Ignazio Oliva

Ignazio Oliva

Рождение : 1970-09-26, Genoa, Liguria, Italy


Ignazio Oliva is an Italian stage, film and television actor.


Ignazio Oliva
Ignazio Oliva


Padre Pio
It is the end of World War I and the young Italian soldiers are making their way back to San Giovanni Rotondo, a land of poverty, with a tradition of violence and submission to the iron-clad rule of the church and its wealthy landowners. Families are desperate, the men are broken, albeit victorious. Padre Pio also arrives, at a remote Capuchin monastery, to begin his ministry, evoking an aura of charisma, saintliness and epic visions of Jesus, Mary and the Devil himself. The eve of the first free elections in Italy sets the stage for a massacre with a metaphorical dimension: an apocalyptic event that changes the course of history.
(Не)идеальные парочки
Don Giacomo
Супружеские союзы нескольких пар были признаны недействительными — священник, который венчал их, оказался шарлатаном. Вскоре после этого стали всплывать тайны, которые супруги всю жизнь хранили друг от друга. Смогут ли они снова заключить брак или их жизнь перевернется с ног на голову?
Michele Ventura
Санто Руссо вырос в провинциальной глубинке. Он хорошо знает, что такое бедность. Теперь он разгуливает по улицам Милана в сшитом на заказ костюме и с пистолетом в кармане, и он совершенно не намерен возвращаться к прежней жизни.
Pope Francis: A Man of His Word
Francesco d'Assisi
Pope Francis responds to questions from around the world, discussing topics including ecology, immigration, consumerism and social justice.
Boys On Film 12: Confession
Don Massimo (segment "Age 17")
Boys On Film's twelfth collection of gay short films exposes private lives, uncovers secrets and presents a choice — to conceal or to confess? Volume 12: Confession features nine new stories, including: Robert Hawk's "Home From The Gym" starring Jake Robbins; Samuel Leighton-Dore's "Showboy" starring Lucas Pittaway and Malcolm Kennard; Bobby de Groot and Arjan van Meerten's animated "Cruise Patrol"; Denis Theriault's "I Am Syd Stone" starring Gharrett Patrick Paon and Michael Gaty; Dustin Shroff's "Deflated" starring Carson Trinity Haverda and Greg Baglia; Filippo Demarchi's "Age 17" starring Fabio Foiada and Ignazio Oliva; Christophe Prédari's "Human Warmth" starring Thomas Coumans and Adrien Desbons; Dominic Haxton's "Tonight It's Me" starring Jake Robbins, Caleb James, and Christian Patrick; and Peter Knegt and Stephen Dunn's "Good Morning" starring Peter Knegt and Oliver Skinner.
A recently separated man meets many girls online.
The Medicine Seller
Dott. Sebba
A farmaceutical salesman is involved in the spiral of corruption in the medical assistance of the welfare state system.
Se chiudo gli occhi non sono più qui
Kiko is a teenager whose now dead father was Italian and his mother Marilou is from the Philippines. They live with Ennio, mother's new boyfriend, a foreman who recruits and exploits illegal migrant workers. Kiko goes to school but at the same time he is forced to work in Ennio's building yards. He feels he lives in a wrong planet. There's only one place where Kiko can dream: an old abandoned bus in a dump yard that he's turned into his private refuge. One day it seems his fate could change: an elderly friend of his father's, Ettore, comes looking for Kiko and offers to become a strange kind of tutor for him. But one day Ettore reveals to Kiko his real identity...
Age 17
Don Massimo
Matteo is a 17-year-old boy who comes to the realization that he is in love with Don Massimo, a young priest of the village that leads the marching band in which Matteo plays the drum. He sees in Massimo a person willing to listen to his fears and desires. For the first time in his life, Matteo feels ready to open up to someone...
Школа «Диаз»
Marzio Pisapia
Ретроспектива событий 21 июля 2001 года на саммите большой восьмёрки в Генуе, когда группа мирно протестующих активистов была жестоко избита и арестована полицией с применением самых жутких издевательств и пыток. Правозащитная организация Международная Амнистия позднее назовёт эти события самым грубым нарушением прав человека в Западной Европе со времен Второй мировой войны.
Seven Acts of Mercy
