Buddy Baker

참여 작품

Walt Disney's Fables - Vol.3
Three classic stories from the Disney team. 'Donald in Mathmagicland' is an award-winning short film, featuring everyone's favourite duck. 'Ben and Me' tells the story of how one little mouse helped Benjamin Franklin and changed the course of history. Finally, 'Modern Inventions' finds Donald Duck in a mueum where he gets more than he bargained for. From the Back Cover
The Puppetoon Movie
Animated characters introduce a compilation of George Pal replacement animation Puppetoon short films from the 1930s and 1940s. Originally released in 80 minutes length, The Puppetoon Movie also exists in a subsequently expanded ten minutes longer version.
Impressions de France
This Disney Circle-Vision 180-degree film shown at Walt Disney World's EPCOT Center France pavilion showcases the breathtaking scenery and other visual delights of France. Many scenes are outdoors with aerial views of the countryside, rivers and much more.
토드와 코퍼
Original Music Composer
엄마 잃은 꼬마 여우 토드는 숲속 친구들의 도움으로 마음씨 좋은 드위드 할머니 댁에서 살게 되고, 이웃집 사냥꾼 에이모스는 어린 사냥개 코퍼를 데려와 키우게 된다. 서로 적이 될 것이라는 사실을 모른채, 어느날, 토드는 바깥 구경을 나갔다가 코퍼를 보게 되고 둘은 금방 친구가 된다. 영원한 우정을 약속한 둘은 코퍼의 기나긴 사냥여행으로 잠시 헤어지게 된다. 시간이 흘러 사냥 여행을 다녀온 코퍼는 의젓한 사냥개가 되었고, 코퍼에게 인사하러 갔던 토드는 늙은 사냥개 치프와 에이모스에게 쫓기는 신세가 된다.   토드는 이리저리 도망치다 결국 코퍼에게 발견되지만, 코퍼는 이번 한 번만 봐주겠다며 그를 놓아준다. 하지만, 뒤늦게 토드를 발견한 치프는 토드를 뒤쫓다가 다리에서 떨어져 다리가 부러지는 부상을 입게 되고, 이에 코퍼는 토드에게 복수를 다짐한다. 한편, 에이모스에게 쫓기는 토드가 걱정된 할머니는 멀리 사냥 금지 구역에 토드를 놓아 준다. 할머니의 품을 떠나서 홀로 야생의 세계에 적응을 하려 애쓰던 토드는 예쁜 여자친구 빅사를 만나서 모처럼 즐거운 시간을 보내는데.
영혼을 판 사나이
Original Music Composer
아파트 관리인 맥스는 심술궂은 사람으로 괘씸한 소행만 일삼다가 갑자기 교통사고를 당해 지옥에 간다. 염라대왕 앞에 서자, 저승 사자 바니는 이승에 되돌려 보내는 조건으로 순결한 어린 아이 영혼 셋을 지옥에 구해 오라고 한다. 이승에 돌아온 맥스는 바니로부터 받은 초능력을 사용하여 날 샌 가수지망생 스텔라를 일약 스타덤에 올려준다. 또한 아빠를 그리워하는 토비한테는 엄마와 결혼해 주고 아빠 노릇을 한다고 하다가 진짜 사랑에 빠진다. 저승사자 바니와 약속대로 약혼을 구해주고 자신의 영혼을 찾으려는 순간 계약서를 불태우고 대신 자신이 지옥행을 결심한다.
더 애플 덤플링 갱 라이즈 어게인
Amos and Theodore, the two bumbling outlaw wannabes from The Apple Dumpling Gang, are back and trying to make it on their own. This time, the crazy duo gets involved in an army supply theft case -- and, of course, gets in lots of comic trouble along the way!
핫 리드 앤 콜드 피트
Twin brothers -- one rough and tough, the other a city-bred milquetoast -- compete for their father's fortune.
The Bluegrass Special
Penny is a teenage horse trainer with a very special dream of becoming a jockey. She picks Woodhill to compete in the upcoming Bluegrass Special; Woodhill is a beautiful race horse with a bad reputation who threw and injured his rider during a race in Tijuana. Penny's devotion and determination are an inspiration to anyone who believes that dreams can come true.
