패랭이꽃 축제에서 연극의 주연을 맡게 된 사쿠라는 방학을 맞아 일본에 온 샤오랑, 메이린과 함께 축제 준비에 한창이다. 그러나 마을에서 이상한 일들이 벌어짐과 동시에 사쿠라 카드가 한장씩 없어지는 사건이 발생한다. 에리올은 봉인된 카드를 사쿠라 카드로 바꾸면 된다고 전해주지만, 봉인된 카드는 연극 직전 소학교를 습격하여 사쿠라 카드를 대량 빼앗아간다. 사쿠라가 슬립 카드로 맞서는 것도 허사로 돌아가고, 봉인된 카드는 다시 모습을 감추는데...
어느 무더운 여름날, 토모요와 함께 하교하던 사쿠라는 우연히 문구점의 경품추첨에 응모한다. 그런데 알 수 없는 어떤 힘에 의해 사쿠라가 1등에 당첨되고 홍콩 여행권을 받게 된다. 홍콩에 가기 전부터 밤마다 이상한 꿈을 꾸던 사쿠라는 홍콩에서 꿈이 현실로 나타난다. 꿈속에 나타난 이상한 새를 쫓아가던 사쿠라는 방학이라 홍콩에 여행을 온 샤오란과 메이린을 만나고, 이들도 사쿠라와 함께 하기로 한다. 추적을 계속하다 우연히 낡은 서점으로 들어간 사쿠라 일행은 물을 이용해서 상대방을 공격하는 여자를 만나게 된다. 케로의 말에 따르면 이 여자는 크로우리드의 라이벌로 과거에 크로우리드와 싸움을 했지만 패했다는 것이다. 그러나 광적으로 크로우리드에 집착하는 그녀를 본 사쿠라는 여성특유의 직감으로 그녀가 과거에 크로우리드를 좋아했다는 것을 눈치채게 되는데...
아이돌 소녀 그룹인 Charm의 리더인 미마는 본격적인 연기를 시작하기 위해 아이돌의 그늘을 벗어나려고 하지만,첫 출연작부터 난관에 부딪힌다. 누드 등을 통한 과격적인 홍보로 그녀를 더욱 알리려는 소속사 대표와 미마를 지켜주려고 노력하는 그녀의 담당 매니저의 갈등. 그리고 아직까지도 아이돌로서의 그녀를 그리워하는 팬들. 그 모든 것의 중심에 선 미마는 비록 대사는 한마디에 불과한 단역이지만 그래도 주어진 역할에 충실히 하기 위해 노력한다. 드라마에서 광기어린 살인을 저지르고 다니는 소녀 역할을 맡은 미마는 현실과 허구의 경계선에서 자신을 쫓아다니던 스토커를 해친다. 그러나 그 일 역시 사실인지 허구인지는 불분명하다. 이제 미마의 눈에는 또 다른 미마가 보이기 시작한다. 아이돌 시절 그대로의 모습으로 미마의 눈 앞에 나타난 또 다른 미마는 그녀에게 과거 인기 스타로의 회귀를 강요한다. 니가 나고, 내가 너야. 라고 말하는 또 다른 자아 앞에서 미마는 혼란에 빠진다. 그러던 중, 미마의 주변을 둘러싼 사람들이 하나 둘 살해당하고 범인을 알 수 없는 상황에서 극도의 불안감을 느끼는 미마는 누군가 끊임없이 자신을 지켜보고 있다는 것을 느끼는데...
A bunny alien, a maid-dominatrix, a cyborg, a magical girl, and a transforming super hero set out to vanquish a set of monsters to retrieve a set of magical Mahjong tiles known as the Pai - these ancient artifacts will grant the one who gathers them a wish, and these girls aren't going to let anything stand in their way - monsters, or each other!
A strange virus known as the Demon Virus, attacks the human genetic code, transforming people into monsters with demonic powers. One particular monster is terrorizing the streets of Tokyo. ripping open young women to devour their livers. A famed psychic holds the secret to the identity and purpose of this monster. Now it is up to two molecular biologists. self-proclaimed Bio Hunters Komada and Koshigaya, to reach the psychic and his beautiful daughter before its too late! The Demon Virus is out to conquer the world.
A short musical tribute anime featuring characters from all-female manga artist collective Clamp.
A young Japanese actress remembers her war childhood in Korea. Her father goes to fight, her baby sister Miko dies of typhoid, her beloved Korean maid Ohana is fired due to a mistake which could cost Chiko her life... By and by Chiko realizes that the country is being ruled by the Japanese and the Koreans are persecuted. When the war ends, the Koreans chase the Japanese rule and the roles change. Now Chiko's family is unwanted. But then the Russians come and this is the end. They have to burn all the pictures to avoid all suspicions... even Miko's picture. But when the Russians come to their house, they decide to flee over the 38th Parallel towards freedom. A group of men, women, children struggles along the mountains, led by the light of the Northern Star. Along the way they meet a Korean man, who is willing to help them to escape the Russian soldiers although his family was killed by the Japanese.
