Yorgos Mavropsaridis

Yorgos Mavropsaridis

출생 : 1953-12-31,


Yorgos Mavropsaridis is a Greek film editor. He is well known for his collaborations with Yorgos Lanthimos, having edited all his films to date. He is a graduate of the London Film School, and honed his skills working in commercials. He has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Film Editing for his work on The Favourite.

프로필 사진

Yorgos Mavropsaridis
Yorgos Mavropsaridis

참여 작품

가여운 것들
대학에서 해부학을 가르치고 있는 교수인 고드윈 벡스터는 젊고 아름다운 여성 벨라와 함께 살고 있다. 어린 아기의 지능을 가지고 있는 벨라를 고드윈은 마치 자신의 딸처럼 아끼며 그녀에게 말과 행동을 가르친다. 한편 고드윈의 제자이자 평소 그를 존경해 왔던 맥스는 고드윈 교수와 가까이 지내게 되면서 벨라를 만나게 된다. 벨라의 이상 행동에 관심을 갖기 시작하는 맥스, 고드윈 박사로부터 벨라는 얼마 전에 자살한 여자를 자신이 의학적으로 되살린 것이라는 충격적인 말을 듣게 된다. 하지만 이미 벨라에게 마음을 뺏긴 맥스는 고드윈 박사의 제안에 따라 그녀와 약혼하기로 결심하는데...
Light Falls
A well-off young lesbian couple vacationing on a Greek island explores an abandoned hotel. An accident and a clash of different worlds set off a spiral of violence and revenge.
Silence 6–9
Aris and Anna meet one evening in a half-abandoned town surrounded by antennas. In this strange, dreamlike world, the two solitary souls gradually start to develop feelings for one another.
Iguana Tokyo
What happens, when an ordinary family in one of the arguably most advanced cities in the world starts living in two different worlds? What happens, when that fine line between reality and fantasy begins to blur, when a computer game controls the space you live in, re-defines your real life? When a gigantic, green iguana is the only one that can see, how the people around it slowly lose themselves between these different worlds?
마녀들의 땅
이중 유방 절제술을 받은 후 젊은 간호사를 데리고 스코틀랜드의 전원 지역으로 요양을 떠난 베로니카 겐트의 이야기다. 수술 과정으로 자신의 존재에 의문을 품게 된 그는 과거의 트라우마에 대해 묻고 맞서기 시작한다.
A black and white silent short film, set on the Greek Cycladic island of Tenos. A woman in black is mourning inside a simple house. Reality blends with dreamy imagination, and tradition with insidious desires.
All the Pretty Little Horses
In the wake of a disaster, Alice and her husband Petros take their young son Panagiotis to a provincial seaside town, seeking refuge. Working temporary jobs, Alice and Petros try to put their lives back together so they can return home to Athens. When Alice begins to realise the plan is not working – or worse, that it may not even exist – the distance between her and Petros begins to grow.
에이트 포 실버
19세기 후반, 잔인한 토지 남작이 로마 부족을 학살하고 가족과 마을에 저주를 퍼붓습니다. 그 뒤를 이어 마을 사람들은 악몽에 시달리고 남작의 아들은 실종되고 소년은 살해된 채로 발견됩니다. 지역 주민들은 야생 동물을 의심하지만 방문하는 병리학자는 숲 속에 더 사악한 존재가 도사리고 있다고 경고합니다.
원인 모를 단기 기억상실증 유행병에 걸린 ‘알리스’에게 유일하게 남은 기억은 이름도 집 주소도 아닌 한 입 베어 문 사과의 맛. 며칠이 지나도 그를 찾아오는 가족이 나타나지 않자 무연고 환자로 분류된 ‘알리스’에게 병원에서는 새로운 경험들로 기억을 만들어내는 ‘인생 배우기’ 프로그램을 제안한다. 그러던 어느 날 ‘알리스’는 자신처럼 이 프로그램에 참여하고 있는 ‘안나’를 만난다.
금요일에 불꽃이 튀는 것은 지글지글 주말을 보낼 수 있지만 피할 수 없는 월요일이 되면 어떻게 될까요?
The Father
Vasil has just lost his long-time partner in life, his wife Ivanka. When a woman at her funeral proclaims that the dead woman called her cellphone, Vasil seeks out the help of a well-known psychic in order to try to contact his wife. His son Pavel tries to bring him to his senses, but Vasil stubbornly insists on doing things his own way… Following the internationally successful The Lesson and Glory, Grozeva and Valchanov return with an intimate family drama about the difficulties of connecting with those close to us. As the picture slowly gathers momentum, its story unfolds many of the carefully arranged absurd or comic situations typical for the Bulgarian filmmaking duo.
