Eva Dahlbeck

Eva Dahlbeck

출생 : 1920-03-08, Saltsjö-Duvnäs, Stockholms län, Sweden

사망 : 2008-02-08


Eva Dahlbeck (8 March 1920 – 8 February 2008) was a Swedish actress and author. Eva Dahlbeck was born in Saltsjö-Duvnäs near Stockholm. She attended the prestigious acting school of the Royal Dramatic Theatre (in Swedish: Dramatens elevskola) from 1941 to 1944, and acted on the Theatre's stage from 1944 to 1964. She made her film debut in the role of Botilla in Rid i natt! in 1942. Among her most notable roles in Swedish films were the shrewd celebrity reporter Vivi in Kärlek och störtlopp (1946), the working-class mother Rya-Rya in the drama Bara en mor (1949); Mrs. Larsson, the warmhearted mother of seven in the popular children's film Kastrullresan (1950), and the young primary school teacher in Gustaf Molander's Trots (1952) (screenplay by Vilgot Sjöman). In the mid-1950s Dahlbeck was one of Sweden's most popular and successful actresses. She became internationally known for her strong female leads in a number of Ingmar Bergman's films, in particular his comedies Secrets of Women (1952), A Lesson in Love (1954) and Smiles of a Summer Night (1955). In the 1960s Dahlbeck moved away from acting as she started to write. She retired from the stage in 1964 and made her final appearance on screen in the Danish film Tintomara, released in 1970). She published several novels and poems in her native Sweden, and wrote the screenplay for Arne Mattsson's dark film Yngsjömordet (The Yngsjö murder) in 1966. Dahlbeck married Sven Lampell, an air force officer, in 1944. The marriage produced two children. She lived out the last years of her life in Hässelby Villastad, Stockholm, where she died at age 87. Description above from the Wikipedia article Eva Dahlbeck, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

