Soledad Salfate

Soledad Salfate

출생 : , Chile


Soledad Salfate is a Chilean editor. She's one of the most recognized editors in Latin America. Amongst dozens of other titles, she edited the Academy Award winning film "A Fantastic Woman".

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Soledad Salfate

참여 작품

While a gamer uploads a testimonial video to denounce the harassment she suffers in a video game, a stranger enters her home and hacks her computer, blurring the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds.
La Picada
Rosmeri is the last inhabitant of a ghost town evicted by the constant eruptions of a volcano in Costa Rica. He has found a new way of life taking care of the animals that were left in the area and working in his cafeteria. The pressure from her family and the authorities is not enough to make her leave her home. Rosmeri says that the volcano is her friend and will keep her safe; and that relationship is the force that will help her resist.
참을 수 없는 존재의 하찮음
하루 아침에 난치성 질환 환자가 된 세르히오는 지금까지 의사로서는 느끼지 못했던 의료 시스템의 불편함과 부당함을 온몸으로 겪게 된다. 제대로 가눌 수 없는 몸뚱이, 치료비를 걱정하는 아내, 병간호 중에도 아웅다웅 하는 자녀들, 죽음의 공포 속에서 이제 그에게 남은 것은 자신의 경험담을 기록해 환자로서, 아버지로서, 그리고 인간으로서 존엄성을 회복하기 위해 애쓰는 것뿐이다.
이것은 코미디가 아니다
인생의 전환점에서 혼란에 빠진 코미디언이 삶의 의미를 찾기 위해 긴 여정을 떠난다는 내용
Plaza Catedral
Alicia is a 42-year-old-woman whose grief has caused her estrangement from society. Her world is turned upside down when 14-year-old Chief, a young boy who looks after people’s cars, stumbles into her house, bleeding.
Baldomero, a former boxer, faces a new reality after several years in prison. Filled with guilt and deep personal conflicts, he wanders aimlessly through downtown Quito, trying to recognize the places he once inhabited. He meets Amelia, a techno-cumbia singer and hopes to rebuild his life, but the ghosts of the past are more alive than ever.
건축가 루이자는 아이들을 상대로 창작워크샵을 열며 산다. 어느날, 학교 화장실에서 임신한 17세 소녀 율리아나를 발견하고 그녀에게 도움을 주기로 결심한다. 루이자는 율리아나의 친구, 어머니 혹은 선생님 사이의 어딘가의 역할을 맡게 된다.
The Mysterious Gaze of the Flamingo
1984. Lidia, an intrepid 12 year-old girl, lives in an isolated mining village affected by an unknown illness that has already killed several men and, according to rumours, is transmitted when a man falls in love with another by looking into each other's eyes. Her beloved brother Alexo, an obese homosexual, is found guilty of carrying the disease and the townspeople decide to tie him up and keep watch over him. This pushes Lidia to confront the ignorance of a myth and put the relationship with her family to the test.
댄스 오브 41
동성애가 금기시되던 멕시코. 대통령의 딸과 결혼한 의원이 비밀 클럽에서 젊은 남성과 은밀한 밤을 보낸다. 아무도 몰라야 할 그날의 이야기. 하지만 곧 뜨거운 스캔들이 멕시코 전역을 뒤흔든다. 실화를 바탕으로 한 작품.
잊혀진 길
Editorial Consultant
남편과 사별 후, 클라우디아는 기혼 여성 엘사를 통해 진정한 사랑이 무엇인지 알게 된다. UFO 목격에 집착하는 칠레 남부의 작은 마을 사람들의 비난 속에서 클라우디아는 자유를 향한 힘든 여정을 시작한다. 그 여정 가운데 그는 모든 것을 다 포기할 수 있는 용기를 얻고, 자유란 개인적이고 빼앗길 수 없는 권리라는 것을 깨닫는다.​
Nobody Knows I'm Here
Memo lives on a remote Chilean sheep farm, hiding a beautiful singing voice from the outside world. A recluse with a glittery flair, he can't stop dwelling on the past, but what will happen once someone finally listens?
Close Quarters
Manuel and Lupe want to have a baby. When Manuel discovers he is infertile, he starts to fall apart both physically and emotionally. After exploring several options, Manuel turns to Rubén, his new friend, to act as their donor.
글로리아 벨
글로리아는 자유분방한 이혼녀로 낮에는 꽉 막힌 사무실에서 근무하고, 밤이면 로스앤젤레스 주변에 있는 클럽을 돌며 억압되어 있던 자신을 무대 위에서 내려놓는다. 그러던 중 아놀드를 만나고, 그녀는 예상치 못했던 색다른 연애 감정에 빠진다. 새롭게 피어나는 사랑의 즐거움과 더불어 데이트의 우여곡절, 정체성 그리고 가족 등의 문제가 영화 속에 묻어난다.
Blood Will Tell
Thriller about a family whose ties are put to the test when the patriarch’s wife dies.
Black Hole
Afraid to face upcoming parenthood and the ultimate deadline for his long-awaited novel, a once-promising writer develops a crush on a defiant muse, the 16-year-old girl next door, and escapes into a second adolescence, alienating his partner and those who care about him.
판타스틱 우먼
낮에는 웨이트리스, 밤에는 가수로 활동하는 마리나는 생일에 연인 올란도를 갑작스레 잃는다. 사랑하는 이의 죽음을 슬퍼하기도 전 올란도의 가족과 경찰은 마리나가 트렌스젠더라는 이유로 그녀를 용의선상에 올린다. 마리나는 세상의 의심과 편견에 맞서 자신의 사랑과 존재를 지키기 위해 힘든 싸움을 시작한다.
Family Life
While house-sitting for a distant cousin, a lonely man fabricates the existence of a vindictive ex-wife withholding his daughter, in order to gain the sympathy of the single mother he has just met.
Attitude Test
Four high school seniors steal an important college entrance exam and go on vacation to "study," but accidentally lose the exam while partying.
