Philipp Weinges

출생 : 1960-01-13, Munich, Germany

참여 작품

Zimmer mit Stall - Schwiegermutter im Anflug
Pension landlady Sophie imagined her job as mayor differently: not even the garbage collection works anymore! In order to defuse the scandal, she temporarily stores all municipal waste on her own yard. The improvisation artist gets active support from Felix, who appeares virtually with a paraglider out of the blue and skilfully turnes Sophie's head. Just now, Sophie's ex-mother-in-law Brigitte is at the door. The grande dame from Paris wants Sophie to return to her son Phillippe to prevent the unsuitable young successor who, in her opinion, does not come from a good family and only wants to take over the business. While Leonie is happy about her grandmother's visit, Sophie wants to know as little as possible about her. She is amazed at the unexpected magic that the sophisticated Brigitte unleashes on her grumpy barn occupier Barthl. He buys an elegant suit and dresses up neatly to impress the elegant elderly woman. But unfortunately more uninvited guests show up.
Forwards Ever!
A stage actor's turn as GDR leader Erich Honecker inspires an outlandish scheme to keep his daughter safe during the Leipzig protests of 1989.
The Blender
Männer lügen nicht
씨 오브 데스
비가 거세게 내리는 어느 날, 바다 한가운데 있던 석유 시추선이 문제가 발생하고, 그 후, 사람들이 바다 속 정체불명의 무언가로부터 중독되어 부상을 입거나 죽어가게 된다. 부상을 입은 환자들이 에바가 일하는 병원으로 호송되어 오고 그들이 바다에서 실려온 환자들이라는 사실을 안 에바는 바다에 간다고 했던 전남편과 딸을 떠올린다. 에바는 급히 전남편에게 연락을 취하지만 전남편과 딸 리사는 이미 바다 한 가운데 보트 위였다. 그녀의 연락을 받은 남편은 리사를 찾지만 이미 바다에 들어간 리사는 사라져버린 후였다. 딸을 구하기 위해 전남편도 바다에 뛰어들었지만, 괴생명체의 습격을 받고 겨우 바다에서 나와 병원으로 후송된다. 후송 된 전남편에게 딸의 생사를 묻지만 회답을 듣지 못한 에바는 딸을 찾기 위해 바다로 향하는데….
African Race
African Race
Crazy Race 3 - Sie knacken jedes Schloss
Crazy Race 3 - Sie knacken jedes Schloss
Crazy Race 2 - Warum die Mauer wirklich fiel
In 1989, Jenny Ecker, an 18-year-old daughter of an entrepreneur, flees from Hildesheim to the east - out of love. The teenager has fallen hopelessly in love with an East Berliner. Jenny’s parents are foaming from wrath and offer a reward: One-hundred thousand, later even a million, deutschmarks for whoever brings them their daughter back. The prospect of so much money gets east and west into quite a disarray – and in the end, the Wall really falls.
Crazy Race
Einspruch für die Liebe
The Munich business lawyer Marc is not happy: Instead of going to New York as planned, he has to travel to the province of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania at short notice to represent his sick grandfather as a pub owner for four weeks. The lawyer juggles millions of dollars every day - it should be easy for him to get grandpa's ailing tavern going with Western know-how. But the down-to-earth Ossis are not in the mood for tapas and Thai food. Marc only realizes this when he gets to know and love the young, single parent Carmen. When Marc's fiancée Lisa shows up, decisions are pending.
Wenn Männer Frauen trauen
Etje, a chic young woman who likes to have fine jewelry, is involved in an insurance fraud. In return, her partner and life partner Jan promised her two million marks and a life in the Caribbean if she got Paul to stick to her heels. But what Etje doesn't know is also hired by Jan. But Jan lured Etje into a trap so that she could use her traces in his production. A sophisticated plan: Paul watches Etje while she has dinner with Jan. He shows his visitor the safe in which his wife keeps her diamonds and then tries to rape her. When Paul hears gunshots, he rushes to the villa: Etje shot Jan. Paul and Etje flee with the diamonds. But they are only part of a perfect plan ...
Japaner sind die besseren Liebhaber
Magic Müller
Mueller is a young and unsuccessful actor who has one big problem. He does not have time. He does not have time for his little daughter Elina and he does not have time for Petra who actually just wanted to make an interview with his room-mate Willy. Mueller is busy, always busy in every kind of situation. All his problems seemed to be solved when he realizes that Willy has invented a time-machine. Everything could be fine now, if just Mueller had listened better to Willy's warnings about the rules of time travelling.
Alone Among Women
Tom is a perfect macho, whose prejudices are challenged when he loses his job, his apartment and his girlfriend and has to move in into a house with three feminists. Without his knowing the three start an experiment to convert him into a sensitive person showing respect for women and her problems. Not able to pay his rent Tom is forced to earn it by doing the housework and babysitting. This helps him changing his attitudes towards women and his housemates who at first treated him indifferently, start to fall in love with him.