강렬한 첼로의 선율로 시작되는 이 영화는 뉴욕에 사는 한 첼리스트가 지하철에서 낯선 이와 조우하며 벌어지는 이야기
Exit Plan
Insurance broker Max's life is about one thing - keeping his walnut brain tumour in check. He eats properly, exercises and lives properly, but all of this self-consciousness makes him more and more depressed. When he realises that his beloved wife plans to leave him, he decides to take his own life.
Siege on Liperti Street
Austerity took everything but the roof over their heads, and today it will come for that too. But this time, they will finally fight back, like a family with nothing left to lose...
Noah Land
Suffering through a mid-life crisis, Omer has to face the angry villagers in order to realize his estranged father's dying wish to be buried under the enshrined Noah Tree which his father claims to have planted half a century ago.
불법 무장 단체 사단의 8명의 청소년들과 그들의 인질이 콜롬비아 산악 지대에 숨어 있다. 그들의 귀중한 젖소 '샤키라'를 우연히 죽이게 된 사건은 생존을 위한 전쟁을 시작시킨다.
After answering an ad on a dating website for Eastern European women, Olla leaves Ukraine and heads to French suburbia to move in with Pierre, who lives with his elderly mother. However, the suburbia cannot temper her desires, and nothing goes as expected.
Women Who Passed My Way
The acclaimed Greek director returns with a bittersweet story about the need for human contact. Two men are hired to keep watch on a home in Athens, where a room is illegally built. They will meet many passers-by, some of whom are in fact building inspectors attempting to catch them in the act.
더 페이버릿: 여왕의 여자
절대 권력을 지닌 히스테릭한 영국의 여왕 앤. ​여왕의 오랜 친구이자 권력의 실세 사라 제닝스와 ​신분 상승을 노리는 몰락한 귀족 가문 출신의 욕망 하녀 ​애비게일 힐은 여왕의 총애를 받기 위해 ​수단과 방법을 가리지 않고 발버둥치기 시작하는데…​
The Waiter
Renos is an old-time waiter with a meticulous routine. He is a loner and an avid collector of information. His repetitive daily routine liberates him from the agony of pursuing the unknown. The unexpected events that invade his life hide many surprises.
더 필드 가이드 투 이블
A feature-length anthology film. They are known as myths, lore, and folktales. Created to give logic to mankind’s darkest fears, these stories laid the foundation for what we now know as the horror genre.
동정에 중독된 남자
일상에서 혹은 영화에서 경험하는 감정들이란 과연 얼마나 진실에 가까운 것일까. 침대 끝에 걸터앉아 오열하는 한 남자가 있다. 아내가 혼수상태가 된 이후 이웃과 동료가 건네는 동정의 말 한마디는 어느덧 일상의 원동력이 되고, 급기야 남자는 타인의 동정을 더욱 탐욕스럽게 갈구하기에 이른다. 감정과 좌절, 소통과 고독의 미묘한 관계를 건조한 시선으로 관찰하는 "동정에 중독된 남자"는 요르고스 란티모스를 필두로 주목받고 있는 현대 ‘그리스 코미디’의 흐름을 잘 보여주는 작품이다.
Time of Day
Shot over the course of six weeks on 16mm film by Greek cinematographer, Thimios Bakatakis (The Lobster and The Killing of a Sacred Deer), the new rag & bone Films short coincides with the launch of the rag & bone Fall 2018 collection. The film was shot in New York and Los Angeles and features Kate Mara, Boyd Holbrook, Pom Klementieff, Lakeith Stanfield, Reed Morano, Lake Bell, Jon Hamm and Emma Roberts. To capture the spirit of cinema verité, each character was shot by Bakatakis through a handheld approach and using available lighting.
킬링 디어
Music Editor
아내 애나와 아들, 딸과 평온하게 살고 있는 외과의사 스티븐은 소년 마틴에게 비싼 시계를 선물한다. 그 후 마틴의 스티븐에 대한 집착은 점점 커져간다. 마틴은 수시로 스티븐에게 연락하고 스티븐이 일하는 병원으로 불쑥 찾아온다. 그런 마틴이 불편해진 스티븐은 마틴을 점점 멀리한다. 어느 날 스티븐의 아들 밥이 원인을 알 수 없는 하체마비로 병원에 입원하고, 스티븐을 찾아온 마틴은 스티븐이 수술 중에 과실로 자신의 아버지를 죽였으므로, 자신도 스티븐의 가족 중 한명을 죽이겠다는 말을 한다.