Since their parents split up, Sara and her younger sister live with their mother, whose new partner is a woman. Everyday life for the four of them is hardly any different than it is for other families. But not everyone sees it that way – Sara's father in particular has his doubts. As Sara’s 13th birthday approaches, she feels rather overwhelmed: her first crush, a body in the midst of changes and to top it off, conflicts over loyalty with her parents.
Little Claire kills time with María, her Ecuadorian nanny, while waiting for her mother to arrive.
The Noise of Trains
San Rosendo was born as a mythical place, where a community settled, reached a period of splendour and finally declined. Even though the cycle is coming to its end, they inhabitants refuse to leave their land. The landscape of San Rosendo: the mountains, the river, the trees, the roads, the houses and the railway ruins, retains traces of the past and the history of those men. The Noise of Trains portrays a several villagers, mostly old people, that carry out small actions during a day. These characters are defined from their gestures, movements and looks. They are closely related with the place they live in and they are another element of the landscape. This is a film about spaces, atmospheres and distances, where the framings talk about the mood of a place that is disappearing slowly. It has no interviews or voices in off, but the ambient sounds transmit the sensations of loneliness and abandonment that surround to the characters.
투 킬 어 맨
은 순간의 선택이 낳는 예기치 못한 파국에 대한 시적 고찰이다. 서사는 폭력적 상황에 내몰린 가족의 안위를 위해 일생일대의 결단을 내리는 노동계급 가장 호르헤를 따라간다. 생일파티용 케이크를 들고 귀가하던 호르헤는 슬럼가를 장악한 갱들의 시비 대상이 된다. 그 자신이 괴롭힘을 당하는 것을 넘어 아들이 총격을 받아 병원 신세를 지고, 취약한 딸이 능욕을 당하는 지경에 이르자 유순했던 아버지는 행동에 나선다. 때만 되면 인슐린 주사바늘을 꽂는 호르헤의 당뇨 증상처럼 무기력의 상태를 벗어나려는 가장의 안간힘은 안타까움을 자아낸다. 위협과 폭력이 점증하는 무드 속에서 계산된 긴장을 조직해내는 알레한드로 페르난데스 알멘드라스의 연출은 명불허전이다. 자동차 경보를 미끼로 갱들의 보스를 납치하는 장면에서 긴장은 절정을 이룬다. 세심한 시나리오는 착취와 복수의 서사를 다루는 통상적인 이야기들보다 한 차원 지적인 감흥을 준다. 캐릭터에 대한 강렬한 묘사가 뇌리에 남는 작품으로, 선댄스국제영화제 심사위원대상 수상작이다.
Voice Over
A married woman — seeking to purify herself through a "disconnection vow" — leaves her husband and returns to her parents’ home, but finds a situation far from the peace and quiet she had imagined.
The Future
When their parents die, Bianca starts to smoke and Tomas is still a virgin. The orphans explore the dangerous streets of adulthood until Bianca finds Maciste, a retired Mr. Universe, and enters his dark mansion in search of a future.
칠레의 산티아고. 퇴근 후 밤마다 싱글 클럽에서 춤을 추는 글로리아. 여전히 찬란한 제2의 인생을 꿈꾸는 그녀는 어렵사리 한 남자를 만나 연애의 단 꿈에 빠져든다. 그러나 그녀가 꿈꾸던 멋진 신사가 아니라는 것을 깨닫고 둘의 사랑은 위기를 맞는데…
The Passion of Michelangelo
An intense religious drama set during the Pinochet regime and based on a true story.
Miguel San Miguel
The film traces the origins of the Chilean band band Los Prisioneros from the perspective of the drummer Miguel Tapia. Set in the Late 70's, during Pinochet's military dictatorship.
La Visita del Cangrejo
Editorial Consultant
Toño, a 17-year-old teenager is forced to spend a weekend at the house of his father Sergio, whom he has not seen for years. There he feels alien and despite the clumsy efforts that Sergio makes to please him, the relationship does not progress. But when Toño sees him interact with his neighborhood, at the welcome from his old friend, Cangrejo; he begins to accept him and questions the years that he has been distant.
A Map for a Talk
An intimate play evolving around three main characters: an adult woman, her mother and her female lover. Two days in their lives occur in two opposing setting, everyday life in the demanding metropolis of Santiago and a sailboat trip cruising a beautiful bay. The three character remain trapped in a claustrophobic confrontation. The film dialogs with 'Knife in the water' from the side of women, an intense character drama with many involuntary humorous scenes. The eternal, never completed quest of seeing and recognizing the other as they are or, at least, as they want to be seen.
훌리오와 에밀리아
이런저런 아르바이트로 생활을 이어가고 있는 20대 후반의 작가 지망생 훌리오. 그는 어느 날 저명한 소설가인 가즈무리를 만나 신작 원고의 타이핑 작업을 의뢰 받는다. 하지만 그 일은 결국 무산되고, 훌리오는 이웃에 살고 있는 연인 블랑카에게 이 사실을 알리지 않은 채 자신이 직접 가즈무리의 소설을 쓰게 되는데… 이야기가 필요한 그에게 8년 전 첫사랑 에밀리아와의 추억이 하나둘씩 되살아나기 시작한다.
La Tirana
A Chilean aristocrat and a Peruvian labor leader. live a story of forbidden love in the midst of the Saltpeter war.
