A yakuza war of the clan Kawahara
A yakuza war of the clan Kawahara
7 years ago, Yoichi died in a traffic accident. His wife Ryoko did not receive compensation from her husband's death. She has since raised her son Junpei by herself. Junpei is now a middle school student. Ryoko also cares for her father-in-law, who lives in a nursing home and she also runs a cafe. Her care is in a difficult situation due to Covid-19, while Junpei experiences bullying at school.
Mitsuru Tsutsui
애니메이션, 게임을 좋아하는 고교생 츠츠이 히카루(사노 하야토)는 가상 세계에 만족하고 오타쿠 동료인 유우토와 애니메이션 히로인 마법소녀 에조미치 만 의지하고 있었다. 어느 날 그는 화려하고 무뚝뚝한 미소녀 · 이가라시 이로하(나카죠 아야미)과 수영장 청소를 하게 되고 그녀는 어째서인지 갑자기 히카루에게 고백을 한다.
Man of High School Cafeteria
내가 좋아하는 사람? 나를 좋아하는 사람? 내 운명의 주인공은 뉴규~~ 오랜 소꿉 친구 ‘리타’(야마자키 켄토)를 짝사랑하고 있는 ‘하토리’(키리타니 미레이). 자신은 ‘히로인’, 리타는 사랑의 ‘히어로’이자 운명의 남주로 언젠가는 리타와 연인이 될 것이라고 굳게 믿고 있는 하토리. 그러나 어느 날, 리타가 왕따를 당하고 있던 아다치를 도와주게 되면서 아다치와 사귀게 된다. 리타를 아다치에게서 뺏기 위해 몸부림을 치는 도중 초훈남 ‘코스케’(사카구치 켄타로)에게 고백을 받게 된다. 리타가 너무 좋은 하토리, 하지만 코스케도 넘나 훈남인 것! 하토리 인생 최대의 고민이 시작된다.
에도 시대 초기, 백년에 걸친 전국시대를 평정한 도쿠가와, 하지만 아직도 천하 통일의 꿈을 꾸는 다이묘들에 의해 마침 평화의 시대에 존재의 이유를 찾지 못하던 닌자들의 암약이 이루어지는데. 이러한 움직임을 알게 된 장군 명에 의해 검신으로 일컬어지는 야규 쥬베에는 음모를 파해치기 위해 여행을 떠난다.
The business of poverty that is the main overcoming of the dark golden Udagawa (Kazuhiko Kanayama) who has the yakuza and the police in the city. The reality was to mediate jobs that were willing to swap organs and humans, using people who suffered difficult lives. At the request of the victim, mother and son, Kirishima (Riki Takeuchi) begins to move to kill the Udagawa, the greatest enemy. However, the power of Udagawa, which moves a huge amount of money, has eroded even the top police officers ...
그리 멀지 않은 미래의 도쿄, 구역을 지배하는 각각의 '트라이브'가 주먹으로 그들의 영역을 지킨다. 트라이브 간의 힘이 아슬아슬하게 균형을 잡고 있던 어느 날, 한 사건으로 인해 도쿄의 평화를 위협하는 싸움이 시작된다. 이 대결의 중심축이 된 부쿠로 우롱즈의 보스인 '메라'와 무사시노 사루의 '카이'. '메라'는 무사시노 사루의 '김'을 함정에 빠뜨리는데, 사실 그의 숨은 목적은 그가 증오해 마지않는 '카이'를 유인해 내는 것. 그리고 이 과정에서 등장한 묘령의 여인 '순미'. 왜 ‘메라’는 ‘카이’를 증오하는 것일까?
그리고 ‘순미’의 진짜 정체는 무엇일까? 결국 도쿄의 모든 트라이브가 이 전쟁에 휘말린다.
그리고 그 누구도 잊을 수 없는 화려한 밤의 세계가 문을 연다!
The film's story revolves around Asakusa-born-and-raised Gen, who helps out at his family's strip club. With his friends Makoto, Jimmy, and Mattsun, the four get into fights together, as well as help out with watching out for Gen's family. One night, Gen is told by his father to pick up a woman at the train station. There, he finds the beautiful Chōcho (lit. butterfly), and falls in love with her at first sight. However, he finds out that she is the #1 strip girl in Osaka, and Gen gets eccentric when he finds out that she'll be living in "England Theater," the strip club his father runs.
고대 로마에서는 목욕탕 건축가 인 루시우스 (아베 히로시)가 원래의 "써머"(목욕탕)를 디자인하는 것으로 유명해진다. 그는 검투사들이 상처로부터 회복하는 것을 돕기 위해 콜로세움에서 열기를 만들기위한 명령을 받지만 어려움에 직면 해있다. 그리하여 루시우스는 시간의 흐름을 통해 현대 일본으로 다시 여행한다. 그는 Manami (Aya Ueto)를 다시 만난다. 그녀는 지금 욕실을 다루는 잡지 기자이다. 평평한 얼굴의 일본 부족의 도움으로, 루시우스는 새로운 thermae를 다시 디자인합니다. 한편, 하드리아누스 황제 (Masachika Ichimura)는 열과 평화를 유지하기를 원하지만 상원은 무력을 사용하여 그 땅을 확장시키고 싶어한다. 하드리아누스 황제와 상원은 이제 대결을하고 로마는 분열하게된다.
Aki's Father
"기숙사가 있다는 이유로 도망치듯이 오오에조 농업고등학교를 지원한 하치켄 유고. 그러나 도시의 일반 가정에서 자란 하치켄에게 끝없이 펼쳐진 자연과 동물에 둘러싸인 농고는 낯설기만 했다. 처음 경험해 보는 실습과 이론들에 매일이 악전고투의 나날. 하치켄은 농가 출신 학생들과 함께 농촌 생활에 적응하고 배워가면서 조금씩 정신적, 육체적으로 성장해 나가는데... 땀과 눈물과 흙이 섞인 청춘 이야기는 오늘도 계속 되고 있다!"
Yakudo Gokuki Returns
General Red
Hitori Gekidan gets off a crew bus, assuming he will participate in a travel program. He overhears people in the monitoring room announce the beginning of the "24 Hour Kiss Pressure Game." He is then assaulted by attractive actresses pleading for a kiss as well as deadly mercenaries and zombies attempting to kidnap him. Soon he grasps his character and situation. He is Shogo Kawashima aka The Desert Reaper and he is on the run with Aoi Tsukasa (Aoi Tsukasa). For unknown reasons, the Red Shadow, who raised him, wants him back.
The Kansai Tiger Fang Association and Kanto Shoryukai have decided to hold an unprecedented handmade harmony ceremony in response to the upheaval of the Exclusion Ordinance. However, Takasaki of the Togakai and Fujiki of Shoryukai had the feeling that they could not accept the harmony ceremony. At that time, a murder incident targeting Tajima, the president of the Kansai Tiger Fang Association, occurs at the hotel there.
고대 로마 공중목욕탕 ‘테르마이’ 건축설계사 루시우스. 머리를 식히러 들어간 목욕탕에서 현대 일본 목욕탕으로 타임슬립을 하고 만다. 하나같이 얼굴이 평평한 인간들만 있는 그곳. 하지만 평안족(平顔族) 주제에 목욕 문화만큼은 가히 일류 최고다. 문화 충격에 빠진 루시우스, 평안족의 목욕탕을 힌트 삼아 어떻게든 로마의 공중 목욕탕 발전에 기여해보고자 하는데…
The leyend of Yokudo Gokuki
After Ryo wipes off the remnants of the Hong Kong triad, he finds his partner mysteriously murdered. Now he must figure out who took the hit while fending off shadowy characters waiting for the perfect moment to kill him.
