Yoji Yamada

Yoji Yamada

출생 : 1931-09-13, Osaka, Japan


Yoji Yamada (山田 洋次 Yamada Yōji, born September 13, 1931 in Toyonaka City, Osaka, Japan) is a Japanese film director best known for his Otoko wa Tsurai yo series of films. He was born in Osaka. But because of the work of his father, who was an engineer for the South Manchuria Railway, from the age of 2 he was brought up in Manchuria. Following the end of World War II, he came back to Japan and subsequently he lived in Yamagata Prefecture. After receiving his degree from Tokyo University in 1954, he entered Shochiku and worked under Yoshitaro Nomura as a scriptwriter or as an assistant director. He has won many awards throughout his lengthy career and is well respected in Japan and by critics throughout the world. He wrote his first screenplay in 1958, and directed his first movie in 1961. Yamada continues to make movies to this day. He once served as president of the Directors Guild of Japan, and is currently a guest professor of Ritsumeikan University.

프로필 사진

Yoji Yamada
Yoji Yamada

참여 작품

Mom, Is That You?!
Akio Kanzaki’s job as head of human resources is wearing his nerves thinner and thinner. To make matters worse, he’s on the brink of divorce with his wife, and his relationship with his college-student daughter isn’t exactly smooth sailing. One day, he decides to drop in to Tokyo’s old-timey district to visit his mother Fukue. However, things seem a little off. His mother used to be always working with an apron on, but now she’s covered in stylish clothes, looking livelier than ever, and even in love! Akio becomes perplexed, feeling out of place in his own mother’s home, but after encountering kind, warm—and almost nosey—neighbors and a side of his mother he’d never seen before, Akio gradually starts to discover something he had lost sight of.
Mom, Is That You?!
Akio Kanzaki’s job as head of human resources is wearing his nerves thinner and thinner. To make matters worse, he’s on the brink of divorce with his wife, and his relationship with his college-student daughter isn’t exactly smooth sailing. One day, he decides to drop in to Tokyo’s old-timey district to visit his mother Fukue. However, things seem a little off. His mother used to be always working with an apron on, but now she’s covered in stylish clothes, looking livelier than ever, and even in love! Akio becomes perplexed, feeling out of place in his own mother’s home, but after encountering kind, warm—and almost nosey—neighbors and a side of his mother he’d never seen before, Akio gradually starts to discover something he had lost sight of.
속 아득한 산너머에서 부르는 소리
키네마의 신
도박을 좋아하여 아내(미야모토 노부코)와 가족에게 버림받은 남자 고우에게, "영화의 신"이 기적을 가져다주는 이야기. 과거 영화 촬영소에서 일하던 고우는 동료와 함께 꿈을 쫓고 있었지만, 두 사람이 식당의 아가씨(나가노 메이)에게 모두 연정을 품게 되어, 운명의 수레바퀴가 엇나가기 시작한다.
키네마의 신
도박을 좋아하여 아내(미야모토 노부코)와 가족에게 버림받은 남자 고우에게, "영화의 신"이 기적을 가져다주는 이야기. 과거 영화 촬영소에서 일하던 고우는 동료와 함께 꿈을 쫓고 있었지만, 두 사람이 식당의 아가씨(나가노 메이)에게 모두 연정을 품게 되어, 운명의 수레바퀴가 엇나가기 시작한다.
남자는 괴로워 - 어서와 토라
The 50th film in Tora-san series, using the old footages and newly shot scenes to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the series. The adult Mitsuo, Tora-san’s nephew, who runs into Izumi, his first love, whom he had once promised to marry. The familiar faces of Kurumaya Cafe, which Tora-san’s family ran in Shibamata, also return. Catching up with old friends, it is always their dearest memories of Tora-san which everyone shares on such occasions…
남자는 괴로워 - 어서와 토라
The 50th film in Tora-san series, using the old footages and newly shot scenes to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the series. The adult Mitsuo, Tora-san’s nephew, who runs into Izumi, his first love, whom he had once promised to marry. The familiar faces of Kurumaya Cafe, which Tora-san’s family ran in Shibamata, also return. Catching up with old friends, it is always their dearest memories of Tora-san which everyone shares on such occasions…
Seijo Story: 60 Years of Making Films
After meeting as college students in the cinema town of Seijo, husband and wife Nobuhiko and Kyoko Obayashi have gone on to direct and produce acclaimed films together for 60 years.
아득한 산너머에서 부르는 소리
2018년 봄의 홋카이도 나카시 베츠. 남편을 잃은 치에코(토키와 타카코)는 죽은 남편이 반대했던 완전 방목 낙농을 주변의 만류에도 지지 않고 계속하고 있다. 지난해 치에코 집안은 대폭적인 적자로 전락, 올해는 흑자로의 전환이 필사의 과제가되고 있다. 그러나 치에코을 둘러싼 환경은 벼랑 상태이다. 같이 일하는 시아버지의 지병이 악화 돼 모든 것이 치에코의 어깨를 무겁게 짓누르고있기 때문이다. 그러던 어느날, 폭풍우 치는 밤에 자전거 고장으로 집안의 목장에 하룻밤 숙소를 구하러 온 남자(아베 히로시)가 치에코 앞에 갑자기 나타났다. 그리고 이어지는 그의 말 "여기서 일하게 해주십시오!" 그들의 운명은 어떻게 될것인가?
The Akazas are a blue-collar family living in a working-class neighborhood of Tokyo. Older brother Inosuke is a carpenter who works for his father Shinobu's construction business. Younger sister Momoko is a truckdriver. Passions run high in the Akaza household and the two siblings are constantly bickering. One day, Momoko reveals she had a miscarriage but refuses to say who the father is.
가족은 괴로워 3
3세대가 함께 사는 '히라타'네 집. 안주인인 후미에가 자식 둘에 남편, 시부모와 함께 살고 있다. 어느 날 , 집에 도둑이 들면서 냉장고에 숨겨두었던 비상금을 털리게 되는데, "내가 번 돈으로 비상금을 만들었냐"는 남편의 호통에 그간 쌓였던 불만과 함께 폭발하면서 '후미에'는 집을 뛰쳐나간다. 집안 주부가 사라진 히라타네 집, 대혼란을 겪게 되는데...
가족은 괴로워 3
3세대가 함께 사는 '히라타'네 집. 안주인인 후미에가 자식 둘에 남편, 시부모와 함께 살고 있다. 어느 날 , 집에 도둑이 들면서 냉장고에 숨겨두었던 비상금을 털리게 되는데, "내가 번 돈으로 비상금을 만들었냐"는 남편의 호통에 그간 쌓였던 불만과 함께 폭발하면서 '후미에'는 집을 뛰쳐나간다. 집안 주부가 사라진 히라타네 집, 대혼란을 겪게 되는데...
가족은 괴로워 2
히라타 슈조(하시즈메 이사오)와 부인 토미코 이혼 소동에서 몇 년 후. 장남 고노스케 부부는 고령자 위험 운전을 걱정하고 슈조에게 운전 면허를 내놓으라고 하지만, 완고한 슈조는 운전을 멈추지 않는다. 장남은 결국 동생 부부들에게 이 역할을 떠밀어 버리고.. 하라타 식구들은 다시 불온한 분위기에 휩싸이게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 슈조가 술집 여주인 카요(후부키 준)와 드라이브 하던 중 고향 히로시마 동급생 마루타(고바야시 넨지)와 40년 만에 조우. 술을 주고받다 마루타를 집으로 초대. 그가 집에 머물면서 히라타 가에는 새로운 소동이 일어나게 되는데???
가족은 괴로워 2
히라타 슈조(하시즈메 이사오)와 부인 토미코 이혼 소동에서 몇 년 후. 장남 고노스케 부부는 고령자 위험 운전을 걱정하고 슈조에게 운전 면허를 내놓으라고 하지만, 완고한 슈조는 운전을 멈추지 않는다. 장남은 결국 동생 부부들에게 이 역할을 떠밀어 버리고.. 하라타 식구들은 다시 불온한 분위기에 휩싸이게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 슈조가 술집 여주인 카요(후부키 준)와 드라이브 하던 중 고향 히로시마 동급생 마루타(고바야시 넨지)와 40년 만에 조우. 술을 주고받다 마루타를 집으로 초대. 그가 집에 머물면서 히라타 가에는 새로운 소동이 일어나게 되는데???
