Ignazio Oliva
출생 : 1970-09-26, Genoa, Liguria, Italy
Ignazio Oliva is an Italian stage, film and television actor.
It is the end of World War I and the young Italian soldiers are making their way back to San Giovanni Rotondo, a land of poverty, with a tradition of violence and submission to the iron-clad rule of the church and its wealthy landowners. Families are desperate, the men are broken, albeit victorious. Padre Pio also arrives, at a remote Capuchin monastery, to begin his ministry, evoking an aura of charisma, saintliness and epic visions of Jesus, Mary and the Devil himself. The eve of the first free elections in Italy sets the stage for a massacre with a metaphorical dimension: an apocalyptic event that changes the course of history.
Don Giacomo
Four married couples find out their marriage is invalid because it was officiated by a fraudulent priest and have to decide what to do next.
Michele Ventura
무장 강도가 넘쳐나고 마약 밀매가 성행한다. 은드랑게타 마피아가 세력을 넓히던 1980년대. 두려움을 모르는 반항아가 밀라노를 지배하는 어둠의 군주로 거듭난다.
Francesco d'Assisi
화려한 바티칸궁을 마다하고 소박한 방 한 칸을 선택한 사람. 고급 리무진 대신 소형 승용차에 올라 손인사를 전하는 사람. 축구에 열광하고 탱고를 즐기며 유머를 사랑하는 사람. 이웃의 작은 고민을 제 일처럼 마음 쓰고 공감하는 그의 이름은 프란치스코, 2013년 3월 교황으로 선출된 제266대 교황이다. 최초의 비유럽권 교황이자 최초의 예수회 출신 교황인 그는 가난한 자들을 위한 가난한 교황이 되기를 자처한다. 가장 존경받는 성인이자 개혁가 중 한명인 성 프란치스코의 이름을 이어받았다. 영화는 800년의 시차를 두고 청렴의 삶을 실천하는 두 인물 모두에 존경의 마음을 표한다.
Don Massimo (segment "Age 17")
Boys On Film's twelfth collection of gay short films exposes private lives, uncovers secrets and presents a choice — to conceal or to confess? Volume 12: Confession features nine new stories, including: Robert Hawk's "Home From The Gym" starring Jake Robbins; Samuel Leighton-Dore's "Showboy" starring Lucas Pittaway and Malcolm Kennard; Bobby de Groot and Arjan van Meerten's animated "Cruise Patrol"; Denis Theriault's "I Am Syd Stone" starring Gharrett Patrick Paon and Michael Gaty; Dustin Shroff's "Deflated" starring Carson Trinity Haverda and Greg Baglia; Filippo Demarchi's "Age 17" starring Fabio Foiada and Ignazio Oliva; Christophe Prédari's "Human Warmth" starring Thomas Coumans and Adrien Desbons; Dominic Haxton's "Tonight It's Me" starring Jake Robbins, Caleb James, and Christian Patrick; and Peter Knegt and Stephen Dunn's "Good Morning" starring Peter Knegt and Oliver Skinner.
A recently separated man meets many girls online.
Dott. Sebba
A farmaceutical salesman is involved in the spiral of corruption in the medical assistance of the welfare state system.
Kiko is a teenager whose now dead father was Italian and his mother Marilou is from the Philippines. They live with Ennio, mother's new boyfriend, a foreman who recruits and exploits illegal migrant workers. Kiko goes to school but at the same time he is forced to work in Ennio's building yards. He feels he lives in a wrong planet. There's only one place where Kiko can dream: an old abandoned bus in a dump yard that he's turned into his private refuge. One day it seems his fate could change: an elderly friend of his father's, Ettore, comes looking for Kiko and offers to become a strange kind of tutor for him. But one day Ettore reveals to Kiko his real identity...
Don Massimo
Matteo is a 17-year-old boy who comes to the realization that he is in love with Don Massimo, a young priest of the village that leads the marching band in which Matteo plays the drum. He sees in Massimo a person willing to listen to his fears and desires. For the first time in his life, Matteo feels ready to open up to someone...
Marzio Pisapia
2001년 제노바 G8 정상회담 마지막 날 자정 직전, 300명이 넘는 경찰들이 디아즈 학교를 급습하여 블랙 블록 시위대를 찾고 있었다. 학교 안에는 90명의 활동가들이 있었으며 대게는 유럽에서 온 학생들이었고 몇 명은 해외 기자들이었으며 이들은 그날 저녁 학교 바닥에서 잠 잘 준비를 하고 있었다. 경찰이 들이닥치자 젊은 시위자들은 손을 들고 항복했다. 하지만 시위대의 항복에도 경찰들은 남녀노소 가리지 않고 무차별적인 폭행을 하기 시작하는데…
Luminita, a young illegal immigrant living on the edge of a shanty town, has hatched a plan to get herself out of her predicament. To carry it through she bumps into Antonio, a sick and mysterious old man. The clash between the two of them is unavoidable and harsh, and leads to unforeseeable consequences…
Second part of the film "Sorry if I love you". Alex (Raoul Bova) and Niki (Michela Quattrociocche) are more in love than ever. They have just returned from the lighthouse on the island Blu where they have lived unforgettable days. Niki returns to see his friends, but a number of important changes in their lives will test the friendship of the girls. Alex also resume life with his old friends. All of them, Flavio, Enrico and Pietro, are no longer serene and safe husbands due to certain difficulties that have compromised their marriages.
An italian transposition of the S. S.. Van Dine novel.
