Ali Olcay Gözkaya


Desire Will Set You Free
Desire Will Set You Free is a feature film that explores life in contemporary Berlin with an often critical and sometimes humorous eye. Based on a true story, the plot follows the relationship of an American writer of Israeli/Palestinian descent and a Russian aspiring artist working as a hustler, offering access to the city's vibrant queer and underground scenes while examining the differences between expatriate and refugee life. Our characters travel through Berlin's layered history and unique subcultural landscape; on their adventures they discover influences and remnants of the Weimar Republic, WWII, the Bowie years, and punk.
Diego Velázquez ou le Réalisme Sauvage
Director of Photography
Cathedrals of Culture
Director of Photography
"If buildings could talk, what would they say about us?" CATHEDRALS OF CULTURE offers six startling responses. This 3D film project about the soul of buildings allows six iconic and very different buildings to speak for themselves, examining human life from the unblinking perspective of a manmade structure. Six acclaimed filmmakers bring their own visual style and artistic approach to the project. Buildings, they show us, are material manifestations of human thought and action: the Berlin Philharmonic, an icon of modernity; the National Library of Russia, a kingdom of thoughts; Halden Prison, the world's most humane prison; the Salk Institute, an institute for breakthrough science; the Oslo Opera House, a futuristic symbiosis of art and life; and the Centre Pompidou, a modern culture machine. CATHEDRALS OF CULTURE explores how each of these landmarks reflects our culture and guards our collective memory.
Пляж будущего
Донато работает спасателем на одном из пляжей Форталезы. Его младший брат Айртон боится воды и восхищается им, когда Донато бросается в бушующие волны, чтобы спасти чужую жизнь. Однажды Донато спасает голубоглазого немецкого туриста по имени Конрад и в тот же день исчезает с ним. Семь лет спустя, Айртон отправляется в Берлин на поиски своего пропавшего брата.
In This Very Moment
Director of Photography
This is the story of Sylvia, who looses her stepchildren on a shopping trip in Poland. For fear of loosing her husband's love, too, she is unable to tell him what has happened and returns home, pretending anything is fine. When realising the missing of his children, the father starts a desperate retrieval. He is ready to give up anything in order to find them. Sylvia supports him in any way; she tries to comfort him and takes care of his hope's vulnerable flame. For the first time he really needs her. While the children are trying their best to get home, the police fails in detecting their whereabouts. When a very vague trace leads to Poland, the parents hit the road to find their children on their own.
A movie about the differences between girls and boys.
Презерватив - убийца
Безжалостная, за гранью фола пародия на полицейские триллеры и фильмы ужасов, вызывающая порой просто истерический смех. В политкорректной Америке середины 90-х вряд ли смогли бы так посмеяться над собой. Много тупого немецкого юмора. Вместе с тем, фильм выдержан в хорошем кичевом ключе от начала до конца. Фильм снят по комиксам Ральфа Кенинга. В отеле, где снимают номера для сексуальных утех, появляется презерватив-убийца, откусывающий причинное место у своих "пользователей". Это дело расследует полицейский-гей Луиджи Макерони. Поначалу ему никто не верит, но когда зубастый монстр лишает мужского достоинства кандидата в президенты, Луиджи дают зеленый свет и он начинает беспощадную, безжалостную охоту. В конце концов храбрый полицейский ловит прародителя - огромный презерватив-убийцу на своего огромного "живца"...