동경가족: 두 번째 이야기
일평생 남부럽지 않게 잘 살았다고 생각했던 히라타에게 어느 날 아내가 느닷없이 이혼장을 내민다. 40년을 넘게 지금껏 살아왔는데 이제 와서 청천벽력 같은 황혼 이혼이라니… 큰아들 코이치는 긴급 가족회의를 소집하고, 가족들이 모두 정신 없는 와중에 하필이면 막내아들 쇼타가 결혼을 약속한 노리코를 소개하기 위해 집에 데려오게 되는데… 평범하기 그지없던 가족에게 닥친 인생 최대의 위기! 우리 이대로 괜찮은 걸까요?
동경가족: 두 번째 이야기
일평생 남부럽지 않게 잘 살았다고 생각했던 히라타에게 어느 날 아내가 느닷없이 이혼장을 내민다. 40년을 넘게 지금껏 살아왔는데 이제 와서 청천벽력 같은 황혼 이혼이라니… 큰아들 코이치는 긴급 가족회의를 소집하고, 가족들이 모두 정신 없는 와중에 하필이면 막내아들 쇼타가 결혼을 약속한 노리코를 소개하기 위해 집에 데려오게 되는데… 평범하기 그지없던 가족에게 닥친 인생 최대의 위기! 우리 이대로 괜찮은 걸까요?
어머니와 살면
1948 년 8 월 9 일. 나가사키에서 산파를 사는 노부코 전에 3 년 전에 원폭으로 잃은 것의 아들 코지가 느닷없이 나타난다. "엄마는 포기가 나쁘기 때문에 좀처럼 나오지되지 못 했어." 그날부터 코지는 때때로 노부코 앞에 나타나게된다. 두 사람은 많은 이야기를하지만, 가장 큰 관심은 코지의 연인 마치코의 것이었다.
어머니와 살면
1948 년 8 월 9 일. 나가사키에서 산파를 사는 노부코 전에 3 년 전에 원폭으로 잃은 것의 아들 코지가 느닷없이 나타난다. "엄마는 포기가 나쁘기 때문에 좀처럼 나오지되지 못 했어." 그날부터 코지는 때때로 노부코 앞에 나타나게된다. 두 사람은 많은 이야기를하지만, 가장 큰 관심은 코지의 연인 마치코의 것이었다.
700 Days with Ryuichi Sakamoto
작은 집
타키는 도쿄의 교외에 위치한 작은 붉은 지붕 집에서 하녀로 일한다. 세월이 지나 노인이 된 타키는 작은 집에서의 기억을 회상하며 당시의 이야기를 적는다. 아름다운 사모님 도키코와 그녀의 남편, 그리고 사랑스러운 아들의 평화로운 가정 생활, 거기에 감춰진 사모님의 안타까운 사랑. 타키가 죽고 난 후 그녀의 친척 청년 다케시는 그녀의 유품을 정리하다가 봉인된 편지가 들어있는 봉투를 발견한다. 이로써 60년 동안 철저히 감춰진, 붉은 지붕 아래서 일어난 은밀한 비밀이 밝혀지는데...
작은 집
타키는 도쿄의 교외에 위치한 작은 붉은 지붕 집에서 하녀로 일한다. 세월이 지나 노인이 된 타키는 작은 집에서의 기억을 회상하며 당시의 이야기를 적는다. 아름다운 사모님 도키코와 그녀의 남편, 그리고 사랑스러운 아들의 평화로운 가정 생활, 거기에 감춰진 사모님의 안타까운 사랑. 타키가 죽고 난 후 그녀의 친척 청년 다케시는 그녀의 유품을 정리하다가 봉인된 편지가 들어있는 봉투를 발견한다. 이로써 60년 동안 철저히 감춰진, 붉은 지붕 아래서 일어난 은밀한 비밀이 밝혀지는데...
작은 섬에 살고 있는 히라야마 부부가 자식들과 만나기 위해 동경에 상경한다. 의사인 큰아들 코이치와 미용실을 운영하는 둘째 딸 시게코는 갑작스런 노부부의 방문을 부담스러워하고, 바쁘다는 핑계로 호텔 숙박을 권유하는 등 소홀히 대한다. 노부부의 철없는 막내아들 쇼지만이 여자친구 노리코와 함께 그들을 따뜻하게 보살피지만, 예기치 않은 사건으로 가족에게 위기가 닥치는데..
작은 섬에 살고 있는 히라야마 부부가 자식들과 만나기 위해 동경에 상경한다. 의사인 큰아들 코이치와 미용실을 운영하는 둘째 딸 시게코는 갑작스런 노부부의 방문을 부담스러워하고, 바쁘다는 핑계로 호텔 숙박을 권유하는 등 소홀히 대한다. 노부부의 철없는 막내아들 쇼지만이 여자친구 노리코와 함께 그들을 따뜻하게 보살피지만, 예기치 않은 사건으로 가족에게 위기가 닥치는데..
The Yellow Handkerchief
Set in Hokkaido, revolving around an ex-convict named Shima Yusaku (Abe) who has just been released from prison. Along with two young strangers that he meets, he sets out on a journey back to where his wife is, uncertain of what awaits him. Horikita Maki (22) and Hamada Gaku (23) will play the two strangers (originally played by Momoi Kaori and Takeda Tetsuya), while Natsukawa Yui will play the wife (originally Baisho Chieko).
교토 이야기
Kyoko is a university librarian and she also helps her parents with their drycleaning company. She is involved with a childhood friend from the neighborhood, Kota. He is the son of the local tofu maker and has begun a moderately successful career as a stand-up comedian. A visiting lecturer from Tokyo falls head-over-heels in love with Kyoko and asks her to go abroad with him to Beijing, where he has to spend the next few years for his research. But Kyoko cannot decide.
교토 이야기
Kyoko is a university librarian and she also helps her parents with their drycleaning company. She is involved with a childhood friend from the neighborhood, Kota. He is the son of the local tofu maker and has begun a moderately successful career as a stand-up comedian. A visiting lecturer from Tokyo falls head-over-heels in love with Kyoko and asks her to go abroad with him to Beijing, where he has to spend the next few years for his research. But Kyoko cannot decide.
교토 이야기
Kyoko is a university librarian and she also helps her parents with their drycleaning company. She is involved with a childhood friend from the neighborhood, Kota. He is the son of the local tofu maker and has begun a moderately successful career as a stand-up comedian. A visiting lecturer from Tokyo falls head-over-heels in love with Kyoko and asks her to go abroad with him to Beijing, where he has to spend the next few years for his research. But Kyoko cannot decide.
일찍 남편을 여윈 긴코(요시나가 사유리)는 도쿄의 한 상점가에 있는 약국을 혼자 힘으로꾸려 나가며 외동딸 코하루(아오이 유우), 시어머니 기누요(가토 하루코)와 함게 살아가고 있다. 엘리트 의사와 코하루의 결혼식 날이 정해져, 가족 모두 행복에 젖어 결혼식날을 기다리고 있는데 결혼식 당일 긴코의 남동생 테츠로(효후쿠테이 쓰루베)가 나타나 술에취해 피로연을 엉망으로 만들어 버리고 만다.
일찍 남편을 여윈 긴코(요시나가 사유리)는 도쿄의 한 상점가에 있는 약국을 혼자 힘으로꾸려 나가며 외동딸 코하루(아오이 유우), 시어머니 기누요(가토 하루코)와 함게 살아가고 있다. 엘리트 의사와 코하루의 결혼식 날이 정해져, 가족 모두 행복에 젖어 결혼식날을 기다리고 있는데 결혼식 당일 긴코의 남동생 테츠로(효후쿠테이 쓰루베)가 나타나 술에취해 피로연을 엉망으로 만들어 버리고 만다.
