Michal Zebrowski
출생 : 1972-06-17, Warsaw, Poland
Michal Zebrowski was born on June 17, 1972 in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland. He is an actor, known for The Pianist (2002), The Hexer (2001) and With Fire and Sword (1999). He has been married to Aleksandra Adamczyk since June 20, 2009.
An inspiring story about Ania Przybylska, a brave girl from Gdynia who loved life and dared to make her dreams come true. The documentary is built of interviews and never-before-seen footage from private archives portraying a woman who balanced her career and public appearance with family life.
Linda and Vanda, two good-looking women in their thirties, are inseparable friends and co-owners of a small bookstore in the city center. Linda is divorced, educated and practical, has a little daughter and a sense of responsibility. Vanda, on the contrary, is single and free, attracting men as a magnet, but none of them is able to keep up with her spontaneity. Edo, shy, sensitive, and introverted gay working with them in the bookstore, longs for love for ages too. The lives of this trio get finally tangled by several men, while everything turns up differently than any of them had expected.
After a serious car accident, Lukasz discovers that the blue door in his new room lead to alternate reality.
After breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, a 30-year-old woman reconnects with six of her exes while trying to find the love of her life.
Stefan Ludwik Grodecki
1939년 9월 1일, 독일의 한 전함이 폴란드 주둔군이 머무는 베스테르플라테 반도를 향해 일제 포격을 가하며 제2차 세계대전의 첫 페이지가 시작된다. 한편, 부하들의 희생을 막기 위해 항복하려는 헨리크 소령과, 군인의 명예를 지키기 위해 나치에 맞서 끝까지 저항하려는 돔브로프스키 대위가 갈등하는데… 과연 이들은 나치와의 일당백 전투에서 살아남을 수 있을까?
Aleksander Wolin "Sęp"
Imagine that you have the power to decide on people's lives. Who would you condemned, and whom he saved? In the center of Europe suddenly, without a trace, people begin to disappear. The investigation goes into the hands of Vulture (Michal Zebrowski) - a police officer who appears to be devoid of feelings. Tough, incorruptible, no obligations and favors to others. Until he meets Natasha (Anna Przybylska) - a woman other than those that he met so far. Vulture begins a dangerous game with the enemy ahead of him is still a step. Discovers a world in which people are leading a double life. For the first time, logical thinking will drive him into a trap with no way out. Suddenly, the hunter turned into animals. Balancing on the border between passion and reason, the world of logic and clever manipulation, you will have to answer the question: is there anything more important than life?
Jacek Olszewski
Władysław Grabski, premier RP
세계 역사상 가장 중요한 군사적 대립 중의 하나를 그린 방대하고 역사적인 벽화, <1920년 바르샤바 전투>는 두 명의 평범한 인간이 투쟁에 휘말리는 서사시적 이야기다. 이야기가 펼쳐지는 시간을 따라 극단적인 사건들이 역사와 삶의 변화를 드러낸다. (2011년 16회 부산국제영화제)
A successful young man meets a disappointed in love 26 years old girl. She fails for him and so her younger sister and still beautiful mother.
Turjag Huncaga
기득권층에는 증오의 대상이었고 평민들에게는 의적이었던 야노식의 일대기. 잔혹하고 혹세무민의 시대였던 17세기 동유럽에서 압제에 대한 저항의 상징이었던 야노식의 일대기를 보여주며 비록 그는 처참하게 처형당했지만 민중에게 남았던 그의 정신을 기리기 위해 만들어진 영화.
Mąż Róży
The emotional inertia and chaos affecting a narcoleptic woman, a fatally ill writer and a gay doctor, and their attempts to escape from their dead-end situations.
Jan Skrzetuski
The czar of Russia has died and a power vacuum has developed. This period in the late 16th and early 17th century has been called "The Time of Troubles." There are many impostors who claim to the right to rule, but there's only one heir, the Czarina Kseniya Godunova. She has married a Polish military leader who wants to claim the Russian throne in her name so he can rule all of Russia. As the Poles move in on Moscow in an attempt to install the czarina on the throne, Andrei, a serf with a life-long infatuation of the czarina attempts to save her from her brutal Polish husband.
ksiądz Jan
A young, charismatic priest John, his time missionary in Africa, every day helping Warsaw young people addicted to drugs. Unconventional methods, which are used in pastoral work, raise many doubts about his superiors. Surprisingly, however, his life undergoes a sudden transformation when routine testing finds out that he is HIV positive.
