Robert Halmi Jr.

참여 작품

팬텀 - 또 다른 카를로스
Executive Producer
1983년 텍사스에서 주유소 직원을 살해한 혐의로 체포된 카를로스 델루나의 무죄를 추적하는 내용을 다룬 다큐멘타리
레어 비스트
Executive Producer
Mandy is a mother, a writer, a nihilist. Mandy is a modern woman in a crisis. Raising a son in the midst of a female revolution, mining the pain of her parents' separation and professionally writing about a love that no longer exists, she falls upon a troubled man, Pete, who’s searching for a sense of worth, belonging and ‘restored’ Male identity.
Executive Producer
With the help of more than 10,000 dedicated Zappa fans, this is the long-awaited definitive documentary project of Alex Winter documenting the life and career of enigmatic groundbreaking rock star Frank Zappa. Alex also utilizes in this picture thousands of hours of painstakingly digitized videos, photos, audio, writing, and everything in between from Zappa's private archives. These chronicles have never been brought to a public audience before, until now.
The Complex
Executive Producer
After a major bio-weapon attack on London, two scientists find themselves in a locked-down laboratory with time, and air, running out. With choose-your-own-path style gameplay, your actions and your relationship with other characters will lead you to one of eight suspenseful endings. Having treated the victims of a chemical attack in the totalitarian state of Kindar, Dr Amy Tenant is a leader in the advancement of Nanocell Technology. Now, in London, news breaks of a blood-vomiting civilian whose identity is far from coincidental. Reunited with an old friend, Amy is trapped in an impenetrable HQ of laboratories—a womb of scientific advancement with a perilous secret.
Pushed to his breaking point, a master welder in a small town at the foot of the Rocky Mountains quietly fortifies a bulldozer with 30 tons of concrete and steel and seeks to destroy those he believes have wronged him.
더 라스트 트리
Executive Producer
Femi is a British boy of Nigerian heritage who, after being fostered in rural Lincolnshire, moves to inner-city London to live with his birth mother. Struggling with the unfamiliar culture and values of his new environment, teenage Femi has to figure out which path to adulthood he wants to take.
우리는 언제나 성에 살았다
Executive Producer
내 이름은 메리 캐서린 블랙우드. 나이는 18살. 콘스탄스 언니와 산다. 블랙우드 가족은 계속 이 집에 살았고 그 누구에게도 해를 끼친 적 없다. 그들이 뭐라고 해도, 그들이 무슨 짓을 해도. 우린 절대로 이곳을 떠나지 않을 것이다. 하지만 변화가 다가오고 있다. 그러나 아무도 모른다. 나 말고는. 목요일. 그 남자가 찾아왔다.
디 아일
Executive Producer
1840 and another ship crashes on the rocks of an almost deserted island in Scotland. Three sailors survive the wreck and make it to shore where the few locals take them in as they wait for the mainland boat to come for them. But the sailors' survival story has only just started as they uncover the strange past of the once vibrant island.
돈 컴 백 프롬 더 문
Executive Producer
The men of a small town on the edge of nowhere mysteriously disappear, one by one, leaving women and children behind to fend for themselves in a desolate and dreamlike world.
Executive Producer
조나단과 존. 한 사람의 몸에 두 사람의 인격을 가진 다중인격자의 이야기.
Executive Producer
1880년경 미국 서부 지방. 사무엘은 그의 인생에서 유일한 사랑인 페넬로페가 납치되자, 그녀를 구하고자 자칭 자신을 목사라고 칭하는 술주정뱅이와 함께 서부 지역을 가로지르는 여정을 떠난다. 그러나 영웅심에 불타 있던 사무엘이 드디어 페넬로페를 찾았을 때, 그녀가 납치된 것이 아니라는 사실이 밝혀진다.
Last Summer
Executive Producer
During a long hot summer in the 1970s, four boys roam free through a neglected rural paradise, until a tragedy strikes that sets them against the adult world and changes their lives forever.
메저 오브 어 맨
Executive Producer
소년이 청년이 되는 어느 여름의 이야기 뱀이 허물을 벗듯이 소년의 껍질을 벗고 청년이 된다
Executive Producer
The aardvark has evolved to be one of a kind. You could say the same of Josh Norman.
Executive Producer
A young man living a sheltered life develops a crush on a stripper and joins her Alcoholics Anonymous group just so he can be in the same room with her.
Hot Air
Executive Producer
A right-wing talk show host's life takes a sudden turn when his 16-year-old niece comes crashing into his life.
웨어 이즈 키라?
Executive Producer
Pushed to the brink after losing her job, a woman struggles to survive. As the months pass and her troubles deepen, she embarks on a perilous and mysterious journey that threatens to usurp her life.
자비로운 날들
Executive Producer
루시와 마사 자매는 사형제도의 폐지를 주장하며 미국 중서부의 사형집행소를 방문하고는 한다. 그러던 어느 날, 루시는 어느 경찰관의 애인을 살해한 남자가 독살 형을 당하기 직전에, 해당 경찰관의 딸인 머시를 만나게 된다. 정의가 구현되는 순간을 지켜보기 위해 그곳을 찾은 머시에게 루시는 적이나 다름없음에도, 두 사람은 서로에게 끌리고 만다. 그렇게 적대적인 마음이 호기심으로, 또, 열정적인 신체적 접촉으로 이어진다. 루시는 언젠가 자신이 이러한 활동에 뛰어든 이유를 머시에게 털어놔야 한다고 다짐한다. 살인을 저지르고 사형집행일을 기다리는 아버지를 두었기 때문이라는 것을 말이다.
Executive Producer
While on an afternoon walk with their children, two small town reporters notice the military camped on a hilltop. Debating the possible significance of this activity, they answer their door when two unusual strangers come knocking and find themselves held hostage in their own home.