Go Samejima
열혈교사 양쿠미 즉, 야마구치 쿠미코도 고교교사가 된지 7년. 1년전부터 부임해 있는 아카도우 학원고교에서는, 새로운 3학년 D반의 담임이 되었지만, 학생들은 또 쿠미코에게 마음을 열지 않는다. 어느날, 쿠미코는 쿠로긴학원 시절의 제자, 오다기리 류가, 아카도우학원에 교육실습생으로 온다! 쿠미코는, 류가 자신을 동경해서 교사를 목표로 한다고 생각하여 대감격. 하지만, 류는 대학에 들어가고 나서도 하고 싶은 일을 찾지 못하다 우연히 교육실습에 참가하게 되었던 것이다. 그런 류이지만, 쿠미코가 예전과 변함없이 학생들에게 정면으로 부딪치고 있는 모습을 보고, 고교시절에 느꼈던 무언가를 생각해낸다. 그러던 중, 3학년 D반에 엄청난 트러블이 닥쳐온다. 다카스기 레이타에게 시비를 걸었던 불량배들이 이끄는 폭주족들이, 바이크를 타고 아카도우학원에 나타난 것이다! 학생들을 감싸는 쿠미코에게, 교장 사와타리는 "또, 3D의 학생들이 문제를 일으킨다면 야마구치 선생을 학교를 그만두게 만들겠다"라고 선언한다. 레이타는, "야마구치가 책임지게 할 수 없어"라고, 혼자 결말을 맺기 위해 폭주족들을 찾아 간다.
A Professional sniper, Ryo has executed so many missions with his partner, Narushima. But Ryo is caught in between a multitude of emotions, when he realizes that his newest target will be an old acquaintance of his.
Saburo Okouchi (Hideo Ishiguro), is your somewhat shy, but otherwise average, teen entering high school. Unfortunately for Saburo, his two older brothers left a looming legacy at the high school. His brothers were legendary troublemakers and now Saburo takes the crown of "elite yankee."
The second Anmitsu Hime TV-movie.
Hama-chan joins a company excursion to Oita with the rest of his department including his new junior Daisuke. Beautiful Namiko, the organizer of the trip is a contract employee and her elder brother is a fisherman. Hama-chan, as always sets out to sea for a bout of angling. He is a tad surprised when Namiko's brother consults him about Namiko's status as an unmarried contract worker...
아픈과거를 가슴에 묻고 아버지를 찾아 세상을 방랑하는 맹인 검객 이치 이치는 사무라이들에게 몸을 파는 맹인 여자를 돕는 과정에서 사무라이들을 살해하고 한 마을에 잠시 머물게 된다. 마을은 겉으로는 평화롭게보이지만 서로 다른 파가 대립하는 위기 상황에 항상 긴장감이 흐르고 있다. 아버지를 찾고자 하는 일념으로 조용히 마을을 떠나고자 했지만, 상황은 그녀를 이들의 전쟁에 빠져들게하고, 자신을 보호하기 위해서만 검을 사용했던 이치는 처음으로 남을 위해 검을 휘두르게 되는데.
Masaru Mima
Jirocho (Kiichi Nakai), a fledgling bakuto who left his wife, goes on a year-long training with his minions: right-hand man and military master Ohmasa (Kishibe Ittoku); stinky priest Daigoro (Takashi Sasano); well-known stranger Ishimatsu Mori (Yoichi Nukumizu); beautiful Masagoro Oiwake (Kazuki Kitamura); and others. As Jirocho's fame spreads, he gains more enemies. Among them are Katsuzo Kurokoma (Koichi Sato), who is one of the most powerful in Koshu, and the villain who is also Ishimatsu's nemesis, Masaru Mima (Riki Takeuchi). A traitor also emerges from the family, Yoshikazu Ebisu (Yoshikazu Ebisu). Meanwhile, Jirocho's wife falls ill and other terrible situations occur. Jirocho falls into a pinch of absolute despair. What on earth will he do? What is the fate of his minions? The Jirocho family will face a fierce battle...
At a high school in the city of Yokohoma the baseball team trains to go to the top. There are struggles, hardships and successes and not all of it is due the star pitcher or batter and those in the centre of attention. There are rewards to being the great, but it is a long way to the top and they know it.
항상 남루한 복장과 매일 같은 국수로 끼니를 때우는 마사루의 하루 생활은 구차하기 짝이 없지만 전기충격을 받으면 거대한 슈퍼 히어로로 변신, 악당을 물리치는 임무가 주어진다. 이런 슈퍼 히어로의 임무가 끝나면, 그는 바로 아무도 알아주지 않는 일상으로 다시 돌아간다.
Ken Kariba, who was transferred to the Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, was investigating allegations of kidnapping of Japanese groups in Europe amid a series of explosions in various parts of Japan and the spread of fear of terrorist attacks with bombs. It eventually led to a series of terrorist attacks and, gradually, to a great conspiracy.
the MC of "Yakiniku Battle"
일본 문화의 가장 유구한 전통 중 하나는 음식에 대한 담론이다. 주로 만화에서 즐겨 다루었던 음식이라는 소재는 국내에서 만화만큼 잘 알려져 있진 않지만 영화에서도 꾸준히 다루어져왔다. 는 일본 만화에서 자주 등장하는 전문가와 신인의 대결 구조를 차용하고 있는데, 재일교포 감독 구수연은 이러한 문화에 한국 음식이라는 색다른 소재를 끌어들이고 있다. 어릴 적 엄마의 비밀 소스로 만든 깻잎을 즐겨 먹고 자란 두 형제는 엄마의 갑작스런 죽음 이후 헤어져 전혀 다른 상황에 놓이게 된다. 형인 토라오는 한국식 고기 요리로 대결을 벌이는 TV 프로그램 ‘야키니쿠 배틀’에서 수많은 요리사들을 쓰러뜨리고 최강자로 군림하는 최고의 갈비구이 요리사로, 동생 타츠지는 곱창의 달인인 한노인 밑에서 작은 식당을 운영하며 대찬 여종업원과 함께 요리를 배우며 소박하게 살고 있다. 토라오의 레스토랑 체인이 한노인과 타츠지의 식당을 무너뜨리기 위해 음모를 꾸미면서 형과 동생은 자신도 모르는 사이 조금씩 서로를 향해 다가가기 시작한다. 된장찌개, 깻잎, 불고기, 곱창 등 우리나라에서는 그야말로 평범하기 짝이 없는 서민들의 음식이 이 영화에서 화려한 요리로 돌변하는 재미를 보는 것은 색다른 즐거움을 선사한다. 뮤직비디오나 CF를 연상시키는 현란한 카메라와 알록달록한 화면 속에서 의외로 음식 그 자체의 맛보다는 함께 밥을 먹는다는 것의 소중함을 일깨워주는 영화의 소박한 경구가 마음을 흔든다. (최은영 - 제11회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Monk Grin
Orichalcum is a mystical metal material that gives great powers to the life form that possesses it. Many Eons ago, the Orichalcum was split into three and landed on Earth. The metal then took the form of three relics: Skanda’s Vajra, Jew’s Cross, and the Sword of Alexander. Anyone able to re-unite these three Orichalcum relics would then obtain the powers of a God. Now two rival aliens are in a heated race to reunite the Orichalcum. They land in Edo era Tokyo where the relics are thought to exist.
