José Luis Gómez

José Luis Gómez

출생 : 1940-04-19, Huelva, Spain


José Luis Gómez García (Huelva, 19 April 1940) is a Spanish actor and theater director. He is a member of the Real Academia Española and honorary member of the Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España. He graduated from the Institute of Dramatic Art of Westphalia, in Bochum, and at the school of Jacques Lecoq, in Paris. He has appeared in many films since 1968. At the 1976 Cannes Film Festival, he won the award for Best Actor in the film Pascual Duarte.

프로필 사진

José Luis Gómez

참여 작품

크레이지 컴페티션
Humberto Suárez
가진 것 없이 맨손으로 시작해 자수성가한 억만장자. 세상의 모든 부귀영화를 누리지만 명성에 목마른 그는 80세 생일 기념으로, ‘훌륭한 영화’를 만들라고 지시한다. 노벨문학상 판권을 돈으로 사버리고 전 세계 영화제를 휩쓴 경력을 지닌 ‘롤라 쿠에바스’를 감독으로 기용한다. 천재 감독으로 불리지만 괴짜 기질이 있다고 알려진 ‘롤라 쿠에바스’ 감독은, 자신이 연출할 영화에 연기 거장 ‘이반 토레스’와 월드 스타 ‘펠릭스 리베로’를 캐스팅한다. 넘쳐흐르는 제작비로 최고의 원작, 최고의 감독, 최고의 배우가 뭉치고, 지상 최대의 걸작 만들기 프로젝트가 시작된다!
The Island of Wind
The first fiction feature by Spanish director Manuel Menchón reconstructs the banishment of writer and philosopher Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) from Bilbao to Fuerteventura by Primo de Rivera's dictatorship, as punishment for his openly dissident statements against the military regime, the King and the monarchic system.
여러 해 동안 헤어져 지낸 어린 시절의 두 친구. 둘은 함께 웃고 추억을 떠올리고 눈물을 흘리면서 잊지 못할 며칠을 보낸 후, 작별을 고한다. 우정과 사랑의 비가이자, 죽음을 삶의 일부로 받아들이는 용기를 유머러스하고 정직하게 그린 초상화다.
El mudo
Among the hodge-podge of Peruvian government officials, there is a man named Constantino Zegarra. He doesn’t fit anywhere and looks down on his colleagues because he has never succumbed to an act of corruption and, every time he has had the opportunity to do so, he has made an effort to impede it. Over his two decades as a government official he has cultivated purity - the fuel for his soul. Now forty, this solitary soldier is a married man and father to a teenage girl who never stops reading and thinks her father is wrong. He doesn’t care what his wife and daughter think. Constantino has taken his principles to the extreme in order to prove to himself that he isnot like his father, a man who ended his days in poverty because of corruption. One morning, Constantino leaves his house and a stray bullet goes through his throat. He doesn’t die but becomes mute. After his recovery, the only thing of which he is certain is that someone from his office tried to kill him.
내가 사는 피부
Presidente del Instituto de Biotecnología
교통사고로 인한 화상으로 아내가 죽은 후 저명한 성형외과 의사인 로버트 박사는 12년간 그만의 비밀실험실에서 완벽한 인공피부를 만드는 데 집착한다. 로버트 박사의 비밀스런 실험대상인 베라는 박사의 대저택 안에 감금되어 그녀를 보호해주는 바디슈트만을 입은 채 생활하고, 로버트 박사의 오른팔인 하녀 마릴리아가 그녀를 돌본다. 어느 날, 로버트가 집을 비운 사이 자신을 마릴리아의 아들이라고 밝히는 손님이 저택에 찾아오게 되면서 로버트와 베라를 둘러싼 비밀이 하나씩 밝혀지며 걷잡을 수 없는 파란이 시작되는데...
네가 원한다면
레오에게는 아내 알리시아와 4살 된 딸 다프네가 있다. 변호사인 레오는 바빠서 아이와 놀아주는 건 전적으로 아내의 몫이다. 어느날 아내가 갑자기 죽게 되자 딸 다프네는 엄마의 부재를 인정하지 못하고 레오에게 립스틱을 바르고 엄마처럼 꾸며서 엄마가 되어 달라고 한다. 어린 딸이 애처로운 레오는 여장을 시작하게 되는데...
브로큰 임브레이스
Ernesto Martel
어려운 가정 형편 때문에 백만장자 어니스토의 정부로 살고 있지만 여배우가 되고 싶은 꿈을 버리지 않는 레나(페넬로페 크루즈)는 실력있는 감독 마테오를 만나 오디션을 본다. 레나의 신선한 매력을 눈 여겨 본 마테오는 그녀를 여주인공으로 캐스팅하고, 레나는 뛸듯이 기뻐하지만 그녀의 연인인 어니스토는 그녀가 다른 사람들과 어울리는 것이 신경 쓰인다. 촬영이 진행될수록 자신이 꿈꾸던 세계를 만난 레나와 그녀의 매력에 사로잡힌 마테오는 서로의 진정한 모습을 발견하고 어니스토의 눈을 피해 사랑을 나눈다. 레나의 변화를 직감한 어니스토는 그녀를 감시하지만, 어니스토의 집착이 심해질수록 레나와 마테오의 격정적인 사랑은 더욱 더 깊어진다. 서로에게 운명 같은 진실한 사랑을 확인하게 된 레나는 어니스토에게 결별을 통보하고 마테오과 몰래 떠나기로 결심하지만, 어니스토는 그녀를 쉽게 놔주지 않는데…
La vida en rojo
Theresa: The Body of Christ
Fray Pedro de Alcántara
In the 16th century, the daughter of a Spanish nobleman joins a convent and becomes a spiritual leader.
고야의 유령
Tomás Bilbatúa
궁중화가 고야의 아름다운 모델이자 영원한 뮤즈 이네스는 부당한 누명을 쓰고 종교재판소에 갇히게 된다. 이네스의 아버지인 부유한 상인 토마스는 딸을 구하기 위해 성당 재건 비용 기부 등 백방으로 노력한다. 이를 구실로 고야와 로렌조 신부를 집에 초대한다. 이네스가 부당한 심문에 자백 한 사실을 듣게 되고, 토마스는 어이없는 강변을 늘어놓는 로렌조를 심문한다. 로렌조에게 종교재판소를 모독하는 강제 고백의 고해문서를 받아낸 그는 심문의 고통은 이성을 마비시키고 허위고백을 할 수 있다는 것을 증명하려 한다.
