비밀 첩보원 딕 스틸은 전쟁 미치광이 랭코를 제거하는 임무를 맡는다. 그의 암호명은 WD-40. 그는 어느 사건 하나 머리와 실력으로 해결하는 법이 없다. 그저 좌충우돌 뛰고 덤비고 하다 보면 신비할 정도로 척척 사건이 해결될 뿐이다. 딕 스틸은 휴가 중 정보국 국장으로부터 호출을 받는데, 랭코 장군이 팔만 잃었을 뿐 멀쩡하게 살아 있다는 것이 확인된 것. 랭코를 제압할 수 있는건 오직 한 사람 딕 스틸 뿐이다.
Two young hitchhikers are picked up a speed-crazed young woman, who tears around the countryside. She leaves them to take the blame for her activities, and they find themselves sentenced to six months in prison. The girl, feeling bad about what she did to them, resolves to break them out of the prison
Wally Miskowitz
Two young hitchhikers are picked up a speed-crazed young woman, who tears around the countryside. She leaves them to take the blame for her activities, and they find themselves sentenced to six months in prison. The girl, feeling bad about what she did to them, resolves to break them out of the prison
A failing television station is bought out by a slick TV evangelist and starts making mountains of money in the guise of religious programming, which is actually just an excuse to sell merchandise.