Executive Producer
A well-respected professor who is a celebrated novelist and loving husband loses himself when he becomes obsessed with an ambitious and talented student.
수어사이드 쇼
Executive Producer
흥행을 위하여 사람들이 자살을 하는 리얼리티 TV쇼가 제작되고, 진행자 조쉬 더하멜은 결국 "삶"과 "생명"의 소중함을 쇼를 통해서 알게 되면 더이상 쇼의 흥행이 아닌 인간으로서 모든걸 보기 시작하는데...
리메모리 - 기억추출
Executive Producer
동생의 마지막 유언을 기억하지 못해 괴로운 ‘샘’은 세계 최초의 기억 추출장치를 이용해 그 유언을 알아내고자 장치 개발자 ‘고든’의 곁을 맴돌기 시작한다. 그러나 어느 날, ‘고든’은 상처 하나 없는 의문사를 당하고 기억 추출장치마저 도난당해 그 행방을 알 수 없게 된다. 장치가 절실한 ‘샘’은 사건의 진상을 파헤치기 시작하는데…
더 파티
Executive Producer
비극을 코미디로 유쾌하게 풀어낸 [더 파티]는 현대 런던의 한 주택을 배경으로, 영화 속 시간의 흐름과 실제 상영 시간이 거의 일치한다. 자넷은 야당의 보건복지부 예비장관으로 승진한 것을 자축하기 위해 친한 친구들을 집에 초대한다. 이런 날 그녀의 남편 빌은 왠지 모르게 바빠 보인다. 친구들이 하나 둘 도착하고 근황을 나누면서 파티는 점점 무르익는다. 그 와중에 빌의 폭탄선언을 시작으로, 몇 가지 갑작스러운 폭로가 이어지며 사람들은 서로 대립한다. 샴페인으로 시작된 파티는 자기 자신뿐만 아니라 서로에 대한 환상이 걷히며, 바닥에 피가 낭자한 채 마무리된다.
Executive Producer
After the death of his wife, a man moves from Mississippi to a run-down Hollywood apartment, where he meets someone new.
Executive Producer
70년대 TV 리포터 '크리스틴'(레베카 홀)의 이야기. 상사는 시청률을 위해 범죄나 자극적인 소재를 더 다루라고 압박하고, 복통으로 찾은 병원에서는 불임을 선고받는다. 우울증에 시달리는 가운데 어떻게든 성공적으로 커리어를 이어보려고 고군분투하지만 마음처럼 되지 않는다.
더 컨퍼메이션
Executive Producer
A divorced father reconnects with his son when they track down a stolen toolbox over the course of a weekend.
Executive Producer
A young family find themselves in serious danger when they move to an isolated haunted house in the Yorkshire Moors.
The Christmas Pageant
Executive Producer
Vera Parks, an overly intense and demanding Broadway director, gets fired from yet another job, leaving her no choice but to take a gig directing a small town Christmas pageant in upstate New York. Stunned at how basic the production is, Vera attempts to back out, but is convinced by some of the locals to give their town a chance. To her surprise, the warmth and charm of the small town grows on Vera and she even enjoys the experience of directing the pageant. When Vera discovers her former fiancé Jack recommended her for the job, she is outraged. But over time Vera appreciates the gesture, as she grows close to both Jack and his young daughter. Will love stay in the wings this time around?
Annie Claus Is Coming to Town
Executive Producer
This year, Santa’s daughter takes her first trip away from the North Pole during the Christmas season hoping to find adventure and love in sunny California. While Santa watches his daughter through a magic snow globe, Annie arrives in L.A. and becomes friends with the owner of Candy Cane Inn, Lucy, and her daughter, Mia. She also quickly lands a job at Wonderland Toys. Wonderland Toys’ owner, Ted is struggling to stay in business selling old-fashioned toys in a digital world. Annie soon realizes that she wants Ted’s business to thrive because she has feelings for this Christmas traditionalist.
Love Begins
Executive Producer
Clark Davis adventurous dreams of seeing the world are put into jeopardy after he and a friend start a fight which damages a local cafe. Through a plea deal with the Sheriff and café owner Millie, Clark works off his sentence as a farmhand for the Barlow sisters, Ellen and Cassie. Older sister Ellen doesnt understand Cassies friendly nature with Clark; she agreed to the Sheriffs offer only because the farm has become too much to maintain alone. Clark is slowing winning Ellen over, but suddenly suffers a traumatic head injury in a fall. After Ellen nurses him back to health, her former fiancé returns to win her back. Will Clark travel on or stay behind where love begins?
Honeymoon for One
Executive Producer
A woman finds out her fiancé has been cheating on her so she ends her engagement just a week before the wedding. She embarks on an unexpected adventure when she goes on her honeymoon to a beautiful Irish castle estate - alone.
Executive Producer
The enchanted story of Pinocchio.
High Plains Invaders
Executive Producer
In the Old West an outlaw named Sam Phoenix is about to be hanged. But just before the noose tightens, the town is besieged by a lethal alien invader with a laser-shooting stingray and a crazy Sarlacc mouth. The townsfolk scramble but get promptly smoked, save for a handful of survivors led by Phoenix.
사랑은 집을 찾고
Executive Producer
이 속편에서 Lillian이 채택되었으며 몇 년 후입니다. 결혼하고 임신 한 Annie는 동료 의사 친구 인 Dr. Owen을 방문합니다. 오웬 박사는 간절히 아기를 원하지만 임신 할 수없는 것 같습니다. 릴리안은 양아버지의 비서 인 사랑에 대한 관심을 발견하고, 후자는 상당히 과잉 보호가되었습니다.
