Carl Binder


Stargate Universe: Extended Pilot
Executive Producer
Limited Edition Extended Pilot: When Icarus Base is attacked, it's inhabitants are forced to flee through the Stargate. The base was created on a distant planet to take advantage of a powerful energy supply located there. Their goal is to try and determine the purpose of the mysterious ninth symbol of the Stargate which they have never been able to lock in. In going through the Stargate, they are transported not to Earth but onto an very old, apparently uninhabited but huge spacecraft. With the group's commander injured, Lt. Scott and the chief scientist, Dr. Nicholas Rush lead the exploration of the craft. Several areas of the ship have been damaged but it is basically functional. They are able to learn that they are in fact billions of light years from Earth.
A Crime of Passion
A young heiress has her life turned upside down after her business partner's wife is killed and foul play is suspected.
He Sees You When You're Sleeping
A man dies in a freak accident on a golf course only to learn he must perform one last good deed to get into heaven.
Из Европы отправляется в Новый Свет корабль с нашим героем Джоном Смитом. Экипаж, как объясняет капитан, плывет навстречу приключениям, успеху, богатству. Но сам капитан намерен найти там нечто вполне определенное - золото. А живут в Америке индейцы, и рассказ пойдет о благородной принцессе Покахонтас - красивой дочери вождя индейцев. У нее есть друг - веселый и любопытный енот, который очень любит проказничать. Однажды, во время прогулки, Покахонтас замечает большой корабль с белокожими незнакомцами на борту. "Эти Белые Люди принесут много бед нашему народу!" - предсказывает вождь. Капитан корабля из-за жажды золота начинает войну против мирного индейского народа. Сможет ли Покахонтас предотвратить неизбежную войну и спасти свой народ?...