Dick Steele é um agente especial que está tomando conta do caso do General Rancor, um homem que está ameaçando destruir o mundo com um míssil. Para completar seu objetivo, o General precisa de um chip especial para computador criado pelo cientista Ukrinsky. Para prevenir o pior, Dick se une com Veronique, filha do professor Ukrinsky e também agente da KGB.
Two young hitchhikers are picked up a speed-crazed young woman, who tears around the countryside. She leaves them to take the blame for her activities, and they find themselves sentenced to six months in prison. The girl, feeling bad about what she did to them, resolves to break them out of the prison
Wally Miskowitz
Two young hitchhikers are picked up a speed-crazed young woman, who tears around the countryside. She leaves them to take the blame for her activities, and they find themselves sentenced to six months in prison. The girl, feeling bad about what she did to them, resolves to break them out of the prison
A failing television station is bought out by a slick TV evangelist and starts making mountains of money in the guise of religious programming, which is actually just an excuse to sell merchandise.