Black Widow
Executive Producer
Mel, a photo journalist, gets suspicious when her best friend Danny start dating Olivia a wealthy but mysterious woman. She enlists the help of her assistant in investigating Olivia's past and present occupation putting herself in danger.
The Deadliest Lesson
Executive Producer
A gang of violent teenagers uses detention class to get revenge on the teacher who identified a friend as the gunman in a deadly shooting.
Grave Misconduct
Executive Producer
A fledgling mystery writer sees an opportunity to advance her career after the death of a novelist/friend but faces dire consequences when a series of vicious murders occur that seem to implicate her.
Ladies of the House
Executive Producer
When three women are asked to refurbish a house for their church, they find that they must break down their own self-perception in order to build something together.
Swamp Devil
Executive Producer
SWAMP DEVIL is the story of young Melanie Blaime (Cindy Sampson) and her father Howard (Bruce Dern). After a long estrangement from her father for reasons not entirely clear, Melanie returns to her childhood home of Gibbington, Vermont to confront the realization that her father is wanted for murder. As Melanie digs a little more deeply into the stories of the past, she uncovers a tale wound about the town like Spanish moss, composed of secrets and lies, murder and revenge.
Depth Charge
Executive Producer
Jason Gedrick and Eric Roberts lead the cast of this thriller about a submarine captain who attempts to hold Washington, D.C. hostage for a billion dollars, and the heroic doctor who struggles to thwart the plan before the situation escalates.
Ring of Death
Executive Producer
On the inside, there are no rules. See what happens when Prison Officials Profit from Illegal fights.
Crash and Burn
Executive Producer
When undercover FBI agent Kevin Hawkins agrees to infiltrate the ruthless underground world of choppers, he is quickly thrown into a world of fast cars and high stakes. Pitted between a ruthless crime boss and cutthroat gangsters with a penchant for murder Hawkins must risk everything in the most deadly race of his life.
Final Approach
Executive Producer
FBI hostage rescue team leader Jack Bender has been sacked for not being a team player, and months later he finds himself in the ultimate hostage nightmare: stuck aboard a plane that's been taken over by a group of well-armed terrorists who threaten to detonate a nuclear weapon unless they receive a billion dollars
Mask of the Ninja
Executive Producer
In a heavily wooded private estate in the Malibu Hills, towering above the tumbling Pacific, millionaire CEO Kenji Takeo and his daughter, Miko, prepare for the arrival from Japan of Takeo's wife, Kumiko. But the calm of Solstice Canyon is shattered by a meticulously planned stealth attack on the Takeo home by a masked band of ninja assassins.
Prairie Fever
Executive Producer
A group of women contracted a strange fever and a former sheriff is responsible for taking them to the hospital in the nearest town, but in their way they will encounter a gang of murderers. His only hope is a woman whose beauty is matched only by his skill with weapons.
잃어버린 세계를 찾아서 2: 지구 속 여행
Executive Producer
쥴 베르느의 세계적 베스트셀러 ‘지저탐험(지구 속 여행)’을 원작으로 한 스펙터클 대작! ‘내셔널 트레저’ ‘인디아나 존스’ ‘미이라’... 그리고 지금 세계로부터 지구 중심으로 향한 더욱 위험하고 장대한 모험이 시작된다!! 세계의 모험가들이 꿈꿔 온 고대의 전설..일 년에 한 번 태양의 빛이 가리키는 수수께끼의 동굴에 지구 밑바닥 깊은 곳, 지구의 중심으로 이어지는 길이 있다. 그곳에는 상상을 뛰어넘는 세계가 기다리고 있는데...
Murder 101: New Age
Executive Producer
Criminology professor Jonathan Maxwell investigates a murder at a new age retreat where the leader is killed in a locked room surrounded by people in a deep trance.
Executive Producer
A set of vipers has been taken by scientists to mutate them to make a cure for cancer. As their experiment goes awry, the vipers escape into the woods - they're not only biting people, they're actually killing people, in a little town.
Finish Line
Executive Producer
Minor league stock car racer Mitch Camponella gets closer to his NASCAR dreams when he's hired as private mechanic to a millionaire importer. But Mitch's ambition comes with a heavy price when he realizes that his new boss is a smuggler who's using Mitch as a pawn in a deadly illegal arms trade.
Eye of the Beast
Executive Producer
This menacing monster yarn stars James Van Der Beek as government scientist Dan Leland, who's sent to investigate reported sightings of a giant squidlike beast that's put the entire population of a fishing village on edge. Though Leland starts his journey confident that this sea creature with an insatiable appetite is the stuff of old legends, a string of horrific occurrences soon begins to change his mind.
Black Swarm
Executive Producer
The widow, Deputy Sheriff Jane Kozik, moves from Manhattan to Black Stone, New York, with her daughter Kelsey Kozik. There she expects to find a safe place to live. The day after moving, a homeless man is found dead in the tool shed of Jane's blind friend Beverly Rowe. Devin Hall and the entomologist Katherine Randell are summoned to help with the investigation. Devin is Jane's brother-in-law and former boyfriend, and Jane still has a crush on him. Meanwhile, Kelsey befriends the scientist Eli Giles, who has developed genetically modified wasps to the army as a weapon, and now he is trying to revert the process. When the wasps attack Black Stone, Jane, Devin and Eli team-up to attempt to destroy the swarm.
All I Want for Christmas
Executive Producer
Tis the season for making dreams true. If everything goes according to plan for one young boy, he just may be sharing this Christmas with a new dad. Ever since her husband died, Sarah Armstrong has divided her time between working at a community center and caring for her nine-year-old son, Jesse. When Jesse wins the All I Want for Christmas contest sponsored by a toy company, his wish comes as no surprise to find a new dad. Just in time for the holidays, All I Want for Christmas is a surprise romantic treat for anyone who believes in the magic of love, friendship, and family.