프로필 사진

Eva Dahlbeck
Eva Dahlbeck

참여 작품

Minns ni?
A quick overview of Swedish film history, featuring a breathtaking cavalry of scenes from about 170 films.
Die Frauen in Ingmar Bergmans Filmen
Documentary about the Woman in Ingmar Bergman's Movies
A Day at the Beach
Cafe Proprietress
Bernie is a silver tongued wanderer with a fondness for drink and no clear goal in life. What was supposed to be a day of fun at the seaside turns to dust as he drinks his way through a seaside resort community, trailing his little niece Winnie.
People Meet and Sweet Music Fills the Heart
Devah Sørensen
A dancer and a Danish student meet on a train; she is going on tour to Rio, and he decides to follow her. Based on the novel by Jens August Schade.
Hagbard and Signe
The Queen
Seeking revenge against the rival clan responsible for the killing, Hagbard, the son of a slain Norse king, calms down long enough to establish a truce. He also falls in love with Signe, the daughter of his one-time enemy. Signe's former beau, sizzling with jealousy, breaks the truce and makes it appear that Hagbard was responsible.
Woman of Darkness
Sweden 1889. The young Per Nilsson has a very dominant mother, Anna Månsdotter. His father died many years ago and he and his mother have for a long time been in a incestuous relationship. But Per marries Hanna for the sake of her money and Anna is mean and evil towards her, and Per refuses to have sex with her. She starts to suspect that something is going on between her husband and stepmother.
Michele Quellec
소설가인 에드가는 차 사고로 큰 부상을 당하고, 그의 아내는 언어 장애가 생긴다. 그들은 이 사건으로 건강을 회복하기 위해서 그리고 계속 소설을 쓰기 위해서 한 작은 섬으로 떠난다. 그곳에서 에드가는 마을 주민들을 소설의 캐릭터로 재창조한다. 어느 날, 그는 기계공인 젊은 청년을 만들게 되고, 그들은 체스게임을 하다가 싸움에 휘말린다. 하지만, 모든 것은 남편의 환상 속에서만 존재하는 것임이 밝혀진다.
Anna Vade
The family of an old, loathed millionaire named Verner Vade are sick of his dictatorship, and are just waiting for him to fall over and die. When he is attacked one night and disappears, a nosey cops start to investigate. A few days later Verner comes home again, wounded, and is back to his old, angry routines. And the family have had enough.
The Cats
Marta Alleus
A group of women are workmates at a laundry. Rike is spreading a rumor about the manager Marta, a rumor that Marta is a lesbian and that she once tried to seduce Rike. This leads to an explosive situation at the workplace.
러빙 커플
Mrs. Landborg
세 명의 여성이 아기를 출산하기 위해 병원에 입원하고, 영화는 그들 삶의 근간이 되었던 결정적인 기억을 드러내 보인다. 어려서 고아가 된 안젤라는 페트라 숙모에게 집착하고, 학교에서는 동성애에 눈을 뜬다. 아그다는 어린 시절의 도피 생활과 젊은 시절의 자유분방했던 연애사를 떠올린다. 아델의 어린 시절 역시 불행하기만 하다. 짧았던 연애를 끝낸 후 그녀는 정략결혼을 한다. 그리고 하지 축제 전날, 세 명의 여성은 그들의 운명을 ‘해결’한다. 아델은 사산아를 출산하고, 아그다는 의사와 시시덕거리며 아이를 낳는가 하면, 안젤라는 극심한 진통 끝에 아이를 얻는다.
이 모든 여인들
남다른 여성 편력으로도 유명했던 첼로의 대가 펠릭스의 사망 소식이 전해지고, 장례식에는 그의 부인뿐만 아니라 수많은 애인들과 콘서트 매니저 그리고 비평가 코넬리우스가 자리한다. 코넬리우스는 자서전 때문에 펠릭스를 만났던 때를 떠올린다. 며칠이 지나도 펠릭스를 만날 수 없었던 코넬리우스는 펠릭스의 여인들과 이야기하며 그들의 사생활에 대해 알게 된다. 급기야 코넬리우스는 펠릭스를 만나기 위해 여장을 하기에 이른다. 베리만 특유의 우울한 정서를 잃지 않으면서도 얼마나 즐겁고 황홀할 수 있는지 보여주는 코미디. 자기중심적인 예술가 펠릭스와 아집이 센 평론가 코넬리우스 사이의 긴장과 갈등을 통해 예술가와 평론가의 관계를 담아냈으며, 혹자는 평론가들을 향한 베리만의 목소리가 담겨 있다고도 말한다.
누구를 위한 반역인가
Ingrid Erickson
Blacklisted in modern day WW2, a Swedish oil trader opts to assist British Allies, by means of infiltrating and surveying Nazi Germany.
Ticket to Paradise
Rita Carol
A young woman owns a garden center outside Stockholm. Her two employees, a Swede and an Italian, has private dreams and desires to meet. The Italian plan to take revenge on a fellow countryman.
Decimals of Love
Charlie Gedelius has spent the last years abroad as a golf trainer. In Copenhagen, Denmark, he meets young Lena, who happens to be his brother-in-law's mistress. He goes back to Sweden to meet his sister Astrid. Her son Staffan has borrowed money from a money-lender to pay for an abortion for a girl he has met.
Three Wishes
Oskar and Mona meet when they come to the Academy of Music to see if they have been accepted, he as a piano student, she a singing student. They become a couple and married but soon there are the frictions. Mona gets hundred crowns from her father, because he thinks she has become so charmless. For it, she buys a perfume called Three Wishes.
