Fritz Weaver
출생 : 1926-01-19, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
사망 : 2016-11-26
Harlan Lantier
Maine Congressman Charlie Winship has had a bad day. After being caught on video failing to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance, he knocks out another House member, confronts his angry ex-wife, and faces denunciation by the media for attacking one of the most cherished patriotic symbols in America. As his life spirals out of control, Charlie embarks on a journey to a remote island in the Atlantic whose eccentric inhabitants are in the middle of a shooting war over their fishing grounds. Treat Williams stars as The Congressman in this humorous and moving film that raises the important question of what it means to be an American.
Hugo Black
Muhammad Ali’s historic Supreme Court battle from behind closed doors. When Ali was drafted into the Vietnam War at the height of his boxing career, his claim to conscientious objector status led to a controversial legal battle that rattled the U.S. judicial system right up to the highest court in the land.
Cheyenne's Father (voice)
잔뜩 부풀린 펑키한 헤어에 빨간 립스틱을 바른 이 남자, 세계적 록스타 셰이엔(숀 펜)이다. 한 때는 잘나갔지만 자신의 노래 때문에 두 명의 청년이 목숨을 끊은 후, 지금은 은둔하고 있다. 어느 날 30년 동안 왕래를 끊었던 아버지의 임종 소식으로 오랜만에 고향에 돌아간 그는 아버지의 일기를 읽으며 아버지가 유대인 수용소에서 모욕감을 줬던 나치 전범을 평생 찾고 있었다는 사실을 알게 된다. 평생 자신이 사랑 받지 못하는 존재라고 여기며 살아왔던 위태로운 영혼 셰이엔, 이제 그는 아버지의 복수를 위한 여정을 떠나 전혀 예상치 못한 진실을 알게 되는데…
Daniel Anker’s 90-minute documentary takes on over 60 years of a very complex subject: Hollywood’s complicated, often contradictory relationship with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The questions it raises go right the very nature of how film functions in our culture, and while hardly exhaustive, Anker’s film makes for a good, thought provoking starting point.
Documentary of the little-known Americans who defended Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
John Reynolds
토마스 크라운(피어스 브로스넌)은 자신이 원하는 모든 것을 가질 수 있는 백만장자이다. 그는 항상 돈으로 살 수 없는 짜릿한 모험과 스릴을 추구하는 인물이다. 평소 그림에 관심을 두고 있던 그는 어느날 세계적인 박물관에 소장되어 있는 모네의 그림을 훔쳐낸다. 아무도 그를 의심하는 사람이 없지만, 단 한 사람 캐서린 배닝(르네 루소)은 그에게 주목한다. 그림을 되찾기 위해 파견된 유능한 보험 수사관인 그녀는 그를 용의자로 지목한다. 캐서린과 토마스, 이 두 사람의 쫓고 쫓기는 추적의 두뇌게임은 시작되고 토마스는 이 게임에 짜릿한 스릴을 느낀다. 그러나 캐서린은 그에게 호감을 느끼게 되고, 토마스 크라운은 그녀에 대한 사랑으로 모네의 그림을 절묘하게 박물관에 되둘려놓고 사라지는데...
Father Theas (segment "Woman on a Bicycle")
First in a series of anthology films dealing with Christians who put their lives on the line to help rescue Jews from the Holocaust. In the first of two short films, "Mamusha," as the Nazis invade her country, a Polish Catholic housekeeper takes under her wing the youngster in the Jewish family for whom she is employed, and shepherds him through WWII in hopes of ultimately getting him repatriated to Palestine. In "Woman on a Bicycle," an unmarried French woman is pressed into service by the church to distribute underground communication pamphlets for the Resistance and ultimately ends up helping the church shelter 19 Jews.
Captain Von Koster
The failing economic fortunes of a small turn-of-the-century Nebraska town interrupt a blossoming romance between a pair of star-crossed lovers.