Kazutoshi Kira
자유분방한 엄마가 FBI에 체포되는 바람에 뉴욕에서 일본으로 강제 송환되어 온 사키. 미국경찰도 혀를 내두를 정도의 불량 청소년 그룹의 여두목이었던 사키는 엄마를 석방시켜주는 조건으로 일본에서 일어난 한 소녀의 죽음을 조사하게 된다. 죽은 소녀는 잠복근무를 하던 비밀경찰이었다. 사키는 사건을 조사하기 위해 학교에 등교한 첫날 이지메를 당하고 있는 타에와 만나게 된다.
The fifth and final film in the 'Death Penalty' series.
Executive Producer
The fifth and final film in the 'Death Penalty' series.
Inside the police there is a special investigation for consecutive police motorcycle cases. Yuji's investigation reveals that homeless people and girls are suffering from the murder game!
Executive Producer
Inside the police there is a special investigation for consecutive police motorcycle cases. Yuji's investigation reveals that homeless people and girls are suffering from the murder game!
Executive Producer
The eighth installment in the series of fantasy swordplay action movies starring Riki Takeuchi.
The eighth installment in the series of fantasy swordplay action movies starring Riki Takeuchi.
A gangster, Tetsuo Onijima (Hakuryu), attacks and imprisons a hostile giant organization
A man and a woman are together on the 'Chrysalis Day', the fatal day everything in your life will be decided depends on how you spend the day. A violent man holding pure love, Sai and a stunningly beautiful playgirl, Sheila. While Sheila flees with a large sum of money, she is chased by a cool but violent gang, crazy killers and an out of control cop. No one can stop Sai and Sheila's love runaway.
A trainee at a university hospital named Yoshioka, was in charge of a patient but the patient dies due to a failure with a heart transplant. One day, someone stabs his sister and dies. In front of the annoying Yoshioka, a mysterious doctor, Shimizu, appears. , who used to stop by the hospital.
Giro (voice)
어느 폭풍우 치던 밤, 오두막에 숨어있던 염소 ‘메이’는 다리를 다친 늑대 ‘가부’를 만나게 된다. 어두운 밤인데다가 코감기 때문에 서로의 정체(?)를 알 수 없던 둘은 대화를 나누면서 돈독한 정을 나누게 되고 다음 날 다시 만날 것을 약속하며 아쉬운 작별을 한다. 그리고 다음 날, 오랜만에 잘 통하는 친구를 만났다는 기쁨에 부풀어 약속장소에 나간 ‘가부’와 ‘메이’는 서로의 정체를 알게 되고 깜짝 놀라게 되는데! 시간이 지날수록 점점 더 서로에게 마음을 열게 되는 ‘가부’와 ‘메이’. 그렇지만, 늑대의 주식인 염소를 눈앞에서 보고 있어야 하는 늑대 ‘가부’는 배고픔과 우정 사이에서 괴롭기만 하다. 비밀리에 우정을 쌓아가던 어느 날! 늑대들이 염소사냥을 나서고 ‘가부’는 ‘메이’를 지켜내지만, 결국 둘의 우정이 들통나고 만다. 늑대들의 규칙에 따라 사형을 선고 받는 ‘가부’, 같은 무리로부터 추방당할 위기에 놓인 ‘메이’. 벌을 피할 수 있는 유일한 조건은 각자 서로의 정보를 빼내는 것. 친구를 배신하지 않으면 무리에서 쫓겨나거나 목숨을 잃을 절대적 위기상황! 늑대 ‘가부’와 염소 ‘메이’는 과연 그들의 우정을 지켜낼 수 있을까?
Justice or friendship? Yuji and Muto risk each others lives and point their guns at each other!
Executive Producer
Justice or friendship? Yuji and Muto risk each others lives and point their guns at each other!
A shocking, problematic work that dares to confront the corruption of modern Japan!
Shonoshin Kimura
에도 시대의 일본, 코끼리라는 커다란 동물이 어딘가에 살고 있다는 것이 너무도 신기하고 믿기지 않던 시절. 상점주인 야지(나가세 토모야)와 약물중독 배우 기타(나카무라 시치노스케)는 게이 커플이다. 이들은 기타의 약물중독을 치료하고 둘의 사랑을 확인하기 위해 어떤 소원이든 이루어진다는 이세를 향해 여행을 떠나고 웃음의 여관, 기쁨의 여관, 노래의 여관 등을 거치는 그들의 요절복통할 모험이 시작된다. 한편, 그들의 고향에선 야지의 부인(고이케 에이코)이 시체로 발견되고 야지를 범인으로 의심한 관리(아베 사다요)가 그를 추적하기 시작한다. 과연 두 사람은 무사히 이세에 도착, 그들만의 사랑을 완성할 수 있을까…
Executive Producer
Supernatural yakuza movie
Supernatural yakuza movie
Ryoda, who opens a used car dealership in Yokohama, is actually the boss of a Colombian Mafia now he have a war against the Chinese Mafia
A South American outlaw who reigns in the underworld and is brutal and cool, and the archipelago who is tumultuous due to the criminal method away from the Japanese. The scariest outlaw he was in South America destroying all morale! Riki Takeuchi returned from Colombia, South America a few years ago. He currently has a used car dealership. But that's the front face. The back face was the head of a trafficking organization sent by a Colombian drug cartel. the only one who does not have an organization and has entered the market where China's shabs have an overwhelming share. One day, a conflict broke out with the Yang brothers of the Chinese mafia (Tomoyuki Mashiko, Kazuhiro Mashiko) due to a small problem. A series of monstrous crimes that flood the city at the same time. And Nagasaka (Kenichi Endo), a former bad friend, who tries to steal both cocaine and shab routes. A large-scale conflict between Chinese and Colombian organizations that shakes society from scratch.
Detective Yasagure, who has deviated from the organization, uncovers the shameful part of the police and knocks out the corrupt organization.
Executive Producer
Detective Yasagure, who has deviated from the organization, uncovers the shameful part of the police and knocks out the corrupt organization.
A yakuza war breaks out in a small peaceful town in the northern region of Kanto.
Kiryu Mamoru
Kiryu Mamoru, a subordinate boss of the Tomogashira Group, earns a living through the shady business of "yamikin" or underground lending. He preys on desperate customers who cannot get loans from legitimate lenders, charging exorbitant interest rates of 30% in 10 days or even 90% in some cases, in violation of the law. With the backing of his yakuza group, he employs extremely vicious and unethical methods...
The fate of three men who have lived as brothers since childhood
An obsessive-compulsive Japanese librarian living in Bangkok spends most of his days contemplating suicide in his apartment. His life changes when he witnesses the death of a young girl and becomes acquainted with her elder sister.
