Patrick Lung Kong

출생 : 1934-02-08, Anhui Province, China

사망 : 2014-09-02


Patrick Lung, also known as Lung Kong, Patrick Lung Kong, was a film director from Hong Kong. Before working at the film industry, he worked at the stock market. In the late 1950s, he was invited to join Shaw Brothers Studio to learn filmmaking and become a film director.

참여 작품

Ultimate Fights from the Movies
Commander Hung (Black Mask) (archive footage) (as Patrick Lung)
In their second film compilation following their 'Boogeymen:The Killer Compilation' series, FlixMix takes you into the history of action movies from Hollywood to Hong Kong cinema that spans a 20-year period. This one features action scenes from 16 action-packed movies featuring action gurus, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme and many more.
Hooker's World
The prostitute of Xiaoliu (played by Ronnie Cheung) was shot and killed in an unethical transaction. The person who opened the room with her was the senior inspector-Gao Kun (played by Simon Lui), who was forced to suspend his duties in the police force. Gao Kun's girlfriend Joey (Grace Lam) is also a policeman, and his boss Zhang Sir (Wang Hexi) approved to take over the investigation. For this reason, Joey pretended to be a little Liu's girlfriend and mixed in. Because Xiaoliu's stable business is so good, the peers are jealous. They know that Gao Kun has taken bribes to help them. They want to get the same help and hijack Joey...
Hooker's World
The prostitute of Xiaoliu (played by Ronnie Cheung) was shot and killed in an unethical transaction. The person who opened the room with her was the senior inspector-Gao Kun (played by Simon Lui), who was forced to suspend his duties in the police force. Gao Kun's girlfriend Joey (Grace Lam) is also a policeman, and his boss Zhang Sir (Wang Hexi) approved to take over the investigation. For this reason, Joey pretended to be a little Liu's girlfriend and mixed in. Because Xiaoliu's stable business is so good, the peers are jealous. They know that Gao Kun has taken bribes to help them. They want to get the same help and hijack Joey...
Mr. Chu
우주 생물체 연구소의 웨슬리는 불명의 에너지로 인한 뇌파를 통해 블루 블러드인과의 대화가 가능하다. 이를 알게 된 미국의 FBI는 그를 이용해 블루 블러인을 잡아 연구하려 한다. 한편 블루 블러드인인 팡텐은 스백년동안이나 동생을 찾아 헤매왔다. 그녀는 위기의 상황에서 항상 웨슬리를 도와주지만 FBI는 웨슬리를 이용해 결국 그녀를 잡아들인다. 그들은 그녀의 뇌파를 이용해 엄청난 힘을 키우려는 것이다. 아주 오래 전부터 가슴에 품고왔던 사랑을 확인한 온 웨슬리와 팡텐은 중국인 FBI인 아이시웨이와 웨슬리를 사랑하는 바이쑤의 도움으로 무사히 도망을 친다. 그러나 강력한 힘을 가진 외계의 침략자는 그녀를 추적하는데...
Dr Y. T. Kam
신에게 도전한 세기의 스파이들의 엄청난 프로젝트 세계 최초의 암 백신을 찾아라! 철저한 보안과 경비로 세계적 명성이 드높은 오스트레일리아의 비밀은행이 털리고 만다. 치밀하게 짜여진 시나리오에 변장과 위조, 암호해독 등으로 예술같은 범죄를 저지른 이들은4인조 천재도둑, 신투차세대다. 해킹에서부터 최첨단의 액체폭탄 제거에 이르기까지 각자의 주특기를 발휘하며 국경을 넘나드는 위험천만한 범행을 일삼지만 그들의 완벽한 범죄는 언제나 경찰의 포위망을 벗어난다. 그러나 예상치 않은 음모에 휘말려드는데... S.P.A.P라고 불리는 세계 최초의 암 백신을 개발한 이만전 박사의 전용기가 추락하여 그가 실종되었다는 보도가 나온다. 그러던 어느 날, 신투차세대에게 실종되었다던 이만전 박사가 나타난다. 그는 20년간의 연구 끝에 개발한 암 백신을 김원정 박사에게 갈취당했음을 밝히고, 신투차세대가 그것을 되찾아 줄 것을 의뢰한다. 드디어 이들의 모든 도둑기술이 동원되어 실력을 발휘 할 기회가 주어지는데...
