Oleg Menshikov

Oleg Menshikov

출생 : 1960-11-08, Moscow, USSR [now Russia]


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Oleg Evgenyevich Menshikov (born 8 November 1960) is a Soviet and Russian entertainer. He is a film and theatre actor, singer and director. He started his film career in the early 1980s playing in the comedy Pokrovskie vorota and in Nikita Mikhalkov's Rodnya. In 1993, Menshikov collaborated again with Mikhalkov in their most famous film, Burnt by the Sun. Portraying a manipulative and suicidal NKVD agent during Stalin's Great Purge, Menshikov's performance brought him to the attention of a wide international audience. The film won the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Menshikov appeared in Régis Wargnier's 1999 film, East-West with Sandrine Bonnaire and Catherine Deneuve. Menshikov played the hero of Mikhalkov's 1998 The Barber of Siberia, with Julia Ormond playing his mistress. He appeared as Erast Fandorin in the 2005 film The Councillor of State. He filled the role of Ostap Bender in the 2006 Russian mini-series based on The Little Golden Calf. Description above from the Wikipedia article Oleg Menshikov, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

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Oleg Menshikov

참여 작품

Attraction 3
인베이젼 2020
General Lebedev
첫 우주 침공으로부터 3년이 지난 지구. 인류는 상처를 이겨내고 조금씩 평범한 일상으로 돌아가고 있다. 그러나 평화도 잠시, 다시 그들이 모습을 드러냈다. 물이 존재하는 그 어느 곳도 안전하지 않은 상황. 하지만 인류는 반드시 이겨낼 것이다!
Gogol. A Terrible Vengeance
Yakov Petrovich Guro - investigator
Soon after Gogol's death, Binh names him guilty for the deaths of the Cossacks and the young women at the hands of the Dark Horseman, since he was the one who ordered them to be hidden in the barn. Bomgart is unable to perform a post-mortem analysis on the Gogol's body, while Vakula's daughter Vasilina (who secretly has magic abilities) proclaims denial about Gogol's demise.
고골 더비기닝: 유령살인
Yakov Petrovich Guro - investigator
1829년, 작가를 꿈꾸던 비밀경찰 소속 서기관 니콜라이 고골은 오직 살인사건 현장에서만 발작을 일으키고 환영을 본다. 유명한 수사관 야고프 구로는 그런 고골의 발작에서 사건을 해결하는데 필요한 단서가 있다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 고골과 구로 수사관은 여자 3명이 죽은 미스터리한 사건을 해결하러 '디칸카'지역으로 떠나게 되는데...
Colonel Lebedev
어느 날 갑자기 러시아 모스크바 도심 한가운데로 거대한 비행 물체가 추락하고, 외계 존재의 등장에 국가는 비상사태에 돌입한다. 한편 추락 현장에서 가까스로 살아남은 ‘율리아’는 죽은 친구의 복수를 위해 비행 물체에 접근한다. 그 과정에서 다시 한번 위험에 빠진 ‘율리아’는 갑자기 나타난 외계 존재의 도움으로 목숨을 건지게 되고, 그들이 지구에 온 목적이 침략이 아님을 알게 된다. 하지만 시간이 지나도 떠나지 않는 외계 존재에 대한 적대감과 분노가 커져가는 ‘툐마’를 비롯한 사람들은 군대를 조직해 전쟁을 준비하고, ‘율리아’는 미스터리한 존재 ‘하콘’과 함께 일어나서는 안될 전쟁을 막기 위해 결국 나서기로 하는데... 인류의 운명을 건 외계 존재와 인류와의 전쟁 일으킬 것인가, 막을 것인가!
Legend No. 17
Biopic of Russian ice hockey legend Valeri Kharlamov from early childhood, rising to the pinnacle of the sport and his untimely death
위선의 태양 2
Dmitriy Arsentyev
The final part of Mikhalkov's trilogy about Divisional Commander Kotov finds him returning home during World War II having been betrayed, narrowly escaped execution for treason and nearly reduced to dust in a prison camp. Only to discover that everything has changed and he will have to fight again for his name, for his honor, and for his love.
위선의 태양 2
Mitya Arsentyev
Epic film about WWII, a sequel to Utomlyonnye solntsem (1994). Evil Stalin is terrorizing people of Russia while the Nazis are advancing. Russian officer Kotov, who miraculously survived the death sentence in Stalin's Purge, is now fighting in the front-lines. His daughter, Nadia, who survived a rape attempt by Nazi soldiers, is now a nurse risking her own life to save others. In the war-torn nation even former enemies are fighting together to defend their land. People stand up united for the sake of victory. Written by Steve Shelokhonov
What Men Talk About
