Stein Berge Svendsen

참여 작품

티니아는 겉으로 보이는 모습에 집착하는 어머니를 만족시키기 위해 필사적이다. 그는 어느 날 숲에서 다친 새를 발견하고, 기이하게 생긴 새알을 집으로 가져와 부화할 때까지 돌본다. 알에서 태어난 생명체는 티니아의 가장 친한 친구이자 살아 있는 악몽이 되어, 티니아를 완벽해 보이는 겉모습 아래의 뒤틀린 현실로 밀어 넣는다.
더 크로싱
1942년 크리스마스를 앞둔 어느 겨울날, 유대인 아이들 사라와 다니엘은 게르다의 집 지하실에 숨어 있다. 게르다의 부모님은 체포된 상태. 사라와 다니엘이 독일군을 피해 국경을 넘고 스웨덴으로 가는 것을 도울 사람은 이제 게르다와 그녀의 오빠 오토뿐이다. (2021년 제16회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제)
My Grandpa is an Alien
Una and an alien robot have 24 hours to find her Grandpa who was kidnapped by aliens. The extraordinary adventure leads to friendship, the rational robotic logic is replaced by emotions and Una's selfless love saves her partly alien family.
퀸 오브 아이스
Original Music Composer
어린 시절부터 스케이팅에 남다른 재능을 보인 소냐 헤니. 올림픽 챔피언 3연패라는 유일무이한 기록과 함께, 발레로 익힌 예술성을 피겨에 접목한 아름다운 스케이팅으로 최초로 은반 위를 지배하는 세계적인 피겨스케이팅 스타가 된다.이후 프로로 전향해 화려한 아이스쇼를 선보이던 그녀는 할리우드로 무대를 옮겨 20세기 폭스와 계약을 맺고 출연한 영화마다 대박을 터뜨리며 할리우드 명예의 전당까지 오르는 무서운 성공가도를 달린다. 세계 최고의 피겨 스케이터에서 할리우드의 스타가 된 소냐는 언제나 가족들과 팬 그리고 연인들에게 둘러싸여 하루하루 달콤한 쾌락에 빠져 간다. 하지만 소냐의 행복은 잠시뿐, 공연 기획자이자 아서 월츠가 갑자기 등을 돌리고 그녀는 내리막길을 걷게 된다 . 그동안 소냐에게 쏟아졌던 화려한 스포트라이트가 하나 둘 사라지고 소냐는 지금까지 겪어 보지 못한 현실에 좌절하게 되는데…
두 딸을 가진 변호사 남편과 무미건조한 결혼생활을 이어가던 아니타는 고등학교 임시선생님으로 부임하게 되면서 매력적인 신입생 마르쿠스와 만난다. 어느 날 마르쿠스가 교내에서 싸움을 벌이게 되고 다음 날 아니타는 마르쿠스의 부모를 학교로 소환하여 그가 베를린으로 떠나는 교환학습에 참여하지 못할 것이라는 사실을 통보한다. 마르쿠스는 그 이후부터 아니타에게 적극적으로 다가오면서 두 사람은 부적절한 관계에 빠지게 되는데…
Devil's Bride
Anna’s story takes place on Åland Island in 1666, during the beginning of the most widespread and systematic witch-hunts in Scandinavian history. In all, 16 women were convicted of being in league with the devil, and seven of them were executed. For Judge Psilander, who has mastered the newest witch theories of the time, the trials are meant to cleanse the island of superstition, to have science and common sense prevail. The main character, the intelligent and stubborn Anna, gets an intimate view of the events, having just started working as a maid in the judge’s house. To Anna’s misfortune, she falls intensely in love with her friend Rakel’s husband Elias, but his infatuation with her quickly fades. A hurt and jealous Anna decides to get revenge and falsely reports Rakel to Judge Psilander. It’s only when Rakel is arrested, and things get out of hand, that Anna realizes the gravity of her doings.