황비홍: 서역웅사
Uncle Lone
황비홍(이연걸 분)과 제자 중 한 명은 중화무술을 해외에 전파하기 위해 캘리포니아에 무도관을 차렸다. 황비홍은 무도관 시찰차 십삼이(관지림 분)와 또 다른 제자 귀각칠(웅흔흔 분)과 동행하여 캘리포니아로 건너간다. 미국에 도착해 무도관을 찾아가는 도중에 십삼이가 불의의 사고를 당하게 되고 그녀를 구하려던 황비홍이 폭포 밑으로 떨어지며 사건은 시작된다. 황비홍은 구사일생으로 인디언 독수리 부족에 의해 구출되지만 기억 상실증에 걸리고 그들과 함께 유목생활을 하며 방랑하게 된다. 한편 십삼이와 일행은 황비홍의 행방을 찾는 도중 중국인을 학대하는 악지적인 미국인 면장을 만난다. 하지만 총을 가진 그에게 저항 할 수 없었다. 그러던 중 독수리 부족과 아파치족 사이에 전쟁이 일어나고 치열한 격전 속에서 황비홍은 잃었던 기억을 되찾게 된다. 동양의 신비로운 무술로 독수리 부족을 도와 아파치족을 퇴치한 황비홍은 독수리 부족의 영웅으로 추대받는다. 전쟁이 끝난 후 황비홍은 일행을 찾기 위해 독수리 부족과 헤어진다. 그런 와중에도 악질적인 면장은 자신의 이익만 챙기고 주민들과 중국인 노동자들의 안전에는 관심도 없다. 마침내 황비홍은 맨손으로 총잡이들에게 다가 가는데...
Commander Hung Guk
정부는 신경조직을 파괴해 어떤 고통도 느끼지 못하는 특수대원들로 구성된 701부대를 창설한다. 그러나 대원들에 대한 정부의 통제가 마음대로 안되자 부대를 해체하고 대원들을 살해하려 한다. 701부대의 교관 ‘마이클’은 이 사실을 미리 알고 대원들에게 알린다. 간신히 살아남은 몇몇 대원들은 뿔뿔이 흩여져 몸을 숨기고, ‘마이클’ 역시 도서관에 사서로 취직해 숨어산다. 그곳의 동료들로부터 인간적인 따뜻함을 느끼며 평온한 나날을 보내던 어느 날, 홍콩 암흑가의 마약상 4개 조직원들이 정체 모를 세력에 의해 잔인하게 살인 당하는 사건이 발생한다. ‘마이클’은 이것이 전직 701부대 대원들의 범행임을 직감하는데…
Guns of Dragon
a HK cop (Mark Cheng) comes to New York City to try and patch things up with his estranged wife (Yvonne Yung Hung), only to find that the criminal (Patrick Lung Kong) that made his life hell in Hong Kong has also come to the States.
상하이 블루스
Big Boss
1937년 어느 운명적인 밤, 젊은 아가씨 슈와 젊은 병사 퉁이 일본군의 폭격을 피해 상하이에 있는 슈초우 다리밑에서 만나게 된다. 그곳에서 그들은 친밀한 관계를 맺게되고 전쟁이 끝난 후 바로 그 다리 밑에서 다시 만나기로 약속한다. 1947년, 그러한 일이 있은 후 10년이 지났으나 그들의 바램은 이루어지지 못한다. 퉁은 이때 작사가로서의 출세를 기다리며 음악에 눈을 뜨기 시작하였고, 슈는 성숙한 여인이 되어 나이트 클럽의 쇼걸로 일하면서 혼자 생활을 꾸려나간다. 한편 천진난만하고 명랑한 아가씨 차는 퉁과 사랑에 빠지고, 동시에 그녀는 슈와 의자매를 맺게 된다. 슈와 퉁은 그들이 전에 서로 만났다는 것을 깨닫지 못한채 다시 만나게 되고, 또 한번 서로에게 끌리게 된다. 하지만 슈는 퉁에 대한 차의 감정을 알기 때문에 그들의 사이에 방해가 되지 않으리라 결심한다. 한편 Mr.X라는 인물은 뚱뚱하고 야비한 사업가로서 달력 모델의 여왕이 된 차를 꾀어 유혹하려 하는데...
Don't Kill Me, Brother!
Fan Kwok-Ying
Hong Kong crime movie from 1981
Love Massacre
The boyfriend of a young co-ed turns into a demented stalker after his sister's suicide.
The Fairy, the Ghost & Ah Chung
Two young martial artists enter a martial arts tournament. They also have to deal with ghosts.
The Fairy, the Ghost & Ah Chung
Two young martial artists enter a martial arts tournament. They also have to deal with ghosts.