곰돌이 푸의 모험
Original Music Composer
66~74년에 발표했던 곰돌이 푸 시리즈의 단편 3개를 재편집한 극장용 장편 만화영화. 알란 알렉산더 밀네가 아들의 곰돌이 인형 위니 더 푸를 보고 착안해 쓴 1920년대 동화를 원작으로 한다. 곰돌이 푸는 배가 좀 나오고 어리석긴 해도, 너무나 사랑스러운 친구다. 푸와 그의 친구들은 헌드레드 에이커 우즈에 사이좋게 살면서 문제가 생기면 크리스토퍼 로빈에게 달려가 도움을 받곤 한다. 벌들 몰래 꿀을 먹으려는 곰돌이 푸의 고생담인 곰돌이 푸 이야기, 푸가 친구 피그렛과 함께 홍수를 만나는 피그렛 이야기, 남들 놀래키기를 좋아하는 호랑이 티거의 버릇을 고쳐주는 티거 이야기 등 세 편으로 구성됐다.
섀기 D.A.
Wilby Daniels, a successful lawyer running for District Attorney, suddenly finds himself being transformed into an English sheepdog. Somehow he has to keep his change a secret and find just what is causing it, all the while eluding the local dog catcher.
트래져 오브 마티쿰
In post-Civil War Kentucky, young David Burnic becomes the unexpected heir to the family secret, a map leading to buried treasure on the Florida isle of Matecumbe.
노 디포짓, 노 리턴
Two rich children devise a way to escape their grandfather and visit their mother. Unfortunately for two hapless safe crackers, they become part of the plan.
애플 덤플링 갱
A roving bachelor gets saddled with three children and a wealth of trouble when the youngsters stumble upon a huge gold nugget. They join forces with two bumbling outlaws to fend off the greedy townspeople and soon find themselves facing a surly gang of sharpshooters.
애플 덤플링 갱
Music Director
A roving bachelor gets saddled with three children and a wealth of trouble when the youngsters stumble upon a huge gold nugget. They join forces with two bumbling outlaws to fend off the greedy townspeople and soon find themselves facing a surly gang of sharpshooters.
곰돌이 푸 : 내 친구 티거와 푸
Original Music Composer
Rabbit is tired of Tigger always bouncing him, so he gets Pooh and Piglet together to come up with an idea to get the bounce out of Tigger. Then, Tigger and little Roo go out for a bounce and get caught in a tree.
찰리 앤드 더 엔젤
Original Music Composer
Charley is a workaholic family man that finds out from an angel that his "number's up" and he will be dying soon so he tries to change his ways and be a better husband and father with the time he has left.
The Magic of Walt Disney World
A look at the many attractions, resort hotels, and other amusements at Walt Disney World in its first year of operation.
Mountain Born
A boy learns the duties of a shepherd from his idol, the ranch foreman, high in the Colorado mountains. When the foreman becomes ill, the boy has to take the sheep into the mountains where they will graze for the summer season. A fierce storm almost causes tragedy as the boy leads the sheep back home.
백만달러의 오리
아들을 위한 장난감으로 연구실에서 오리를 가져온 돌리 교수는 그 오리가 황금알을 낳는다는 것을 알게되는데...
Menace on the Mountain
Original Music Composer
A period piece about the McIver family trying to protect there home from Civil War deserters. Actor Jodie Foster, then approximately 8, plays Suellen McIver. Actor Mitch Vogel, Jamie, is their protector.
King of the Grizzlies
Original Music Composer
Moki, a Cree Indian, is made foreman of a sprawling cattle ranch owned by his former army commander. But he carries with him through life the lore of his own people. When he rescues a bear cub, Wahb, he feels a mystical connection between himself and the magnificent creature. Later, Wahb, now a 1,300-pound bear, returns from the wild to wreak havoc on the cattle ranch, and Moki must face this fearsome grizzly. This spectacular film depicts a territorial battle over a country of breathtaking beauty.
My Dog the Thief
Original Music Composer
As ratings for Jack Crandall's lifeless airborne traffic reports plummet, a super-size St. Bernard on the lam stows away in his chopper. Crandall's new co-pilot helps send ratings sky-high, but the canine's chronic kleptomania generates girl trouble, jewel thievery, and loads of laughs.
Guns in the Heather
Original Music Composer
An American foreign exchange student in Ireland, Rich Evans (Kurt Russell), gets caught up in espionage when a dying man gives him a message to pass to his older brother, who is an American intelligence agent unbeknownst to Rich. Rich and his friend are then kidnapped by an Eastern Bloc agent pretending to be from the American Embassy in the hopes that they will lead him to a scientist who is attempting to defect to the West. Originally aired in 3 parts on 'Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color' TV series, then re-edited into a theatrical feature in Europe under the title, 'The Secret of Boyne Castle.'
Original Music Composer
A comedy filled with tenderness as a baby raccoon snuggles his way into the life of a lonely boy. He becomes the boy's only companion during his father's frequent absences. Because of Rascal, both father and son realize their responsibility to each other
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day
Original Music Composer
Winnie the Pooh and his friends experience high winds, heavy rains, and a flood in Hundred Acre Wood.