Free and Easy 20: Final
Set in Tokyo in 1940, the peaceful life of the Nogami Family suddenly changes when the father, Shigeru, is arrested and accused of being a Communist. His wife Kayo works frantically from morning to night to maintain the household and bring up her two daughters with the support of Shigeru's sister Hisako and Shigeru's ex-student Yamazaki, but her husband does not return. WWII breaks out and casts dark shadows on the entire country, but Kayo still tries to keep her cheerful determination, and sustain the family with her love. This is an emotional drama of a mother and an eternal message for peace.
Set in Tokyo in 1940, the peaceful life of the Nogami Family suddenly changes when the father, Shigeru, is arrested and accused of being a Communist. His wife Kayo works frantically from morning to night to maintain the household and bring up her two daughters with the support of Shigeru's sister Hisako and Shigeru's ex-student Yamazaki, but her husband does not return. WWII breaks out and casts dark shadows on the entire country, but Kayo still tries to keep her cheerful determination, and sustain the family with her love. This is an emotional drama of a mother and an eternal message for peace.
무사의 체통
미무라 신노죠는 쇼군의 밥에 독이 있는지 검사하는 '독미(毒味)' 사무라이다. 그는 자신이 하는 일에 회의를 느끼고, 동네 아이들에게 검술을 가르치는 일을 하고 싶다는 꿈을 꾸고 있다. 하지만, 어느 날 신노죠는 독미관을 하는 도중 독을 먹고 심한 열병을 앓다 깨어난다. 그리고 시력을 잃게 된다. 신노죠를 걱정한 아내 카요는 신노죠의 앞으로의 일을 부탁하기 위해서 마을의 고관 시마다를 찾아지만 시마다는 그녀의 부탁을 들어주는 대신 그녀에게 반강제적인 성상납을 강요하고, 이를 오해한 신노죠는 아내와 이혼을 하기에 이른다. 하지만 이후 썩어빠진 고위간부가 아내를 농락했다는 사실을 알게 된 신노죠는 시마다에게 결투장을 보내게 되는데.
무사의 체통
미무라 신노죠는 쇼군의 밥에 독이 있는지 검사하는 '독미(毒味)' 사무라이다. 그는 자신이 하는 일에 회의를 느끼고, 동네 아이들에게 검술을 가르치는 일을 하고 싶다는 꿈을 꾸고 있다. 하지만, 어느 날 신노죠는 독미관을 하는 도중 독을 먹고 심한 열병을 앓다 깨어난다. 그리고 시력을 잃게 된다. 신노죠를 걱정한 아내 카요는 신노죠의 앞으로의 일을 부탁하기 위해서 마을의 고관 시마다를 찾아지만 시마다는 그녀의 부탁을 들어주는 대신 그녀에게 반강제적인 성상납을 강요하고, 이를 오해한 신노죠는 아내와 이혼을 하기에 이른다. 하지만 이후 썩어빠진 고위간부가 아내를 농락했다는 사실을 알게 된 신노죠는 시마다에게 결투장을 보내게 되는데.
출구 없는 바다
요코야마 히데오씨의 원작 소설의 영화화한 작품.
낚시바보일지 16: 하마자키는 오늘도 되는게 없다♪♪
Hama-chan meets a friendly US soldier on a trip to Nagasaki with Su-san. Su-san returns to Tokyo and is informed that Hama-chan has gone missing.
숨겨진 검, 오니노츠메
키타기리 무네조는 어머니와 누나, 그리고 키에와 함께 행복한 생활을 하고 있었다. 어머니가 돌아가신 후, 누나도 하급무사에게 시집을 가고, 키에 역시 혼담이 성사되자 무네조는 번에 들어가 서양 전술을 배우기 시작한다. 그러던 어느 날, 어머니의 3주기를 맞은 키타기리는 추모 모임에서 돌아오던 중 키에가 쓰러졌다는 소식을 듣게 된다. 창고에서 키에를 발견한 키타기리는 그녀를 자신의 집으로 데려와 간호하고, 예전과 같은 행복한 생활이 시작된다. 그러나 무네조의 친구인 야이치로가 반역의 주동자로 극형에 처해지자 스승인 토다는 무네조에게 비검인 오니노츠메를 전해주는데...
숨겨진 검, 오니노츠메
키타기리 무네조는 어머니와 누나, 그리고 키에와 함께 행복한 생활을 하고 있었다. 어머니가 돌아가신 후, 누나도 하급무사에게 시집을 가고, 키에 역시 혼담이 성사되자 무네조는 번에 들어가 서양 전술을 배우기 시작한다. 그러던 어느 날, 어머니의 3주기를 맞은 키타기리는 추모 모임에서 돌아오던 중 키에가 쓰러졌다는 소식을 듣게 된다. 창고에서 키에를 발견한 키타기리는 그녀를 자신의 집으로 데려와 간호하고, 예전과 같은 행복한 생활이 시작된다. 그러나 무네조의 친구인 야이치로가 반역의 주동자로 극형에 처해지자 스승인 토다는 무네조에게 비검인 오니노츠메를 전해주는데...
낚시바보일지 14: 순례자 대소동!
Hama-chan's supervisor is promoted after many frustrating years with his wayward, fishing-obsessed underling, and Hama-chan's new boss naively tries to retrain him. Later, Su-san and Hama-chan go on a business trip, where they meet a beautiful, warm-hearted truck driver.
황혼의 사무라이
하급 무사인 이구치 세이베에는 가족들을 돌보기 위해 일과가 끝나면 동료들과 어울리지도 않고 곧장 집으로 돌아간다. 친구들은 이런 그를 황혼의 세이베에라며 놀리지만 그는 아랑곳하지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날, 세이베에는 옛친구인 이이누마와 재회하고 그의 여동생인 토모에가 친정에 돌아와 있다는 사실을 전해듣는다. 그리고 우연한 기회에 토모에의 남편과 결투를 하게 된 세이베에는 그를 간단히 제압하여 이름을 알리게 된다. 남편의 학대를 받고 살아오던 토모에는 이 일을 계기로 세이베에와 가까워지는데...
황혼의 사무라이
하급 무사인 이구치 세이베에는 가족들을 돌보기 위해 일과가 끝나면 동료들과 어울리지도 않고 곧장 집으로 돌아간다. 친구들은 이런 그를 황혼의 세이베에라며 놀리지만 그는 아랑곳하지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날, 세이베에는 옛친구인 이이누마와 재회하고 그의 여동생인 토모에가 친정에 돌아와 있다는 사실을 전해듣는다. 그리고 우연한 기회에 토모에의 남편과 결투를 하게 된 세이베에는 그를 간단히 제압하여 이름을 알리게 된다. 남편의 학대를 받고 살아오던 토모에는 이 일을 계기로 세이베에와 가까워지는데...
낚시바보일지 13: 하마씨 위기일발!
When unexpected trouble arises with an account Hama-chan brought in, he's sent to Toyama with his beautiful colleague to fix the problem.
낚시바보일지 12: 사상최대의 유급휴가
Mr. Takano, a company employee, announces plans to take an early retirement so he can return to his home town and spend his days fishing. Su-san and Hama-chan envy his decision, and Hama-chan conspires to visit Takano, even though he has no vacation time left.
A Class to Remember 4: Fifteen
Bored with school, 15-year-old Daisuke Kawashima embarks on a pilgrimage to visit the 7,000-year-old cedar tree on distant Yakushima Island. Through his journey, Daisuke meets a number of interesting people, including friendly truck driver Sumire and a mysterious mountaineer girl.
Free and Easy: Samurai Edition
A traveling ronin perceived as a fool impresses a samurai leader with his fishing skills and gains employment.
A Class to Remember III: The New Voyage
A widow who has single-handedly raised her autistic son loses her job and begins attending a technical college to gain new qualifications. She meets others looking for a new start in life, including a former salaryman with whom she begins a furtive romance...
A Class to Remember III: The New Voyage
A widow who has single-handedly raised her autistic son loses her job and begins attending a technical college to gain new qualifications. She meets others looking for a new start in life, including a former salaryman with whom she begins a furtive romance...