The Fairy, the Ghost & Ah Chung
Two young martial artists enter a martial arts tournament. They also have to deal with ghosts.
The Fairy, the Ghost & Ah Chung
Two young martial artists enter a martial arts tournament. They also have to deal with ghosts.
Mitra was the first Hong Kong film to be made in Iran and the last of Lung Kong’s directorial works to be released theatrically. Made in an act of courage and of opportunism with a small crew on the occasion of the director’s sojourn to the Tehran International Film Festival to premiere Hiroshima 28, the film tells a love story set upon the expansive desert backdrops of the Middle East.
Mitra was the first Hong Kong film to be made in Iran and the last of Lung Kong’s directorial works to be released theatrically. Made in an act of courage and of opportunism with a small crew on the occasion of the director’s sojourn to the Tehran International Film Festival to premiere Hiroshima 28, the film tells a love story set upon the expansive desert backdrops of the Middle East.
Laugh In
A female extra-terrestrial (Chen Chen) appears on earth - in Hong Kong - to warn humankind of an impending catastrophe, but is arrested and institutionalised. She becomes trapped in a media circus, paraded as a freak. Exhausted and exasperated, the girl vanishes; a UFO is seen disappearing into the night sky.
Laugh In
A female extra-terrestrial (Chen Chen) appears on earth - in Hong Kong - to warn humankind of an impending catastrophe, but is arrested and institutionalised. She becomes trapped in a media circus, paraded as a freak. Exhausted and exasperated, the girl vanishes; a UFO is seen disappearing into the night sky.
In Nina, Lung Kong explores the yet-to-be trendy discipline of psychology.
In Nina, Lung Kong explores the yet-to-be trendy discipline of psychology.
Hiroshima 28
Filmed on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Hiroshima 28 was the first all-Hong Kong crew to make a feature in Japan. Lung Kong anchors a bittersweet melodrama in the historical milieu in the months following the horrific events of August 6, 1945. Josephine Siao—a star whose career had become synonymous with the filmmaker’s work over the past decade—plays a young tour guide to a Hong Kong reporter researching the tragic effects of the atom bomb, their journey forming an odyssey through the city’s ruins.
Hiroshima 28
Filmed on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Hiroshima 28 was the first all-Hong Kong crew to make a feature in Japan. Lung Kong anchors a bittersweet melodrama in the historical milieu in the months following the horrific events of August 6, 1945. Josephine Siao—a star whose career had become synonymous with the filmmaker’s work over the past decade—plays a young tour guide to a Hong Kong reporter researching the tragic effects of the atom bomb, their journey forming an odyssey through the city’s ruins.
Hiroshima 28
Filmed on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Hiroshima 28 was the first all-Hong Kong crew to make a feature in Japan. Lung Kong anchors a bittersweet melodrama in the historical milieu in the months following the horrific events of August 6, 1945. Josephine Siao—a star whose career had become synonymous with the filmmaker’s work over the past decade—plays a young tour guide to a Hong Kong reporter researching the tragic effects of the atom bomb, their journey forming an odyssey through the city’s ruins.
Hiroshima 28
Lee Ko Chiang
Filmed on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Hiroshima 28 was the first all-Hong Kong crew to make a feature in Japan. Lung Kong anchors a bittersweet melodrama in the historical milieu in the months following the horrific events of August 6, 1945. Josephine Siao—a star whose career had become synonymous with the filmmaker’s work over the past decade—plays a young tour guide to a Hong Kong reporter researching the tragic effects of the atom bomb, their journey forming an odyssey through the city’s ruins.
이소룡의 생과 사
This documentary tells the story of Bruce Lee and his unsuccessful efforts to start a acting career in the U.S., he returned to Hong Kong where he became an international star, and his death at age 32.
The Call-Girls
A story of female sex workers across all social strata.
The Call-Girls
A story of female sex workers across all social strata.
The Call-Girls
A story of female sex workers across all social strata.
Pei Shih
Lung Kong collaborated with accomplished novelist Meng Jun to pen the script for this tale of heartbreak and doomed romance. The mounting despair of two solipsistic characters headed towards an emotionally shattering break-up is depicted through an elliptical series of flashbacks.
Pei Shih
Lung Kong collaborated with accomplished novelist Meng Jun to pen the script for this tale of heartbreak and doomed romance. The mounting despair of two solipsistic characters headed towards an emotionally shattering break-up is depicted through an elliptical series of flashbacks.