Behind the scenes of Battle Royale II
나나하라 슈야와 나카가와 노리코가 BR 법에서 살아남은지 3년의 시간이 흘렀다. 테러의 시대로 접어든 세상에서 사람들은 BR 법을 시행한 국가에 대항하여 수도를 파괴하고, 이에 정부는 나나하라를 테러리스트의 중심 인물로 지명수배한다. 반BR법 조직인 '와일드 세븐'의 리더가 된 나나하라는 자신을 사지로 몰아넣었던 어른들을 상대로 선전포고를 하고, 정부는 다시 BR II 라는 법을 제정하여 또 다른 중학교 3학년생들에게 강제로 군복을 입힌다. BR II는 제한 시간 3일 내에 2명씩 태그 매치를 이루어 나나하라를 발견하여 죽이면 승리하는 것이다. 상대가 학생들이라는 것을 모르는 와일드 세븐은 다시 어른들에 의해 서로가 서로를 죽이게 되는데...
Seiji Kokubu
Seiji and Yoshifumi are the only members of the Muto branch of the Date Family. The two respect and love their leader, Mr. Muto, like a father and the three share a firm bond. But their fate is sealed when the Family is involved in a conflict. Muto is unable to pay his share of funds for the oncoming battle but tells executives of the Family that he would fight at the front line instead. In the wish to protect Muto, Seiji has him arrested by the police. Ignoring the Family executives' mocks of "Muto escaped to prison", Seiji prepares for the battle and attacks like a demon on behalf of his boss...
Burn all your heart fire. Two samurai in the wilderness. A small group belonging to the Ichienkai, the Kagawa group. Shuichi Kagawa, the son of the group leader, is released after a long sentence. He officially inherited the traces of the Kagawa group. Yoshiro is surprised to meet Shuichi, who has been in prison for a long time as a thought criminal. He was a junior who fought the student activism with Yoshiro. Around that time, there was information that Hitman, a well-known person in Kansai, had infiltrated the neighborhood. Jin instructs Kumosuke to look around. However?!
Ginji Sonezaki (young)
In prison for 50 years after massacring his corrupt workmates with a samurai sword in 1945, Ginji Sonesaki (Riki Takeuchi) is given the nickname of Ginji the Slasher. On his release he finds himself on the streets living with the homeless hiding from a man whose life he tried to end. His former boss and the object of Ginji's hatred is now a highly-regarded figure in politics but Ginji plans to remind him of his past transgressions and make him pay for ruining his life.
A bounty on the neck of Hitoshi Kamibayashi. A conspiracy swirling underworld! Someone put a prize on Jin's neck and scattered photos of Jin in the underworld around Shibuya. Sunagawa, who saw the situation seriously, advises Hitoshi and Yoshiro to be careful. Yoshiro searches for a mastermind aiming at Hitoshi's neck and finds out that it is the work of Kuroki, the leader of the tent group. The Tenmankai was also known as a war hawk in the Musashinokai, which manages the area around Shibuya. Kuroki's ambition to assassinate Jin re-engages his former minions, who were trying to return to Katagi, into the world of Shura.
Hitoshi and Yoshiro were called by Sunagawa and were referred to a man. Hamura is the second man in the Daido group. Hamura and Hitoshi used to have a nostalgic relationship with each other. A gunshot suddenly hits the two who bloom in the old story! Hamura suddenly pulls out his pistol and protects him, and is shot and injured. Jin, who vows revenge, searches for the man who attacked them. Eventually, the identity of the man was known. It was a man named Yoshikawa who was excommunicated by the road group. Hitoshi chases Yoshikawa, but Yoshiro has some suspicions.
The Kanto Ichienkai was devoted to the conflict with Hokuriku. At that time, Jin and his brother Tsuda appear in front of Jin in the former sand group. Tsuda was in a position to steal the money of the Hokuriku Union and be chased. Hitoshi and Yoshiro saved Tsuda's crisis, but it was Takechi, a brother of former Sunagawa group leader Sunagawa, who followed Tsuda. Twelve years ago, Takechi boarded an enemy territory alone in order to protect the sand group, which was still a weak organization, and was banished from Kanto due to that. What is the true meaning of Takechi's appearance over 12 years ?!
The movie is set one year after the events of Mafia Family Yanagawa - Part 1, in which 8 Yanagawas faced off against 100 Devil Dragons in an epic bloody battle. Jiro Yanagawa (Takeuchi Riki) continues his feud with the Devil Dragons as he attempts to usurp their western territory.
The last war in hiroshima begins
After Kunisada's Yakuza leader and father figure is brutally murdered, he and his best friend go on a two-man mission to avenge his death, killing other Yakuza leaders leading to a final confrontation by the old man's killers.
Don't show your back to the greedy outer road. A fierce tiger, a rising dragon, and a standing prince. The leader of the Uchida group, who belongs to the Ichienkai, is an outlaw who has expanded his power by breaking the law and vandalizing the stripes. Some members of the Ichienkai, who noticed Uchida's intention to take over the Ichienkai, were trying to expel Uchida. Hitoshi meets Muroto, the young head of the Uchida group, and searches for it, but on the way back, a gun is pointed at Seiji, the only son of the Uchida group leader. On the contrary, Jin who seized Seiji tries to use it as a trump card for expulsion of Uchida-gumi ?!
The Kanto 1-yen coin party has a fierce internal conflict! In the Kochi-gumi, the confrontation between the young head Sakuta and the son-in-law of the group leader, Kunitomo, had surfaced. Meanwhile, at that time, Okiyama, a man armed with a pistol and dynamite, rushed into Kamibayashi Trading. He takes the hostage and demands that he bring Jin. Okiyama's lover was killed by a yakuza a week ago, and the culprit is Jin ?!
In order to earn legal Shinogi, Sunagawa was trying to start a unified legal business with a one-yen coin with the support of members of the Diet. However, the skirmish between Shimizu-gumi and Masago-kai, the main organization of the Ichienkai, intensified, and the plan began to be hindered. Jin, who has a good face in the two groups, enters arbitration, but the conflict continues to intensify as the leader of the Shimizu group is shot by the Masagokai and the Hitman of the Shimizu group. Yoshiro, who was investigating both the Masagokai and Shimizu-gumi, notices that there is a strategy of Mizuho-gumi, the director of the Ichienkai, in the shadow.
A yakuza war breaks out to control the Tohoku region
The behind the scenes special features making of Dead Or Alive Final.
Officer Takeshi Honda
Set in a post apocalyptic Yokohama where the population is kept under rigid control by a homosexual megalomaniac mayor. The citizens are administered drugs to suppress heterosexual urges. Officer Takeshi Honda is a hard boiled cop enforcing the mayor's agenda, and Ryō is a mellowed out drifter that hooks up with a gang of rebels. When the gang kidnap Takeshi's son, it begins a series of events leading to an inevitable showdown.
Based on a novel "The Battle Of The Yanagawa-Gumi" by Koichi Iiboshi, it tells the story of criminal Jiro Yanagawa. Released from prison, Jiro joins the notorious Yoshimizu Yakuza family as a member. Not long after however, he sets out to form his own Yakuza clan in Osaka. This sparks a bloody territory war with the Devils Dragons.
Former sand group member Kasahara attacked the Akamatsu group's office and robbed cash. Kasahara, who was driven by the Akamatsu group and lost his escape, asks Hitoshi for help. Jin, who judged that he was an act that deviated from Jinyoshi, refused to rescue Kasahara. Kasahara, who was in a difficult situation, attempted suicide, and Jin was forced to shoot Kasahara and deliver the stolen money to the Akamatsu group. However, a few days later, Kim and Kasahara's corpse disappeared, and the suspicion was struck by Jin.
