Jacques Blain

Jacques Blain

프로필 사진

Jacques Blain

참여 작품

Le Militaire
A former French soldier who fought in Afghanistan, lives in solitude in Montreal. The trauma caused by his memories of the conflict leads him towards an unhealthy relationship with women.
Gurov & Anna
With his marriage to Audrey almost at an end, Ben begins a torrid affair with Mercedes, a young French student in his writing class. The affair soon spins out of control, their emotions and Ben and Audrey's family hanging in the balance.
Executive Producer
1960년 12월 25일, 독실한 카톨릭 집안인 ‘볼리외’가에서 아기 예수와 같은 날에 태어난 특별한 아이 ‘자크’. 특별한 생일만큼 자크에게는 개성 넘치는 독특한 가족들이 있다. 팻시클라인을 광적으로 좋아하시는 아버지, 아들에게 초능력이 있다고 믿는 어머니, 책벌레 큰형, 까칠한 날라리 둘째형, 단순한 스포츠맨 셋째형, 먹을 것에 미친 막내 이런 가족 사이에서 유별나게 성장하는 자크의 이야기와 ‘볼리외’가의 C.R.A.Z.Y한 그들의 좌충우돌 가족사가 펼쳐진다!
An adulterous man married to a wealthy Realtor plans on killing his wife with the assistance of his young lover. Little does the cheating husband know that his young lover is planning to blackmail him.
The Red Kitchen
Sound Recordist
On a wedding day, women are confined to the kitchen to prepare the meal while the men wait to be served. While men talk politics and sports, women talk about their condition. A teenager observes the gap between the sexes. Co-directed by two actresses, Paule Baillargeon and Frederique Collin, The Red Kitchen is the birth of the Quebec women's cinema. The birth of the film was difficult, and funding has been largely achieved through donations from friends and a benefit concert. This war of the sexes takes place in a demanding formal research, based on the improvisation of the actors, whose preparation took place over long sessions in the workshop. The end result mixes black humour, horror and a very expressive fantasy that gave rise to heated debates.
L'Infonie Inachevée
Sound Recordist
24 Hours or More
This feature film made during an exceptionally feverish period of popular revolt that saw the coming together of Quebec’s 3 main unions (CSN, FTQ, CEQ) is a cinematic tract by socially engaged filmmaker Gilles Groulx. Propped against the backdrop of the 1970 October Crisis, the film is a frontal assault denouncing a “consumer society” viewed as the ultimate embodiment of evil.