The year is 1913. Two Poles escape exile and cross the Siberian taiga to China. Crossing the Amur River ends tragically for one of them. The surviving man, unconscious, is found by an old Chinese hunter who takes him to his mountain shack. The hunter has a beautiful, sixteen year old daughter. Not to tempt fortune, the parents make the girl cut her hair and dress like a boy. But is it enough to prevent feelings from arising between the two?
Wojciech Winkler
Following the death of his mother in '80s Poland, 12-year-old Wojciech has taken the brunt of his stressed father's frustrations with him; the boy frequently gets punished via belt. Wojciech's father occasionally tries to, instead, bond with him, but soon snaps back to his short-fused habits. Apart from Wojciech's friend Bartek, no one does anything to help. Jump to present day, Wojciech is a furrow-browed journalist who spends most of his spare time spelunking alone. Just like his father, he has serious anger management issues. Fellow caver Tania feels inexplicably attracted to him, but the love of a good woman may not be enough.
In IX century Europe, on the brink of Poland's birth, a cruel prince, Popiel, murders his cousins to ensure his son's succession. His crimes lead to an uprising of his subjects lead by the former commander of Popiel's army, Piastun, and a young hunter and warrior, Ziemowit. Meanwhile Ziemowit falls in love with Dziwa, lovely girl who is to become a priestess in the local temple ...
1939년 폴란드 바르샤바, 유명한 유대계 피아니스트 블라디슬로프 스필만은 한 인기 라디오 프로그램에서 쇼팽의 야상곡을 연주하다 폭격을 당한다. 이후 유태인인 스필만과 가족들은 게토에서 생활하지만, 결국 수용소로 향하는 기차에 몸을 싣게 된다. 가족들을 죽음으로 내보내고 간신히 목숨을 구한 스필만은 허기와 추위, 고독과 공포 속에서 마지막까지 생존해 나간다. 자신을 도와주던 몇몇의 사람마저 떠나고, 자신만의 은신처에서 끈질기게 생존을 유지하는 스필만. 어둠과 추위로 가득한 폐건물 속에서 은신생활 중 스필만은 우연찮게 순찰을 돌던 독일 장교에게 발각되는데...
Geralt z Rivii, wiedźmin
Adapted from a series of fantasy novels by the polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher tells the tale of Geralt, one of a few remaining "witchers" — traveling monster hunters for hire, gifted with unnatural powers.
Tadeusz Soplica
가문 대대로 내려오던 저택을 잃은 슬픔에 잠겨 있던 호레즈코 백작 앞에 갑자기 중세에서나 볼 것 같은 인물이 나타난다. 그 남자는 얼굴에 칼로 벤 상처가 있는 허약한 노인이었다. 이 노인이 고개를 들어 호레즈코 백작을 바라보자 백작은 그가 자신의 시중을 들던 충성스런 하인, 제르베즈라는 사실을 알게 된다. 제르베즈는 호레즈코 가문 사람들이 잔인하게 학살당하던 그 끔찍한 날 밤의 사건을 들려준다. 그리고 이 학살의 장본인은 다름 아닌 판사의 동생 소플리카이다. 이야기를 들은 호레즈코는 흥분해 소플리카와의 계약을 모두 취소하고 무슨 일이 있어도 가문의 명예를 회복하겠다고 다짐한다. 그러나 그는 우선 소플리카 가문과의 사냥에 참여해야 한다.
Jan Skrzetuski
In the mid-17th century, Poland was the largest, most democratic, and most tolerant country in Europe. However, a tragic civil war brought about the gradual decline of the once glorious republic...
Under the influence of a boy she met, a student rebels against the old man with whom she lives.
Do jednostki wojskowej przyjeżdżają nowi poborowi. Starsi koledzy ostrzegają ich przed Tygrysem, byłym kryminalistą, faktycznym władcą kompanii, słynącym z bezwzględności i sadyzmu. Co gorsza jest on w praktyce bezkrany, gdyż przełożeni chociaż wiedzą o jego wybrykach, nie reagują. Już pierwsze dni służby wystawiają cierpliwość świeżo upieczonych "kotów" na ciężką próbę. Grupka starszych żołnierzy, czekających na przejście do rezerwy bije, upokarza i demoluje dobytek poborowych. Ich okrucieństwu i złośliwości najodważniej próbuje przeciwstawić się niejaki Kowalski.