Arthur Dupont

Arthur Dupont

출생 : 1985-07-26, Saint-Mandé, Francie

프로필 사진

Arthur Dupont

참여 작품

Les Secrets du Paquebot
My Father's Secrets
Adult Michel Kichka (voice)
Brussels, Belgium, 1959. Michel and Charly Kichka, two Jewish brothers, enjoy a happy childhood with their parents and their two sisters. Henri, their discreet and usually silent father, does not speak at all about his past, so they imagine that as a young man he was an adventurer, a pirate or a treasure hunter.
Neuf mecs - Le film
곰들이 몰려온다!
Tonio (voice)
곰 세계 왕의 아들 토니오가 시칠리아 산의 사냥꾼들에 의해 납치당했다. 엎친 데 덮친 격으로 부족이 기근에 처하자 왕은 사람들이 사는 땅을 침략하기로 결심한다. 군대와 마법사의 도움을 받아 왕은 결국 토니오를 발견하는 데 성공하지만, 곧 곰들은 인간 세상에서 살 수 없다는 것을 알게 된다.
Victor & Célia
Victor and Ben, in their thirties, have plans to open their own hairdressing salon. Victor manages to convince Célia, whom he knew while still at the hairdressing school, to follow him on the adventure.
노르망디 뉘
Vincent Jousselin
At the Mêle sur Sarthe, a small Norman village, farmers are affected by a crisis. Georges Balbuzard, the mayor of the city, is not one to let them down and decides to try everything to save his village ...
그랑 프루아
In a small town lost in the middle of nowhere, Edmond Zweck's funeral business is on the wing. The company now has only two employees: Georges, Zweck's right-hand man, and Eddy, a young man still a novice in the trade. One fine morning, however, a dead man pointed his nose. Hope is born again. Georges and Eddy are responsible for leading the deceased to his last abode. But in search of the cemetery that can not be found, the funeral convoy goes astray and the journey turns into a fiasco.
Ma famille t’adore déjà !
A young man meets his soon-to-be in-laws but discovers behind their proud and wealthy appearances some deep issues and lies.
The Outsider
Jérôme Kerviel
A drama about the less known aspects of the trading activity inside one of the biggest banks in the world - Société Générale. The movie tracks the rise and fall of anonymous trader turned superstar turned escape goat - Jérôme Kerviel - just as the 2008 financial crisis was unfolding
Belgian Rhapsody
The Flemish harmony Sint-Cecilia from Staaikerke and the Walloon harmony En Avant are both selected for the big European finale. The Walloon En Avant comes up with the great trumpeter Hugues. Hugues is so amazing during his solo that Willy, from the Flemish Sint-Cecilia, has to give everything he has, the highest note, the lowest note, the last note... Willy falls dead on stage. Surprising everyone, both harmonies get selected for the finale. But what will the Flemish do without their best player? Elke, the daughter of conductor Jozef, has an idea. A transfer! What works easily on a football field seems to be more difficult in the music world. The young, handsome Hugues generates a lot of emotions in the quiet village of Staaikerke. His transfer drives the conflict between En Avant and Sint-Cecilia on.
Now or Never
Charles Lesage
As a mother, in principle, you do not rob banks. But these days, it can be a solution for the future of your home, and not to give up on your dreams. Playing the thieves can quickly become dangerous and bad encounters can turn into a love story ...
Macadam Baby
Thomas is a budding writer. Unfortunately he doesn't have a lot to say. And it's a shame, because he writes really well. He's got style. By coming to Paris and encountering Julie, he discovers love with a capital L for the first time.
해피엔딩 네버엔딩
운명적 사랑을 기다리는 그녀 알록달록 로맨틱한 무지개가 펼쳐진 파리에 오매불망 백마 탄 왕자님을 기다리는 로라는 우연히 댄스파티에서 가난한 산드로를 만나게 된다. 파티장에서 블링블링한 훈남들에게 둘러싸여 있던 로라는 흔남 산드로에게 첫눈에 반하게 되고 둘은 신분의 차이에는 아랑곳없이 운명 같은 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 얼마 후, 로라 앞에 치명적인 마성의 매력남 맥심이 나타나게 되고, 순진한 로라는 그의 유혹에 마음이 흔들린다. 그토록 운명의 남자를 기다려온 그녀, 과연 갑자기 나타난 백마 탄 왕자님들(?) 사이에서 진정한 사랑을 찾을 수 있을까..? 운명의 날을 거부하는 남자 점쟁이를 통해 우연히 자신이 죽는 날을 알게 되고, 그 날이 가까워옴에 따라 죽음에 사로잡히게 된 신경쇠약직전의 남자 피에르. 그는 산드로의 아빠다. 돈 문제로 아들에게 깐깐하게 굴어대고, 아이들을 티나게 버거워하는 까칠한 남자였지만, 죽음을 앞두고는 조금씩 무너져간다. 그러나 아무 것도 모르는 새 애인은 변했다고 잔소리, 아들 산드로는 유산타령, 운전 교습 받으러 온 아들 애인의 고모는 통제불가… 명줄 앞당기는 주변 사람들 속에 속절없이 흐르는 시간을 거부하는 그는 시시각각 다가오는 운명의 날을 앞두고, 평화를 다시 되찾을 수 있을까..?