Original Music Composer
23살의 디노는 일자리를 얻기위해 스웨덴에서 노르웨이로 이주해 왔지만 하루하루 생존을 위해 일해야 하는 현실이 불안하기만 하다. 공동 숙소에서 지내며 불규칙한 임시직에 방탕한 파티가 무의미하게 계속되던 어느날, 그녀는 우연히 한 중산층 가정의 베이비시터 일을 맡게 된다. 가족 구성원들과 친밀한 관계를 맺어나가던 디노는 아내와 별거 중인 스테펜과 사춘기를 겪고 있는 그의 딸 이다 사이에서 미묘한 삼각 관계를 형성하며 예상치 못한 위기에 봉착하게 된다.
Anders Østergaard’s film is an investigative look at the year the Berlin Wall fell, documenting the events that took place in Hungary as a prelude to the dramatic changes in November 1989. The director recreates the events and leads the audiences deep into the politicians’ secret meeting rooms by using a mix of interviews, archive material and reconstructed scenes and dialogues.
August Fools
An comedy set in 1960s Helsinki. The story revolves around Elsa, a resolute hatmaker who is in complete control of her life. Besides running her shop, she sometimes doubles as a fortune teller. When Jan, a Czechoslovakian jazz musician and Elsa's old lover comes to town to perform at a "peace and friendship festival", her well-organised life is jolted out of balance.
Alfons Åberg - Med styrke-säcken
Living Without Money
"Is it possible to feel rich without possessions? Can you live happily without money? In the documentary Living without Money, we meet the German woman Heidemarie Schwermer (68) who made a deliberate choice to live without money 14 years ago. One day she cancelled her flat, donated all of her belongings and started a new life based on exchanging favors without the use of money. The experiences she made totally changed her outlook on life.
Happy, Happy
Original Music Composer
Family is the most important thing in the world to Kaja. She is an eternal optimist in spite of living with a man who would rather go hunting with the boys, and who refuses to have sex with her because she "isn't particularly attractive" anymore. Whatever. That's life. But when "the perfect couple" moves in next door, Kaja struggles to keep her emotions in check. Not only do these successful, beautiful, exciting people sing in a choir; they have also adopted a child – from Ethiopia! These new neighbors open a new world to Kaja, with consequences for everyone involved. And when Christmas comes around, it becomes evident that nothing will ever be like before – even if Kaja tries her very best.
Original Music Composer
Driving back to Norway, Lina and Martin reach a roadblock where a policeman tells them to take a detour deep into the Swedish forest. But soon one creepy incident after another leaves them stranded in the dark woods and everything seems much too bizarre to be accidental.
Original Music Composer
The story about detective Tore Sandberg and how he made in interest in the injustice that was made in a murder case against Fritz Moen.
The Last Joint Venture
The decade of the hippies is at an end and the 80's are approaching fast. Carl and Robert are two doped out guys who lives in harmony with the world around them and let life pass by in an eternal hash high. They have been peddling hashish for a decade, hitting an all time high with this last batch: 45 Kilos of pure, high grade Nepalese Hashish. Following the delivery, the police are on their tail.
My Daughter the Terrorist
Deep in guerrilla territory two female Black Tigers train for the ultimate mission. Condemned as terrorists by the world, they regard themselves as their people's last hope against a superior oppressor. "Front Toward Enemy" are the words imprinted on the Claymore mine they will strap on their bodies if they are sent on the final mission.
The Art of Negative Thinking
Original Music Composer
The local disability support group visits an involuntary member, not realizing that it will bring them to a critical mass.
Original Music Composer
A warm, dramatic story about eleven-year-old Alise's encounter with a wild horse on the run.
Gunnar Goes Comfortable
Plagued by depression, diabetes and alcoholism, and always searching for greater meaning-any meaning, Gunnar Hall Jensen travels to the spiritual promised land of many soul searches-India. It is there that he hits rock bottom, yet he soon emerges from the darkness with a new outlook on life.
Falling Sky
Original Music Composer
Reidar is a resident at Solihøgda psychiatric institution. He is expecting the Earth to be hit by a huge meteor any time now, but until then he is busy trying to keep his fellow patient, Juni, from killing herself.
Kaptein Sabeltann og hemmeligheten i Kjuttaviga
Kaptein Sabeltann is back! And when the people of Kjuttaviga also find a parchment that says there is another treasure from the pirate Grusomme Gabriel in Kjuttaviga, things really become wild.
Tommi and his half brother Kiddi travel through Iceland with a money transport. A reunion develops into a nightmare after picking up the hitch-hiker Lísa.