Four old friends - Kamil, Lesha, Sasha and Slava - all well-to-do professionals in their late 30s embarking on a two days road trip from Moscow to Odessa. They wish to escape the metropolis and the everyday routine of work, family and girlfriends to relax in a nightclub run by Slava's friend and to see the popular band B-2 show.
Doctor Zhivago
Russian TV miniseries of Boris Pasternak's classic novel.
The State Counsellor
Erast Petrovich Fandorin
Third film based on Boris Akunin's "Priklucheniya Erasta Petrovicha Fandorina" series of novels. On a train from St. Petersburg to Moscow general Khrapov was killed and no one else but Erast Petrovich is under suspicion because the killer pretended to be Fandorin. There are initials BG on the handle of the knife Khrapov was stabbed with, the initials belong to a terrorist organization which keeps both capital cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) in fear. This time Fandorin is not the only one trying to solve the crime, general Pozharski, a famous detective takes over the investigation...
Woe From Wit
Александр Андреевич Чацкий
Woe From Wit
Aleksei Golovin
June 1946: Stalin invites Russian emigres to return to the motherland. It's a trap: when a ship-load from France arrives in Odessa, only a physician and his family are spared execution or prison. He and his French wife (her passport ripped up) are sent to Kiev. She wants to return to France immediately; he knows that they are captives and must watch every step.
Lyonchik Yuryev
After Polina, a mother of six, loses her husband, who went to jail for stealing charcoal and was killed when he tried to escape, she stays behind without any support. To be able to survive, Polina and her family start a folk group. But soon she understands that her children deserve a better fate, and she takes the desperate decision to steal a plane and go abroad... Fifteen years later, Polina is released from prison and finds out that fate has scattered her children all over the country: one is in the army, another is a miner in the Donbass, and the oldest, Lyonchik, who used to be in a mental institution, now pretends to be insane. Polina gathers all of her sons to free their older brother from the psychiatric hospital...
러브 오브 시베리아
André Tolstoi
모스크바 행 기차에 한 무리의 사관 생도들이 승차한다. 몇 명의 생도들이 비좁고 더러운 3등 칸을 피해 1등 칸으로 몰래 숨어 들어간다. 친구들의 장난으로 한 객실에 혼자 남겨진 사관 생도 안드레이 톨스토이(올멕 멘쉬코프)는 객실에 있던 미국 여인 제인 칼라한(줄리아 오몬드)에게 매혹된다. 제인 또한 순수한 안드레이에게 끌린다. 안드레이가 부른 모차르트의 '피가로의 결혼식'을 들은 제인의 마음은 설레인다. 그러나 제인은 사관학교의 교장이며 러시아 황제의 오른 팔인 레들로프 장군(알렉세이 페트렌코)을 유혹해 맥클레컨이라는 발명가의 실험 중인 벌목기를 러시아 정부에 납품시키기 위해 고용된 여인이었다. 레들로프를 유혹하는 데는 성공했지만 제인의 마음은 어느샌가 안드레이에게 끌린다. 한편 안드레이는 제인에 대한 자신의 사랑을 졸업식날 고백하기로 마음 먹는다. 그러나 레들로프 장군 역시 제인에게 청혼하려 하고 그는 안드레이에게 자신의 청혼의 연서를 그에게 읽게 한다. 어쩔 수 없이 장군의 청혼서를 읽던 안드레이는 갑자기 제인에게 자신의 마음을 고백해버린다.
Prisoner of the Mountains
Sacha Kostylin
Two Russian soldiers, one battle-seasoned and the other barely into his boots and uniform, are taken prisoner by an anxious Islamic father from a remote village hoping to trade them for his captured son.
위선의 태양
Dimitri (Mitya)
1936년 어느 긴 여름날. 스탈린의 제플린 건설 프로그램의 새로운 출발을 기념하고 있는 다차(러시아식 전원 별장). 음악가, 작가, 배우 등 특권 계층 예술가들의 별장이 모여있는 이곳에 드미트리(올렉 멘쉬코프)가 10년만에 마루샤(잉게보르가 다프쿠나이테)의 집으로 돌아온다. 만약 10년전 자취를 감춘 드미트리가 이곳에 나타나지만 않았더라도 언제나처럼 이들의 여름은 조용히 흘러갔을 것이다. 10년만에 재회한 드미트리와 마로샤. 드미트리는 자신의 음악선생 집에서 성장기를 보냈고 마로샤는 바로 선생의 딸이었던 것. 한 때는 애인이기도 했던 두 사람에게 과거의 감정이 되살아나고 어쩔 수 없는 안타까움은 침묵으로 겉돈다. 그가 사랑하던 마로샤는 이미 혁명 영웅 세르게이(니키타 미할코프)와 결혼해 나디아(나데즈다 미할코바)란 어린 딸까지 낳았기 때문이다. 세르게이는 동요하는 아내로부터 과거의 추억을 더듬기 시작한다. 그가 사랑의 한을 풀기 위해 찾아오지 않았나 생각하는 사이, 사태는 전혀 엉뚱한 방향으로 전개되어 간다. 10년간 행적이 묘연했던 드미트리는 스탈린의 비밀 경찰로 일하고 있었던 것이다. 누렇게 익은 밀밭, 그 위에 태양이 작렬하는 어느날, 세르게이는 모스크바에서 자신을 데리러 온 KGB의 차에 오른다. 나디아 만큼이나 천진한 마을 사람들의 배웅과 마루샤와 나디아의 작별의 키스를 받고 길을 떠나는 세르게이. 마을을 벗어난 길을 달리는 차안에서 그는 무참히 두들겨 맞고, 이를 목격한 트럭 운전사는 총살당한다. 이때 들판 너머 스탈린의 초상이 그려진 대형 열기구가 하늘로 떠오르고 드미트리는 그 앞에 경례를 붙인다. 아무 것도 모르는 나디아는 노래를 부르며 아름다운 들판을 뛰어논다.