잘나가는 직업에, 훤칠한 외모까지 갖춘 서른일곱 ‘알렉스’는 영문도 모른 채 동거녀에게 차이고 실연의 충격을 극복하고자 별 짓을 다하지만 좀처럼 차도가 없다. 그러던 어느 날 연애에 대한 불신과 좌절에 휩싸인 그의 우울하고 공허한 일상에 당돌한 열일곱 ‘니키’가 끼어든다.교차로에서 알렉스의 차를 니키의 오토바이가 들이받은 것!우연을 가장한 운명적인 만남으로 그들의 진부한 연애생활은 180도 돌변하는데, 알렉스는 20살의 나이 차에도 불구하고 과감하게 들이대며 사랑을 고백하는 그녀가 싫지만은 않다.하지만 알렉스를 인정사정 없이 차버렸던 동거녀가 다시 그의 앞에 나타나면서, 둘 사이에 극복하기 힘든 먹구름이 드리우는데…서로를 통해 지금까지 몰랐던 새로운 삶을 경험한 알렉스와 니키는 용기를 내어 진정한 사랑을 선택할 수 있을까?
1939: Rome stands on the brink of World War II. In the midst of this political and social tension famed producer Davide Rieta is making a major film. The two lead actors, the German woman Kristina Baumgarten and the English man James Clavel ace each others' initial antagonism and eventually fall in love. Meanwhile the fascist police are looking for an excuse to arrest the Jewish filmmaker and any other potential "troublemakers." The producer and his crew decide to make one final extraordinary effort to complete the film - against all odds.
Carlo Arrigo
Elena, a young trainee psychiatrist, dreams of bringing "mad" people back to a normal life; she makes them talk, she provokes and incites them in the hope of finding the distinguishing signs of normality. Fausto is a boy judged "mad", who has been hospitalized against his will several times, an extrovert musician, he shows clear signs of normality.
A pair of summer and winter weekends intertwine in a series of flashbacks involving five friends. Their dreams and expectations overlap with memories of events that took place in the house that they are sharing, which has a particular significance for all of them.
Nicola is a 6-year-old boy who lives with his family in an old apartment divided in two by a long corridor. His parents' relationship is slowly falling apart, as money is running low and love is fading. To escape the violence, Nicola hides himself in the fantasy world of his toy soldiers. But as the tension increases day after day, the young boy begins to see the corridor slowly turning into a war trench and getting to the front door is no longer a matter of going to school, but the only way to survive.
A princess is determined to restore her homeland's throne to its rightful heir, a young prince with whom she falls in love.
Andrea Collati
Alessandro Francini Bruni
In 1904, in Dublin, James Joyce chats up Nora Barnacle, a hotel maid recently come from Galway. She enchants him with her frank, direct and uninhibited manner, and before long, he's convinced her to come with him to Trieste, where he has a job with Berlitz. Over time, Nora pulls him through phobias, tolerates his drinking, takes in his brother Stan, and bests Joyce at 'the writin' game' to bring him back to Italy from Dublin where he's gone to open a cinema. But his sexual jealousy threatens the relationship and sends her back to Galway with the children. Is there any way to tame Jim's green-eyed monster? And, will the lad ever get his stories published?
Giulia works for her father's law film and still lives in her parents' luxurious home. However, she soon realizes the young man from Thailand who is their new houseguest is not just a family friend -- he is Guilia's mother's lover, and almost half her age. Father, however, has an even bigger secret -- he's been having an affair with a man young enough to be his son.
Il Tempo Dell'Amore (A Time to Love) is an omnibus film of three different love stories that take place in three different eras and locations. The common element is the theme: love causes a lot of pain.
Osvaldo Donati
유럽 예술영화의 뛰어난 수사학을 보여주는 거장 베르나르도 베르톨루치 감독 작품 !! 19살의 아름다운 미국 소녀 루시 하몬(리브 타일러)은 이태리의 어느 한적한 전원 마을에도착한다. 자신의 초상화를 그려줄 어머니의 친구이자 화가인 이안(도날 맥칸)과 아내 다이아나(시너드 쿠삭)을 만나러온 그녀는 요름동안 다니아나의 집에서 보내기로 한다. 사실 루시는 4년 전에 그곳에서 만났던 니콜로 도나티(로베르토 지베티)를 만나고 싶어한다. 다이아나의 집에는 기욤(장 마레)이란 대범한 노인과 불치의 병으로 죽어가는 영국인 작가 알렉스(제레미 아이언스)가 있었는데, 알렉스는 그녀가 빗나가지 않도록 충고해준다. 루시는 알렉스에게 루시의 어머니가 죽기 전에 자신의 아버지에 대한 단서가 들어있는 글을 남겼다는 이야기를 해준다.
그녀는 알렉스와 자신의 초상화를 그리는 화가 이안, 그리고 군인으로 복무했던 카를로(카를로 체치) 중에 아버지가 있을 거라고 추측한다. 이때, 여행 갔던 니콜로와 오스발도(이그나찌오 올리바)가 도라오는데 알고보니 니콜로는 바람둥이였고, 자신이 감동했던 편지는 오스발도가 쓴 것이었다. 루시는 그와 사랑에 빠지고, 알렉스는 병원으로 실려간다. 루시는 드디어 자신의 아버지가 누구인지 알게 된다. 베르나르도 베르톨루치가 15년만에 고국인 이태리로 돌아와 찍은 영화로 그와 합작한 촬영감독 다리우스 콘지는 이태리 어느 마을의 초록빛 자연과 대지의 건강한 정서, 그리고 따뜻한 태양광선을 한껏 살린 화면으로 보는 이를 사로잡는다. 음악을 담당한 리처드 하틀리의 음악이 화면과 조화를 이룬다.
After a kidnapping a boy is kept in the family castel to protect him. But the situation is not easy