A young girl named Tomoko visits the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. There she has a mysterious meeting with Sadako, the little girl who was 2 years old when the U.S. dropped the bomb on her city during WWII and 11 when she died from the effects of radiation poisoning. Sadako takes Tomoko on an eye-opening journey.
Harada Kusuko is a high school girl with a secret crush on the class playboy, Mishima Takeshi.
불사의 술법을 익힌 괴력의 닌자, 히무로 겐마는 금광에서 발견된 금을 가로채려고 하고, 그 증거를 잡기 위해 막부는 밀사를 파견한다. 그러나 겐마는 귀문 8인조로 하여금 밀사를 제거하도록 하고, 여검객 카게고만이 살아남는다. 벳사이에게 겁탈을 당하려는 카게고를 위기에서 구해준 무사 쥬베는 곧 정체를 알 수 없는 노인이 던진, 독이 묻은 수리검에 맞는다. 해독약을 구하기 위해 쥬베는 귀문 8인조와 맞서기로 하는데...
In the city of Oedo 2808a.d., three Cyber criminals are given two choices, to either rot in jail or to join a special force of the Cyber Police to get possibly one more chance at freedom ever again. For each criminal apprehended, and for each successful mission done, the state will agree to reduce their sentences. Lead by Hasegawa, the new recruits: Sengoku, Gogul, and Benton will bring some hard justice to Oedo and possibly taste freedom again.
Living in London with her family, Carol is the daughter of a famous musician, Lionel Mudagolas. While he is currently having difficulties playing his cello, she occasionally starts to listen an unfamiliar voice calling her name. Wondering if her father's situation might be connected to the bad phase of her favorite band, Gable Screen, and the inexplicable silence of the Big Ben, Carol is suddenly transported to another world. There she finds out that she might be the girl predestined to fight Gigantica, a demon lord who recently brought chaos to this strange land.
미궁 이야기는 Project Team Argos와 Madhouse가 제작 한 1987 년 애니메이션 공상 과학 영화입니다.
Two brothers are in the spotlight: one a movie star making a football movie, the other a musician who occasionally goes to school (to cover for his sibling). What will destiny bring them?
The Acorns and the Wildcat is a unique short film in picture-book format from the creator of Night on the Galactic Railroad and Gauche the Cellist. Unusually for an anime, a narrator reads Kenji's story aloud while the action is played out on the screen by a succession of warm and evocative illustrations brought to life by subtle touches of animation. If the film feels somehow familiar yet you can't put your finger on the reason why, it's probably the sumptuously minimalist animation by Yasuhiro Nagura, who was the animation director of Mamoru Oshii's artsy 1986 feature Angel's Egg. That, and Kenji's wildcat is said to have been the inspiration for Miyazaki's Panda/Totoro creature. The idea of reading Kenji's story aloud instead of playing it out as a drama is quite refreshing, and Kenji's magical language and narrative style are entirely sufficient to sustain interest. Combined with the spacey music and breathtaking art, the result is a pleasantly unassuming little gem of a film.
A brother and sister grow beautiful and rare orchids out in the middle of nowhere, however, anyone who visits their house seems to vanish suspiciously. What is the secret of this orchid house?
It seems that Lum's grandfather made an agreement that should he have a daughter, she would be married to a traveling merchant that he met. Now, the merchant has come to collect due. Ataru is tricked into thinking that Lum wants to leave, and so, in a moment of anger, says he hates her. Arguments erupt, and Lum decides that she must know the truth of Atarus feelings. As for all the questions of importance for the Onis, a game of tag begins, one that Ataru can win simply by telling Lum I Love You. However, in the end his pride may end up dooming him. So begins the series of events that will at long last decide the future and fate of Ataru and Lum.
A tranquil forest and all of its residents must face the destruction of man. A squirrel, born and raised in the forest, fights to defend his home and faces trials and adversities along the way.
Ishihara Toru is an everyday guy with an on-and-off girlfriend and a position working for a train buff. Things become complicated when a ghostly vehicle dubbed the X Train begins to ride the rails, destroying everything in its path. Somehow, it seems that Toru is connected with the X Train by a strange power, which draws the attention of some very dangerous and power hungry people who would wield it for their own...