Pei Shih
Lung Kong collaborated with accomplished novelist Meng Jun to pen the script for this tale of heartbreak and doomed romance. The mounting despair of two solipsistic characters headed towards an emotionally shattering break-up is depicted through an elliptical series of flashbacks.
My Beloved
A romantic melodrama from Lung Kong that is more commercially minded than his earlier films, starring Jenny Hu.
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Inspired by Albert Camus’s The Plague, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow is perhaps Lung Kong’s grandest vision, and a testament to his uncompromising humanist convictions. From a rat infestation in the slums, a fast-spreading virus grips Hong Kong, inducing panic when the government is slow to react. Mercilessly cut down by censors for its frank portrayal of class and political conflicts at the time of its release, the film found new critical acclaim in during the SARS outbreak decades later. In 2011, it was placed on Hong Kong Film Archive’s list of the 100 must-see Hong Kong films of all time.
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Inspired by Albert Camus’s The Plague, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow is perhaps Lung Kong’s grandest vision, and a testament to his uncompromising humanist convictions. From a rat infestation in the slums, a fast-spreading virus grips Hong Kong, inducing panic when the government is slow to react. Mercilessly cut down by censors for its frank portrayal of class and political conflicts at the time of its release, the film found new critical acclaim in during the SARS outbreak decades later. In 2011, it was placed on Hong Kong Film Archive’s list of the 100 must-see Hong Kong films of all time.
Teddy Girls
A revenge thriller unlike any other, Lung Kong confronts themes of reform and revenge by turning his focus to the subject of disaffected youth. Young Josephine, an audacious performance by a 22-year-old Josephine Siao, is sentenced to an all-girl reform school on the periphery of Hong Kong after a violent bar brawl. Along with a few accomplices, she escapes from the intolerable administration, only to find the streets an even more hostile environment, driving the girls to blood-soaked vengeance. An enthralling youth-in-revolt film from the rare perspective of its female protagonists, shot in indelible widescreen color photography, Teddy Girls is one of Lung Kong’s most enduring triumphs.
Teddy Girls
A revenge thriller unlike any other, Lung Kong confronts themes of reform and revenge by turning his focus to the subject of disaffected youth. Young Josephine, an audacious performance by a 22-year-old Josephine Siao, is sentenced to an all-girl reform school on the periphery of Hong Kong after a violent bar brawl. Along with a few accomplices, she escapes from the intolerable administration, only to find the streets an even more hostile environment, driving the girls to blood-soaked vengeance. An enthralling youth-in-revolt film from the rare perspective of its female protagonists, shot in indelible widescreen color photography, Teddy Girls is one of Lung Kong’s most enduring triumphs.
Teddy Girls
A revenge thriller unlike any other, Lung Kong confronts themes of reform and revenge by turning his focus to the subject of disaffected youth. Young Josephine, an audacious performance by a 22-year-old Josephine Siao, is sentenced to an all-girl reform school on the periphery of Hong Kong after a violent bar brawl. Along with a few accomplices, she escapes from the intolerable administration, only to find the streets an even more hostile environment, driving the girls to blood-soaked vengeance. An enthralling youth-in-revolt film from the rare perspective of its female protagonists, shot in indelible widescreen color photography, Teddy Girls is one of Lung Kong’s most enduring triumphs.
Be My Love
Despite a 11-year age difference between them, Patrick Tse and Josephine Siao made up one of the most popular screen couples in the late 1960s. In this adaptation of Yee Tat's novel, Siao plays a decadent prostitute, initially disguised as a privileged heiress and later revealed to be a dutiful daughter. Equally impressive is Tse as a writer who stays by the heroine's side through thick and thin. Unlike most Cantonese films at the time, director Chor Yuen left the studio and chose to shoot much of the film in real locations, providing a real wintry look that fits the film's title perfectly.
The Jade Raksha
Xu Qing Xiang
A fearsome swordswoman known as The Jade Raksha appears in the martial arts world and begins killing people whose surname is Yan. A swordsman figures out who she is, and asks her why - the answer being that a Yan killed her family 18 years ago... but she's not sure exactly which Yan it was. He suggests that killing the innocent is wrong, but she only has vengeance on her mind and is not to be convinced.
The Window
Lung Kong’s first color feature expands on thematic concerns supplanted in The Story of a Discharged Prisoner made one year before, situating issues of social reform within an impassioned romantic melodrama. The relationship between a career criminal and a blind girl (a stunning performance by Josephine Siao) form a portrait of marginalized life in a rapidly-modernizing Hong Kong. The profound chemistry between Patrick Tse and Josephine Siao onscreen served as the primary inspiration for the famed hit man-blind girl pairing in John Woo’s award-winning film The Killer (1989).
