Carl Binder

참여 작품

Stargate Universe: Extended Pilot
Executive Producer
Limited Edition Extended Pilot: When Icarus Base is attacked, it's inhabitants are forced to flee through the Stargate. The base was created on a distant planet to take advantage of a powerful energy supply located there. Their goal is to try and determine the purpose of the mysterious ninth symbol of the Stargate which they have never been able to lock in. In going through the Stargate, they are transported not to Earth but onto an very old, apparently uninhabited but huge spacecraft. With the group's commander injured, Lt. Scott and the chief scientist, Dr. Nicholas Rush lead the exploration of the craft. Several areas of the ship have been damaged but it is basically functional. They are able to learn that they are in fact billions of light years from Earth.
A Crime of Passion
A young heiress has her life turned upside down after her business partner's wife is killed and foul play is suspected.
He Sees You When You're Sleeping
A man dies in a freak accident on a golf course only to learn he must perform one last good deed to get into heaven.
1607년 젊은 미남 선장 존 스미스는 황금에 눈 먼 총독 랫클리프와 신대륙을 향해 모험을 떠난다. 신대륙에 도착한 존 스미스는 미지의 세계에 대한 정열로 채굴광 부근 숲 속으로 정찰을 나간다. 한편 원주민 추장 포와탄의 딸인 포카혼타스는 아버지가 전사 코코움과 혼인을 맺어주려 하자 인생의 중요한 해답을 찾기 위해 버드나무 할머니를 찾아간다. 그곳에서 포카혼타스는 존 스미스를 만나게 된다. 서로 사랑에 빠진 두 사람의 관계와는 달리 포와탄 부족과 개척자의 관계는 계속 나빠진다. 그러던 어느날 코코움이 개척자에게 사살되고 그 장소에 있던 존 스미스는 부족에게 잡혀가게 되는데...