Nick's blindness is symbolic to his regret for leaving his friend Michael behind during a diamond heist in Sierra Leone. He is unable to 'face his own reflection'. The 'black' world that Nick lives in becomes a punishment he places upon himself, almost like an extended prison sentence. He has lived in this world for so long that, he is afraid to see the 'light'. This is until the day he sets out to right his wrongs. Upon returning back to Australia after the incident in Sierra Leone, Nick is arrested for diamond smuggling. Undiscovered by the authorities, the most precious diamond is hidden inside him. Once incarcerated, he hides the diamond in his prison cell. This is where he is blinded by the people he stole the diamond from. 15 years on he lives alone and forgotten. The day he realizes he has cancer is the day he faces the regret and remorse for his friend Michael. He decides to finish what he started, to get back the diamond he once hid in the prison cell
Sgt. Paul Widdens
살인을 저지르고 도망치던 ‘데일’과 ‘론’은 우연히 인적 드문 대저택에 숨어들게 되고,
광장공포증으로 대저택에 숨은 듯 조용히 살고 있는 ‘앤드류’를 만나게 된다.
‘앤드류’는 갑작스런 ‘데일’과 ‘론’의 침입에 위협을 당하자, ‘데일’에게 약혼녀로 위장해 자신의 은행 예치금을 가져가라는 은밀한 제안을 하며
세 남녀의 위험한 동거는 시작 되는데… ‘데일’에게 지나친 집착을 보이는 다혈질의 ‘론’,
점점 감당할 수 없게 변하는 ‘론’이 질리기 시작하는 ‘데일’,
사라진 약혼녀와 닮은 ‘데일’이 탐나는 ‘앤드류’ 세 남녀의 에로틱한 관계가 파격적인 결말을 예고한다.
By the time his Qantas flight from Bangkok had taxied to the terminal Brad's brain was fried. A lot was riding on this deal for Chrissie. Money had changed hands. Promises made. The consequences of missing the drop were fatal. Peter Jess, recovering prescription drug addict, struggling med student and ex-lover was her last, best hope. Brad's prognosis was bad - he was dead. Chrissie had a contingency plan. But none of them counted on Detective Lyle Draper stumbling into the picture.
호주의 성직자인 마이클과 그의 아내 린디, 그리고 두 아들과 어린딸 아자리아는 에이어즈 록으로 성지 순례를 떠난다. 그러나 에이어즈 록에 도착한 그들은 섬뜩한 모습의 딩고를 목격하고, 딩고는 아자리아를 납치한다. 아무리 찾아봐도 아자리아가 발견되지 않자, 딩고의 뒷모습을 목격한 린디는 경찰에 신고를 한다. 하지만 딩고가 아자리아를 납치했다는 확증이 발견되지 않자 오히려 린디가 용의자로 지목되고, 마이클 역시 살인의 공모자로 몰린다. 유태교의 입김으로 집단 광증을 보이는 대중들은 결국 린디의 가족을 재판까지 받게 하고, 그들은 감정적인 여론 앞에 내던져진다.
Dr. Finch
An orphan weds an older man in circa-1900 New Zealand, then finds out he's a miser who spies on her.
Constable Ramsbottom
The same night as a girl is slain in the woods, the teenagers Sam and Les are robbed of all of their hard earned hens. In the quest for their hens they cross the murderer's path.