Bad Girl
Louise simultaneously discovers that she is pregnant and that her mother is seriously ill. Happiness and guilt, euphoria and sadness, filial love and love, period. She'll need a good nine months to cope with all this.
엘리제궁의 요리사
Nicolas Bauvois
프랑스의 작은 시골에서 송로버섯 농장을 운영하는 라보리. 우연한 기회에 프랑스 대통령의 개인 셰프를 제의 받고 대통령 관저인 엘리제궁에 입성하게 된다. 격식을 차린 정통요리 위주였던 엘리제궁에서 대통령이 진짜로 원하는 음식은 프랑스의 따뜻한 홈쿠킹이라는 것을 알게 된다. 그녀가 대통령의 입맛을 사로잡을수록 수십 년간 엘리제궁의 음식을 전담했던 주방장의 원성은 높아만 지고, 주변의 불편한 시선으로 인해 라보리는 대통령 개인 셰프 자리에 회의를 느끼게 되는데…
모바일 홈
서른에 접어든 시몽과 줄리앙은 고향이 지겹기만 하다. 둘은 의기투합해 어린 시절 꿈꾸던 유럽 일주를 위해 무작정 캠핑카를 구입하지만 시골 탈출은 시작부터 좌절되는데. 제 자리를 맴돌 수밖에 없는 두 청춘이 그리는 ‘움직이지 않는’ 코믹 로드무비. (2013년 제14회 전주국제영화제)
In Their Sleep
Sarah's life is in pieces after the brutal death of her 18 year-old son. One night, her car accidentally hits Arthur, a young man the same age as her boy who is running from a burglar. Sarah sympathizes with him and takes him in, only to be tracked down by the burglar whose murderous rage towards Arthur forces her to take action.
Bus Palladium
A comedy that follows the break-up of a French rock group.
Le Bourgeois gentilhomme
When Florence, his companion of five years, shocks him with the news that she's leaving him, moving to Miami and marrying another man, Arthur loses it. He follows Florence to all the way to Florida with plans to stop the wedding, which is set to take place in just a few days. Along the way, he crosses paths with Emilie, who is also heading to Miami, but unlike Arthur, is wanted by the police. As a result, Arthur gets stuck on an adventure he definitely never expected.
Draft Dodgers
May 1944. A young man just out of college returns to his hometown in Luxembourg. Refusing to fight on the German side, he chooses a clandestine life and joins other deserters in an abandoned mine
School's Out
A few days before the baccalaureate, a high school student decides to settle accounts with the most cowardly teacher in the school.
17세기 프랑스에서 큰 인기를 끌었던 목가적 로맨스『아스트레』를 원작으로 사랑에 몰두한 목동과 시골 처녀의 생활과 모험을 신화적 화면에 담아낸 작품. 사랑을 의심받자 결백을 주장하기 위해 강물에 몸을 던진 잘생긴 목동 셀라동은 님프들에 의해 살아나고, 아스트레의 사랑을 다시 얻기 위해 드루이드교 사제 연기를 하게 된다.
Graduate at 70!
18-year-old Alice decides to drop out of school just before the final exams and go to work for her baker grandfather Louis, who never could afford to get an education yet it's something he has dreamed of.
One to Another
A story about bunch of people who live in a town in provincial France. At the center of it all is Pierre, a conceited and vain bisexual musician in his late teens who acts as a magnet, to varying degrees, for a whole array of characters - from his sister Lucie, with whom he has a heated incestuous relationship, to a city councilor with whom he participates in gay orgies. When Pierre turns up dead, Lucie investigates the reasons for his demise and charts the network of sadomasochistic relationships that crisscross the town.
Cool Robinson
A young couple – Marina and John – take a boat trip on a lovely Summer day.
A young woman (Lola Creton/Bastards), is grieving the death of her brother, challenged by the tribulation of her mind. The tragedy has unmoored her. A recurrent dream will bring her to a new understanding of reality.
After the accidental death of a working colleague, Eddy is put in charge of going to announce the terrible news to the wife of the deceased. Georges, another colleague, offers to go with him.
Hugo Guibaldi
Hugo, a young trainee on a movie set, is given the task of looking after a truck at night while waiting for the person in charge of security. After a few hours of waiting, he decides to take a nap in the back of the vehicle. When he wakes up, the truck is in motion...