William Hansen

William Hansen

출생 : 1911-03-02, Washington, District of Columbia, USA

사망 : 1975-06-23

프로필 사진

William Hansen

참여 작품

Target Risk
A professional courier's girlfriend is abducted, and the kidnappers threaten to kill her unless the courier helps them fake a diamond robbery.
Mr. Sandy
When a quiet group of pensioners learn that their homes are to be torn down to make way for a block of flats, they decide to take action. What starts as an attempt to discourage the developers soon escalates into wholesale murder of both the developers and the construction workers.
99 and 44/100% Dead
Joe - Kelly's Accountant
Uncle Frank Kelly calls on Harry Crown to help him in a gang war. The war becomes personal when Harry's new girlfriend is kidnapped by Uncle Frank's enemy, Big Eddie.
The Terminal Man
Dr. Ezra Manon
As the result of a head injury, brilliant computer scientist Harry Benson begins to experience violent seizures. In an attempt to control the seizures, Benson undergoes a new surgical procedure in which a microcomputer is inserted into his brain. The procedure is not entirely successful.
Night Games
Doctor Ciovica
A Harvard-educated, big-city lawyer moves to a small Arizona town to set up practice. His first case is defending a beautiful socialite accused of murdering her husband. This is the pilot TV movie for what would become the Petrocelli TV series.
Get Christie Love!
Dr. Shepard
Get Christie Love! is a 1974 made-for-television film starring Teresa Graves as an undercover female police detective who is determined to overthrow a drug ring. This film is based on Dorothy Uhnak's crime-thriller novel, The Ledger.
래핑 폴리스맨
Mr. Schwermer, Bus Vicitm
When a gunman opens fire on a crowded city bus in San Francisco, Detective Dave Evans is killed, along with the man he'd been following in relation to a murder. Evans' partner, Sgt. Jake Martin, becomes obsessed with solving the case.
Incident at Vichy
Old Jew
Adapted from Arthur Miller's play, film focuses on a group of Frenchmen who are detained at Vichy, the capital of France while under Nazi occupation, and "investigated" under suspicion of secretly being Jewish.
Blood Sport
Mr. Millsaps
A searing commentary on the "win at all costs" mentality of American high school sports. David Lee Birdsong is the smalltown quarterback hoping to escape with a college scholarship and a pro career. David's father is the overbearing taskmaster vicariously living through his son. The third side of the triangle is Coach Marshall, a hypercritical and cruel man who sees David as the key to his future success. David's lockstep commitment to his father and coach is altered when he witnesses a teammate die after a grueling practice.
Six businessmen who have a weekly after-hours basketball game get caught up in a bet about a hide-and-seek contest.
호랑이를 구하라
의류 사업가인 해리 스토너(잭 레먼)는 새 상품 개발과 방직공장 운영 등으로 자금 압박에 시달린다. 겉으로 평온한 듯 보이는 중산층의 중년 남자인 그는 부인과 딸로부터 심리적인 연대감을 맺지 못한 채 고립되어 있다. 또한 2차 대전 때 전우들은 사망했는데 자신만 살아남았다는 죄의식과 그동안 살아온 삶에 대한 자책으로 가득하다. 그럼에도 불구하고 해리는 사업 유지를 위해 보험금을 타기 위해 방화를 모의하고, 거래처에서 원하는 창녀 마고에게 접대를 해줄 것을 부탁한다. 하지만 거래처 사람은 심장마비를 일으켜 쓰러지고, 해리는 과거 전쟁의 기억과 숨 막히는 현실 속에서 괴로워한다. 아내에게 전화를 걸어 추억을 더듬어 보지만 아내는 냉담할 뿐, 아무도 그의 심정을 헤아려 주지 않는다. 집으로 돌아가던 해리는 우연히 만난 마이라와 함께 해변으로 가게 되고, 음악과 야구를 추억하며 한순간 즐거워한다. 하지만 해리는 스스로가 동물원 우리라고 생각하는 현실로 다시 돌아간다. 가혹한 삶을 위해 해리는 방화범을 고용하여 자신의 공장에 불을 내 보험금을 타내려는 범죄 계획까지 모의한다. 방화광에게 은밀히 착수금을 건넨 후 해리는 ‘멸종 위기에 놓여 있는 시베리아 호랑이를 살리자’는 서명운동에 사인을 한다. 하지만 그에게 ‘호랑이를 구하자’는 구호는 먼 이상으로만 느껴진다.