Arbitrageur Constantine "Connie" Harper is sentenced to a maximum security prison for fraud and decking the DA at his trial. Upon his release, one of his cellmates asks him to bodyguard his sister Rosie, who is being threatened by a diamond broker over some diamonds. Connie becomes a reluctant bodyguard to Rosie. While in prison, his name got on "the list," a collection of people to go to when you've exhausted all other options.
하원의원 넬 해링턴은 사위가 약물을 복용하고 운전하다가 사고로 숨지자, 정치의 꿈은 미룬채 그녀의 임신한 딸 피비와 함께 한다. 피비의 미숙아 출산으로 그 역시 코카인 중독이라는 것이 밝혀지자 피비는 약물을 끊기로 굳게 결심하고...
Sen. Everett Dirksen
As lawyer and power broker Roy Cohn lies dying of AIDS in a private hospital room, ghosts from his past visit him as he reflects on his life and loves.
John Ericsson
Ironclads is a 1991 made-for-television movie produced by Ted Turner's TNT company about the events behind the creation of the CSS Virginia from the remains of the USS Merrimack and the battle between the Virginia and the USS Monitor in the Battle of Hampton Roads, March 8, 1862-March 9, 1862.
Three pig brothers set out on their own, but only one manages to survive his encounters with a hungry wolf. Based on the children's book by James Marshall.
Dr. Fenner
A compilation of episodes from the classic '80s horror anthology TV series "Tales From The Darkside" for the VHS market.
Documentary about the life and work of film director Preston Sturges.
Based on the true story of Bill W. (James Woods), a successful stock broker whose life falls apart after the stock crash of the 20's and how he comes to grips with his alcoholism. Along with a fellow alcoholic (James Garner) he forms a support group that would eventually become Alcoholics Anonymous.
Bernard Hughes
Terrorists launch an attack against the USA. Their first strike is by a suicide squad that detonates a truckload of explosives at an army base in Washington DC. FBI probes indicate that the attack is by Arab terrorists led by Iranians. Subsequent attacks are via airplanes exploded in mid-air, crowded restaurants, and an attack on a mall. Administration cabinet heads push the President to retaliate. The director of the FBI believes that there may be more to the story than the investigation has revealed and the Secretary of Defense is the only other person urging caution.
Wallace Furman
피트 세인트 존(Pete St. John: 리차드 기어 분)은 정치 광고 분야에선 유명하다. 그는 세계 각국의 정치인들의 선거 캠페인을 성공적으로 이끌고 당선하게 함으로써 그의 브랜드는 타의추종을 불허할 정도였다. 막대한 돈과 권력이 따르는 사업 의뢰가 끊이지 않는 피트 곁에는 연인 역할까지 해주는 미모의 여비서 시드(Sydney Betterman: 케이트 캡쇼 분)가 그림자처럼 따라다닌다. 어느날 피트는 고객이자 절친한 친구인 샘 헤이스팅스 상원의원(Senator Sam Hastings: E.G. 마샬 분)의 갑작스런 사임 발표에 경악한다. 샘은 케이드라는 사업가에게 자신의 의석을 넘겨주기로 하고 , 피트는 거액의 수수료를 받기로 하고 케이드의 선거 캠페인을 맡는다. 자료를 수집하던 에너지 개발 계획을 입안 중이던 헤이스팅즈와는 상반된 입장이라는 사실에 의문을 갖게 된다. 더 나아가 헤이스팅즈의 아내인 클레어가 케이드에게 수십만불의 빛을 지고 있고 이를 빌미로 그에게 협박당하고 있었다는 사실까지 알게 되는데...
Arthur Beal
Dramatization of the scandalous, long-time love affair between the powerful but married publisher and the chorus girl he helped turn into a Ziegfeld star and 1930s film personality.
Dr. Fenner
What is scurrying around inside the closet of the upstairs room that grad student Gail Aynsley rents from veterinary school dean Dr. Fenner? Gail doesn't know, but she is determined to find out and Dr. Fenner isn't telling.
As the Metropolitan Museum of Art closes, Big Bird decides to leave his Sesame Street friends behind in search of Snuffy. Once locked inside for the night, educational hilarity ensues as Big Bird and Snuffy team up to help a small Egyptian boy solve a riddle - as the rest of the cast searches for their big, yellow friend.