Three theater students, influenced by a professor and French theorist Antonin Artaud's acting technique, begin to experiment with their own lives, searching for real emotions and situations to bring onto the stage. Their obsession with becoming better actors leads them to their darkest sides, surpassing boundaries that neither they nor their teachers could ever imagine.
Alejandro and Aurora, two young students, leave Santiago and are on their way to spend Christmas with family in Aurora. At the foot of the Andes, the frustrations of Alejandro and Aurora’s doubts about her sexual identity cause tension. The two teens are on the verge of collapse when they discover the presence of a young girl, Alicia, a fragile girl of sixteen years who has fled her home. Gathered around an improvised Christmas tree, Alejandro and Aurora are fascinated by the enigmatic Alicia, who is becoming the object of their desire.
El vuelo del poeta
The life story of Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro who leaves his wife and children in Chile and flees to Paris in order to devote himself to poetry.
Consulting Editor
Teresa Wilms Montt is a writer, a rebellious woman, tormented and beautiful. He marries at age 17 challenging family opposition. She falls in love with someone she should not and the family court condemns her to confinement in a convent. Separated from her two daughters, she escapes to Buenos Aires with Vicente Huidobro. From that flight her life becomes an exciting and tragic itinerary.
Carla is abandoned by her husband while vacationing on a national park. There she finds herself stranded with a Norwegian backpacker and a former pop star.
Manuel and Pedro are extremely close friends. The first one is a women addicted while the other one is a solitary gay. Pedro can't find his way in life, Manuel sets up him in a blind date with some 40's woman named Gabriela, who is also in a hurry looking for a man in order to get pregnant. New changes in Chile inspire Pedro to do something never imagined for gay people: Being father.
The Gift
A man who has recently lost his wife and forced to retire contemplates suicide. His friends take him on a trip to a senior resort, and invite his former sweetheart.
Kill Them All
A story set in Uruguay in 1993. It revolves around an investigation by a law court lawyer, Julia. She's looking into the possibility that a chemist named Eugenio Barrios is being secretly sheltered in Uruguay by right-wing political powers.
Our Father
Children come to a hospital to visit their dying father they haven't seen for 8 years. They try to recover their relationships before he dies.
Rojo: La película
A Chilean talent show in the mold of "American Idol," "Rojo" became a huge hit the moment it hit the airwaves. This comic series puts a fictional spin on all the backstage drama: the backstabbing, the ruthless competition and the passionate abandon. Further blurring the line between fantasy and reality, several of the show's big stars -- including Monserrat Bustamante, Mario Guerrero and Yamna Lobos -- appear as pseudo versions of themselves.
Baño de mujeres
Three women get locked in the bathroom of an airport. This confinement becomes some sort of therapy that reveals the truth of each one of them.
A couple search for love but never quite seem to meet.
Amigas en Bach
Elena, a young writer who returns to Chile after five years and meets her great friend Fernanda and her husband, Alejandro, who tries to seduce Elena without knowing that she is a lesbian. When Fernanda discovers that Alejandro is being unfaithful, she pretends to have an affair with Elena in a way to punish him.
Santiago, capital of Chile during the Marxist government of elected, highly controversial president Salvador Allende. Father McEnroe supports his leftist views by introducing a program at the prestigious "collegio" (Catholic prep school) St. Patrick to allow free admission of some proletarian kids. One of them is Pedro Machuca, slum-raised son of the cleaning lady in Gonzalo Infante's liberal-bourgeois home. Yet the new classmates become buddies, paradoxically protesting together as Gonzalo gets adopted by Pedro's slum family and gang. But the adults spoil that too, not in the least when general Pinochet's coup ousts Allende, and supporters such as McEnroe.
El aspado
A ruthless thief has a change of heart after being mortally wounded and wants to carry the town's cross on the Way of the Cross in order to save his soul.
The Sentimental Teaser
A young and excentric radio DJ airs a successful program in which diverse calls come in from anonymous listeners, who reveal their love stories, all charged with mix-ups, disputes and passion.