Prof. Waldman
A scientist obsessed with creating life steals body parts to put together his "creation." Released as a feature on video, this was originally shown in two installments on TV as part of the Wide World of Entertainment series.
Caesar Rodney (DE)
The film focuses on the representatives of the Thirteen original colonies who participated in the Second Continental Congress. 1776 depicts the three months of deliberation (and, oftentimes, acrimonious debate) that led up to the signing of one of the most important documents in the History of the United States, the Declaration of Independence.
Sand Castles
A young man who dies in an auto accident returns from the dead to meet up with the young woman who tried to save him.
A social misfit, Willard is made fun of by his co-workers, and squeezed out of the company started by his deceased father by his boss. His only friends are a couple of rats he raised at home, Ben and Socrates. However, when one of them is killed at work, he goes on a rampage using his rats to attack those who have been tormenting him.
Dr. Weeks
An adman attempts to rebuild his shattered life after suffering a nervous breakdown.
An Enemy of the People
Set in a Norwegian hamlet, an idealistic physician discovers that the town's hot springs are contaminated. But with the community relying on the spa for tourist dollars, his warning to the powers-that-be falls on deaf ears.
핵전략 사령부
Defense Secretary Swenson
미국 국방성의 전략 컨트롤 시스템의 고장으로 인해, 핵폭탄을 싣고 훈련 중이던 B-58 비행대가 비행한계선을 넘어 비행하게 된다. 갑자기 연락이 두절된 폭격기 조종사들은 새로운 명령을 받기 전에는 계속해서 비행하라는 최초의 명령을 수행해야 했으므로, 그들은 핵폭탄을 투하하기 위해 모스크바로 날아간다. 폭격기들이 목표물에 다가갈 수록 위기감은 고조되어 가고, 미국 대통령(헨리 폰다 분)은 이것이 실수라는 사실을 소련측에 납득시키기 위해, 전략 공군 사령관에게 소련과 합동작전으로 폭격을 중단하도록 지시한다. 그러나 폭격기를 되돌리려는 시도는 번번이 실패로 돌아가면서 위기감은 고조되는데...
Abe Lincoln in Illinois
Mentor Graham
The life of Abraham Lincoln is traced from the 1830s when he was a struggling backwoods lawyer to winning the Presidency in 1860.
Big Deal in Laredo
Doctor Scully
A timid man with money problems gets into a big card game with some high-rollers.
버드맨 오브 알카트라즈
Fred Daw (uncredited)
장기수나 흉악범들을 수용한 알카트라즈 감옥에서 복역하면서, 날아드는 새들을 상대로 연구하여 조류 전문가가 되었던 로버트 스트라우드(Robert Stroud)의 실화를 영화화한 작품.
The Bramble Bush
Father Bannon
A young doctor returns to his Massachusetts home town at the request of a terminally ill old friend.
The Trip to Bountiful
Second Houston Ticket Man
결혼 멤버
Mr. Addams
Tomboy, Frances 'Frankie' Addams, dreams of running away with her brother and new fiancée away from the Deep South.
Mr. Goolby (uncredited)
Pinky, a light skinned black woman, returns to her grandmother's house in the South after graduating from a Northern nursing school. Pinky tells her grandmother that she has been "passing" for white while at school in the North. In addition, she has fallen in love with a young white doctor, who knows nothing about her black heritage.