From the elaborate Broadway revival of the 1932 Eva Le Gallienne/Florida Friebus production comes a whimsical retelling of the Lewis Carroll classic.
Dexter Stanley (segment "The Crate")
1982년에 스티븐 킹 원작의 단편 다섯 개를 조지 로메로 감독이 옴니버스 형식으로 영화로 만든 작품.
내용은 크리프스 쇼라는 만화책의 광팬인 아이가 아버지한테 혼이 난 뒤 쓰레기통에 버려진 만화책이 크리프스라는 해골 귀신에 의해 저절로 페이지가 넘어가면서 다섯 편의 이야기를 하는 것
An unemployed worker answers a personal ad for a housekeeper to a crusading female lawyer, and then takes her to court to force her to accept him into her home, claiming sex discrimination.
A maid who reads detective stories finds herself embroiled in a real life mystery involving her dead boss and a mysterious statue he brought back from China.
Pater Tom Farrow
어두운 밤에 철길을 달리는 기차가 있다. 이 기차는 각종 동물을 싣고 다른 곳으로 가기위해 밤에 이동하는 중이었다. 그런데 코브라가 든 상자에서 코브라가 열쇠를 뚫고나와 사육사들을 죽이고 악마처럼 돌변한다. 코브라는 파티가 열 리는 집에서 사람들을 차례로 죽여간다. 사람들은 죽어갈 때마다 얼굴에 똑같은 상처가 남는다. 이는 분명 코브라의 것이다. 이를 수상히 여긴 여의사는코브라를 처치할 궁리를 하게 되는데.
Herbert Childs
The wife of a wealthy industrialist finds herself caught-up in a web of intrigue & murder which was created by her own deceit. When she tries to escape the results of her actions, she too falls victim to deception.
Eli Sorenson
The conflict and separation of their parents and the impact on four youngsters from three socially different families is the thrust of this drama.
Dr. Michael Serling
Lt. Dan August is a homicide detective in his hometown of Santa Luisa, California. In this reediting of two episodes of Burt Reynolds' "Dan August" TV series, August and his partner Wilentz investigate the slayings of two winos who died after drinking poisoned whiskey and the rape and murder of a young woman.
Oscar Procari Sr.
Private detective Moses Wine is hired by his former college girlfriend to investigate a political smear campaign and he sets out to find out who is responsible, with deadly results.
Harvey Cheyne, Sr.
A spoiled little rich boy learns what life is really like after he falls overboard in the middle of the ocean and is picked up by a crusty old sea captain.
Alex Harris
이성을 갖춘 컴퓨터 프로테우스가 결국 인간과 같이 자신의 2세를 만드는 이야기.
FBI Agent Sam Corley
카바쿠후 소령이 지휘하는 미국 테러작전 공격대는 과격파의 본부에 잠입하여, 지하조직의 아지트를 급습한다. 그런데 카바쿠후는 붙잡은 여인이 조직의 다리아인 줄은 꿈에도 모르고 놓아주었으며, 또한 지도자의 한 사람인 파실도 난을 면하였다. 아지트에서 발견된 테이프를 가지고 카바쿠후는 부하 모세후스키를 대동, 수뇌에게 테이프의 내용을 들려 주었다. 내용인즉 조직은 새해 들어 미국의 어딘가에서 무서운 파괴공작을 계획하고 있다는 것이다. FBI의 코리와 함께 카바쿠후는 계획 저지를 하명받았다.
Professor Biesenthal
마라톤이 유일한 취미인 베이브(더스틴 호프만)는 어렸을 때 아버지의 자살 장면을 목격하게 되어 충격을 받고는 성격이 내성적으로 변한다. 그는 어느날 도서관에서 프랑스 여인 엘자(마티 켈러)를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 되는데, 이 때부터 지극히 평범했던 베이브의 일상 속에 예기치 못한 사건들이 발생한다. 베이브는 괴한들로부터 납치되어 심한 고문을 당하지만 친구의 도움으로 구출된다. 또한 그를 고문한 범인은 과거 유태인 수용소의 고문 담당자였던 악명 높은 스젤임을 밝혀내며, 이 나치 전범을 찾아나서게 된다. 결국 내성적인 베이브는 성격마저 변화하면서 사건의 전모를 밝혀 내는데...
