Peter Kay
출생 : 1973-07-02, Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, UK
Peter John Kay (born 2 July 1973) is an English actor, comedy writer and stand-up comedian. He has written, produced and acted in several television and film projects, and has written three books.
Fans from around the globe share anecdotes about how Billy Connolly inspired them, with contributions from Judi Dench, David Tennant, Andy Murray, Elton John and Peter Kay
Peter Kay
Documentary tracing the remarkable career of one of Britain’s best-loved and most successful comedians. Charting Peter’s journey from humble beginnings to superstardom featuring contributions from people who know him or have worked with him, as well as his fans and biographers.
Documentary looking at the career to date of Peter Kay, from Bolton schoolboy to award-winning, record-breaking comic, actor, writer and director.
One-off chat show programme in which Danny Baker interviews Peter Kay about his phenomenally successful career
He’s back! After the biggest-selling stand-up DVD of 2011, Peter Kay is back with even more brand-new live comedy taken from his Guinness world record breaking eighteen-month tour across the UK. We also take a unique and often hilarious look behind the scenes at life on the road as Peter reveals how he created his mammoth tour, playing 140 shows to 1.2 million people, officially making it one of the most successful stand-up comedy tours of all time.
He’s back! One of Britain’s best loved comedians finally brings his record breaking Tour That Doesn’t Tour Tour to DVD. With his first live tour in seven years, playing to over one million people, this hilarious NEW show, sees Peter back on nights, doing what he does best, live stand-up comedy.
He’s back! One of Britain’s best loved comedians finally brings his record breaking Tour That Doesn’t Tour Tour to DVD. With his first live tour in seven years, playing to over one million people, this hilarious NEW show, sees Peter back on nights, doing what he does best, live stand-up comedy.
He’s back! One of Britain’s best loved comedians finally brings his record breaking Tour That Doesn’t Tour Tour to DVD. With his first live tour in seven years, playing to over one million people, this hilarious NEW show, sees Peter back on nights, doing what he does best, live stand-up comedy.
Children in Need Rocks the Royal Albert Hall is a charity music concert held at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England on 12 November 2009. The concert was organised by Take That singer Gary Barlow as one of a series of events to raise money for Children in Need 2009. The huge success of the concert inspired Barlow to organise Children in Need Rocks Manchester at the Manchester Arena, Manchester in 2011.
Executive Producer
Big Chris leads a chorus of characters from various animated children's television shows in a medley of seven songs: 1. "Can You Feel It" 2. "Don't Stop" 3. "Jai Ho!" 4. "Tubthumping" 5. "Never Forget" 6. "Hey Jude" 7. "One Day Like This"
Big Chris (voice)
Big Chris leads a chorus of characters from various animated children's television shows in a medley of seven songs: 1. "Can You Feel It" 2. "Don't Stop" 3. "Jai Ho!" 4. "Tubthumping" 5. "Never Forget" 6. "Hey Jude" 7. "One Day Like This"
Peter Kay's SPECIAL KAY is an hilarious collection of previously-unreleased tasty morsels that are gathered here together for the first time. Among the highlights in this compilation are Kay's appearances on Parkinson, the Jonathan Ross Show, Coronation Street, The Catherine Tate Show and Live 8. A multitude of hilarious TV moments - many never seen before on national television.
Peter Kay's SPECIAL KAY is an hilarious collection of previously-unreleased tasty morsels that are gathered here together for the first time. Among the highlights in this compilation are Kay's appearances on Parkinson, the Jonathan Ross Show, Coronation Street, The Catherine Tate Show and Live 8. A multitude of hilarious TV moments - many never seen before on national television.
Featuring classic routines especially chosen by the British public, including Garlic Bread, Dipping Biscuits, the dancing skills of people at weddings, as well as the video for the No. 1 smash-hit ‘(I’m Gonna Be) 500 Miles’.
Featuring classic routines especially chosen by the British public, including Garlic Bread, Dipping Biscuits, the dancing skills of people at weddings, as well as the video for the No. 1 smash-hit ‘(I’m Gonna Be) 500 Miles’.
Max & Paddy's Power Of Two takes burning calories to a new surreal level with the motor home enthusiasts doing the workout. This DVD masterpiece features completely new Peter Kay comedy that has never been seen anywhere before, and it's the only way to flex and laugh your way to a leaner, fitter you!
Max & Paddy's Power Of Two takes burning calories to a new surreal level with the motor home enthusiasts doing the workout. This DVD masterpiece features completely new Peter Kay comedy that has never been seen anywhere before, and it's the only way to flex and laugh your way to a leaner, fitter you!
Max Bygraves
Max & Paddy's Power Of Two takes burning calories to a new surreal level with the motor home enthusiasts doing the workout. This DVD masterpiece features completely new Peter Kay comedy that has never been seen anywhere before, and it's the only way to flex and laugh your way to a leaner, fitter you!
PC Mackintosh (voice)
최첨단 발명품으로 무장, 야채를 훔쳐먹는 토끼로부터 마을의 보안을 담당하는 해충 관리 특공대를 운영하고 있는 최강 콤비 월레스와 그로밋. 곧 있으면 열릴 마을 최고의 축제 슈퍼 야채 선발대회로 인해 이들의 토끼 체포 업무는 나날이 활기를 띠고 있다. 마을 사람들 모두가 슈퍼 야채 선발대회를 기다리며 애지중지 야채를 키우던 어느 날 밤 누군가 마을의 야채를 모두 먹어 치우는 엄청난 사건이 발생한다. 파헤쳐진 야채밭, 거대한 발자국, 무너진 담장, 무시무시한 침입자의 흔적들로 인해 마을 사람들은 공포에 휩싸이는데...