Black Friday
Executive Producer
Amy Carlson is the woman in charge of a bank's security system. Two dirty cops (played by the slightly washed-up duo of Judd Nelson and Thomas Ian Griffith) kidnap her daughter and a friend to force her to open the safety deposit box of one of her bank's clients and give to them its content.
Executive Producer
When a mysterious black slime oozes up from the plumbing to infiltrate a new conference center, it causes attendees at an environmental convention who come in contact with it to have horrific hallucinations and nightmarish visions of past tragedies. Environmentalist priest Father Douglas Middleton must team up with conference coordinator Khali Spence to stop the slime -- or die trying.
What I Did for Love
Executive Producer
Call him a city slicker. Call him a tenderfoot. But don't call him a member of the family--yet. Rising L.A. lawyer James White is going home for the holidays with his fiancée, Sadie Ryder, to finally meet her family in rural Pine Gap. After blundering through a bad first impression, James attempts to win over Sadie's lawyer-loathing father Karl by pretending to be a horse-riding, hay-baling, game-hunting, seasoned square dancer. But a pair of worn jeans and a ten-gallon hat don't make a cowboy, and it's going to take more than mere posturing to charm Mr. Ryder... in fact, it just might take a miracle.
Executive Producer
‘디스크월드’의 ‘호그파더’는 산타클로스처럼 아이들의 소원들 들어주며 선물도 나눠주는 존재다. 그런데 감사원단은 자신들의 우주관과 불일치하는 호그파더를 제거하기로 결정한다. 그에 따라 암살자 조합의 우두머리인 다우니 경은 천재적인 미치광이인 티타임 씨에게 호그파더의 살인을 청부한다. 호그파더에 대한 사람들의 믿음을 유지하기 위해 데쓰는 빨간색 복장을 하고 수염을 달고서 호그파더의 역할을 대신하지만, 아이들의 소원을 제대로 파악하지 못해 일이 복잡하게 꼬인다. 한편, 데쓰의 손녀 수잔은 진짜 호그파더에게 무슨 일이 생겼는지를 추적한다. 뼈들의 성에 간 그녀는 숙취의 신 빌리어스를 만나는데, 믿음의 결여로 성이 무너지기 직전에 그를 구출해낸다. 뛰어난 유머 감각과 풍부한 지식으로 무장한 작가 '테리 프래쳇'은 디킨즈의 뒤를 이을 만한 풍자 작가로 꼽히고 있다. ‘호그파더는’ 프래쳇을 인기작가의 반열에 올려놓은 '디스크월드' 시리즈의 20번째 작품에 해당한다. 호그파더는 디스크월드의 산타클로스 같은 존재로 아이들의 소원을 들어주고 선물을 주며, 다른 디스크월드 시리즈에도 등장하기도 한다. 는 1983년 첫 권이 발표된 이후 올해 30번째 권이 나올 때까지 열광적인 팬을 전 세계에 걸쳐 거느리고 있는 영국 최고의 판타지 시리즈이다. 20년이 넘는 세월 동안 이 작품들은 연간 2,000만 부의 판매고를 자랑하며 서점의 베스트셀러 자리를 차지해왔고 컴퓨터게임과 게임북, 지도북, 일러스트집, 만화영화 등 다양한 미디어로 독자들을 즐겁게 해주었다. (EBS)
Executive Producer
An assassin working for the CIA decides to take one final job before quitting only to find out that he is the target of his CIA boss.
The Sitter
Executive Producer
A prosperous couple find the perfect live-in nanny but soon discover she intends to do her job to deadly perfection.
Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses
Executive Producer
Dr. Maxwell is called in to investigate the kidnapping of a prize race horse. When the case leads to murder, Maxwell and Detective Bryant suspect the horse's owner.
You've Got a Friend
Executive Producer
A recently-orphaned 12 year old boy moves to a new town to live with his aunt and uncle, and finds an unlikely mentor in the town loner, who helps him build the soap box racer he dreamed of crafting with his dad.
Jane Doe: How to Fire Your Boss
Executive Producer
Jane Doe sets out to track down a killer who is targeting fellow CSA agents.
사랑은 영원한 유산
Executive Producer
남편을 2년 전에 잃은 미시는 그를 잊기 위해 아들과 함께 부모님이 계신 고향으로 돌아와 교사가 된다. 다시는 사랑하기 힘들 거라는 그녀의 생각과 달리 "고아 열차"가 마을에 들리자 그녀는 비밀을 간직한 밝은 10대 여자아이 '베린다'를 입양한다. 그러다 베린다와 자신을 구해준 마을 보안관에게 마음을 빼앗기게 되는데...
Marco Polo
Executive Producer
Assigned to accompany two priests on a mission to convert the court of Kublai Khan to Christianity, Marco Polo is abandoned in the mountains when the priests, doubting the very existence of China, turn back. Polo eventually pushes bravely forth alone toward the fabled country where he is accepted as an envoy into Khan's court. Marooned on the far side of the world, Polo, accompanied by his servant, Pedro, advances as a Mongol grandee for twenty extraordinary years. What he eventually brings back with him to the West is a chronicle that changed history forever.
Love Is a Four Letter Word
Executive Producer
Margaret and Martin Harper, both sixty years old, are filing for divorce, but plan to keep everything as civilized as possible. Complications arise when their respective attorneys, the equally cynical Emily Bennett and Kenton Rhodes, unexpectedly fall in love, throwing an extra kink into the proceedings both in and out of the courtroom.
더 크리스마스 카드
Executive Producer
Sergeant Cody Cullen is deeply touched by a homemade Christmas card he receives while serving in Afghanistan. Upon his discharge, he treks to the picturesque California town of Nevada City. Cody is soon welcomed into the Spelman home and unexpectedly falls in love with the woman who sent the card, Faith.