Only one person challenges the final battle against the corrupt state power.
The Kanto Ichienkai without Jin lost its cohesiveness and appeared to be a group of men. Sunagawa, who was concerned about the absence of a strong leader, recommends Jin to be the chairman of the Sumida River Union, a leading organization within the Ichienkai. At that time, a man in the sand group Shima comes over. Masaaki Sunagawa, a nephew of Sunagawa, a major executive in the black society of Shikoku. Masaaki offers to liven up Sunagawa at Shima in the Kanto region ?!
The conflict that broke out due to the expansion of the power of the Ninryukai was further intensified of both political and police powers.
The organization lacking the jin that excommunicated the Kanto Ichienkai was no longer stopped, and there was a smell of kina. Chairman Sakai returns Hitoshi and Yoshiro and tries to balance the organization, but it is difficult due to the opposition of the board of directors. The one who hated the return of Jin and his friends most was Yaguchi, an emerging force who had risen to the board of directors while they were not there. However, Yaguchi also had a big fire inside the group.
Shingo was sentenced to death for the plot of Shunichiro, the CEO of a large business group. Shunichiro thought that Shingo was dead, but Shingo lived as a Mayo hit man. And the fierce battle between the brothers begins.
Last time, Kurobe of the Tama Union, which had eroded the territory of the sand group, was killed by Nakazawa's tactics in his confidant. The Tama Union Otaki group, which was stigmatized for hunting Kurobe, was excommunicated, and the group leader Otaki was forced to survive with the remaining members. On the other hand, due to the success of his strategy, Nakazawa, who took the position of acting chairman of the Tama Union, sets out to take action to trap his favorite Hitoshi and Yoshiro by the shab of the law. Hitoshi and Yoshiro confront Otaki and Otaki's daughter, Yuriko, who was once a woman of Hitoshi, to protect her dream.
Takizawa joins a professional thief and carries out an assault.
Shuuichi Sawada
Two contract killers cross paths in the middle of the same job and realize they are childhood friends. Together they take a break from killing and visit the small island they once called home. After reflecting on their past lives they decided to team up and use their talents in killing for good... much to the upset of the crime syndicates.
A lone wolf hits the sneaky plot of a lone organization that is aiming to expand it's power over traces of Ninryukai!
Kuhachiro Baba
Film director Mario Baba meets a mysterious gentleman, and realizes he is a important man from his boyhood. The two chase each other around, causing a lot of commotion.
The sand group was in danger due to the erosion of the Chukyo Union. Behind the scenes was the darkening of Kurobe of the Tama Union, which is consolidating its position in the Kanto Ichienkai. On the other hand, Jin, who was struck by Mato, lived as a lone wolf at the excommunication of the Ichienkai, despite the concerns of Yoshiro and his friends. Under such circumstances, each organization of the Ichienkai will set up various works.
The second instalment depicting the fateful confrontation of Takizawa.
Sakai, the chairman of the Ichienkai, has collapsed. It brought great ripples not only to the Kanto region but also to the gangster organizations nationwide. The fierce men of each Ichienkai organization who have lost the restraint of Sakai and reveal the original fangs of the gangsters. Among them, the one who exposed the most ambition was Kurobe, the chairman of the largest organization "Tama Union" in the Ichienkai.
A man falls in love with a man with his spiritual past.
The long-established Kanto Ichienkai, Nabarikai, was shaking. Chairman Nabari is suffering from an elderly illness of 80 and is trying to give his mark to someone. The ambitious young head Tezuka naturally thought that he was the tracer, but Nabari nominated his granddaughter, who recently learned of his existence. Tezuka, who has turned upside down, secretly seeks out his granddaughter and plans to kill him.
Inside the Todo-gumi, the confrontation between the young head of the martial arts group and the young assistant head of the moderate group continued. Eventually, Young Head's Assistant's strategy targeting the second generation caused a divisive conflict ...
The behind the scenes special features making of Dead Or Alive 2.
Tachibana, who was once regarded as the next young leader of the gangster group but lost the promotion battle to rival Yamamoto, is now a central figure in a group of outlaws who have been banished from yakuza society. He was repeating the wrongdoings of. One day, in exchange for 100 million bounties from Yamamoto, he receives a request to crush the Kanto Wide Area Gangster Association and Iron Heart.
The territory of the sand group reveals the existence of dark violent finance. Hitoshi and Yoshiro board the nightclub, which is the hideout, but the mastermind Himuro is a man with an eerie atmosphere, even if he is a sand group partner. Upon receiving the report, Sunagawa, the leader of the sand group, laments that the buds of violence of the new generation cannot be picked up. Yoshiro blames Sunagawa not to deal with a cock like Himuro.
신주쿠에서 야쿠자들이 중국계 마피아 조직에 연거푸 살해당한다. 죠지마는 요코하마의 차이나타운에서 ‘일본인도 중국인도 아닌2, 중국계 일본인의 영웅 류이치를 만난다. 난치병에 걸린 딸의 치료비를 구하기 위해 고군분투하는 형사 죠지마. 유학을 보낸 동생과 함께 조직을 확장할 꿈을 꾸는 중국계 일본인 류이치. 그러나 그들의 미래는 결코 보장되지 않는다. 그들은 서로, 자신의 잘못은 아니지만, 상대방의 모든 희망을 빼앗아버린다.
After the fierce conflict, the sand group and the dragon party were under the control of the same Kanto Ichienkai. One day, Kuroki, the driving force behind the end of the war, returned in the shape of a sword. At the dragon party, Odashima, who was Kuroki's younger brother, sprinkled a shab of the law on the sand group Shima and began to harass him. Hitoshi and Yoshiro, who realized that the aim was the Shima of the sand group, immediately talked to Odashima.
Tomoyo was the lover of Udo, a leading member of the Japanese mafia. When Udo disappears with a bundle of dirty money, she is a suspected accomplice. tomoyo is a woman who has always depended on men, and she often sleeps with them in order to survive. Yuki spent all her time around dangerous men, until her luck finally ran out. Beaten, raped and left in the trunk of a car, she ends up overhearing Udo as he assassinates his fellow mafia agents. Yuki is a woman who has always confronted men, and she often spills blood in order to survive. Thrown together by chance, Tomoyo and Yuki must work together, or die at the hands of the syndicate. They're always ready to love, always read to kill, and never ready to trust.
Saeki, a man who was once a big brother of Hitoshi, has returned to the sand group after 10 years in prison. Saeki was an extremely war hawk, and he was a man known all over the country, let alone Kanto. Shortly after his release, he launched the Saegumi Saekikai, absorbed his prison friends, and began to throw ripples in the sima. When a Shimano amateur screams at the old-fashioned forcible way of doing business, Hitoshi speaks directly to Saeki. However, Saeki, the big brother of the world, has no ears to hear, and on the contrary, he integrates the disturbing elements of the Kanto Ichienkai and expands his power ?!
Heisei Zankeiden is finally complete! Seven years ago, the man who fought to take over the organization is back. He seeks out the truth of the conflict from prison and heads for revenge.
Detective Tsukimoto
Detective Tsukimoto kills his partner following a botched robbery and falls deep into debt and despair. After losing everything at the horse races, he is kidnapped by yakuza and offered a chance to clear his debts by putting his life on the line in a game called Cambodia Roulette.