Simon Pig
The fictional world of Royston Vasey is facing apocalypse and the only way to avert disaster is for our nightmarish cast of characters to find a way into the real world and confront their creators. From present day Soho to the fictional film world of 17th Century Britain, the residents must overcome countless bizarre obstacles in their bid to return Royston Vasey to safety.
Peter Kay is back with this DVD, featuring his final performance at the Manchester Arena to a 9,000 sell out crowd on the 'Mum Wants A Bungalow Tour'.
Peter Kay is back with this DVD, featuring his final performance at the Manchester Arena to a 9,000 sell out crowd on the 'Mum Wants A Bungalow Tour'.
Peter Kay is back with this DVD, featuring his final performance at the Manchester Arena to a 9,000 sell out crowd on the 'Mum Wants A Bungalow Tour'.
In Live at the Bolton Albert Halls Peter Kay performs his 'Mum Wants A Bungalow Tour' in front of a home town audience.
In Live at the Bolton Albert Halls Peter Kay performs his 'Mum Wants A Bungalow Tour' in front of a home town audience.
Gonzo the Great talks about the Muppets creator Jim Henson and what he did before the television show was made in 1976.
Don Tonay
1976년의 맨체스터. 야심찬 TV 뉴스 리포터 토니 윌슨은 섹스 피스톨즈의 공연을 보고 삶의 전환을 맞이한다. 혁명적 음악의 물결에 몸을 맡긴 토니와 그의 친구들은 전설적인 팩토리 레코드사와 하시엔다 클럽을 설립하고 음악계의 흐름을 바꾼 조이 디비전, 뉴 오더, 해피 먼데이 등의 밴드를 배출한다. 음악과 섹스, 마약과 과장된 캐릭터로 가득한 블랙 코미디 은 공업도시 맨체스터를 ‘매드체스터’로 변화시킨 당시의 활기찬 기운을 고스란히 담고 있다.
Cyril the Barman
조용한 영국 마을에서 열리는 전국 미용대회
영국 북부 요크셔 지방의 ‘키슬리’라는 작은 마을에는 두 개의 미용실이 있다. 남자 미용사 필이 운영하는 ‘The Barber’ 와 산드라와 쉘리가 운영하는 ‘The Cut Above’가 바로 그것이다. 쉘리는 한 때 필의 아내이자 그의 전속 모델이었지만 약 10년 전 미용대회 당일 산드라와 함께 집을 나가버렸다. 쉘리와 필의 아들인 브라이언은 실연당한 아버지와 살면서 엄마의 정체성에 혼란스러워 한다. 토니는 키슬리의 도지사이며 필과는 오랜 친구 사이. 키슬리의 발전을 위해 전국 미용대회를 주최한 토니는 필에게 대회에 참가하라고 부추기지만, 정작 필은 별 관심이 없고 그의 아들 브라이언이 이번 대회에 꼭 참석하고 싶어한다. 가족의 사랑을 되찾는 사람들…
그리고 그들이 펼치는 감동과 눈물의 헤어쇼!
한편 쉘리는 자신이 걸린 암이 치유불가능 하다는 사실을 깨닫고 아무에게도 알리지 않기로 결심한다. 쉘리는 죽기 전 10년 동안 자신과 한마디도 하지 않았던 필과 자신을 부끄럽게 생각하는 브라이언, 가게보다는 밖으로 돌아다니는 산드라 모두와 화해를 하기로 결심한다. 쉘리는 미용대회야말로 그녀의 가족들이 서로 화해할 수 있는 계기가 될 것이라고 생각하지만 항상 필의 라이벌이었던 레이가 참가한다는 사실은 모르고 있는데...
After surviving prison, a man has to forge a career in the crime world
Peter Kay's hilarious stand up show. This is a live recording of his show in Blackpool which is one of the fastest selling comedy titles ever. Filmed in front of a packed, partisan crowd, Live At The Top Of The Tower is the freshest most hilarious stand up show from the country's funniest new comedian.
Peter Kay's hilarious stand up show. This is a live recording of his show in Blackpool which is one of the fastest selling comedy titles ever. Filmed in front of a packed, partisan crowd, Live At The Top Of The Tower is the freshest most hilarious stand up show from the country's funniest new comedian.
Removal Man
Byron Flitch is not enjoying his anniversary party. Instead of making him a partner in their classic car business, his father Burke has demanded he work harder. His mistress Judith could arrive to gate crash the celebrations at any moment and to top things off midway through the line 'I'm going to live forever' from his karaoke Fame rendition, Burke keels over with a heart attack. Amidst this chaos, Burke's wife Lili sees a chance to make her escape and ducks out of the party to leave for an impromptu holiday in Tenerife. When she returns, she is a changed woman and intent on taking up marathon running. With Burke critically ill and Lili off guard, the rest of the family squabble for control of the business.
An hilariously funny one-off comic sitcom in which some mates attempt to rob a pub of its takings.
Animated retelling of Cervantes' classic.