낚시바보일지 10
Su-san resigns after getting fed up with corporate life, but he finds himself back in familiar surroundings on his first assignment at a new job.
Otoko wa Tsurai yo: Torajirou Wasurenagusa
Anime adaptation of the "Otoko wa Tsurai yo (It's tough being a man)" film series by Youji Yamada. Kuruma Torajirou (or Tora-san), a traveling salesman whose sole possessions include only the contents of a small suitcase, the clothes on his back and some pocket money, wanders from town to town peddling his wares.
The Rainbow Seeker 2
The Rainbow Seeker 2
Tora-san's Tropical Fever Special Version
Carrying a bag full of samples, Mitsuo makes rounds to shoe stores in remote cities. While staying at budget hotels, his thoughts turn to Tora-san.
Tora-san's Tropical Fever Special Version
Carrying a bag full of samples, Mitsuo makes rounds to shoe stores in remote cities. While staying at budget hotels, his thoughts turn to Tora-san.
Shin Salaryman Senka
Based on the long running manga by Sadao Shouji.
Salaryman Senka: Tanshin Funin
Based on the long running manga of the same name by Sadao Shouji.
The Rainbow Seeker
A young man fails his company entrance exams and leaves home to work at a run-down cinema in Tokushima, whose owner lives to bring entertaining films to the residents of his small town.
The Rainbow Seeker
A young man fails his company entrance exams and leaves home to work at a run-down cinema in Tokushima, whose owner lives to bring entertaining films to the residents of his small town.
학교 2
류베쓰 장애인 고등학교의 선생님과 학생들을 따라 전개되는 이야기이다.
학교 2
류베쓰 장애인 고등학교의 선생님과 학생들을 따라 전개되는 이야기이다.
낚시바보일지 8
When Su-san invites his late friend's daughter to come along on a fishing trip, she falls in love with Hama-chan's fishing protégé.
Salaryman Senka
Based on the manga by Sadao Jouji which has been running in the magazine Shukan Gendai since 1969.
Tora-san to the Rescue
Tora-san works hard to bring together his nephew, Mitsuo, and Mitsuo’s girlfriend who is engaged to someone else.
시간의 빛
Yuka came to work as an intern nurse at a hospital and she met Shunichi again. They were school friends, and she liked him. But, she found out that Shunichi had an osteosarcoma.
낚시바보일지 7
Hama-chan and Su-san meet a charming woman on a fishing trip, but forget to ask her name. Days later, Hama-chan sees her again at a dentist's office.
Tora-san's Easy Advice
Mitsuo, unhappy in his new job as a shoe salesman, is invited to a festival and is introduced to a friend’s sister. Tora-san meanwhile helps an injured housewife on her yearly vacation.
Free and Easy Special
Approached by a friend about a matchmaking arrangement, Su-san goes to Hama-chan's home seeking help. Hama-chan is away on a business trip, but Michiko entertains Su-san late into the night. When he gets drunk and ends up spending the night, Hama-chan, begins to question his boss's relationship with Michiko.
낚시바보일지 6
Hama-chan and Su-san go fishing during a business trip, but Hama-chan has to give a lecture on Su-san's behalf in a case of mistaken identity.
Tora-san's Matchmaker
After failing to find a job, Mitsuo becomes a fisherman on a small island, and develops a crush on a young nurse there. Tora-san, dispatched to bring Mitsuo back home, himself falls in love with an attractive but troubled woman visiting her father.
A Class to Remember
A cantankerous but loveable high school teacher teaches a night school in a poor neighborhood for adult students on the fringes of Japanese society.
A Class to Remember
A cantankerous but loveable high school teacher teaches a night school in a poor neighborhood for adult students on the fringes of Japanese society.
낚시바보일지 5
Hama-chan shows up to work with his son on his back when his wife goes to her class reunion and his mother throws her back out.
Tora-san Makes Excuses
Tora-san Makes Excuses is a 1992 Japanese comedy film directed by Yoji Yamada. It stars Kiyoshi Atsumi as Torajirō Kuruma (Tora-san), and Kumiko Goto as his love interest or "Madonna".
낚시바보일지 4
Hama-chan and his wife are ecstatic about their long-awaited pregnancy. Meanwhile, Su-san's nephew joins Hama-chan's department at the company.
Tora-san Confesses
When Izumi can't stand seeing her mother flirt with other men, she leaves home. She sends a letter to Mitsuo and Mitsuo goes looking for her. But Izumi unexpectedly meets Tora-san.
My Sons
Tetsuo is a young man living in Tokyo, who falls in love with a deaf-mute factory girl. He has always felt jealous of his college-educated brother, but ultimately wins both the girl and his father's acceptance and support in a touching and refreshing way.
My Sons
Tetsuo is a young man living in Tokyo, who falls in love with a deaf-mute factory girl. He has always felt jealous of his college-educated brother, but ultimately wins both the girl and his father's acceptance and support in a touching and refreshing way.
Tora-san Takes a Vacation
Mitsuo goes to Nagoya to visit Izumi, whose father left Izumi’s sad, bar hostess mother for another woman, so together they decide to confront him in Oita. Meanwhile, Izumi’s mother befriends Tora-san and together they travel to Oita to meet them, with Tora-san quickly falling for her en route.
낚시바보일지 2
Hama-chan gets Su-san hooked on fishing, but Su-san has some problems to deal with; a beautiful woman saves Su-san when he collapses while fishing.
Tora-san, My Uncle
Tora-san's nephew Mitsuo is exchanging letters with Izumi, a former classmate whose parents divorced and took her out of Tokyo.
Tora-san, My Uncle
Tora-san's nephew Mitsuo is exchanging letters with Izumi, a former classmate whose parents divorced and took her out of Tokyo.
Tora-san Goes to Vienna
During his wandering throughout Japan, Tora-san meets a suicidal man. He travels with the man to Vienna, but winds up homesick for Japan.
Tora-san's Salad-Day Memorial
In his travels through Japan, Tora-san meets and falls in love with a female doctor, however he is afraid of committing to a relationship.
Tora-san's Salad-Day Memorial
Original Story
In his travels through Japan, Tora-san meets and falls in love with a female doctor, however he is afraid of committing to a relationship.
Tora-san's Salad-Day Memorial
In his travels through Japan, Tora-san meets and falls in love with a female doctor, however he is afraid of committing to a relationship.
Densuke Hamazaki is an office worker at Suzuki Construction and gets transferred to the main Tokyo office. After settling in to his surrounding along with his wife Eri, Densuke befriends an elderly man named Ichinosuke Suzuki. Ichinosuke is a lonely and old man who learns to enjoy life again through his friendship with Densuke. Meanwhile, Densuke is completely unaware that Ichinosuke is the boss of his construction company. The two men become friends through their shared passion for fishing.
Hope and Pain
The adventures and tribulations of a group of students during the years following the II World War.
Hope and Pain
The adventures and tribulations of a group of students during the years following the II World War.
Tora-san Plays Daddy
Original Story
A playboy-gambler friend of Tora-san’s dies and, abandoned by his mother, his little boy suddenly turns up in Shibamata. Searching for the boy’s mother, Tora-san meets a cosmetics saleslady and the three become a surrogate family, with Tora-san as “daddy”.
Tora-san Plays Daddy
A playboy-gambler friend of Tora-san’s dies and, abandoned by his mother, his little boy suddenly turns up in Shibamata. Searching for the boy’s mother, Tora-san meets a cosmetics saleslady and the three become a surrogate family, with Tora-san as “daddy”.
Tora-san Plays Daddy
A playboy-gambler friend of Tora-san’s dies and, abandoned by his mother, his little boy suddenly turns up in Shibamata. Searching for the boy’s mother, Tora-san meets a cosmetics saleslady and the three become a surrogate family, with Tora-san as “daddy”.
Tora-san Goes North
Original Story
When his travels take him to rural Hokkaido, Tora-san helps a cantankerous old veterinarian (Mifune) in his relationships with his estranged daughter, and a woman in whom he is secretly interested.