난쟁이 왕국
Original Music Composer
할아버지 밀루니와 함께 시애틀로 여행 간 로드니와 베스는 삼나무 숲을 지나가다 900세 먹은 난쟁이 노비와 제스퍼를 만난다. 밀루니가 이 고장의 목재 사업을 하고 있는 사실을 모르는 노비는 밀루니 회사로 인해 숲이 파괴되고 있다고 비난한다. 여관에 도착한 일행은 난쟁이들을 바구니에 숨겨 방으로 데리고 가지만, 호기심 많은 고용인 객스턴이 이들을 잡아가 버린다. 이를 안 밀루니는 탐정을 고용해 이들을 찾으려 하지만 오히려 정신병자로 취급돼 정신병원에 감금된다.
Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree
Original Music Composer
Christopher Robin's bear attempts to raid a beehive in a tall tree.
몽키스 엉클
Original Music Composer
College whiz-kid Merlin Jones concocts a method for teaching advanced information to a chimpanzee, then creates a flying machine of his own design, ultimately raising havoc on the campus.
Disneyland 10th Anniversary
Walt Disney introduces Julie Reems,Miss Disneyland Tencennial,who is to travel as Disneyland's official ambassador,and he shows Julie the imagineering department at Disneyland,and shows her the initial project of the IT'S A SMALL WORLD building that will be built,and the new restaurant that will be built. Then he shows her the haunted mansion that will be built,and miniatures of the Pirates of the Carribean ride that will be built.Next,Tinkerbell uses her "magic" to take viewers to Disneyland for the big 10 year celebration with Mickey and the gang.
A Tiger Walks
Original Music Composer
A tiger escapes from a circus truck as it passes by a small town, and hides itself in the surrounding woods. This throws the town into a panic and everyone wants the animal killed immediately, except for the daughter of the sheriff. She wants to capture the tiger and put it in a zoo, thereby saving the tiger's life. Her determination starts a nationwide campaign among children to raise the money to buy the tiger from the circus, but first, she, her father and an Indian tiger trainer must find the tiger before the National Guard do, who have orders to kill it on sight.
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones
Original Music Composer
Merlin Jones, a precocious and intelligent high-school boy, experiments with hypnosis and creates a mind-reading machine. However, his experiments land him in deep trouble with the law.
Johnny Shiloh
Johnny Shiloh is a 1963 made for TV film that originally aired in two parts on the Wonderful World of Disney in Color. It was released in other countries theatrically as one film and is on DVD as one film. Johnny Shiloh is the true story about Johnny Clem, the ten year old drummer boy who became a union officer in the Civil War.
Escapade in Florence
Original Music Composer
American students, Tommy and Annette, find themselves in a heap of trouble when they accidentally discover an art forgery ring in Florence, Italy.
Original Music Composer
Mr. X buys a boat and inadvertantly enters the water skiing race. With Junior driving, with no experience, he's a bit out of his league.
Donald and the Wheel
Original Music Composer
A father tells his son the invention of the wheel was most important; to prove it, the two hipsters visit the inventor caveman Donald Duck. There follows a survey of the progress of transportation, a digression into the basics of gear ratios, a series of live-action dancers to various styles of music inside a giant jukebox, an illustration of the use of wheels in power generation and space satellites, etc. Ultimately, Donald decides he doesn't want the responsibility, but certainly someone else would take on the task.
The Litterbug
Original Music Composer
Donald and his nephews are litterbugs: they drop garbage everywhere they go - even when they are out for a drive in Donald's car - until they are stopped by a policeman who makes them pick up everything they have dropped.
Disneyland '59
Walt Disney and Art Linkletter co-host a live celebration of Disneyland's 1959 expansion that consisted of the debuts of Matterhorn Bobsleds, the Disneyland-Alweg Monorail, and the Submarine Voyage, a project so massive that it was called "The Second Opening of Disneyland". Highlights include a mammoth, star-studded parade and the official launching of the Disneyland submarines by U.S. Navy officers. Among the guests are then-Vice-President Richard Nixon and family, Clint Eastwood, and Meredith Willson, who leads the Disneyland band in his own "76 Trombones." Sponsored by Kodak, the commercial spokespersons include Ozzie and Harriet Nelson.
The Rainbow Road to Oz
Walt Disney's unfinished adaptation of L Frank Baum's Oz series, previewed on the Fourth Anniversary Show of The Magical World of Disney.
3D Jamboree
3D film showcasing the Mousketeers, produced for the Disneyland Resort.
Wicked Woman
Original Music Composer
A trashy blonde lures a saloon owner away from his wife.