생명에 가까이
Stina Andersson
《생명에 가까이》(스웨덴어: Nära livet, 영어: Brink of Life, 영국 개봉명: So Close to Life)는 스웨덴에서 제작된 잉그마르 베르히만 감독의 1958년 드라마 영화이다. 비비 앤더슨 등이 주연으로 출연하였다. 1958년 칸 영화제에서 잉그마르 베르히만 감독은 감독상을 받았고 비비 앤더슨, 에바 달벡, 잉그리드 툴린, 바브로 히오르트아 오나스는 여우주연상을 받았다.
Summer Place Wanted
Ingeborg Dahlström
Married couple have romantic interludes in the summer, she at their summer cottage, him in the apartment in town.
Tarp's Elin
Elin Tarp
Elin Tarp is an unmarried mother with three children who lives a hard life in the countryside.
Last Pair Out
Susanna Dahlin
About the life of the student, Bo Dahlin. Bo's parents are divorced. Both have been unfaithful. Bo is engaged to Kerstin, but only has eyes for Anita. Anita is filled with self-disgust.
한여름 밤의 미소
Desirée Armfeldt
한 세기가 시작된, 어느 작은 마을. 중년의 변호사, 프레데릭 에게르만(군나르 비요른스트란트 분)은 자신보다 훨씬 어린 아내이자 두 번째 부인, 앤(울라 야콥손 분)이 자신을 남자가 아닌 아버지처럼 좋아한다는 사실로 인해 결혼 생활이 불만족스럽기만 하다. 결국, 프레데릭은 아내 몰래, 옛 연인이자, 배우인 데지레 아름펠트(에바 달벡 분)를 찾아가지만, 그곳에서 그녀의 현재 애인인 말콤 백작(야를 큘레 분)과 만나게 된다. 두 남자가 논쟁을 벌이는 중에, 데지레가 낳은 사생아의 아버지가 프레데릭임이 밝혀지고, 당황한 프레데릭은 데지레에게 아이를 키우기에 적합치 않다고 말했다가 따귀를 얻어맞고 만다. 프레데릭이 가고 난 후, 데지레는 말콤 백작과 말다툼 끝에 자유분방한 어머니를 찾아간다. 어머니는 아버지와 결혼 한 후, 비슷한 일을 겪었다고 말해준다. 데지레는 모든 문제를 풀기 위해, 하지 축제 이브에 친구들을 초대해 달라고 부탁한다. 데지레의 어머니는 마지못해 딸의 요청을 수락하고, 프레데릭과 아내 앤, 말콤 백작과 그의 부인 샬롯데, 그리고 프레데릭의 장성한 아들 헨릭과 하녀 페트라 등이 저택에 모인다. 저택에 도착한 손님들은 저녁 식사를 대접받는데, 음식 속에는 자극적인 사랑의 묘약이 섞여있다. 프레데릭은 아들 헨릭과 앤이 묘한 분위기라는 사실을 감지하고, 백작부인은 자신이 프레데릭을 유혹할 수 있다면서 남편과 여러 사람들 앞에서 내기를 건다. 그렇게 얽히고 설킨 관계들 속에서 에로틱한 저녁 식사가 진행되는데...
Ulla Karlsson
The two alcoholics Rudolf and Bertil gets fired from their jobs. For Bertil the story ends happily. He quits drinking and takes a job on a ship. For Rudolph it is worse. He can't kick the booze.
Susanne is a woman in her mid-30s and the owner of a modeling agency in Stockholm. She accompanies her prize model, Doris, on a trip to Gothenburg so that Doris can be photographed. While traveling, both women seek out romance, Susanne with a married lover and Doris with an older gentleman who sees his deceased wife in the young model. The two women struggle to understand their romantic motivations and in the process form an unlikely friendship.
Resa i natten
Birgitta Lundberg
Gösta is a lorry driver and has been married to Birgitta for eight years. Their marriage is only held together by their daughter. Gösta picks up girls along the roads and during a drive to Malmö he stumbles on the singing actress Irene. Gösta is captivated by her romantic presence and her joy of life. Besides picking up women, Gösta is sometimes affected by sudden seizures. His wife is unaware of this.
사랑 수업
Marianne Erneman
산부인과 의사인 다비드는 젊은 환자인 수산네와 아내 마리안네 몰래 밀회를 즐기고 있다 발각된다. 원래 다비드의 절친한 친구였던 칼과 결혼하려 했으나 결혼식장에서 그를 거절하고 다비드와 결혼한 마리안네는 다시 칼과 재회하려 한다. 다비드는 그녀를 쫓아 기차에 오르고 둘은 남남처럼 행동한다. 결국 마리안네와 다비드는 서로에 대한 사랑을 다시금 확인하고 사랑의 큐피드가 그들의 방을 지킨다. "기다리는 여인들"의 한 에피소드에서 발전된 작품이다.
The Mother
The story about the thief who didn't get crucified because Jesus was choosen to take his place.
"The Shadow" - Erik Vender is a librarian and married to Vivianne. Vivianne was previously married to a well-known lawyer who died when their daughter was very small. One evening, Vivianne asks Erik to read a novel draft "Skuggan/The Shadow". The content strongly touches Erik. Vivianne reveals that it is her ex-husband that wrote the script.
The Village
Wanda Piwanska
The Village (German: Sie fanden eine Heimat) is a 1953 Swiss drama film directed by Leopold Lindtberg.
여자들의 꿈
세 명의 여자들이 여름 별장에서 같이 휴가를 보내면서 그녀들의 남편들이 돌아오기를 기다린다. 그녀들은 과거에 있었던 결혼 생활의 상처들을 회상하면서 서로를 위로하는데... 첫 번째 회상자 라켈은 성적으로 만족스럽지 못한 결혼 생활을 하던 중 그녀의 전 애인이었던 카이(얄 쿨레 분)와 야외 사우나에서 사랑을 나누다 남편에게 들켰던 일을 얘기한다. 골동품 수집가인 그녀의 남편이 감정적으로 움츠러든 상태에서 그 현장을 목격한 것이다. 그리고 그는 정원의 오두막으로 물러나서 자살할 것을 결심한다. 그러나 그의 형은 부인이 없는 것보다는 부정한 부인이라도 있는 것이 낫다면서 그의 자살 충동을 단념시킨다. 이 에피소드의 화자는 이상하게도 그녀의 남편이 어린 아이와 다르지 않음을 보여준다. 두 번째 에피소드는 마따 부인의 연애담이다. 그녀는 온 가족의 반대를 무릅쓰고 파리의 예술가와 결혼을 감행해서 아기를 낳은 이야기를 한다. 이 이야기에서는 생생한 출산 장면도 재현된다. 세 번째 에피소드는 코믹한 요소가 강한 이야기로 베리히만 감독의 단골 배우인 에바 달벡과 군나르 변스트란드가 감정적으로 소원해진 부부로 등장한다. 사이가 멀어져 있었던 이들 부부가 어느 날 엘리베이터에 갇힘으로써 그들의 사랑이 다시 불타게 된다.
Ubåt 39
Maria Friberg
About U-Boat 39 the first U-Boat sunk in WW2 by the UK Carrier Ark Royal.