Tora-san Goes North
When his travels take him to rural Hokkaido, Tora-san helps a cantankerous old veterinarian (Mifune) in his relationships with his estranged daughter, and a woman in whom he is secretly interested.
Tora-san Goes North
When his travels take him to rural Hokkaido, Tora-san helps a cantankerous old veterinarian (Mifune) in his relationships with his estranged daughter, and a woman in whom he is secretly interested.
Tora-san's Bluebird Fantasy
Original Story
During his travels, Tora-san comes across a traditional theater he used to visit, and discovers that one of his old friends has died. Tora-san and his family help the friend's daughter, who becomes romantically involved with an aspiring artist.
Tora-san's Bluebird Fantasy
During his travels, Tora-san comes across a traditional theater he used to visit, and discovers that one of his old friends has died. Tora-san and his family help the friend's daughter, who becomes romantically involved with an aspiring artist.
Tora-san's Bluebird Fantasy
During his travels, Tora-san comes across a traditional theater he used to visit, and discovers that one of his old friends has died. Tora-san and his family help the friend's daughter, who becomes romantically involved with an aspiring artist.
Final Take: The Golden Age of Movies
The environment and the movie stars at a Japanese film studio in the early 1930s are recreated in this drama that looks back on a distinctive period in cinematic history. Using celebrated director Yasujiro Ozu as a model, fictional director Ogata discovers a new female star quite by accident. Koharu Tanaka works selling candy at a studio theater when she is given a part as a bit player. After the studio's top leading lady is embroiled in a scandal, Koharu is suddenly thrust into the limelight when she replaces her in a film and gains instant fame and fortune. But the going is not always easy, and she soon seeks help from unexpected quarters.
Tora-san's Island Encounter
Original Story
Tora-san's family's neighbor, Akemi, who had been married in Marriage Counselor Tora-san (1984), runs away from her husband, who is only interested in work. Tora-san follows her to Shikinejima, and attempts to bring her back to her home. In doing so he encounters a school-reunion group who are traveling to meet their elementary school teacher, which is a reference to the film Twenty-Four Eyes by Keisuke Kinoshita. Tora-san joins them and falls in love with the teacher.
Tora-san's Island Encounter
Tora-san's family's neighbor, Akemi, who had been married in Marriage Counselor Tora-san (1984), runs away from her husband, who is only interested in work. Tora-san follows her to Shikinejima, and attempts to bring her back to her home. In doing so he encounters a school-reunion group who are traveling to meet their elementary school teacher, which is a reference to the film Twenty-Four Eyes by Keisuke Kinoshita. Tora-san joins them and falls in love with the teacher.
Tora-san's Island Encounter
Tora-san's family's neighbor, Akemi, who had been married in Marriage Counselor Tora-san (1984), runs away from her husband, who is only interested in work. Tora-san follows her to Shikinejima, and attempts to bring her back to her home. In doing so he encounters a school-reunion group who are traveling to meet their elementary school teacher, which is a reference to the film Twenty-Four Eyes by Keisuke Kinoshita. Tora-san joins them and falls in love with the teacher.
Tora-san, the Go-Between
Original Story
In Nagasaki, Tora-san and an acquaintance help an old woman who has fallen and injured herself. She invites them to her home where the three share a night of eating and drinking. The old woman's health deteriorates and she dies. At her funeral, Tora-san falls in love with the old woman's daughter, but winds up acting as a go-between for her and a young law student.
Tora-san, the Go-Between
In Nagasaki, Tora-san and an acquaintance help an old woman who has fallen and injured herself. She invites them to her home where the three share a night of eating and drinking. The old woman's health deteriorates and she dies. At her funeral, Tora-san falls in love with the old woman's daughter, but winds up acting as a go-between for her and a young law student.
Tora-san, the Go-Between
In Nagasaki, Tora-san and an acquaintance help an old woman who has fallen and injured herself. She invites them to her home where the three share a night of eating and drinking. The old woman's health deteriorates and she dies. At her funeral, Tora-san falls in love with the old woman's daughter, but winds up acting as a go-between for her and a young law student.
Tora-san's Forbidden Love
Original Story
Tora-san spends several days at the home of a hard-working salaryman ("salaried worker"), who abruptly disappears. When the man's wife asks Tora-san to help find him, he falls in love with her, and secretly hopes the husband will not be found.
Tora-san's Forbidden Love
Tora-san spends several days at the home of a hard-working salaryman ("salaried worker"), who abruptly disappears. When the man's wife asks Tora-san to help find him, he falls in love with her, and secretly hopes the husband will not be found.
Tora-san's Forbidden Love
Tora-san spends several days at the home of a hard-working salaryman ("salaried worker"), who abruptly disappears. When the man's wife asks Tora-san to help find him, he falls in love with her, and secretly hopes the husband will not be found.
Marriage Counselor Tora-san
Original Story
In Shibamata, Tokyo, Tora-san's family prepares for a wedding. Meanwhile, the traveling Tora-san meets an old acqaintance in Iwate Province. Tora-san refuses to drink with him, afraid that the acquaintance, now settled and married, will again become attracted to Tora-san's wandering existence. Tora-san becomes attracted to a female barber, but must break off their relationship so that she too can live a secure life. She instead gets into an abusive relationship with a motorcyclist.
Marriage Counselor Tora-san
In Shibamata, Tokyo, Tora-san's family prepares for a wedding. Meanwhile, the traveling Tora-san meets an old acqaintance in Iwate Province. Tora-san refuses to drink with him, afraid that the acquaintance, now settled and married, will again become attracted to Tora-san's wandering existence. Tora-san becomes attracted to a female barber, but must break off their relationship so that she too can live a secure life. She instead gets into an abusive relationship with a motorcyclist.
Marriage Counselor Tora-san
In Shibamata, Tokyo, Tora-san's family prepares for a wedding. Meanwhile, the traveling Tora-san meets an old acqaintance in Iwate Province. Tora-san refuses to drink with him, afraid that the acquaintance, now settled and married, will again become attracted to Tora-san's wandering existence. Tora-san becomes attracted to a female barber, but must break off their relationship so that she too can live a secure life. She instead gets into an abusive relationship with a motorcyclist.
Tora-san Goes Religious?
Original Story
Tora-san visits brother-in-law Hiroshi's hometown to attend a memorial service for his late father. When the local temple priest becomes intoxicated, Tora-san wearing the priest's robe delivers the memorial speech, much to his family's surprise. Thinking he's found his true calling, Tora-san decides to join the order, and falls for the priest's divorced daughter.
Tora-san Goes Religious?
Tora-san visits brother-in-law Hiroshi's hometown to attend a memorial service for his late father. When the local temple priest becomes intoxicated, Tora-san wearing the priest's robe delivers the memorial speech, much to his family's surprise. Thinking he's found his true calling, Tora-san decides to join the order, and falls for the priest's divorced daughter.
Tora-san Goes Religious?
Tora-san visits brother-in-law Hiroshi's hometown to attend a memorial service for his late father. When the local temple priest becomes intoxicated, Tora-san wearing the priest's robe delivers the memorial speech, much to his family's surprise. Thinking he's found his true calling, Tora-san decides to join the order, and falls for the priest's divorced daughter.
I Lived, But...
An extremely lovely tribute to Ozu, on the 20th anniversary of his death. It uses a combination of footage from vintage films and new material (both interviews and Ozu-related locations) shot by Ozu's long-time camera-man (who came out of retirement to work on this). Surprisingly (or perhaps not), it focuses less on Ozu's accomplishments as a film-maker than on his impact on the lives of the people he worked with..
Tora-san's Song of Love
Original Story
Tora-san returns to his family home to learn that his brother-in-law cannot go to Mitsuo's (Tora-san's nephew) athletic event. Tora-san volunteers to take his place, but gets into an argument with his brother-in-law's boss and returns to the road. He meets a young woman in Niigata who, unbeknownst to him, is a popular enka singer.
Tora-san's Song of Love
Tora-san returns to his family home to learn that his brother-in-law cannot go to Mitsuo's (Tora-san's nephew) athletic event. Tora-san volunteers to take his place, but gets into an argument with his brother-in-law's boss and returns to the road. He meets a young woman in Niigata who, unbeknownst to him, is a popular enka singer.
