은 힘들지만 천천히 싹터간다. 로카르노영화제 금표범상을 수상한 작품으로, 국적이란 무엇인지, 무엇이 국적을 만들어내는지, 이민의 메커니즘은 어떤 것인지, 이런 복합적인 문제들을 단순한 감상주의에 기대지 않으면서 효과적으로 그려내 보인 작품이다.