킬링 디어
아내 애나와 아들, 딸과 평온하게 살고 있는 외과의사 스티븐은 소년 마틴에게 비싼 시계를 선물한다. 그 후 마틴의 스티븐에 대한 집착은 점점 커져간다. 마틴은 수시로 스티븐에게 연락하고 스티븐이 일하는 병원으로 불쑥 찾아온다. 그런 마틴이 불편해진 스티븐은 마틴을 점점 멀리한다. 어느 날 스티븐의 아들 밥이 원인을 알 수 없는 하체마비로 병원에 입원하고, 스티븐을 찾아온 마틴은 스티븐이 수술 중에 과실로 자신의 아버지를 죽였으므로, 자신도 스티븐의 가족 중 한명을 죽이겠다는 말을 한다.
“Xa mou” means “to do whatever I feel like” in the Cretan idiom. Johnny, the film’s main character, is a French man who lives in Crete. He unexpectedly loses his job, but he is reborn when he discovers the small pleasures in everyday life.
The Other Me
A lonely criminology professor attempts to solve the mystery behind five murders by decoding the puzzle of five Pythagorean theorems, in a crime story that features renowned French actor François Cluzet in a key-role.
Young love blossoms amongst a group of Athenian teenagers during a boisterous summertime idyll, in the raw, romantic and anarchic feature debut from Greek New Wave director Sofia Exarchou. One of the most eagerly awaited films to come out of Greece in recent years, Sofia Exarchou's feature debut is a coming-of-age story that presents a summertime idyll from the perspective of Athenian youths. It allows us to see the fragility they try to conceal, and at the same time shows them to be unwaveringly resilient despite the socio-economic troubles that affect their destinies.
Mellow Mud
Siblings Roby and Raya after the death of their father and being abandoned by their mother, are forced to live with their dominating grandmother in a small country house owned by their family. Things change after the sudden death of their grandmother. The teenagers have to face a tough choice: either to report the accident and submit themselves to a life in an orphanage or hide the dead body and live as if nothing has happened.
It is a movie following the coming-of-age for a boy; the story begins in the mid-60s, continues all through the 70s, and finishes in 1981. He is a creative young man facing the troubles of the first pangs of love and we observe the way he tries to handle them within his social surroundings, his family, and environment.
Los Feliz
It is a fairy tale, comedy, and drama that caricatures the global omnipresence of Western imagery and Hollywood pictures with humour and irony, without forgetting to make fun of itself, the illusion film, and the genre road movie.
In the middle of the Aegean Sea, six men on a fishing trip on a luxury yacht decide to play a game. During this game, things will be compared. Things will be measured. Songs will be butchered, and blood will be tested. Friends will become rivals and rivals will become hungry. But at the end of the journey, when the game is over, the man who wins will be the best man. And he will wear on his smallest finger the victory ring: the Chevalier.
더 랍스터
Music Editor
짝을 찾으려는 사람들이 몰려드는 호텔, 하지만 45일 안에 제 짝을 찾지 못하면 동물로 변한다. 아내에게 버림받은 후 이곳에 온 데이비드는 만약 동물이 된다면 100년을 거뜬히 살며 귀족처럼 파란 피를 가졌고 평생 번식을 한다는 이유로 랍스터가 되기로 한다. 하지만 커플을 찾는 일은 쉽지 않고, 마감일에 쫓긴 데이비드는 비정한 여인과 위장 커플이 되지만 거짓된 관계는 파국으로 끝난다. 다음으로 그가 찾은 숲속은 호텔과 달리 철저한 솔로들의 공간. 연애가 죄악시되는 이곳에서 데이비드는 오히려 운명의 여인을 만나게 되는데...
더 랍스터
짝을 찾으려는 사람들이 몰려드는 호텔, 하지만 45일 안에 제 짝을 찾지 못하면 동물로 변한다. 아내에게 버림받은 후 이곳에 온 데이비드는 만약 동물이 된다면 100년을 거뜬히 살며 귀족처럼 파란 피를 가졌고 평생 번식을 한다는 이유로 랍스터가 되기로 한다. 하지만 커플을 찾는 일은 쉽지 않고, 마감일에 쫓긴 데이비드는 비정한 여인과 위장 커플이 되지만 거짓된 관계는 파국으로 끝난다. 다음으로 그가 찾은 숲속은 호텔과 달리 철저한 솔로들의 공간. 연애가 죄악시되는 이곳에서 데이비드는 오히려 운명의 여인을 만나게 되는데...