Caged Women
An apartment building with apartments for single women is the setting for Faustman's drama about a group of women struggling with life and love, in particular with Eva, mistress to a man whose wife Anna also lives in the building.
Helen of Troy
Intrigues and entanglements before Prince Paris wins the heart of beautiful Helena. It all happens in the small kingdom of Arcadia at the time of the Trojan War. Swedish version of Jacques Offenbach's operetta of the classic Greek myth.
Rolling Sea
"Rolling Sea" - After a longer stay at the hospital, the young Martin comes to Gothenburg and notice that his fiancee Sonja has met another man.
The Pot Journey
mamma Larsson
Based on the novel by Edith Unnerstad about a man, Pip Larsson, who invents a new kind of pot which makes a sound when the stuff you are cooking is ready. As he can't pay the bills he and his family get evicted but luckely they have a couple of carriages they can live in and travel round the country, selling the new kind of pots Pip Larsson has invented.
Jack of Hearts
Gun Lovén
Lieutenant Anders Canitz is a womanizer and gambler from the upper class. He has spent all of heritage and tries to get to his sister's money by engaging her to invest in a shady business project he is involved in.
Fianceé for Hire
Margit Berg
A secretary transforms their defunct legal agency into a service where you can get anything, from childcare to gardening to even a fiancée.
온리 어 마더
Maria, aka Rya-Rya
A poor woman in a Swedish farming community struggles to feed her large family and is torn by her passion for two different men.
Susanne Bolin
Marine Bo Fredriksson is travelling home on a leave. He reminisce about an accident he caused as a 12-year old which killed a young girl, an event that has made him feel revulsion for death. Back home he meets Eva, a girl he fancies and they move together to Stockholm to start a life together.
Flickan från fjällbyn
Isa, Eriks fästmö
Bad harvests and starvation makes northern Swedish farmers consider emigrating to the USA.
Lars Hård
Young drifter tells his story in flashback from prison.
Var sin väg
Karin Brofeldt
A drama about a doctor and his wife. She used to be an actress, but became a housewife when she married. When she resumes her acting career the marriage crashes.
The People from Simlangs Valley
Ingrid Folkesson
Two Women
Sonja Bergman
"Two Women" - Cecilia is in hospital after being subjected to an attempt on her life. Her husband is called to the hospital. Cecilia deliriously mentions a mutual friend. The husband seeks out the friend.
Meeting in the Night
A journalist is writing a critical article about the prison service in Sweden. The magazine's editor in chief does not agree with him and removes the article. The journalist then plans to fake a crime to gain knowledge about life in prison.
Love Goes Up and Down
Vivi Boström
Sixten reluctantly go to a ski resort in Åre to write a script to a movie.
Brita i grosshandlarhuset
Brita Månsson
Brita moves from the countryside and her parent's cabbage patch to work as a housemaid in Stockholm. The big city overwhelms her at first and she falls in love with a young man. But one day Arvid, an infatuated young man from the old village also comes to Stockholm to express his love for her.
The Serious Game
Dagmar Randel
Arvid share the love with a young woman named Lydia, but as is customary at the turn of the century, is not love enough for a fairy tale to come true. While Arvid struggling to create the basis for their existence, Lydia's thirst for the good life leads her to marrying an older wealthy man.
Räkna de lyckliga stunderna blott
The old Victor Branzell has a grandson, Alf, who is in love with a clerk in a glove shop, Lilian Lind. But Lilian with her simple background doesn't get accepted in the circles where Alf belongs, and they have now reached the conclusion that they can't have a future together. Marriage is impossible. Victor summons Lilian and Alf and starts telling them his life story.
Ride Tonight!
Oppressed by landowners, a peasant uprising ensues as an outlaw farmer refuses to pay taxes in this film adapted from Vilhelm Moberg's novel.