The Window
Lung Kong’s first color feature expands on thematic concerns supplanted in The Story of a Discharged Prisoner made one year before, situating issues of social reform within an impassioned romantic melodrama. The relationship between a career criminal and a blind girl (a stunning performance by Josephine Siao) form a portrait of marginalized life in a rapidly-modernizing Hong Kong. The profound chemistry between Patrick Tse and Josephine Siao onscreen served as the primary inspiration for the famed hit man-blind girl pairing in John Woo’s award-winning film The Killer (1989).
The Window
Inspector Lu
Lung Kong’s first color feature expands on thematic concerns supplanted in The Story of a Discharged Prisoner made one year before, situating issues of social reform within an impassioned romantic melodrama. The relationship between a career criminal and a blind girl (a stunning performance by Josephine Siao) form a portrait of marginalized life in a rapidly-modernizing Hong Kong. The profound chemistry between Patrick Tse and Josephine Siao onscreen served as the primary inspiration for the famed hit man-blind girl pairing in John Woo’s award-winning film The Killer (1989).
The Story of a Discharged Prisoner
Lee Jwo Horng is fresh out of jail after doing time for 15 years. By then his fiancée Betty has already become the mistress of triad boss One-Eye Jack. Lee doesn't want his younger brother Chih Shen to look down upon him, so he decides to keep his release a secret from Chih Shen, and finds accommodation with his friend Ah Han instead. Jack forces Lee to team up with him again for more criminal jobs, but, determined to clean up his act and stay out of trouble, Lee doesn't yield to his pressure. Jack then turns his attention to Chih Shen and lures him to the dark side instead...
The Story of a Discharged Prisoner
Inspector Leu
Lee Jwo Horng is fresh out of jail after doing time for 15 years. By then his fiancée Betty has already become the mistress of triad boss One-Eye Jack. Lee doesn't want his younger brother Chih Shen to look down upon him, so he decides to keep his release a secret from Chih Shen, and finds accommodation with his friend Ah Han instead. Jack forces Lee to team up with him again for more criminal jobs, but, determined to clean up his act and stay out of trouble, Lee doesn't yield to his pressure. Jack then turns his attention to Chih Shen and lures him to the dark side instead...
The Story of a Discharged Prisoner
Lee Jwo Horng is fresh out of jail after doing time for 15 years. By then his fiancée Betty has already become the mistress of triad boss One-Eye Jack. Lee doesn't want his younger brother Chih Shen to look down upon him, so he decides to keep his release a secret from Chih Shen, and finds accommodation with his friend Ah Han instead. Jack forces Lee to team up with him again for more criminal jobs, but, determined to clean up his act and stay out of trouble, Lee doesn't yield to his pressure. Jack then turns his attention to Chih Shen and lures him to the dark side instead...
Prince of Broadcasters
Lung Kong's directorial debut, 1966's Prince Of Broadcasters, starring Lydia Sum, was acclaimed for its novel approach in HK Cantonese film history.
Prince of Broadcasters
Lung Kong's directorial debut, 1966's Prince Of Broadcasters, starring Lydia Sum, was acclaimed for its novel approach in HK Cantonese film history.
Mimi-Private Eye
Detective novel fan Mimi Zhang has her photos taken at the peak by her brother Benda, an amateur photographer whose camera is nearly knocked down by a reckless man sprinting away. Zhang soon stumbles upon a murder. Officer Yang Ming has the victim's husband Cao Ren marked down as the prime suspect. Though being offered $10,000 by the wife's bereaved paramour, who remains anonymous, to testify against Cao, Mimi rules out the loving husband as the suspect. The developed pictures reveal a six-fingered handprint left at the scene. That very same night, the real culprit attempts to steal the negatives from Mimi, but fails. The following day Yang collects the piece of evidence on behalf of the police and accompanies Mimi back to the crime scene. There the six-fingered detective confesses to the crime of passion, pursuing the witness all the way to the top of a tower where she takes the dive and is saved by the police standing by on the scene.
999: The Mysterious Body
Mok Yu-Sum
A sculptor and his girlfriend conspire to kill a rich young relative to take his family fortune but things don't go as planned.
Young Rock
Early Shaw Brothers Cantonese musical
Crime of Passion in the Hotel
A Shaw and Sons production.