Nesrin is an urban, middle-class woman recovering from a divorce. She’s quit her office job, abandoned her house in Istanbul, and come to the village house of her deceased grandmother to finish a novel and live out her childhood dream of being a writer. When her conservative and increasingly unhinged mother turns up uninvited and refuses to leave, Nesrin’s writing stalls and her fantasies of village life turn bitter as the two are forced to confront the darker corners of each other’s inner worlds.
The Sentimentalists
An aged , above any suspicion, bourgeois by the nickname 'The Master', lives isolated in a luxurious beachfront villa with his teenage daughter. In reality, however, he is an illicit trade in antiquities, a loan shark and a black market trader of antiquities. The 'Master' has two henchmen to do his 'dirty work', Mercury and John, both of committing a fatal mistake: while Mercury falls for the daughter of 'Master', John is obsessed with a prostitute. Both of them , as 'sentimentalists', must be whacked.
Establishing a bleak village in Eastern Turkey as its setting, Sivas features the story of Aslan, an eleven-year-old boy, and Sivas, a weathered fighting dog who develop a strong relationship after Aslan finds Sivas wounded in a ditch, left to die.
A true story of a 17 going on 18 year-old boy called Modris. He’s a guy who goes to school, has a girlfriend and some good friends. He has a small gambling addiction, which makes his relationship with his mother difficult. It’s also hard because the two of them live alone and the mother doesn’t miss a chance to remind him that his father is in prison and that Modris has a bad gene. Their relationship boils over when, in the middle of a Nordic winter, Modris pawns his mother’s electric heater in trying to squeeze a win from a slot machine. She betrays him to the police and Modris is sentenced to two years’ probation. That is when his adventures with the Latvian justice system begin and he sets a new goal: to find the father he has never met.
An old groom walks in the open horizon towards a bride waiting for him. They meet but the distance between them starts to grow once again.
Summum Bonum
Two brothers start solving their differences when they have to travel back home.
When I Saw You
Tarek and his mother Ghaydaa number among the tens of thousands of refugees crossing the border from Palestine, having been separated from Tarek's father amidst the chaos of the Six Day War. They ultimately settle at the Harir refugee camp, a makeshift home for a new generation displaced by conflict. Tarek dreams of being reunited with his father, and struggles to adapt to a new life far away from all he previously knew.
A hospital's quiet waiting area becomes the setting for a confrontation between two brothers as they wait for their mother to come out of surgery.
The Benaki Museum
A great video directed by the award winning director Athina Rachel Tsangari and narrated by Willem Dafoe about the history and the importance of the Museum Benaki.
The Enemy Within
Revenge is a recurrent theme in thrillers, usually dispensed by action heroes with a well-stocked arsenal. But in Yorgos Tsemberopoulos’s nuanced moral maze the protagonist is the bookish Kostas (Manolis Mavromatakis), a suburban florist well versed in social and political theory, which he discusses at length with a local publican. But when his home is invaded by masked hoodlums, who bind his family and rape his teenage daughter, our everyman hero finds his intellectual stance untenable. Encouraged by his paranoid, militarist neighbour, Kostas decides to take the law into his own hands, and in doing so begins to understand – for the first time – the world he has been living in. The vigilante movie is a well-explored genre too, but Tsemberopoulos gives it a whole new urgency, subverting the cliched right-wing fantasy structure and seeing it through the eyes of a man who comes to find his real self while trying to live up to the (imagined) expectations of others. (Source: LFF programme)
Jimmy, Mary and Makis are three people living their everyday day life in an entirely different manner. They seem to have nothing in common and normally they shouldn’t even know each other…
플러스 원
의문의 신호와 함께 하나의 공간 속 과거의 나와 현재의 내가 만났다. 과거의 내가 시간을 추격하고, 현재의 나와 그 간격은 점차 줄어들고 있다. 숨을 수도 없다. 곧 그들이 내가 숨은 장소로 워프해 올 것이기 때문이다. 과거가 현재로 현재가 과거로, 나와 내가 뒤바뀔 수도 있는 순간! 운명을 선택해야 할 시간이 다가온다!
5 teens try to discover what happens when you die.