The Kanto Ichienkai sways under the administration of Chairman Sakai. The fire of internal conflict did not know that Dane would die. Hitoshi and Yoshiro are taken out of the trivial mess that happened between the long-established Tatsuno group and the emerging Ginseikai. The battle between the two groups of Shima suddenly develops when Tatsuno is shot by someone. In order to suppress the runaway of Wakasugi, a member of Tatsuno who has risen in blood, Jin, who is also a former brother, persuades him. However, in the meantime, Daimon, the young head of the Ginseikai, offers to take action on the condition that Hoshiyama, the chairman of the Ginseikai, retires.
After a three-year prison term in Japan, a yakuza heads for LA to buy two kilos of cocaine. He's going to smuggle it back to Japan, and it's to be his last score: he wants to marry Yoko, his long-suffering girlfriend, and get out of the life. But somebody sets him up, Yoko is shot, and he loses the suitcase of dope. He determines to stay in LA, retrieve the coke, and exact revenge: although he's a drug dealer, he still follows the samurai code of the yakuza. Along the way, he learns that his long-lost younger sister is in Los Angeles, and he teams up with an unlikely partner in his quest for justice: a petty thief who's trying to help a young woman get back to Japan.
A dispute also occurred at the Hitachi Union, an organization next to the Kanto Ichienkai, to which Hitoshi and Yoshiro belong. It is said that the emerging Komada group is in a state of immediate action aiming at the long-established Fujishiro group's sima. Voices of anxiety began to rise even within the Kanto Ichienkai due to the turmoil of the neighboring organization. And it was also the fear of the Kanto full-scale war that would come if the emerging Komada group won the Hitachi Union. Sakai, the chairman of the Ichienkai, immediately entrusts Yoshiro with the task of collecting the situation and infiltrates the Imamura group, which is a subordinate organization of the Hitachi Union.
A lone wolf yakuza vs detective. It was supposed to be an undercover investigation into the Yakuza organization… A drama of friendship and betrayal between men living in different worlds.
Miss Hotetor was killed in the sand group Shima. Hitoshi Kamibayashi, who rushed to the scene, was hit by a fierce shooting by a man in a black leather coat. It was Jin who responded, but he let the man escape. The sand group was struck by the anomaly of shooting 30 bullets at one woman. At that time, the young head of the Kyushu Genryukai is killed. Sakai, the chairman of the Kanto Ichienkai, orders the extermination of Sakoda, a former Genryukai executive who attacked Hitoshi and Yoshiro. And that Sakoda was undoubtedly the man in that black leather coat.
A large, dinosaur-like monster has risen from Tokyo Bay and attacked the city. As the government collapses into chaos, the people of a rural town in Fukui Prefecture, from whose perspective we see the entire movie, watch as the events unfold on TV. Some decide to run for their lives, some take it as a sign of the apocalypse, some go completely crazy, but most of the townspeople wait and watch, and wonder where the monster will head next.
Based on Tetsuya Saruwatari's manga series about a reporter who gets assigned to a serial murder case involving schoolgirls who engage in "compensated dating".
Kaoru, an old woman, calls under Hitoshi Kamibayashi. Jin, who was suspicious of the unusual atmosphere, visits Kaoru's husband and former brother, Shiogumi Wakato, Iwata. Then, Iwata is about to be attacked by someone, and Hitoshi Kazoku helps. Hitoshi, who was later summoned by Sakai, the chairman of the Kanto Ichienkai, was told that he was on the run by robbing Naito-gumi, who Iwata was facing, for 300 million dollars, and he was accused of carrying one of them. You will know.
The cop Himuro is picked as scapegoat by his superiors because of their own involvement in sokaiya gangster practices.
Hitoshi Kamibayashi, acting head of the Sumida River Association sand group. The name has reached the point of roaring throughout the Kanto region, and rumors have spilled over the neck of Jin. At that time, Jin meets a strange woman. He meets the woman who left behind a meaningful word for Jin. Examining the woman who left Jin with meaningful words reveals that he was in contact with a pistol dealer. Immediately after that, Sakai, the chairman of the Kanto Ichienkai, who was meeting with Hitoshi, fell to a deadly bullet.
1905년에 태어난 게이샤 ‘아베 사다’는 연인을 살해한 뒤 성기를 잘랐던 사건으로 당시 일본 사회에 큰 충격을 주었던 인물이다. 감독은 화려하고 독특하고 미장센을 적극적으로 활용하여 아베 사다의 극적인 삶을 재구성한다.
Hideo Sakiki, a man who once crushed a hostile organization by himself, is back. This is because the funeral of the leader who was taken care of. However, the existence of Hideo stimulates other organizations as well as dislike...
The group that Hitoshi and Yoshiro once crushed after a fierce battle, the angry party. Takeda, a former Black Dragon Society executive who was in the office after the conflict, infiltrated the Black Dragon Society after his release and took the position of executive. At that time, Hitoshi and Yoshiro were following the case where a familiar Sokaiya colluded with a major trading company and embezzled 500 million gold. It was because they were in the Shima of the sand group, and there was information that the general assembly shop borrowed money from the yakuza and was busy repayment. As I proceeded with the investigation, it turned out that the yakuza was the Black Dragon Society. Hitoshi and Yoshiro learn about the existence of Takeda, a former angry party.
The second TV movie Obayashi Nobuhiko directed based on Akagawa Jiro's Mikeneko Holmes series.
Daigen Nohma
A violent action film depicting the story of "Fudokuichi," a clear-headed high school student who is the young head of a Kyokudo family in Kyushu. Starring Tanihara Shosuke, Takeuchi Riki, Natsume Rei and others.
아키바파 두목 `아키바`가 누군가에 의해 살해된다.
`아키바`를 죽인 범인 `타마키`가 붙잡히고, 그는 `아키바`를 살해하라고 지시한 것이 이데파 두목 `이데`라고 자백한다.
`이데`의 아내 `하루히`는 음모가 있음을 간파하고 남편의 오명을 씻기 위해
`아키바`의 아내 `쿄코`와 반스이파 두목의 아내 `아야코`의 협력을 얻어 사건의 진상을 파헤치는 조사를 개시하는데...
Kasaki the hitman needs to set scores with his target Ri after the syndicate hunts him and blackmails his childhood friend to kill him.
After the internal conflict in the Kanto Ichienkai that was once caused by the Takayama group, until the reconstruction of the Takayama group, the Shima of the Takayama group was kept by the sand group led by Hitoshi Yoshiro. There was a group that was aiming at the sima. The Wuryukai under the same Kanto Ichienkai. After the death of his predecessor, this group, who made a name for himself as a servant, began to repeat dirty business after the young head Tange took over his mark. The sand group and the Wuryukai are in conflict over the Shima of the Takayama group. At that time, Kihara, an old friend of the dragon society, comes from Jin.
Daigen Nohma
The story of Fudoh II concerns a group of delinquent high school girls who decide they will take over organized crime in Tokyo's Shinjuku district. Their method is simple: murdering as many mobsters as possible.
Ginya Yabuki
Ten years after his greatest triumph, Yabuki has lost the Mafia that was once his to rule. But when a young gangster comes to him for guidance, he discovers that the old rage still burns. It's time for Yabuki's final stand and one last blaze of glory!