사랑은 영원한 기쁨
Executive Producer
정착민 Missie와 Willie Lahaye의 계속되는 서부 여행. 그들의 뿌리는 이제 먼 서부에 농가를 세웠을 때 굳건히 심어 져 윌리가 부부의 어린 딸 캐시를 돌 보면서 아들 제프와 매튜의 도움을 받아 가족 목장을 확장하면서 가르치는 것에 대한 열정을 깨닫기 시작합니다. 프론티어 철도가 도시로 오면 Missie의 아버지 Clark이 오랫동안 약속했던 방문의 즐거움이 어린 Kathy의 비극적 인 죽음으로 갑자기 상쇄됩니다. 사랑하는 딸의 갑작스런 죽음이 미시와 윌리 사이에 감정을 불러 일으키기 시작하자, 황폐해진 아버지는 예기치 않게 강력한 사무엘 도로 스가 마을 보안관 역할을 맡 겠다는 제안을 받아들입니다. 그들의 믿음이 흔들리고 한때 뭉친 유대감이 갑자기 찢어졌고, 미시와 윌리는 아들 제프가 도로 스의 아름다운 딸 콜레트에게 절망적으로 빠지면서 일련의 위험에 직면하면서 무너져가는 가족을 다시 모 으려고 필사적으로 노력합니다.
Though None Go With Me
Executive Producer
Elizabeth Leroy devotes her life to serving God but her faith is tested over the years as she has to overcome many hardships and sorrows.
Desolation Canyon
Executive Producer
Following a bank robbery, the responsible gang stops by the home of one of their members and kidnaps his son. The sheriff enlists the aid of a retired gunfighter, who is the boy's grandfather. On the gang's trail, they find there are two bounty hunters also after the gang for crimes in Mexico.
포세이돈 어드벤쳐
Executive Producer
A cruise ship succumbs to a terrorist act and capsizes on New Year's eve. A rag-tag group of survivors, spearheaded by a priest and a homeland security agent, must journey through the upside down vessel and attempt an escape.
Executive Producer
A international science conference is held in Australia when Dr. Austin Shepard mysteriously disappears. Dr. Shepard's colleague, Christopher Richardson and other people are soon faced with the reality of an impending crisis and an attempt to keep the information from the public. While a full-blown supernova does not occur, explosions on the sun cause massive damage in Australia, and is shown often in Sydney and in various other cities and countries of the world.
Thicker Than Water
After the death of her father, Natalie Travers discovers he was married to a rodeo star before he married Natalie’s mother. Upset that her father kept part of his life a secret from her and bewildered over how a prominent judge could fall for a cowgirl, she sets out to find Maggie Mae Jarrett. But Natalie meets her daughter Jessie Mae Jarrett who is struggling to keep the wild horses on her land alive and safe.
패밀리 플랜
Executive Producer
Charlie MacKenzie is an ambitious young career woman who stretches the truth in a job interview by professing to be married with a family. But her little white lie leads to a great big problem when her new boss moves next door. Desperate to maintain her ruse, Charlie “borrows” her best friend’s daughter and scrambles to find a husband-for-hire. When a charming actor accepts the role, Charlie’s charade just may lead her to true love!
Arthur Hailey's Detective
Executive Producer
Detective Sergeant Malcolm Ainslie, a Catholic priest turned distinguished investigator for the police, has agreed to hear the confession of a convicted serial killer sentenced to death in a just a matter of hours. What he promises to reveal to Ainslie is the truth behind the crimes and the reason he confessed to the one crime Ainslie doesn't even believe he committed. What unfolds between the two men is a serpentine trail into both men's pasts based on the bestseller from master storyteller Arthur Hailey.
A Christmas Carol
Executive Producer
Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.
어 보이프렌드 포 크리스마스
Executive Producer
Holly Grant has learned a long time ago not to rely on Santa Claus leaving Mr. Right in her Christmas stocking. But Holly is in for a surprise when a handsome man arrives on her doorstep with a twinkle in his eye and Yuletide tree in tow.
The Hollywood Mom's Mystery
Executive Producer
Lucy Freers has a long-standing marriage, a nine-year old daughter, and a great family life in the suburbs of Hollywood. Great, that is, until the Hollywood set decides that motherhood is the newest way to go. When local neighbor Julia Prentice, the wife of a famous movie actor, adopts a baby in full view of the show-business media, the parenthood craze hits its peak. Soon after, Julia is found lying dead in Lucy's swimming pool, with Lucy and her husband labeled as suspects. Now Lucy must determine the truth to clear the name of both herself and her family.
Executive Producer
A traumatic event sends a musician back to her hometown in an effort to reunite with the daughters she abandoned. To do so, she must confront her abusive ex-husband, from whom she fled years ago.
Murder Without Conviction
Executive Producer
Recently released from her vows as a nun, Christine Bennett is discovering "life on the outside." After a visit to her mentally-handicapped cousin Gene, Christine becomes embroiled in the investigation of the murder mystery surrounding James and Edward Talley, twin savant brothers accused of killing their mother on Good Friday.
Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus
Executive Producer
Nick's plan to let fate bring his wife to him must be altered because he must replace his father as Santa Claus on December 26. Ernst, the right-hand man to several generations of Santas, generates a list of potential mates. Nick dutifully sets off to meet them, but fate may have a candidate after all.
Life on Liberty Street
Executive Producer
A nurse, trying to salvage her life after her husband and job are gone, winds up working in a halfway house full of mildly brain-damaged patients and receives help from those she helps.