MARJORAM is a psychological suspense drama about a mother-daughter relationship in which love and abuse seem go hand in hand. Anna (11) is a smart and talented kid. Mary, her mother, actively supports Anna so that she can get the best out of her talents. However, suddenly Anna starts behaving in strange ways, putting herself in danger. When asked what is happening, Anna claims that she is just fine. Her weird behavior however continues, driving Mary to her limits. Why a child, who seems happy on the surface, is acting so unpredictably? Why a mother, who loves her child so much, is having no clue of what is going on?
해적: 위대한 영웅
수 십년과 몇 개의 대륙을 걸쳐 이루어지는 요아니스 바르바키스에 대한 서사시. 변변치 않은 그리스의 해적이었던 바르바키스는 러시아의 예카테리나 여제와의 인연을 시작으로 철갑상어 알(캐비어)로 부를 축적하면서 세계적인 캐비어 부호에 등극한다. 하지만 손에 쥔 부와 명예는 그를 행복하게 하지 않았고 오스만 제국과 항전하는 그의 모국을 위하여 모든 것을 희생하기 전까지 바르바키스의 무한한 야망은 그에게 고통만을 안겨주는데..
A real estate developer, on the brink of bankruptcy, travels with his wife to a lavish and remote glass house bordering an informal settlement on a sweeping landscape in the Western Cape of South Africa. He’s desperate to sell the property. When his wife goes inexplicably missing, stifled by a sense of looming distrust and financial pressure, he is caught in a maze of missteps and uncertainty.
Editorial Consultant
An adult male, 155 centimeters tall, of dark complexion; presents frontal baldness, regular eyebrows, brown eyes, wide nose, big mouth with thick lips, slight upper lip hair and big ears with free hanging lobes. He shows paralysis in the lower limbs, an open sore in the left gluteus and an old wound from a firearm projectile in the back; he moves in a wheelchair.
간호사, 체조선수, 그의 코치 등이 결성한 ‘알프스’라는 이름의 조직이 있다. 이 조직은 유족들의 돈을 받고 그들의 딸, 아내, 애인 등 죽은 자들의 빈 자리를 대신 채워주는 일을 한다. 현대 사회 속 개인의 고독과 필요를 개성 있게 다룬 수작.
The Horsemen of Pylos
Ο Τηλέμαχος, ηθοποιός με ένδοξο παρελθόν και αβέβαιο μέλλον, εγκαταλείπει στα πενήντα του την Αθήνα για να γλυτώσει από τις τράπεζες. Με την βοήθεια του Μπάμπη του «Φου», βρίσκει καταφύγιο σ'ένα ερημωμένο κάστρο στην καρδιά της Μεσσηνίας. Μοναδικοί κάτοικοι δύο αδέρφια που δε μιλιούνται και μια ανηψιά που τους βαρέθηκε κι έφυγε, η Δημοκρατία. Ο Τηλέμαχος την συναντάει τυχαία και μαγεύεται. Λίγο τα σιρόπια του γιατρού για τα πνευμόνια του που έχουν γίνει ορυχείο, λίγο τα τσίπουρα, λίγο οι «απαγορευμένες ουσίες» του Μπάμπη ... οι θεοί βάζουν το χέρι τους κι η Δημοκρατία επιστρέφει στον τόπο της! Όνειρο, πραγματικότητα, ή και τα δυό? Κρίνετέ το εσείς, κι όποιος το βρει κερδίζει ένα παστέλι Καλαμών.
Marina, 23, is growing up with her architect father in a prototype factory town by the sea. Finding the human species strange and repellent, she keeps her distance...that is until a stranger comes to town and challenges her to a foosball duel, on her own table. Her father, meanwhile, ritualistically prepares for his exit from the 20th century, which he considers to be "overrated."
Ismini is in her early 30s. She is cultivated, delicate, sensitive and... emotionally handicapped. She has developed a simplistic system of defense to protect her emotions: no one is to come near. It is exactly the moment when this collapses that unsophisticated, simple, impolite, aggressive and greatly passionate Haris appears in her life.
The Island
The death of a prominent citizen reveals the corruption that festers behind closed doors on a seemingly beautiful serene Greek island of Sifnos.
N' Me for Myself
Antonis always goes by train. He is in a rush to make it on time. His recent past keeps catching up on him. Reality does not allow him to escape the images. That's how it is. because that's how it goes. He couldn't give a damn about anything. He needs to pee. Dependent on his girlfriend just as he's on himself. He doesn't owe anything to anybody.
