Desire Will Set You Free is a feature film that explores life in contemporary Berlin with an often critical and sometimes humorous eye. Based on a true story, the plot follows the relationship of an American writer of Israeli/Palestinian descent and a Russian aspiring artist working as a hustler, offering access to the city's vibrant queer and underground scenes while examining the differences between expatriate and refugee life. Our characters travel through Berlin's layered history and unique subcultural landscape; on their adventures they discover influences and remnants of the Weimar Republic, WWII, the Bowie years, and punk.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
“건물들이 말을 할 수 있다면, 우리에게 무슨 말을 할까?” 건물들의 영혼에 관한 이 3D 프로젝트 은 이 질문에 대한 여섯 가지 다채로운 대답들을 보여준다. 영화 속에서 건물들은 인공 구조물의 관점에서 조망한 인간의 삶에 대한 이야기를 독백하듯 풀어놓는다. 빔 벤더스, 로버트 레드포드를 포함한 여섯 명의 감독들은 각각 상징적이고 특징적인 건축물을 택해 자기만의 스타일과 예술적 방식으로 접근했다. 그들이 우리에게 보여주는 건축물들은 인간의 사유와 행위의 물질적 현현이다. 모더니티의 상징인 베를린 필하모닉, 사상의 왕국 러시아국립도서관, 세상에서 가장 인도적인 할든교도소, 그리고 세상을 뒤흔든 과학 이론들의 탄생지인 소크연구소, 예술과 삶이 공존하는 미래적 공간 오슬로 오페라하우스, 그리고 현대문화기구 퐁피두센터. 은 이 랜드마크들이 우리 시대의 문화를 반영하고 우리의 집단적 기억을 보존하는 방식을 조명한다.
(2014년 제6회 DMZ국제다큐영화제)
브라질의 인명 구조원 도나토는 물에 빠진 관광객을 구해내지 못한 후 현실도피에 빠지고, 그를 동경해온 남동생은 이에 절망한다.(넷플릭스)
Director of Photography
This is the story of Sylvia, who looses her stepchildren on a shopping trip in Poland. For fear of loosing her husband's love, too, she is unable to tell him what has happened and returns home, pretending anything is fine. When realising the missing of his children, the father starts a desperate retrieval. He is ready to give up anything in order to find them. Sylvia supports him in any way; she tries to comfort him and takes care of his hope's vulnerable flame. For the first time he really needs her. While the children are trying their best to get home, the police fails in detecting their whereabouts. When a very vague trace leads to Poland, the parents hit the road to find their children on their own.
A movie about the differences between girls and boys.
The plot takes place in New York, and in the present. In a Hotel called "Quicky" a professor blackmails a student of his into having sex with him. But when the professor puts on a condom, the carnivorous condom bites off his penis and disappears. Detective Mackaroni who gets the case thinks that the college girl just bit off her teacher's penis! Mackaroni goes to the motel himself to check out the crime scene, in the lobby he finds a gigolo named Bill and he asks him to follow him to crime room, there the two men attempt to have sex when they are suddenly interrupted by the attack of a killer condom.