A small family in a hot spring town. Okita, an executive of the Togawa group, visits Hitoshi and appears in the Shima of the sand group. However, he is stabbed to death by someone. Since Togawa-gumi is under the Kanto Ichienkai and Okita was once a member of Jin's office, Jin will deliver the bones of Okita alone to Togawa-gumi. Asuka Togawa, acting head of the Togawa group, misunderstands Jin as a member of the Narushima group who is in a local conflict and drives him away. Jin will be involved in the conflict over the interests of Togawa-gumi, Narushima-gumi, and the hot spring town.
Riki Takeuchi stars in a yakuza film.
Starring Riki Takeuchi
Maki Fujishiro (Yoko Natsuki), the leader of the Fujishiro group, who is feared to be a female leopard in the Hokuriku region, appears in the Kanto region with a young head, Akatsu (Hirotaro Honda). She is said to have chased her niece Natsumi (Megumi Kanzaki) who ran away with the money of the group. Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi), acting head of the sand group, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara), the chairman of the group, will be ordered by the Kanto Ichienkai to help. As the search progresses, Jin gets angry at Akatsu's excessive violent behavior and the tension grows. And the intention of Hokuriku's expansion into the Kanto region, which is behind the incident, becomes clear.
Takanezawa, a young head of the Yokohama Kibe group, confronts the Kansai organization that forces the transfer of Shima with the debt of the previous generation as a shield. Appeared by Riki Takeuchi and Hagiwara fashion.
Togashigumi, who is planning to go to Gekokujo at the Kanto Ichienkai, was enthusiastic about the sima of the sand group. Deputy head of the sand group, Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi) and its chairman, Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara) will raise the alert of the Togashigumi. In such a situation, Yoshiro is trapped by Togashigumi and is suspected of killing Togashigumi. Jin embarks on an attempt to uncover the truth instead of Yoshiro who dives underground. While Togashigumi's chairman, Kaido, declares war on the sand group, Hitoshi has to aim for Yoshiro as an organization's kejime.
Gingya Yabuki
Former hitman Ginya Yabuki (Riki Takeuchi) left the mafia and split somewhat contentiously with his longtime former partner. Years later, that same ex-partner has emerged as the head of a very dangerous crime syndicate and Yabuki is forced to confront his former partner, which may start an all-out war within the Tokyo Mafia.
Daigen Nohma
아쿠자 조직내 암투를 배경으로, 아들마저 조직을 위해 희생하는 비정한 중간보스 아버지와 그런 아버지 밑에서 성장한 둘째 아들, 그리고 북한 특수부대 출신의 배다른 아들 간의 대결이 그려진다
A gangster gangster and an elite graduate of the University of Tokyo. Two people tied up by a single ammunition rise up in a yakuza society with their brains and courage. The 9th popular comic drama based on Ayumi Tachihara. Hitoshi Kamibayashi, acting leader of the Kanto sand group, was stabbed by someone. Yoshiro Yazaki, the chairman of the board, set out to unravel the case alone and noticed the killer brother "Grim Reaper" from Kansai.
V-Cinema version of Doberman-Deka Kano faces a group of foreign thieves who killed all the guests and hostesses at a club in Ginza. There was a drug smell behind the thieves.
A man who was trapped by a gangster who was taken over by a sneaky means of life, such as a gangster and a gangster who disappeared from the screen with the era of his work. With the trampled step-in-law and streaks as shields, the last princes of Heisei who sought a place to die at the end show a fierce way of life!
Two mysterious tough guys infuriate a local gang after helping an elderly grocery store owner with his debts by robbing a yakuza organised gambling den.
Ginya Yabuki
Yabuki's old friend returns as a deadly enemy. Blood brothers are driven to bitter hatred as betrayal rips mafia loyalties apart! Only the strong will survive the wrath of The Yakuza.
Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Takeuchi), acting head of the Kanto sand group, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Sakakibara), the chairman of the Kanto sand group, have made a name for themselves as big-name executives in the Kanto region after a number of proxy wars. At that time, Jin encounters an incident in which his old friend, who he met after a long time, is aiming for his life. There was a plot of the Kyushu Hiryukai, which was disbanded a while ago. Former Hiryukai young head, Panito, has been trying to advance into the Kanto region, and has teamed up with the Kanto Ichienkai subordinate organization, the Shinwakai, to hit the sima in the Kanto region. It was Hitoshi and Yoshiro who were in charge of the situation, but there was an unexpected fire of internal conflict waiting for them.
The seventh film in the Jingi series
Ginya Yabuki
After being excommunicated from the yakuza, Ginya Yabuki returns from the shadows as leader of his own crime syndicate known as the Tokyo Mafia.
Based on the comic by Yoshikazu Ebisu, starring Riki Takeuchi, Dan-chan, who plays the role of Takeuchi, challenges the great game of the century, betting on the existence of a certain pachinko parlor
Kanto Ichienkai, the largest Yakuza organization in the Kanto region. The conflict with the Iwami-gumi was won by the activities of Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Takeuchi), acting head of the sand-gumi, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Sakakibara), the chairman of the sand group, and the Ichienkai seemed to have regained peace. However, the lump of the Iwami-gumi war becomes a spectacular revenge drama and attacks the Ichienkai. It started with a proposal by Sakai, the new chairman of the Ichienkai, to return to the Ichienkai, which was split with the Iwami group. The Takayama group, whose leader was killed by the angry party, was furious at this proposal, and left the Ichienkai to collide with the angry party! On the other hand, Hitoshi and Yoshiro will embark on measures against the Takayama group.
Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara), who is loved by Misato (Chikako Aoyama), the daughter of Iwami (Akira Nakao), a director of the Kanto Ichienkai, was forced into a difficult position between the Sumida River Association and Iwami. Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi), acting leader of the sand group, is approached by Iwami and is ordered to push Iwami in the next presidential election. However, Iwami is demoted by the presidential election due to the strategy of Sunagawa, the parent of Hitoshi. The furious Iwami immediately awakened the Iwami group and declared a full-scale war to the Kanto Ichienkai.
Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Takeuchi) and Yoshiro Yazaki (Sakakibara), who quickly rushed to the position of director of the sand group, crushed the conflicting organization, Ryugumi leader Mizuta, at the same Sumida River Association, and further expanded their position. At that time, Sorimachi, who once fought off the rice paddies and the five-minute brothers' cup, is released after a long sentence. Sorimachi is stunned by the strange appearance of the group. He was furious at the rise of Hitoshi and Yoshiro, and began to draw a picture of the killing of the two and the takeover of the Sumida River Association. On the other hand, Yoshiro, who noticed Iwami, the upper organization of the Sumida River Association, Don of the Kanto Ichienkai, approaches Misato, the daughter of Iwami.
Three elite salarymen find themselves in a bar fight with a group of threatening but mysterious men. When the mystery men come looking for revenge, the salarymen find themselves embroiled in a deadly game...
Ginjirō Manda
The martial arts group Jin and the economic yakuza Yoshiro Jinyoshi combination ended the conflict with the homology group, and after receiving the orders of Sumida River Association Chairman Sunagawa, Jin was finally appointed as acting leader of the Sunagawa group. Mizuta, the leader of the Ryugumi, who had long wanted to smoke the existence of the two, was dissatisfied with this decision of Sunagawa, and suspected that Sunagawa might be trying to take over the Sumida River Association and eventually the Kanto Ichienkai in the future.Come to embrace. Paddy looks at Aoki, the remnant of the Kurokawa group, who was once crushed by the two, trying to hold his breath while Hitoshi is still in the position of acting group leader.