높은 담장으로 둘러 쌓인 넒은 정원과 수영장이 딸린 도시 근교 한 저택에 아이들 세 명을 세상과 완전히 단절시킨 채 양육하는 부모가 있다. 그들은 바깥 세상과는 철저히 단절되어 있으며 유일하게 아버지만이 외부로 나갈 수 있다. 아버지는 아들의 성적인 욕구를 채워주기 위해 가끔 회사 경비인 크리스티나를 들이고, 마당에 나타난 고양이는 무서운 침입자로 교육시킨다. 이들의 등장과 자그마한 틈새 사이로 순종적이기만 했던 큰 딸은 바깥 세상에 대한 호기심을 가지기 시작한다. 송곳니가 빠져야만 어른이 되어 세상으로 나갈 수 있다는 아버지. 바깥 세상에 대한 궁금증이 커져만 가던 큰 딸은 충격적인 계획을 실행에 옮기게 되는데...
Σούλα Έλα Ξανά
Βank Bang
Two brothers, the honest Michalis and the swindler Nontas, are forced to resort to bank robberies in order to pay off the latter's entanglements with the mafia. Michalis' love for a secret police officer, a strange couple of her colleagues and Nontas' greed will make things even more complicated.
I-4: Loufa kai apallagi
Μια παρέα νεοσύλλεκτων -που ο καθένας για τους δικούς του λόγους θέλει να πάρει απαλλαγή από το στρατό- αναγκάζεται να υπηρετήσεις ως Ι4. Η παρέα θα βρεθεί σ' ένα ακριτικό νησί με διατεταγμένη υπηρεσία: Θα πρέπει να παίξουν τους "λαγούς" και να συνηπάρξουν με τους λοκατζήδες που ετοιμάζονται για μία μεγάλη άσκηση.
Just Broke Up
Ilektra receives a message from her boyfriend saying that he wants to break up with her.
The film follows the parallel and entwining stories as well as the common fates of some very different young people for 24 hours in the summertime: from the prison to the corridors of the airport and from the Saronikos beaches to the Psiloritis mountain. The common characteristic of the heroes is that they have inherited from their nefarious parents various problems. In spite of the fact that they used to be neutral, due to specials conditions they will be forced to grow up.
Little Greek Godfather
Alter Ego
Alter Ego: a successful Greek rock group, with a potential that surpasses the limits of the local music industry and hundreds of thousands of fans getting wild at every concert and public appearance of theirs. Fame, success, money, in a world of glamor and vanity. But what's hidden behind the mirror? How do the members of Alter Ego experience their success, their day to day life, their dreams?
비성수기의 해변가 호텔 키네타. 그곳에서는 BMW와 러시아 여자에게 집착하는 한 경찰관과 카메라를 든 사진관 직원, 그리고 호텔의 방을 청소하는 종업원이 모인다. 이들은 함께 최근 근처에서 일어난 범죄사건을 재연한다.
Summer 1969. Dictatorship. In a small country town, young Achileas breaks his leg by falling off the yard wall of the local cinema. He wanted to see Brigit Bardot naked... However, during his visit to the city to treat his broken leg, for the first time in his life he sees a television! The program informs about the launching of Apollo to the moon. The idea of the launching becomes Achileas' obsession and along with his friends they collect money, in order to purchase a TV set. However, soon, the dilemma becomes imperative. Will they buy a television or "visit" all together Uranya in order to be taught the secrets of love?
Extended Play
Poor Tasos and was so young! But also very jealous. A defect that ultimately cost him his own life as during his last jealousy crisis for of his beautiful girlfriend Alice, he will fall victim of a traffic accident. Archangels will sympathize with him, granting him another five invisible, on land, minutes, where he will have the opportunity to touch his favorite - and not - persons and to intervene in their lives.
Sirens in the Aegean
A group of Greek solders, who serve their military service in Kos, is sent to guard the skerry of Pitta. Everything looked normal until a Turkish boat disembarks 4 castaways on Pitta.
The Last Fakir
An escape artist trying to escape.
Honey and the Pig
Manos (Christos Loulis) seems to have problems with his love life. He leaves the capital and coercive girlfriend to be close to his only relatives in the province. There, apart from his uncle (Paul Chaikalis) - that is looking frantically for donuts with honey - and beloved aunt (Bright Baxevani), he will meet Xenia (Fay Xila), an old friend who now works in the funeral home. With the help of the clever and cute pink piggy Marikaki he will try to reveal a old secret on the whole village and break out the lies that prevent redemptive truth.
Leaving behind a hard life with their families, two young girls end up in a brothel, fall in love and support one another against the adversities and violence of the night.