Just Desserts
Executive Producer
Marco Poloni's family owns a bakery in the Bronx and it seems that they have fallen on hard times and his family is considering selling the bakery. Marco then decides to enter a baking competition hoping that the money and publicity will help them. But he needs a partner, so her asks Grace Carpenter, the baker of restaurant, but unfortunately they started off on the wrong foot, but she agrees. So they go to the competition and things seem to be looking good except for a few complications. One of the other contestant Jacques du Jacques is Marco's former classmate at the Academy, whom he says betrayed him. Emil, one of the judges, is Marco's former instructor at the Academy whom he did not leave a good impression on. And Marco's temper. So will they be able to pull it off. And at the same time Marco finds himself attracted to her but she already has a boyfriend.
The Lion in Winter
Executive Producer
King Henry II (Patrick Stewart) keeps his wife, Eleanor (Glenn Close) locked away in the towers because of her frequent attempts to overthrow him. With Eleanor out of the way he can have his dalliances with his young mistress (Yuliya Vysotskaya). Needless to say the queen is not pleased, although she still has affection for the king. Working through her sons, she plots the king's demise and the rise of her second and preferred son, Richard (Andrew Howard), to the throne. The youngest son, John (Rafe Spall), an overweight buffoon and the only son holding his father's affection is the king's choice after the death of his first son, young Henry. But John is also overly eager for power and is willing to plot his father's demise with middle brother, Geoffrey (John Light) and the young king of France, Phillip (Jonathan Rhys Meyers). Geoffrey, of course sees his younger brother's weakness and sees that route as his path to power. Obviously political and court intrigue ensues
캐롤 크리스마스
Executive Producer
Carol Cartman, a tempestuous talk show host, is a high-heeled, high-maintenance Scrooge. This insensitive, self-centered and stingy woman is about to experience a holiday she'll never forget.
A Time to Remember
Executive Producer
An artist and single mother returns to her childhood home to patch things up with her mother who has Alzheimers disease.
The King and Queen of Moonlight Bay
Executive Producer
Alison Dodge, a 17-year old raised by her mother, decides on her own to spend her last summer before college getting to know her father
Audrey's Rain
Executive Producer
Audrey Walker has given up her hopes and dreams, until an ex-love returns to town and helps her realize a second chance at life.
Out of the Ashes
Executive Producer
The real-life story of Gisella Perl, a Jewish Hungarian doctor imprisoned in the notorious Auschwitz death camp of World War II.
사랑은 살며시 다가오고
Executive Producer
때는 19세기 초반 미국 개척자들의 시대, 젋고 활기 찬 마티는 패기에 찬 남편 클램과 함께 새 땅과 행운을 찾아 서부로 떠난다. 그러나 그들의 희망 찬 행로는 클램의 갑작스런 낙마사고로 인한 죽음으로 중지되고 마티는 서부로 갈 수 도 동부의 집으로 돌아 갈 방법도 없는 암담한 처지에 놓이게 된다. 신앙심이 깊고 어려운 일이 있어도 꿋꿋이 변함없는 클락 데이비스는 그의 아내의 사망 후 어린 딸 미시를 돌보아야하는 일과 농장 일을 같이 할 수가 없어 도움을 원하고 있었다. 마티의 남편의 장례식을 마친 후 클락은 마티에게 이런 제안을 한다. 우리는 둘 다 도움이 필요하다. 자기의 딸 미시의 엄마만 되어 주면 내년 봄, 마차가 다시 움직이게 될 때 동부로 돌아 갈 수 있도록 하여 주겠다고, 선택의 여지가 없었던 미티는 결국 간단한 결혼 의식을 치룬 후 클락의 집에 머물게 되고 의무적인 가사일을 하며 미시의 엄마 역할을 시작한다. 하루 이틀 낯선 집의 주부로서의 생활이 익숙해지면서 마티는 미시가 자기 삻의 한 부분으로 되어 감을 점차 느끼게 되고 자기가 클램의 아기를 갖고 있음을 알게 된 클락이 자기 아이와 다름없는 태도로서 준비해 주고 도와주는 모습에 깊은 감동을 느낀다.
Straight From the Heart
Executive Producer
Jordan Donavan, a photographer in New York, is so disappointed when after five years of going steady Edward Morgan offers her not marriage but just to move in with him, that she accepts the match-making arranged via a magazine by her female friend with Tyler Ross, a horse rancher in the West, whose candidacy was actually also posted by his sister. After a bad start they soon grow closer.
Santa, Jr.
Executive Producer
While delivering toys, Santa's son (Nick Stabile) is arrested for trespassing. Dispirited, he turns for help to a public defender (Lauren Holly).
I Was a Teenage Faust
15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract isn't going to be easy at all.
Night of the Wolf
Executive Producer
Claire and her teenaged son, Jesse, along with their friend and ranch foreman Purly Owens, work the cattle ranch that Claire once shared with her husband who was killed in a ranching accident. As the over-protective Claire contemplates selling the ranch, a life-threatening accident strands her deep in the wilderness with only a wild wolf for company. While Claire and the wolf form an unlikely alliance in their struggle to survive, Jesse is forced to grow up fast as he races to evade poachers and rescue his mom before it's too late!
Roughing It
Executive Producer
A teenaged Mark Twain travels to the American West during the "Gold Rush" days in search of fortune and his destiny.
더 라스트 카우보이
Executive Producer
John William 'Will' Cooper is a modern-day rancher, maintaining his ranch in hard times along with his friend and foreman Amos Russell. When Will's estranged daughter Jake returns to the ranch for her grandfather's funeral, father and daughter clash over how to run the ranch and over the death years before of Jake's mother, which she blames on Will. Crisis comes in the form of insurmountable debt, and it is only by working together that Will and Jake have any chance of saving their home and their family.