The battle gang Yakuza Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi) and the brain gang Yakuza Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara) from the University of Tokyo challenge the summit decisive battle of the extreme society.
A story of dreams, efforts and passion based on the true stories of the people who supported Kashima Antlers, who won the J-League for the first time.
A detective vs an international drug syndicate
Watanabe Kazuma's younger brother is brutally murdered by Kawai Matagoro. However, Kazuma's vendetta is denied since the Japanese law in the 17th Century only allowed a samurai to avenge his father or older brother, but not a younger brother. This incident makes his family member Araki Mataemon face his best friend in order to clear path for Kazuma. The tension mounts as they must carry out the vengeance before the murderer Kawai Matagoro reaches the safety of a direct retainer of the Shogun.
Ginjirō Manda
The real-life story of a Naniwa merchant's life and career! The second installment of the astonishingly successful series of the loan shark way!
Japanese V-Cinema film that sought to emulate American action movies. It features a young Riki Takeuchi.
Ginjirō Manda
First in the long-running series starring Riki Takeuchi as Ginjirō Manda, a loan shark in Osaka's Minami district, who shows off his brilliant debt collector skills against numerous enemies.
Based on the comic by Ayumi Tachihara
Based on the comic by Eisaku Kubonouchi
Takashi Kashiwagi, who once participated in Koshien as a high school baseball player, is now a member of the Mutsumi Imai Federation
A betrayed gangster seeks to avenge his dead partner, with the help of a beautiful restaurant owner and a mysterious bounty hunter.
All the boys want the Virgin Kumiko.
Fumio Takao
The prestigious private Sakuraryo Gakuen, which has a 90-year tradition, has now lost its glory to the ground, and the back organization of the athletic club, the male “Black Warriors” and the female “Red Warriors”, have made use of them. One girl, Oda Yoko, who has transferred to such a school, sneaks into the principal's room to find out the truth of the death of her best friend, Atsushi Katayama
Lone wolves join forces and plunge into a reckless fight with the organization.
Little Tokyo, USA In a lonely hotel room, Little Tokyo's Detective Joker was waiting for a woman. The rain grew stronger and filled the storm. And the woman came to the room where the Joker was staying. The woman's name is Serika. She was Joker's former lover. Serika came to ask for help. Appeal to the Joker with a scared "murdered" voice. There, a mysterious group appears in the hotel lobby. Nicole and her friends control the buying and selling of cocaine in the Little Tokyo area. The Joker desperately protects Serika, but Nicole and others take him away.
Romantic Comedy- Two Girls, Three Guys. Some people ride a jet ski, I guess. And there's an AV idol so I'm sure some boobs.
A film by Akiyoshi Imazeki. Emi is a 16-year-old girl who lives in Enoshima. An adolescent movie depicting teenagers' outlook on life, values, and lifestyle.
Yawara Inokuma is a girl who aspires to an ordinary life but due to her innate talent is forced to practice judo by her authoritarian grandfather, Jigorou Inokuma, with the aim of achieving the championship in Japan and the gold medal in the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games. Because of the pressure from her grandfather she has a generally bad attitude about judo, avoiding it as much as she can. However, over time she comes to understand why her grandfather loves judo and appreciates it more.
잘나가는 시나리오 작가인 하라다는 이혼한 아내와 관련한 일로 큰 충격에 빠진다. 인생의 허망함과 삶의 참 의미를 고민하던 하라다는 한 공연장을 찾고, 이곳에서 우연히 만난 젊은 커플과 가까워진다. 그런데 이상하게도 두 사람은 30년 전 돌아가신 하라다의 부모님을 떠올리게 한다. 현실과 비현실이 뒤섞여 따뜻한 감동을 선사하는 드라마.
Based on the comic book by Hiroyuki Murata.
Based on the comic book by Jūzō Yamasaki and Kei Sadayasu.
Hiroyuki Ishibashi
When 22-year-old Ikuko gets fired from her editing internship right before her college graduation instead of getting hired, she turns to her schoolteacher father for advice. Instead, he tells her, "I've decided to become a singer! Sort your own life out!" Confused, Ikuko gets on a boat to the town of Takarazuka, home of the musical industry, to see her classmate Mari. Mari introduces her to an accountant named Yoshie, and together the three of them move into a house they call "The Women's House: Die Fraulein".
오사카 고난 시에 거점을 둔 시게무네파 4대 두목의 아내 '시게무네 유키'. 하지만 남편은 심지 약한 난봉꾼일 뿐이라 그녀가 조직을 꾸려 나가고 있다. 그러던 중 간사이 신 국제공항 공사를 둘러싸고 다른 조직과 이권 다툼이 벌어진다. 유키는 결판을 내기 위해 적의 적과 손잡고 일생 일대의 승부에 나서는데...
Based on the popular comic, “Shonan Bakusozoku” illustrates the lives of high school bike fanatics.
Taichi Hanada
『極道の妻たち』(야쿠자의 아내들)은 1986년 토에이 쿄토 촬영제작소, 토에이 배급이 공개한 야쿠자 영화 이다. 감독은 고샤히데오로 계속 되는 호평으로 여 주인공 감독이 교체되면서 시리즈화 되었다. 통칭으로 『極妻(ごくつま)』。라고도 한다. 최신작은 『極道の妻たち 情炎』(15번째 작품)이다. 극장 개봉용으로는 1998년 발표한 10번째 시리즈 『極道の妻たち 決着(けじめ)』으로 일단락 지어졌다.
제2차 세계 대전을 앞둔 열렬한 민족주의자들의 수개월 동안, 반항적인 십대는 작은 내해 마을의 새로운 초등학교로 전학을 간다. 그는 그의 이복 여동생에게 낭만적인 관심을 갖는 학교의 지배적인 불량배와 경쟁한다. 그들은 그녀가 아버지의 빚을 갚기 위해 사창가로 팔려갈 것이라는 것을 알고 그녀를 풀어주기 위해 불안한 동맹을 맺는다.
Koh Hashimoto
음대에 다니는 "하시모토 코우(橋本巧)"는 오토바이 "카와사키 W3"를 타고 "프레스 라이더(보도기관전문 퀵서비스)" 아르바이트를 하고 있었다.
"코우"는 장거리주행 휴가중에 우연히 만난 아름다운 여성 "시라이시 미요코(白石美代子)"..., "미요(ミーヨ)"와 사랑을 하게 된다.
"미요"는 "코우"의 오토바이에 강한 흥미를 느끼고, 이륜면허를 취득하여 점점 오토바이에 빠져들어 간다.
"미요"는 "코우"가 혀를 내두를 정도로 오토바이에 대한 센스를 보이고, 결국에는 대형이륜면허마저 취득한다.
하지만, 두 사람은 오토바이 문제로 다투게 되고, "미요"는 자신의 고향인 세토나이카이(瀬戸内海)의 섬으로 떠나간다.
"코우"는 뒤늦게 그녀의 섬으로 향하는데...
The forth of the installment, actor Riki Takeuchi stands up to cut down the rotten Hitoshi!
The first theatrical work directed by Riki Takeuchi, The story of men who are intricately intertwined unfolds. It is a suspenseful action reminiscent of "Infernal Affairs".