Hécuba: un sueño de pasión
What we tend to identify with the acting profession has little to do with what is really this profession. Thirty-six Spanish actors reflect on their work and contrasted their experiences. As thread, the contrast between the voices of veterans and images of young theater students , for whom everything is still possible. Among the many actors are interviewed Javier Bardem, Antonio Banderas, Victoria Abril, Carmen Maura, Fernando Fernán Gómez, José Luis López Vázquez, José Coronado, Emma Suarez, Alberto San Juan, Ariadna Gil, Ana Belén, Pilar Lopez de Ayala and many other.
Ants in the Mouth
After languishing in a Barcelona prison for nearly a decade, a busted bank robber attempts to find the girl who made off with the cash in this suspenseful tale of revenge and betrayal starring Adriana Gil and Eduard Fernández. Ex-con Martin Losada is out of prison and on the hunt. When he and his band of anti-Franco bank robbers were busted after a botched heist ten years ago, the only member of their team never caught by police was his long-gone ex-girlfriend Julia. Now, on the eve of the 1958 revolution, the recently released ex-con sets his sights on Havana in a determined bid to find Julia, and stake his claim on his rightful share of the take.
Atún y chocolate
Tres pescadores barbateños, Manuel (Pablo Carbonell), un hombre bueno al que apodan "Nadando con Chocos"; el Perra (Pedro Reyes), su amigo fiel, y El Cherif (Antonio Dechent), un paria iracundo y orgulloso, intentan sobrevivir como pueden a pesar de la crisis pesquera que vive la costa gaditana.Un día Manolín (Andrés Rivera), el hijo de Manuel, llega a casa con un problema más: quiere hacer la comunión. Algo que provocará más de una sorpresa. Primero porque no está bautizado y segundo porque sus padres ni siquiera están casados. Contagiados por la ilusión de su hijo, María y Manuel deciden ordenar su vida y casarse. María lo organiza todo: arregla con el singular cura del pueblo (Paco Vegara) para que oficie la ceremonia, busca los trajes, invita a los vecinos... Pero claro, no hay boda sin convite. Y eso cuesta dinero. ¿Cómo conseguirlo?
일곱 번째 날
Emilio Fuentes
스페인 어느 시골 마을에서 이웃해서 살고 있으나, 수 년에 걸쳐 소유지 분쟁으로 원수처럼 지내는 두 가문이 있다. 한쪽 집안의 맏딸인 사춘기의 이자벨과 치노의 사랑은 다른 쪽 집안의 딸 루시아나의 마음에 상처를 입힌다. 오빠들을 부추겨 복수하려 하는 루시아나의 의도는 마을 전체에 피를 부르는데….1992년 실제로 일어난 사건을 영화화한 이 작품의 박진감 넘치는 연출도 여러 영화제에서 높은 평가를 받았다. 2004 몬트리올 국제영화제 감독상 수상
The End of a Mystery
Joaquin comes back to Granada in the eighties trying to find out about something happened when he was a child and the Spanish Civil War was going on. He helped an unknown man who survived after being executed. He finds the man, Galapago, who is now quite old, poor and with almost no memory. Joaquin takes care of him and finds hints that point to Galapago as Federico García Lorca.
Manuel Junco
Andres is a flamenco singer who has just gotten out of prison after being falsely convicted of the murder of Romero, a member of his band. As Andres tries to re-acclimate himself to freedom, he discovers things have not been going his way while he was up the river; his wife Lucia is having an affair with another man, while his bullying father Isidoro is obsessed with getting revenge against Don Manuel, who rules a local crime syndicate known as the Junco Family.
Prince of Shadows
Madrid, 1962. More than twenty years after the civil war has finished, a communist comes back to Spain to kill a traitor.
로윙 윈드
유부남 셀리(Percy Bysshe Shelley: 발렌틴 펠카 분)와 사랑에 빠진 메리(Mary Shelley: 리지 맥인너니 분)는 영국으로 떠날 계획을 세운다. 메리의 이복동생 클레어(Claire Clairmont: 엘리자베스 헐리 분)도 이들과 함께 가겠다고 따라나선다. 이들은 바이런(Lord Byron: 휴 그랜트 분)의 대저택에 머물고, 클레어는 바이런과 하룻밤을 보내다 임신한 사실을 알게 된다. 메리는 바이런의 충고에 힘입어 공포 소설을 쓰기 시작하고 이때부터 메리의 곁엔 인간의 형상을 한 악마가 그녀를 쫓아 다니는데...