David Copperfield
Executive Producer
After the death of his father and a second wedding of his mother, David Copperfield suffers from his tyrannical stepfather, Mr. Murdstone. The mother dies shortly after the death of another child, whereupon Mr. Murdstone sends David to London, where he has to work for a starvation wage.Here he makes some new friends, but soon flees from the capital of England to his aunt Traddles in Canterbury, where he is adopted by her.
They Call Me Sirr
Executive Producer
An inspirational story that celebrates the grit, perseverance and talent of Sirr Parker, the star footballer of Locke High School who then went on to play for San Diego Chargers and Cincinnati Bengals.
Walter and Henry
Executive Producer
Walter and his 12-year-old son Henry are a pair of New York City street musicians living at poverty level in an empty Brooklyn lot. When Walter has a nervous breakdown, it's up to Henry to find his father's long-lost family, including the grandfather and aunt he's never met.
Voyage of the Unicorn
Executive Producer
One day the Aislings find themselves magically transported to a ship called the Unicorn. Here, they discover that they've been chosen to fulfill an incredible quest! They undergo an incredible journey of discovery in strange lands with enchanted creatures, but find their voyage is really one of the spirit, as they each learn faith and the power of love.
Executive Producer
To be or not to be, etc.
Maxine's Christmas Carol
Executive Producer
Hallmark's popular greeting card curmudgeon is ready to turn Branson's gleeful Christmas season upside down with singing, dancing and, of course, the famous ghosts from Charles Dickens' lively tale.
Finding Buck McHenry
Executive Producer
When an 11 year old boy gets cut from his Little League baseball team, he sets out to form his own team.
Hard Time: Hostage Hotel
Executive Producer
A California congressman's wife and daughter are abducted and held hostage in a historic hotel. Logan McQueen is rushed to the scene to assist his former partner, Charlie Duffy, who has been taken captive trying to broker the ransom deal. McQueen must risk his life to face the cunning killer and save the hostages and his long-time friend.
Alice in Wonderland
Executive Producer
Alice follows a white rabbit down a rabbit-hole into a whimsical Wonderland, where she meets characters like the delightful Cheshire Cat, the clumsy White Knight, a rude caterpillar, and the hot-tempered Queen of Hearts and can grow ten feet tall or shrink to three inches. But will she ever be able to return home?
Hard Time: The Premonition
Executive Producer
Logan McQueen is an ex-cop serving a prison term for a bust that had gone awry. During his stint, he learns of a death row inmate that claims he can predict the details of the next violent act of a serial bomber. Once released from prison, Logan tries to find the identity of the bomber and stop him. His best course of action is agreeing to the inmate's request of a reunion with his estranged daughter before he is executed.
Rear Window
Executive Producer
Jason Kemp is a quadriplegic who passes the time spying on his neighbors from his window. By chance he catches one of them, Julian Thorpe, beating his wife and reports it to the police. He becomes certain that Julian has killed her, but fails to convince his nurse or his friends of any foul play.
The Tale of Sweeney Todd
The fictional tale of the murderous 19th century barber (Ben Kinglsey) who sold his kills to a neighboring butcher (Joanna Lumley) for her renowned meat pies. A young innocent (Selina Boyack) and the dashing inspector (Campbell Scott) who tries to solve the murders are also thrown into the mix.
The Ransom of Red Chief
Executive Producer
Two hoboes strike on a get-rich quick scheme to kidnap an overly-energetic 9 year old son of a local banker. Based on the classic story by O'Henry.
Rosamunde Pilcher: September
Co-Executive Producer
Verena Steynton is holding a party for her daughter. All the aristocratic families of Strathcroy in the Scottish Highlands are attending, with all their guilty secrets...
Black Fox: The Price of Peace
Executive Producer
After blaming Britt for his wife's decision to stay with the Native Americans who captured her, an abusive husband organizes a party of vigilantes to accompany him into Indian territory.
Executive Producer
The undying bond between a mother and her beloved son nearly destroys the lives of an entire family. Jessie Yates (Marlo Thomas) is torn between the ghost of her son and the life she has created with her husband and family.
The Ascent
Executive Producer
The real-life adventure of a dashing Italian soldier who escapes a British prisoner-of-war camp because he dreams of climbing 17,000-foot Mt. Kenya and planting the Italian flag at the summit. The obsessive British camp commander pursues him, and the two men are locked in a battle of wills, fuelled by honor and their love for the same woman.
Seasons of the Heart
Executive Producer
After her own daughter abandons her child, an ambitious and orderly publisher has little choice but to raise the grandchild as her own.
블라인드 스팟
Executive Producer
하원의원 넬 해링턴은 사위가 약물을 복용하고 운전하다가 사고로 숨지자, 정치의 꿈은 미룬채 그녀의 임신한 딸 피비와 함께 한다. 피비의 미숙아 출산으로 그 역시 코카인 중독이라는 것이 밝혀지자 피비는 약물을 끊기로 굳게 결심하고...
The Josephine Baker Story
Executive Producer
Biography of the African-American who became a major performer in the Paris cabarets of the 1920s and 1930s. The film follows her life beginning as a struggling performer in 1917 St. Louis, her frustrations leading to her move to France, and follows to her death in 1975. Written by John Sacksteder
Bump in the Night
Executive Producer
Martha "Red" Tierney used to be a hot-shot reporter, but that was before alcohol took over her life. One morning Martha's son, Jonathan, leaves for school, stopping first to meet his father for breakfast. But Jonathan never meets his dad. Instead, he is picked up by Lawrence, a pedophile who has been watching him. Now Martha must overcome her alcoholism and her bitterness towards her ex-husband and use her old investigative skills to find her son before it's too late.
