A documentary about the 'critical mass', the Film Coop, a group of young filmmakers in Hamburg during the 1960s - a small group far from the Mainstream or the New German Cinema.
"At the end of the young German cinema: REALTIME by Hellmuth Costard. Real time is a time without intervals, the immediacy of the new media for which scales are not needed anymore, which creates punctual images. The castle of Wurzburg by Balthasar Neumann, landscapes staged by computers, interpretations of architecture discussing the utility of images, and cinema placed between all that, pondering whether the audience/the beholder will be granted a point of view." (Frieda Grafe)
New German Cinema.
New German Cinema.
In this film, we follow footballer George Best over a 90-minute match against Coventry City, which took place on 12th September 1970. There is no soundtrack and no interview overlaid, just Best doing what he did best - playing football.
The drawings on which the series is based were created in 1969 and served as a template for a slide series in 1970. During her screening, this is interrupted by the film "Percy McPhee Agent of Horror (6th + 7th episode)".
The daily routine of a housewife.
Controversial short by Hellmuth Costard.
Controversial short by Hellmuth Costard.
Controversial short by Hellmuth Costard.
Two aspiring filmmakers walk through Hamburg with a camera operator and a sound operator. From the time they get out bed to their encounter with a production manager, they are harassed by an intermittent white dot.
Rector Ernesti
스트라우브와 위예의 첫 번째 장편영화로 그들의 이름이 세계적으로 알려지는 계기를 마련했던 작품. 네덜란드 출신의 건반악기 연주자이자 지휘자로 유명한 구스타브 레온하르트가 바흐 역을 맡았다. 전체적으로 바흐의 아내 안나의 보이스-오버 내레이션, 음악을 지휘하거나 연주하는 바흐의 모습을 담은 정적인 장면들로 구성된 영화다. 여기서 음악은 일개 부수 물이 아니라 영화의 가장 중요한 소재(raw material)로서 다루어지고 있다.
Hollywood opening credits with crashing sea waves and expectant orchestral music opens the film. Then the viewer's gaze is carried through a room. In a mirror you see for a moment a naked girl holding the recording subjective camera under her arm, she pulls open a drawer, puts the camera inside and closes the drawer. The viewer's gaze and thus the viewer himself is caught in the darkness.
Klammer auf Klammer zu is the story of a young man who decides to leave the country after the 1965 West German parliamentary elections. He hitchhikes out of Hamburg, but makes it only as far as the Lüneburg Heath. There, he meets a woman driving a Jaguar, protects her from an “attack” by a light sport airplane and then helps her sell her car to a shepherd. When doubts arise about the buyer’s solvency, the man and woman take the train back to Hamburg …
The film is based on a variety of reflections on politics and labor, economy and technology, identity and advertising.