Mr. Andrew Borden
A dramatization of the famous 1893 Massachusetts trial of the woman accused of murdering her father and stepmother with an ax.
Much-married and once successful writer Henry T. Aythecliff, now heavily in debt, summons his three ex-wives to his mansion, planning to extort a sizable amount of money from each. When he is discovered dead, clues indicate that each of his four wives had motive and opportunity to murder him, and a young detective must sift through some ingeniously devised evidence.
Cornelius Melody
Cornelius "Con" Melody is an Irish tavern keeper in New England who lives in reverence of his former days as a nobleman and decorated officer in the British army during the Napoleonic wars. Impoverished now, he struts about in his uniform and plots to make money by manipulating the love of his daughter for the son of a wealthy manufacturer. His daughter sees through his façade and his chicanery and begins to plot for herself.
Harold DeMilo
Dr. Jake Terrell, who has been training a pair of dolphins for many years, has had a breakthrough. He has taught his dolphins to speak and understand English, although they do have a limited vocabulary. When the dolphins are stolen, he discovers they're to be used in an assassination attempt. Now he is in a race to discover who is the target, and where the dolphins are, before the attempt is carried out.
Anton de Tourolet
A spinster and her widowed sister, who are the authors of murder-mystery novels, try to track down the killer of a former movie star. This TV pilot film became a series of rotating movies the following season.
Vincent Kagel
A woman attorney and her young associate defend a wealthy contractor accused of murdering an ironworker who was having an affair with the contractor's daughter.
John Shankalien
A gunman working for a crime ring is hunted by both the police and his employers after a cop is murdered.
Roger Meredith
A sophisticated, middle-aged grandmother, wed to a New York law professor, falls in love with a down-to-earth Tennessee farmer.
Joe Mallicent
Spy suspense drama set in 1960's Berlin. Intrigue and double-cross lead Killian on a twisting path through love and loss.
Mischa Ravenswood
A man buys a house and comes to believe that not only is the house haunted by werewolves, but a family of vampires lives next door.
Reverend Hale
Landmark adaptation of the Arthur Miller play. Nominated for 3 Emmy awards.
A suburban couple discovers that they are pawns for a powerful crime syndicate. They try to break away from the cartel and go legitimate, but the syndicate doesn't want to give them up so easily.
Narrator (voice)
Traces the origins and actions of World War I, from the funeral of Britain's King Edward VII to the Versailles Treaty.
Col. Cascio
미국 국방성의 전략 컨트롤 시스템의 고장으로 인해, 핵폭탄을 싣고 훈련 중이던 B-58 비행대가 비행한계선을 넘어 비행하게 된다. 갑자기 연락이 두절된 폭격기 조종사들은 새로운 명령을 받기 전에는 계속해서 비행하라는 최초의 명령을 수행해야 했으므로, 그들은 핵폭탄을 투하하기 위해 모스크바로 날아간다. 폭격기들이 목표물에 다가갈 수록 위기감은 고조되어 가고, 미국 대통령(헨리 폰다 분)은 이것이 실수라는 사실을 소련측에 납득시키기 위해, 전략 공군 사령관에게 소련과 합동작전으로 폭격을 중단하도록 지시한다. 그러나 폭격기를 되돌리려는 시도는 번번이 실패로 돌아가면서 위기감은 고조되는데...
Andrew Vulcan
The men from U.N.C.L.E. are off to Africa to stop the assassination of a president.
Based on Graham Greene's novel about a flawed but devoted priest in 1930s Mexico who attempts to perform his duties while eluding a police lieutenant determined to capture him.
A documentary set in Tibet around the time of the Chinese annexation.