Tora-san's Song of Love
Tora-san returns to his family home to learn that his brother-in-law cannot go to Mitsuo's (Tora-san's nephew) athletic event. Tora-san volunteers to take his place, but gets into an argument with his brother-in-law's boss and returns to the road. He meets a young woman in Niigata who, unbeknownst to him, is a popular enka singer.
Tora-san, the Expert
Original Story
Tora-san gets into an argument with his uncle and sets out on the road again. In Kyushu he meets a young woman named Keiko and the shy zoologist Saburō, and attempts to play matchmaker between the two when they all return to Tokyo.
Tora-san, the Expert
Tora-san gets into an argument with his uncle and sets out on the road again. In Kyushu he meets a young woman named Keiko and the shy zoologist Saburō, and attempts to play matchmaker between the two when they all return to Tokyo.
Tora-san, the Expert
Tora-san gets into an argument with his uncle and sets out on the road again. In Kyushu he meets a young woman named Keiko and the shy zoologist Saburō, and attempts to play matchmaker between the two when they all return to Tokyo.
Hearts and Flowers for Tora-san
Original Story
During his travels, Tora-san gets drunk with an old man in Kyoto. Though Tora-san never fully comprehends his importance, the old man is a Living National Treasure ceramist. At his home, Tora-san makes a good impression on the old man's maid, who apparently falls in love with Tora-san.
Hearts and Flowers for Tora-san
During his travels, Tora-san gets drunk with an old man in Kyoto. Though Tora-san never fully comprehends his importance, the old man is a Living National Treasure ceramist. At his home, Tora-san makes a good impression on the old man's maid, who apparently falls in love with Tora-san.
Hearts and Flowers for Tora-san
During his travels, Tora-san gets drunk with an old man in Kyoto. Though Tora-san never fully comprehends his importance, the old man is a Living National Treasure ceramist. At his home, Tora-san makes a good impression on the old man's maid, who apparently falls in love with Tora-san.
Tora-san's Promise
Original Story
Tora-san returns to his family's home to attend an elementary school class reunion. After he embarrasses himself by getting drunk and insulting all his ex-classmates, he resumes his travels. In Kyushu he meets an outspoken 18-year-old girl who becomes enamored of Tora-san and follows him around. One of Tora-san's old friends is terminally ill and makes Tora-san promise him to marry his wife once he is gone.
Tora-san's Promise
Tora-san returns to his family's home to attend an elementary school class reunion. After he embarrasses himself by getting drunk and insulting all his ex-classmates, he resumes his travels. In Kyushu he meets an outspoken 18-year-old girl who becomes enamored of Tora-san and follows him around. One of Tora-san's old friends is terminally ill and makes Tora-san promise him to marry his wife once he is gone.
Tora-san's Promise
Tora-san returns to his family's home to attend an elementary school class reunion. After he embarrasses himself by getting drunk and insulting all his ex-classmates, he resumes his travels. In Kyushu he meets an outspoken 18-year-old girl who becomes enamored of Tora-san and follows him around. One of Tora-san's old friends is terminally ill and makes Tora-san promise him to marry his wife once he is gone.
Tora-san's Love in Osaka
Original Story
When his travels bring him to Osaka, Tora-san falls in love with a local geisha. He helps her to track down her estranged brother, and informs his family that he plans to marry her. His plans are foiled when the geisha informs Tora-san that she is engaged.
Tora-san's Love in Osaka
When his travels bring him to Osaka, Tora-san falls in love with a local geisha. He helps her to track down her estranged brother, and informs his family that he plans to marry her. His plans are foiled when the geisha informs Tora-san that she is engaged.
Tora-san's Love in Osaka
When his travels bring him to Osaka, Tora-san falls in love with a local geisha. He helps her to track down her estranged brother, and informs his family that he plans to marry her. His plans are foiled when the geisha informs Tora-san that she is engaged.
Foster Daddy, Tora!
Original Story
After a friend and business colleague dies, Tora-san visits the man's daughter, then takes her to Tokyo so she can study for a night school exam.
Foster Daddy, Tora!
After a friend and business colleague dies, Tora-san visits the man's daughter, then takes her to Tokyo so she can study for a night school exam.
Foster Daddy, Tora!
After a friend and business colleague dies, Tora-san visits the man's daughter, then takes her to Tokyo so she can study for a night school exam.
Tora-san's Tropical Fever
When cabaret singer Lily writes Toraya about her illness, Tora-san rushes to Okinawa to be by her side.
Tora-san's Tropical Fever
When cabaret singer Lily writes Toraya about her illness, Tora-san rushes to Okinawa to be by her side.
아득한 산너머에서 부르는 소리
The quiet life of a mother and her young son living on a farm in Hokkaido is changed by the arrival of a man who ignites flames of romance in the heart of the mother and shows her boy the importance of grit and kindness, but then he leaves with the autumn wind.
아득한 산너머에서 부르는 소리
The quiet life of a mother and her young son living on a farm in Hokkaido is changed by the arrival of a man who ignites flames of romance in the heart of the mother and shows her boy the importance of grit and kindness, but then he leaves with the autumn wind.
Tora-san's Dream of Spring
Tora-san's opinions about Americans get challenged when another wandering peddler Michael Jordan stops by Shibamata.
Tora-san's Dream of Spring
Tora-san's opinions about Americans get challenged when another wandering peddler Michael Jordan stops by Shibamata.
Tora-san, the Matchmaker
Tora-san helps out a runaway bride.
Tora-san, the Matchmaker
Tora-san helps out a runaway bride.
Talk of the Town Tora-san
After a chance encounter with Hiroshi's father on a bus, Tora decides to get serious and reflect on the mortality of man. His plans are derailed when a beautiful lady starts working at Toraya.
Talk of the Town Tora-san
After a chance encounter with Hiroshi's father on a bus, Tora decides to get serious and reflect on the mortality of man. His plans are derailed when a beautiful lady starts working at Toraya.
Stage-Struck Tora-san
Tora-san leaves Shibamata once again after an argument with his family and finds himself at an inn where he meets Tomekichi, a young man who looks up to Tora-san.
Stage-Struck Tora-san
Tora-san leaves Shibamata once again after an argument with his family and finds himself at an inn where he meets Tomekichi, a young man who looks up to Tora-san.
Tora-san Plays Cupid
Tora-san becomes friends with Toraya's newest tenant, a pachinko-playing electrician that goes by the nickname Watt. Tora attempts to match Watt with a young waitress.
Tora-san Plays Cupid
Tora-san becomes friends with Toraya's newest tenant, a pachinko-playing electrician that goes by the nickname Watt. Tora attempts to match Watt with a young waitress.
행복의 노란 손수건
The story is about a convict released from prison for an old murder who is thinking about returning to his ex-wife and his former life. If she puts a yellow handkerchief on the window, it would mean that she wants him back at home.
행복의 노란 손수건
The story is about a convict released from prison for an old murder who is thinking about returning to his ex-wife and his former life. If she puts a yellow handkerchief on the window, it would mean that she wants him back at home.
Tora-san Meets His Lordship
Tora-san befriends the descendant of a feudal lord. The man asks Tora to locate his deceased son's wife who resides somewhere in Tokyo.
Tora-san Meets His Lordship
Tora-san befriends the descendant of a feudal lord. The man asks Tora to locate his deceased son's wife who resides somewhere in Tokyo.
Tora-san's Pure Love
When Tora-san's infatuation with his nephew's school teacher causes family turmoil, he leaves on his travels again. When he returns, he falls in love with the teacher's mother.
Tora-san's Pure Love
When Tora-san's infatuation with his nephew's school teacher causes family turmoil, he leaves on his travels again. When he returns, he falls in love with the teacher's mother.
Oretachi no toki
Original Story
Japanese youth film.