터치 오브 스파이스
~ Appetizer ~ 할아버지, 사랑의 맛은 어떤 건가요? 1959년 이스탄불. 향신료와 관련된 요리의 비법은 언제나 이곳 사람들의 관심사. 향신료 가게를 운영하는 할아버지는 손자 ‘파니스’에게 인생의 진리가 녹아있는 양념에 관한 얘기를 하며 사랑을 가르친다. 그러던 중 가족들이 모두 그리스로 강제 이주를 가게 되고, 곧 뒤따라 오겠다는 할아버지와 첫사랑 ‘사이메’ (“다시 만나면... 넌 요리를 해, 난 춤을 출게”) 와도 아쉬운 이별을 한다. ~ Main Dish ~ 못 견디게 보고 싶으면 저지르는 특별한 행동이 생겼다! 1964년 아테네. ‘파니스’는 할아버지와 ‘사이메’를 곧 만나게 될 거라고 고대했지만 두 사람은 오지 못한다. 결국 ‘파니스’는 새로운 환경에 적응하지 못한 채, ‘사이메’가 보고 싶을 때마다 이스탄불 식 요리를 하며 마음을 달래는데... ‘파니스’의 부모는 요리를 지나치게 잘하는 것이 남자답지 못하다며 부엌 출입금지를 내리는 등 온갖 조치를 취한다. ~ Dessert ~ 나는 지금...사랑을 찾아 이 곳에 다시 왔습니다. 어느덧 천체물리학 교수가 된 ‘파니스’는 할아버지가 숨을 거두었다는 소식을 듣고 이스탄불로 돌아온다. 그곳에서 그는 첫사랑 ‘사이메’를 다시 만나게 되는데...
Liza and All the Others
Lisa: A 25 years old pretty girl. She lives alone and works at the magazine Cosmopolitan. She is disappointed by the relations with men. She has a relation with a guy called Giannis, who is not that interested in her. Until one day, when she meets Paris ...
The Bubble
Makis , a man with difficulties in the stock market, falls for Roula , who is the mistress of a big tycoon , which Makis has invested in. Makis becomes witness to an assassination gone wrong. The police are after him thinking he is the shooter but the real assassin is after Makis to recruit him to his terrorist beliefs. The only comfort Makis can find is Roula who follows him on his deadly adventure.
The Bubble
Man in Train
Makis , a man with difficulties in the stock market, falls for Roula , who is the mistress of a big tycoon , which Makis has invested in. Makis becomes witness to an assassination gone wrong. The police are after him thinking he is the shooter but the real assassin is after Makis to recruit him to his terrorist beliefs. The only comfort Makis can find is Roula who follows him on his deadly adventure.
Tomorrow Is Another Day
A mother with her ten year old son, are looking to find an apartment for rent but those who finds are expensive or hide bizarre people and chaotic situations. But time is short and there is a risk being left on the road.
내 가장 친한 친구
My Best Friend is the outrageous story of two men, friends since childhood, who have spent their lives tormenting one another. It is only when Constantinos discovers Alekos in bed with his wife that their friendship and their respective marriages finally collapse into a death spiral of sex, deceit and irrepressible humor. As events unfold another deception, one concealed by both men's wives, opens the door to incredible erotic intrigue.
Two mothers/wives devise a solution to the downsides of marriage.
Athens 1966. Dimitris, 13, unexpectedly loses his father. Seeing his pampered mother collapse, the boy gets carried away and decides to skip childhood in order to stand by her. When he feels ready, he has to claim his mother back from an up-and-coming star of the military regime. A brutal coming-of-age story, where Dimitris reacts in vengeance, changing thus the course of Greek history...
Female Company
A woman's company, with women of high society of a small greek town is doing everything to have sex with the first male they can find.
The Mating Game
Contemporary Greece,love affairs,curiosity for illegal romance and many scenes depicting the socioeconomic factors of life are combined to bring the climate for an entertaining movie full of hilarious moments.The girl that loves a married man, the girl that loves a homosexual and the girl that loves a doctor,the latter being very novice in sexual life.The friendship of the three girls is unique and their concerns about love and adventure are instrumental.
The story follows the sporadic reunions of six friends during the seven year period of their integration into society. The reunions take place on their ancestral island, the setting of their common past. Every time they return "home" they carry with them the results of their personal choices. They also carry with them the effects of modern Greek society, a society the slowly but surely changes them, weathering their relationships, until they gradually lose contact with each other. The end of this epoch, will find them dispersed, confronting the dawn of an era where the pursuit of individual ambitions reigns.