The Legendary Life of Ernest Hemingway
Pablo Picasso
Larger-than-life American author Ernest Hemingway is the subject of this biopic that chronicles the famous writer's life from childhood to his suicide at age 61. Haunted by various inner demons -- including his father's suicide -- Hemingway serves in World War I, marries four times, and finds creative support from Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein and other expatriates living in 1920s Paris.
The Tobacconist of Vallecas
Leandro, an unemployed mason and his friend, Tocho, attempt to rob a tobacconist in the Vallecas district of Madrid, but Mrs. Justa, the tobacconist, impedes it alerting the neighbors who notify police. Inside the shop, the confrontation between the two friends and their 'hostages', the tobacconist and her niece Angeles, is relaxing, and a budding sympathy arises between them.
Las dos orillas
Doctor Monasterrio
An alcoholic partier becomes a paranoid maniac when a manuscript that predicts real-life horrors takes possession of his mind.
The House of Ulloa
Set in a crumbling Spanish mansion, this gloriously comic and gothic story follows the fortunes of an innocent young priest as he enters a world of moral decadence, sexual intrigue and corruption of an aristocratic family in nineteenth-century Galicia.
Dedicated to...
Juan Oribe
A mix of characters and actions create only a semblance of a plot in this confusing tale of intrigue, undefined crimes, and incest. A newspaper reporter is working on a story about a criminal serving time in jail. He interviews the prisoner, has an affair with the criminal's daughter, and also spends some time in bed with his editor's wife. His amorous life is an adjunct to his searching out the details of the prisoner's case -- though tragedy strikes before the journalist can wrap everything up. In the meantime, it becomes clear that the daughter and imprisoned father had an incestuous relationship, raising more questions than answers.
Blindfolded Eyes
A drama teacher casts a woman in a play about torture, and the two eventually become lovers. As production of the play develops, the director begins to receive threatening letters.
로즈 투 더 사우스
France, 1975. Jean, an exiled Spanish Communist, is a successful screenwriter who, after a tragic event, struggles with his political commitment, his love for his country, under the boot of General Franco, whose death he and his comrades have waited for years, and his complicated relationship with his son. (A sequel to “The War Is Over,” 1966.)
Nunca es tarde
Antonio and Teresa are a couple who live in a flat in San Sebastian. Ursula Michelena, an elderly woman over 70 years old, lives on the top floor. Ursula is secretly in love with Antonio, whom he continually spies from one of the windows of her house. One night she sees Antonio and Teresa making love and that fact excites her violently, in such a way that she asks Antonio for a secret appointment and tells her that she is pregnant and that the son she is waiting for is his. Úrsula, according to her version, has become pregnant looking at Antonio and Teresa making love.
In memoriam
Julio Montero
A writer loses his beloved, in the hands of another man, wihtout having expressed his feelings to her.
Cebrian, a blast furnace worker Asturian, being held at the Civil Guard barracks. There has to be accountable for the disasters in a day of party with two friends.
파스쿠알 두아르테
Pascual Duarte
In Extremadura, Spain, Pascual Duarte, a humble, simple and ignorant peasant, condemned to a boring and humiliating existence with no future, commits a horrible act during a day of such heat that enervates his disturbed mind and his anger, which he will not be able to calm down until, after following a bloody path of senseless violence, he faces his own tragic destiny.