Tora-san's Sunrise and Sunset
Tora-san arrives in Shibamata on Mitsuo's first day of school only to find that on his account, Mitsuo was embarrassed. After a fight with his family, he goes to a bar to drink, then brings home a surly old man with a sad story, whose identity will surprise everyone. Later, Tora meets Botan, a geisha.
Tora-san's Sunrise and Sunset
Tora-san arrives in Shibamata on Mitsuo's first day of school only to find that on his account, Mitsuo was embarrassed. After a fight with his family, he goes to a bar to drink, then brings home a surly old man with a sad story, whose identity will surprise everyone. Later, Tora meets Botan, a geisha.
The Village
This appears to be a labor of love. Its about a village which is given the opportunity to put on a musical. They would have to pay the overhead and, being that they are farmers and always busy and not rich, question the wisdom and feasibility of such an idea. A spokesperson for the acting troupe Ms. Kono lays out the whole thing and they must decide. You get little slices of rural life in Japan far, at least in sentiment, from Tokyo. The best thing about this film is that it has heart. The acting is good, but it is really about the simple storyline of outing on a show. Films rarely get made with such simplistic plots these days. Enjoy this little slice of what city people call “the simple life”.
The Village
This appears to be a labor of love. Its about a village which is given the opportunity to put on a musical. They would have to pay the overhead and, being that they are farmers and always busy and not rich, question the wisdom and feasibility of such an idea. A spokesperson for the acting troupe Ms. Kono lays out the whole thing and they must decide. You get little slices of rural life in Japan far, at least in sentiment, from Tokyo. The best thing about this film is that it has heart. The acting is good, but it is really about the simple storyline of outing on a show. Films rarely get made with such simplistic plots these days. Enjoy this little slice of what city people call “the simple life”.
Tora-san, the Intellectual
Tora-san is inspired to pursue an education after a visit to the grave of a woman he met years ago. When he returns to Shibamata with the intent to study, he falls for Toraya's new tenant instead.
Tora-san, the Intellectual
Tora-san is inspired to pursue an education after a visit to the grave of a woman he met years ago. When he returns to Shibamata with the intent to study, he falls for Toraya's new tenant instead.
Tora-san Meets the Songstress Again
Tora-san visits Hokkaido and is reunited with Lily. Now divorced, she plans to resume her singing career and renews her unusual relationship with Tora-san.
Tora-san Meets the Songstress Again
Tora-san visits Hokkaido and is reunited with Lily. Now divorced, she plans to resume her singing career and renews her unusual relationship with Tora-san.
Tora-san's Lullaby
After Hiroshi is injured in a workplace accident, Torajiro gives Sakura the money he has saved and leaves to work as a traveling salesman once again. During his travels, Torajiro meets a father who shares a drink with him. In the morning, Torajiro is shocked to learn that the man has left his baby behind and a note asking Tora to take care of the child.
Tora-san's Lullaby
After Hiroshi is injured in a workplace accident, Torajiro gives Sakura the money he has saved and leaves to work as a traveling salesman once again. During his travels, Torajiro meets a father who shares a drink with him. In the morning, Torajiro is shocked to learn that the man has left his baby behind and a note asking Tora to take care of the child.
모래 그릇
Two detectives are tasked to investigate the murderer of an old man, found bludgeoned to death in a rail yard.
Tora-san's Lovesick
After Torajiro's latest attempt to find a bride goes awry, he starts traveling again and runs into Utako (last seen in Tora-san's Dear Old Home), now a widow.
Tora-san's Lovesick
After Torajiro's latest attempt to find a bride goes awry, he starts traveling again and runs into Utako (last seen in Tora-san's Dear Old Home), now a widow.
Tora-san Loves an Artist
Tora-San returns to Shibamata just before his family leaves on a trip for Kyushu. Later, he encounters an old school chum and begins to have feeling for his artist sister.
Tora-san Loves an Artist
Tora-San returns to Shibamata just before his family leaves on a trip for Kyushu. Later, he encounters an old school chum and begins to have feeling for his artist sister.
Tora-san's Forget Me Not
On the road again, Torajiro meets a kindred spirit in Lily, a lounge singer.
Tora-san's Forget Me Not
Original Story
On the road again, Torajiro meets a kindred spirit in Lily, a lounge singer.
Tora-san's Forget Me Not
On the road again, Torajiro meets a kindred spirit in Lily, a lounge singer.
Tora-san's Dream-Come-True
Original Story
When Tora-san returns to visit his family, he is surprised to find an arrogant professor occupying his room. The professor and Tora-san become rivals for the affection of Chiyo.
Tora-san's Dream-Come-True
When Tora-san returns to visit his family, he is surprised to find an arrogant professor occupying his room. The professor and Tora-san become rivals for the affection of Chiyo.
Tora-san's Dream-Come-True
When Tora-san returns to visit his family, he is surprised to find an arrogant professor occupying his room. The professor and Tora-san become rivals for the affection of Chiyo.
Home from the Sea
On a beautiful island in Seto Inner Sea, Seichi and Minko make their living by transporting rocks to construction sites by boat. They cherish the deepest affection for this piece of land they call home, and the simple life they lead. But rapid industrial growth makes it all but impossible to continue their chosen living style, and they are forced to leave their beloved hometown in search of a brighter future. But their hometown lingers on their hearts, and they dream of a time when they may once again return.
Home from the Sea
On a beautiful island in Seto Inner Sea, Seichi and Minko make their living by transporting rocks to construction sites by boat. They cherish the deepest affection for this piece of land they call home, and the simple life they lead. But rapid industrial growth makes it all but impossible to continue their chosen living style, and they are forced to leave their beloved hometown in search of a brighter future. But their hometown lingers on their hearts, and they dream of a time when they may once again return.
Tora-san's Dear Old Home
Original Story
While Sakura and Hiroshi struggle to save funds to build a house, Torajiro befriends three young women on vacation during his travels.
Tora-san's Dear Old Home
While Sakura and Hiroshi struggle to save funds to build a house, Torajiro befriends three young women on vacation during his travels.
Tora-san's Dear Old Home
While Sakura and Hiroshi struggle to save funds to build a house, Torajiro befriends three young women on vacation during his travels.
Tora-san's Love Call
Original Story
Taking a message from Hiroshi's father to heart, Torajiro attempts to give up his wandering ways.
Tora-san's Love Call
Taking a message from Hiroshi's father to heart, Torajiro attempts to give up his wandering ways.
Tora-san's Love Call
Taking a message from Hiroshi's father to heart, Torajiro attempts to give up his wandering ways.
Follow the Girls
Comedy of an entertainment agent and strip-teasers.
Tora-san, the Good Samaritan
Original Story
After a quarrel with his mother, Torajiro sets off to find a bride.
Tora-san, the Good Samaritan
After a quarrel with his mother, Torajiro sets off to find a bride.
Tora-san, the Good Samaritan
After a quarrel with his mother, Torajiro sets off to find a bride.
Tora-san's Shattered Romance
Torajiro becomes homesick during his travels after watching a television report about his hometown and meeting a young woman that reminds him of his sister Sakura. Meanwhile, a new tenant moves into Toraya restaurant.
Tora-san's Shattered Romance
Original Story
Torajiro becomes homesick during his travels after watching a television report about his hometown and meeting a young woman that reminds him of his sister Sakura. Meanwhile, a new tenant moves into Toraya restaurant.
Tora-san's Shattered Romance
Torajiro becomes homesick during his travels after watching a television report about his hometown and meeting a young woman that reminds him of his sister Sakura. Meanwhile, a new tenant moves into Toraya restaurant.
Where Spring Comes Late
The story is set in 1970 during the time of the first EXPO in Japan. The film’s main figure is a miner who suddenly becomes unemployed because the mine he worked in was shut down. He decides to resettle with his whole family to Hokkaido in northern Japan and start a new life as a farmer.
Where Spring Comes Late
The story is set in 1970 during the time of the first EXPO in Japan. The film’s main figure is a miner who suddenly becomes unemployed because the mine he worked in was shut down. He decides to resettle with his whole family to Hokkaido in northern Japan and start a new life as a farmer.