The Charioteer
The story of a Greek from 1941. Hniochos, still a student is captured by the Italians and imprisoned. In prison he will take the first hard lessons and acquire a life stance in the light of energy. He escapes and becomes a guerrilla.
A Time to Kill
Two friends, former shooting champions get involved with the world of professional assassins.
A lone car thief, meets a mysterious and charming woman who would be the love of his life but will lure him into a dangerous adventure.
The Athenians
This is a series of intersecting stories. A petty crook and former lover of a lazy ingénue steals the box-office receipts from the Odeon of Herodus Atticus, on the day an important football game is also taking place. There is also the story of the half-mad mother of the ingénue who refuses to put shoes on because she believes that shoes lead people astray. An eccentric grave-digger produces a two-seater coffin for couple-victims of car accidents. The film also tells the story of one of the Odeon's cleaning women and of a watermelon that goes all around the city, pursued by a tired theater technician and his sister, who is a tour guide. The impresario conducts an inquiry after the theft, but the thief and his two associates, the ingénue and the technician, use what was stolen to set up a small theatre. Small everyday stories and comic incidents combine to create a portrait of modern-day Athens.
Love Me Not?
Spying a lissome young woman standing topless on a nearby balcony, Giorgos (Andreas Barcoulis) climbs up onto a nearby rooftop to get a better look. At a critical moment in his climb, his family and friends call out to him and he falls, suffering a terrible blow to the head. Ineed, at the hospital, the family is told that he is brain dead, and that if they like, his heart can be given to someone else as a transplant. Giorgos' grieving wife (Betty Livanou) agrees to this arrangement. The film now follows the recipient of the dead man's heart (Giorgos Constas), as he wanders all over Greece, driven by his newly lusty heart into the arms of many beautiful women. Eventually he is led to the one woman his new heart truly loved, Giorgios' wife.
The mute wife (Olia Lazaridou) of a shadow-theater player (Antonis Kafetzopoulos) is suffering from cancer. An old woman, guided by her visions, discovers a Byzantine religious icon buried in a field. Her nephew sells the find to a thief, who then murders the old woman, without knowing that she had told the village priest about the holy icon she found. Two priests arrive in the village together with the puppeteer and his ailing wife, and there the wife sees a vision of the icon and where it was located in the field, which leads to the discovery of the bones of a saint. The wife sleeps on the spot where the holy relics were discovered and, upon awaking the following morning, regains her speech.
It is on Ascension Day that Zoe, a brilliant computer analyst, visits the National Park in the center of Athens with her daughter, Katerina. That afternoon in the park, Zoe experiences an overwhelming array of instinctive compulsions and transforms into an ancient Maenad in ecstatic frenzy, even capable of murder. Instincts and animals get loose and panic takes over.
The Enchantress
Combining Greek popular tradition and magic realist irrationalism, it tells the story of a 17-year-old youth who runs away from his village to find The Enchantress, a beautiful fairy feared by all. Travelling through an enchanted world of ghosts, spirits, imps and fairies, he leans what true love and passion really are.
Εδώ είναι Βαλκάνια
A forgotten satirical (and occasionally dark) comedy about sex life in the Greek countryside.
Loafing and Camouflage
The film is the story of a group of soldiers, who, in the course of their compulsory military service in 1967 and 1968, before and during the military dictatorship in Greece, are assigned to the then recently founded Armed Forces Television. This TV station, founded for the civilian population, was run by the Cinematographic Unit of the army which until then had only produced propaganda films and newsreels and was responsible for entertaining the troops and other charity organizations with movie screenings. The personnel was composed mostly of soldiers, who already had experience in the film business in their civilian lives, as well as those who received their training in the army. The story may be only 95% true, but that is simply because the true story is even more absurd...
Loafing and Camouflage
editor operator
The film is the story of a group of soldiers, who, in the course of their compulsory military service in 1967 and 1968, before and during the military dictatorship in Greece, are assigned to the then recently founded Armed Forces Television. This TV station, founded for the civilian population, was run by the Cinematographic Unit of the army which until then had only produced propaganda films and newsreels and was responsible for entertaining the troops and other charity organizations with movie screenings. The personnel was composed mostly of soldiers, who already had experience in the film business in their civilian lives, as well as those who received their training in the army. The story may be only 95% true, but that is simply because the true story is even more absurd...
The City Never Sleeps
Mortuary officer
An old rocker return back home after 20 years to investigate the death of his brother