Luminita, a young illegal immigrant living on the edge of a shanty town, has hatched a plan to get herself out of her predicament. To carry it through she bumps into Antonio, a sick and mysterious old man. The clash between the two of them is unavoidable and harsh, and leads to unforeseeable consequences…
Прости, хочу на тебе жениться
Алекс и Ники, несмотря на разницу в возрасте, решили пожениться. Но чем ближе день свадьбы, тем чаще у Ники возникают сомнения по поводу этого события.
Se chiudi gli occhi
La canarina assassinata
An italian transposition of the S. S.. Van Dine novel.
Прости за любовь
37-летний красавец Алекс ведет себя как подросток и не желает взрослеть, он расстается со своей «вечной невестой» Еленой, «крутится» на работе и по жизни. Вскоре Алекс знакомится с не по годам развитой 17-летней Ники. Между ними завязывается дружба, вскоре перерастающая в любовь, от которой не в восторге абсолютно все родственники и друзья главных героев.
The Moon and the Stars
1939: Rome stands on the brink of World War II. In the midst of this political and social tension famed producer Davide Rieta is making a major film. The two lead actors, the German woman Kristina Baumgarten and the English man James Clavel ace each others' initial antagonism and eventually fall in love. Meanwhile the fascist police are looking for an excuse to arrest the Jewish filmmaker and any other potential "troublemakers." The producer and his crew decide to make one final extraordinary effort to complete the film - against all odds.
Tu devi essere il lupo
Carlo Arrigo
Elena, a young trainee psychiatrist, dreams of bringing "mad" people back to a normal life; she makes them talk, she provokes and incites them in the hope of finding the distinguishing signs of normality. Fausto is a boy judged "mad", who has been hospitalized against his will several times, an extrovert musician, he shows clear signs of normality.
Past Perfect
A pair of summer and winter weekends intertwine in a series of flashbacks involving five friends. Their dreams and expectations overlap with memories of events that took place in the house that they are sharing, which has a particular significance for all of them.
The Corridor
Nicola is a 6-year-old boy who lives with his family in an old apartment divided in two by a long corridor. His parents' relationship is slowly falling apart, as money is running low and love is fading. To escape the violence, Nicola hides himself in the fantasy world of his toy soldiers. But as the tension increases day after day, the young boy begins to see the corridor slowly turning into a war trench and getting to the front door is no longer a matter of going to school, but the only way to survive.
The Triumph of Love
A princess is determined to restore her homeland's throne to its rightful heir, a young prince with whom she falls in love.
L'ultima lezione
Andrea Collati
Alessandro Francini Bruni
Дублин, 1904 год. Писатель Джеймс Джойс уговаривает Нору Барнакл, горничную из местного отеля, переехать вместе с ним в Италию. С этого начались их любовные отношения, которые вдохновили Джойса на создание образа Молли Блум в романе «Улисс».
The Guest
Giulia works for her father's law film and still lives in her parents' luxurious home. However, she soon realizes the young man from Thailand who is their new houseguest is not just a family friend -- he is Guilia's mother's lover, and almost half her age. Father, however, has an even bigger secret -- he's been having an affair with a man young enough to be his son.
Время для любви
Фильм-сборник из трех разных историй любви, действие которых происходит в трех разных эпохах и в трех разных местах. Общим элементом является тема: любовь причиняет много боли.
Ускользающая красота
Osvaldo Donati
Прекрасная юная американка после самоубийства матери, известной поэтессы и топ-модели, отправляется в Италию. Ей предстоит провести лето на вилле давних друзей семьи, найти своего отца и потерять девственность… Но есть еще один, быть может, главный мотив этой поездки: стремление найти разгадку непонятной записи в оставленном матерью дневнике.
The Sailing Ships
After a kidnapping a boy is kept in the family castel to protect him. But the situation is not easy
La buona battaglia - Don Pietro Pappagallo