브릿지 부부
Executive Producer
딱딱하고 고집 센 변호사 월터 브릿지(폴 뉴만 분)는 아내와 자식들을 얼음처럼 차갑게 대하며 가족들 위에 군림하는 독재자같은 존재다. 월터는 자신의 부인을 자신의 소유물로 여기고, 자식들을 철없는 어린애들로만 생각한다. 한편 월터의 아내 인디아 브릿지(조앤 우드워드 분)는 남편과 두 딸, 그리고 아들을 위해 자신을 희생하며 살아가는 헌신적인 어머니이다. 그녀는 그림 수업을 받기도 하고, 남편 생각으로는 '한심하기 짝이 없는' 친구들과 어울려 수다를 떠는 것이 유일한 낙이다. 남편이 바라볼 때는 한심해 보일지 몰라도 인디아는 늘 자신과 주변 사람들간의 정서적 거리감을 없애려고 노력하고 있다. 완고한 아버지에게 짓눌린 자식들 또한 순탄치 못한 삶을 살아갈 수 밖에 없다. 큰 딸인 루스는 잘 다니던 직장을 그만두고 배우가 되겠다며 뉴욕으로 가 버리고, 둘째딸 캐롤린은 홧김에 배관공의 아들과 결혼함으로써 자신의 반항심을 표출한다. 고지식하고 착한 아들 더글라스는 2차 대전이 발발하자 공군에 입대해버림으로써 아버지의 그늘을 벗어나고자 한다. 그렇게 자식들을 하나 하나 떠나 보내고 둘 만이 남게 되었을 때 인디아는 문득 남편이 자신을 정말 사랑했는지 궁금해진다. 아내의 질문에 월터는 "아니었으면 내가 여기 없겠지."라며 예의 퉁명스럽고 재미없는 말투로 답하지만 그것만으로도 인디아는 우여곡절 많은 세월을 보내며 남편이 조금은 다감해졌다고 느낀다.
아프리카의 열풍
An American paleontologist and a British miner get in a conflict over who has the rights to dig on a site in Kenya.
An animal-rights activist and his lawyer companion track leopard-hide poachers in Africa.
Trouble in Paradise
Following her husband Arthur's mysterious death, Rachel Baxley packs up her life as a State Department wife in Hong Kong and boards a freighter along with her husband's casket bound for the U.S. She begins to regret this decision when she meets one of the crew members, a handsome rogue named Jake Fontaine - who has smuggled his liquor above in Arthur's coffin! Suddenly, a typhoon hits and the freighter breaks apart. Marooned on a desert island with Jake they fall in love. Shortly thereafter, Jake comes to suspect that Rachel's "late" husband Arthur might not be dead at all. Rachel is stunned when Arthur arrives on the island with his heroin smuggling partners. In the ensuing chaos, Jake overcomes each of the smugglers and heroically rescues his new love, Rachel.
Margaret Bourke-White
Executive Producer
A biographical account of pioneering photographer Margaret Bourke-White's career.
니나의 죽음
Executive Producer
프랑스의 한 병원에 근무하고 있는 미국인 정신과 의사 이야기. 그녀가 요양원을 빠져나온 후 살인에 대한 진실과 놀라운 사실이 밝혀지는데.
April Morning
Executive Producer
A teenager grows up during the onset of the American revolution.
Leader of the Band
Executive Producer
Eddie is a down-on-his-luck bar pianist who has just been fired from another job. Desperate for work, he finds a school looking for a leader for its hopelessly incompetent marching band. Somehow, Eddie has to whip these kids into shape in time for the big band competition. Can he get them to march without tripping over their own feet, let alone win the contest?
새빨간 거짓말
Executive Producer
영국의 역 스파이에 대한 스토리. 그는 런던의 한 가정부가 그녀의 집을 은신처로 이용할 수 있도록 하지만 그의 진짜 목표는 그녀가 전혀 상상조차 못했던 것으로 밝혀지는데...
Two retired fishing buddies stumble on an unmarked suitcase filled with three million dollars in cash. Then the fun starts flying as fast as bullets.
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
A detective comes out of retirement to help his daughter's fiance prove that he did not commit a series of murders.
Lollipop Dragon: The Great Christmas Race
In Lollipop Dragon: The Great Christmas Race, the Lollipop Dragon and his friends must stop Baron Bad Blood from winning the Christmas Race and forcing everyone to eat his liver flavored lollipops on Christmas.
산타의 북극 마을
Executive Producer
마이클(폴 르 마트 분)은 석유탐사 전문가로 북극 지방 2개 지역에서 시추작업을 펼치고 있었다. 그러는 동안 아내 클로디아(재클린 스미스 분)와 아이들은 난쟁이 '에드'에게 이끌려 산타가 산다는 이상한 나라 북극 마을로 가게 된다. 그곳에서 산타클로스(아트 카니 분)는 B지역에서 석유시추 폭파 작업이 계속될 경우, 북극 마을은 모두 파괴되고 앞으로 산타클로스도, 성탄절 선물도 없어져 버릴것이라는 얘기를 들려주는데...
Lily in Love
Executive Producer
Insulted when his screenwriter wife writes a leading role for a younger man, aging Broadway idol Fitz Wynn disguises himself as a handsome young Italian.
The Long Ride
This movie is about the love and protection of a man from another culture for the lowly horsemen of the the plains in Hungary during World War II.
The Phantom of the Opera
The Budapest Opera House's diva commits suicide after the owner ruins her career for having rejected his advances but her conductor-husband, believed killed in a fire, plans his revenge on all those he deems responsible for her suicide.
A Private Battle
A dramatization of the story of noted writer/journalist Cornelius Ryan, author of "The Longest Day," and the valiant battle against terminal cancer that led him to write about his ordeal, with the help of his loving wife, while at the same time determined to complete "A Bridge Too Far," which he had spent years researching.