Sophie Vercruysse

Sophie Vercruysse

프로필 사진

Sophie Vercruysse

참여 작품

미친 인생
임신을 계획 중인 알렉스와 노에미. 그런데 알렉스의 우아하고 카리스마 넘치던 어머니 수잔이 갑자기 뭔가 이상하다. 자신이 바라는 아이와 통제 불가능한 아이가 되어 버린 수잔 사이에서 오는 괴리는 점점 커지고, 부부의 인생은 송두리째 뒤바뀐다. 역으로 부모를 육아하는 한 부부의 험난한 여정을 담은 영화!
La ressource humaine
오늘의 가족
대기업의 화물선을 관리하는 프랭크는 회사를 위해 모든 것을 헌신하고, 그 공로를 인정받아 고위직에 오른다. 그러던 어느 날, 항해 중이던 화물선에서 선원들은 난민을 발견하게 되고, 이에 프랭크는 회사의 이익과 인간의 도리 사이에서 고민하게 된다.
14살 소녀 포르투나는 에티오피아 난민으로 스위스의 한 시설에 임시로 머물러 있다. 부모와 연락이 끊겨 외로웠던 그녀는 26살 난민 청년과 사랑에 빠지게 되는데…. 이들의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가? (2018년 제5회 가톨릭영화제)
한때 이름난 가수였지만 이제는 잊혀져 파이공장에서 일하는 신세인 여성이 팬을 자처하는 젊은 복서와 사랑에 빠진다. 두 사람은 함께 재기를 꿈꾼다.
바덴 바덴
해외에서 영화일을 하려던 계획이 좌절된 안나는 고향 스트라스부르로 돌아온다. 할머니의 욕조를 바꾸고, 자두를 키우고, 포르쉐를 몰며, 그녀는 소소한 부분에서부터 삶을 조금씩 재구성한다. (2016년 제17회 전주국제영화제)
The White Knights
Jacques Arnault, head of Sud Secours NGO, is planning a high impact operation: he and his team are going to exfiltrate 300 orphan victims of the Chadian civil war and bring them to French adoption applicants. Françoise Dubois, a journalist, is invited to come along with them and handle the media coverage for this operation. Completely immersed in the brutal reality of a country at war, the NGO members start losing their convictions and are faced with the limits of humanitarian intervention.
Les brigands
Our Children
Young and full of life, Murielle has a promising future ahead of her when she meets and falls head over heels for Mounir. A wedding soon follows, and the happy couple quickly set about preparing to make a family. However, with family come ties, and none come as tight as that between Mounir and his adoptive father. As Murielle continues to bring new life into the family, frictions between Mounir and Doctor Pinget reach boiling point. Helpless to extract her husband and children from the wealthy nest that Doctor Pinget has provided for them, Murielle is drawn into an unhealthy family dynamic. There is only one way out of this nightmare, and for Murielle all sense of reasoning begins to abandon her.
Before Words
Private Lessons
An aspiring tennis player is taken under the wing of an established player as his family life falls apart.
Private Property
Pascale leads a lonely life with her adult sons François and Thierry at a rural estate subsidized by her ex-husband's alimony payments. When Pascale falls for neighbor Jan , she makes plans to move in with him. But Pascale's twin sons -- loafers who treat her like a servant and refuse to accept the responsibilities of adulthood -- won't let her go. The family remains locked in a stalemate until someone makes a startling move.
Ça rend heureux
The efforts of a Belgian director who has to stick posters of his film everywhere and harass crowds to get people to come and see his film. When it turns out to be a flop, he is jobless and his partner leaves him. An ironic account of rising director Joachim La Fosse’s directing debut.
Private Madness
Pascale leaves Jan to start a new life with Didier. Unwillingly, Jan accepts to get a babysitter for their seven year old son, Thomas. She leaves him at his family home where she now has to live with her new partner. But when Pascale comes to love with Didier, Jan is still there and refuses to leave the house and separate herself from her child. Very quickly, conflict explodes and in less than a day, the destiny of each character is turned upside down.
Today, seventeen-year-old Tatiana is not going to school. She has a far more important event planned with her friends: saying goodbye to the boy she’s not ready to leave yet.