Where Spring Comes Late
The story is set in 1970 during the time of the first EXPO in Japan. The film’s main figure is a miner who suddenly becomes unemployed because the mine he worked in was shut down. He decides to resettle with his whole family to Hokkaido in northern Japan and start a new life as a farmer.
Tora-san's Runaway
After an encounter with a dying yakuza's son and at his sister Sakura's urging, Torajiro attempts to change his vagrant lifestyle and become an honest worker with a steady job.
Tora-san's Runaway
After an encounter with a dying yakuza's son and at his sister Sakura's urging, Torajiro attempts to change his vagrant lifestyle and become an honest worker with a steady job.
Tora-san's Grand Scheme
After winning big at the races, Torajiro Kuruma wants to take his aunt and uncle on a trip to Hawaii to partly pay the great filial debt he feels he owes them, but the plan hits a snag. Also, a pretty kindergarten teacher rents a room at Toraya.
Tora-san's Grand Scheme
Original Story
After winning big at the races, Torajiro Kuruma wants to take his aunt and uncle on a trip to Hawaii to partly pay the great filial debt he feels he owes them, but the plan hits a snag. Also, a pretty kindergarten teacher rents a room at Toraya.
Tora-san, His Tender Love
Traveling salesman Kuruma Torajirō falls in love with an inn manager as New Year's approaches.
Tora-san, His Tender Love
Original Story
Traveling salesman Kuruma Torajirō falls in love with an inn manager as New Year's approaches.
Tora-san's Cherished Mother
Original Story
Kuruma Torajiro is discovered looking around Kyoto for someone special to him.
Tora-san's Cherished Mother
Kuruma Torajiro is discovered looking around Kyoto for someone special to him.
Tora-san's Cherished Mother
Kuruma Torajiro is discovered looking around Kyoto for someone special to him.
It's Tough Being a Man
Tora-San, an itinerant peddler who is thrown out of his father's house twenty years before but reconnects with his aunt, uncle and sister Sakura. Tora wreaks some havoc in their lives, like getting drunk and silly at a marriage meeting and ruining Sakura's chance to marry someone, as well as just being a real pain to those around him. There is a sentimental side to him also, and the best way to describe him is that he grows on you.
It's Tough Being a Man
Tora-San, an itinerant peddler who is thrown out of his father's house twenty years before but reconnects with his aunt, uncle and sister Sakura. Tora wreaks some havoc in their lives, like getting drunk and silly at a marriage meeting and ruining Sakura's chance to marry someone, as well as just being a real pain to those around him. There is a sentimental side to him also, and the best way to describe him is that he grows on you.
Vagabond Schemer
The return of a man to Japan from Borneo creates chaos in a village.
Vagabond Schemer
The return of a man to Japan from Borneo creates chaos in a village.
The Shy Deceiver
A young thug wanna-be yakuza falls in love with a country girl.
The Shy Deceiver
A young thug wanna-be yakuza falls in love with a country girl.
I, the Executioner
Police investigators investigate the link between a serial killer's machinations and a young man who committed suicide.
The Million Dollar Pursuit
Hazama meets a woman at a restaurant and she asks him to protect her and her diamond.
The Million Dollar Pursuit
Hazama meets a woman at a restaurant and she asks him to protect her and her diamond.
Greatest Challenge of All
After an argument with his father a son leaves his home and comes back only, as an adult, many years later just to cause them problem after problem.
Greatest Challenge of All
After an argument with his father a son leaves his home and comes back only, as an adult, many years later just to cause them problem after problem.
사랑의 찬가
The life in a small village in Shikoku and the love story between two young people.
사랑의 찬가
The life in a small village in Shikoku and the love story between two young people.
Let's Have A Dream
A Japanese stage actor in Yokohama is terminally ill, and is determined to end his life, but doesn’t know to have inherited a large sum of money from Switzerland.
Let's Have A Dream
A Japanese stage actor in Yokohama is terminally ill, and is determined to end his life, but doesn’t know to have inherited a large sum of money from Switzerland.
The Lovable Tramp
Saotome is a white-collar worker on the brink of a burnout who one day strikes up a friendship with Gen, a boorish drifter who approaches life one day at a time.
The Lovable Tramp
Saotome is a white-collar worker on the brink of a burnout who one day strikes up a friendship with Gen, a boorish drifter who approaches life one day at a time.
Warm Current
Gamblers' Luck
A group of ne'er-do-wells live happily in the slums of what is now Tokyo and have a number of adventures: they get drunk and go whoring, revenge themselves on cruel landlords, animate the corpse of a money-lender in order to frighten people. Then they assist at the marriage of a lovely girl and almost kill themselves gambling to provide her with a dowry.
Gamblers' Luck
A group of ne'er-do-wells live happily in the slums of what is now Tokyo and have a number of adventures: they get drunk and go whoring, revenge themselves on cruel landlords, animate the corpse of a money-lender in order to frighten people. Then they assist at the marriage of a lovely girl and almost kill themselves gambling to provide her with a dowry.
안개 깃발
When her only relative, her elder brother is accused of robbing and murdering an old woman loan-shark, pretty, young Kiriko travels from her home in Kyushu to Tokyo to get Japan's top lawyer to defend her brother. Unfortunately her naive idealism is shattered when the lawyer refuses to take the case based on her insufficient funds. What follows is a long determined revenge plot that sees the heroine become a Tokyo bar hostess and worse to punish the lawyer. The plot thickens with another murder mystery and a sleuthing reporter.
The Donkey Comes on a Tank
Sabu was once a boy soldier but people in his village disliked him. He finally broke loose when his land was taken.
The Donkey Comes on a Tank
Sabu was once a boy soldier but people in his village disliked him. He finally broke loose when his land was taken.
The Irresponsible Fool
Picked up and raised on an island in the Seto Inland Sea, Yasukichi's only trait is his innate mischievousness. However, because his love for his hometown is exceptionally stronger than anybody's, he is trying everything he can to somehow help the inhabitants of the island which are going through a recession. He saddles himself with a debt to bring a cheap band onto the island and tries to market the underwater sightseeing ship on the island without regards for the Marine Act.
The Honest Fool
Yasugoro, goes to live in a quiet town where he falls in love with the priest's daughter-in-law. His does not declare his love because she is married, but he goes on a mission to please her, and is blinded. Then her husband dies and she remarries before Yasugoro can confess his love.
The Honest Fool
Yasugoro, goes to live in a quiet town where he falls in love with the priest's daughter-in-law. His does not declare his love because she is married, but he goes on a mission to please her, and is blinded. Then her husband dies and she remarries before Yasugoro can confess his love.
Zoku Haikei Tenno Heika Sama
Based on Muneta Hiroshi's military novel. The main character, Yamaguchi Zensuke, is a military dog soldier. He joins the army and winds up sent overseas to China as a part of the military dog unit. He's ridiculed by others due to his inability to advance.
The Sunshine Girl
A young factory worker struggles to figure out what she wants to do with her life.
The Sunshine Girl
A young factory worker struggles to figure out what she wants to do with her life.
The Strangers Upstairs
After moving in to their dream home, newlyweds decide to rent out their second floor to save money. They soon discover the woe of being landlords.
Zero Focus
One week into newlywed Teiko Uhara's marriage, her husband, Kenichi, leaves on a short business trip and never returns. Teiko travels across Japan to search for him, and along the way discovers some surprising facts about her husband's past. With only a pair of old photographs among his belongings to go off of, Teiko tries to figure out what has happened to him.
사랑의 편도차표
Assistant Director
시노다 마사히로의 데뷔작으로 당시 폭발적인 인기를 얻고 있던 로큰롤 뮤직광들의 세계를 허무주의적인 시각에서 다룬 작품. 목표 없이 방황하는 젊은이들의 삶을 통해 당시 사회의 모순을 감각적이고 예리한 시선으로 고발하는 한편, 방향성을 잃은 현대일본의 방황과 소외, 염세주의 등 시노다 마사히로가 이후 계속해서 천착하게 되는 모더니즘적인 테마가 잘 드러나 있다. (2006년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 일본영화 계승과 혁신 : 쇼치쿠 110주년 영화제)