Assistant Editor
Foxes Ken and Chin become the proud parents of cubs, Koro and Kan, who enjoy a carefree life on the northern Japanese island of Chironup. They befriend a fisherman and his wife but are forced to run for their lives when soldiers on a military exercise decide to take home some fox pelts as souvenirs. A sweet little film that obliquely symbolizes the plight of Japan's aboriginal Ainu people and the northern islands that have been contested with Russia since they were occupied by Stalin's soldiers in 1945.
거장 스탭이 모여 로봇이라는 큰 테마 아래 자신의 역량을 펼친 옴니버스 애니메이션
Abandoned in a wooden box, Bun-Bun is an innocent new born puppy. Picked up by a stray dog called Uncle Tyke, Bun-Bun is taught how to look for food, heal sickness, fight off other stray dogs and, in general, how to live on the edge of society.
오네아미스 왕국에 평범한 계층으로 태어난 청년 시로츠구. 하늘을 날고 싶었던 시로츠구는 해군 파일럿에 지원하지만 성적 미달로 불합격하게 된다. 제트기 조종사에 대한 꿈을 접은 시로츠구는 대신 우주 비행사가 되기 위해 왕립우주군에 입대한다. 그러나 정작 희망을 갖고 들어간 왕립우주군은 유명무실한 집단으로 인공위성도 날려보지 못한 채 사람들에게 무시만 당한다. 동료 우주 비행사들 역시 무기력함에 빠져 술과 노름으로 시간을 보내고, 시로츠구도 우주 비행사에 대한 꿈을 잊게 된다. 아무런 목적 없이 허무하게 일상의 나날을 보내던 그는 어느 날 우연히 리이크니와의 만남을 계기로 세계 최초의 유인 우주선의 비행사가 되겠다는 희망을 되찾게 된다. 시로츠구의 열의는 무기력했던 우주군 동료들을 움직이고, 제자리를 맴돌던 유인 우주선 발사 계획은 본격적으로 진행된다. 하지만 국가 간의 음모에 의해 우주를 향한 시로츠구와 동료들의 도전은 위기를 맞게 된다.
Genta Shinoyama is a video game freak who suddenly finds himself dumped into war against galactic pirates - for real.
Nora Scholar is now an interstellar bounty hunter, pursuing a powerful psychic on the desolate mining planet, Dazzle. There she befriends a would-be dancer named Max. Together, they take on the ESPer, Fuuchino, and his oversized bruiser of a brother, Touchino.
A boy, the son of famous musicians, is kicked out of a music university when he spends too much time with tending plants. A flower fairy helps him out as thanks for his treatment of the plants.
Mike is a penguin soldier who returns home after being injured during combat. Estranged from his family and friends, he leaves his hometown and starts to roam adrift through the country.
Bobby is an underachieving high school kid with a deep love for motorcycles. His most recent achievement seems to have been getting photos of himself on a road trip printed in a motorcyclist hobby magazine. When he gets a letter from a girl his age, he decides to write her back.
나카오카 겐의 아버지는 제국주의와 전쟁을 반대하여[3][4] 마을 사람들에게 '비국민' 이라는 야유를 받으면서 살았다거나 일제 치하 조선인들의 문제[5], 패전 이후의 막장이 된 일본이나 여기에 제대로 대처하지 못하는 정부와 미군의 횡포[6] 등 여러 국면에서 당대 일본의 상황과 문제들을 철저하게 다루고 있는 작품
Hyuma Hoshi dreams of becoming a top baseball star like his father, a 3rd baseman who was injured in World War II and forced to retire. Hoshi joins the wildly popular Giants team and soon realizes the difficulty of managing high expectations. From the grueling training to his rivalry with Hanagata of the Hanshin Tigers, Hoshi will need some pitching magic to make it in the big leagues.
Up in Heaven, Yuki’s grandparents decide that, having turned thirteen years old, she must go down to Earth to a village that is torn by bandits and intervene to save its people. However if she does not succeed within one year she will become as insubstantial as the wind. Down in the village, Yuki is befriended by a group of orphans whose parents have all been killed by the bandits and who now subsist by begging. Yuki amazes them by taming the wild horse Blizzard. She is instrumental in getting the orphans and farmers to stand up to first the warring bandits and then Goemon, the greedy lord that owns the region. But Yuki must face her greatest challenge yet when the displeased Demon God that lives in the volcano emerges to destroy those who live beneath.
Bander is a 17-year-old boy from Earth who lives on a distant planet, which is populated by human shape-shifters who feed off of vegetables and animal tails. Violence soon breaks out, as invaders launch an attack on Bander's new planet. This was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings when broadcast as part of a set of 24-hour TV programs called "Ai wa Chikyu wo Sukuu" on Nippon Television. After a long gap since his last animated film for television, this work fully reflects Osamu Tezuka's desire to achieve theatrical quality with this production.