Andrei's ex-girlfriend Tania (Anzhela Belyanskaya) has been constantly in danger of going to jail since he knew her. Their breakup was not his doing, and he is determined to keep her out of jail. Andrei (Oleg Menshikov) has a notion that, if he can raise enough money, he can smuggle her out of Russia into New York, where all will be well. While Andrei's grasp on reality may be tenuous, his ability to maneuver and scheme is unimpaired. He is a student filmmaker, and the kind of money he needs to save Tania with doesn't grow on trees. He begins raising funds by mugging men at public toilets, and graduates to stealing the drug money accumulated by more serious gangsters. After he has raised the money to accomplish his goal, his girl, the light of his life, confesses that she despises him, and then goes out and gets arrested.
The Hole
A few days from the life of average brothel in early XX century Russia. Based on the classical novel by Aleksandr Kuprin.
Limited Life
A story about young girl Masha who is living in abandoned house and surrounded by the very strange company...
Владимир Пирошников
Герой фильма Владимир Пирошников в поисках выхода из жизненного тупика мучительно решает вечные вопросы смысла жизни. В конце концов, оказавщись на крыше, он делает одно неосторожное движение - и зависает на уровне пятого этажа...
Splashes of Champagne
The film is based on the novel by Vyacheslav Kondratyev "Vacation by Wound." The story of the few weeks that young lieutenant Volodya spent in Moscow in the summer of 1942 after treatment at the hospital. Directly from the Rzhev Front with a bandaged hand, in a bloodstained padded jacket and tattered boots, he goes on vacation to his mother in the capital. Here, at the height of the war, almost peaceful life is going on - lines for vodka and beer, restaurants for the aristocracy of nomenclature, parties, girls... It’s another month for Volodya to live an ordinary life in Moscow, in a peaceful city in which everything is alien to him.
Эти... три верные карты...
Sergey Artenev
Captain of a Russian battleship "Novik" Artenyev is in love with a beautiful lady Klara who is a German spy. They cannot be together because of the war and their professions. But they are in such love that all the war battles and battleships do not stop them, only their duties do.
My favorite clown
Сергей Синицын
Film is based on the eponymous book by V. Livanov. About a boy, who is adopted by the divorced man.
Through Main Street with an Orchestra
Vasily Muravin, 50, a teacher at the Moscow Institute of Management, is experiencing a crisis. At work, the place of the head of the department is replaced by the more pragmatic, but limited person Valentin Romanovsky. At home, his wife Lida, who earns at work more than her husband, habitually reproaches him for indecision. It’s hard for Muravin to come to terms with his established attitude to himself, but he is most worried when his wife shows disrespect for his main hobby - playing the guitar. Once, unable to bear the bullying, Muravin suddenly leaves the family (wife and daughter) and from work.
Володя большой, Володя маленький
Obstacle Course
After a demobilization Vladimir starts working in a little porcelain shop as a repairer - but soon gets involved in criminal activity - so he desperately needs help from army friends.
Капитан Фракасс
Барон де Сигоньяк
The Kiss
The film is based on the short story by Anton Chekhov. Gentlemen invited to tea by the local landowner, a retired major-General von Rebbeca.. Lieutenant ryabovich lost in the darkness, in the rooms of the old house, suddenly kissed a stranger.
The Pokrovsky Gates
Stories from the lives of the tenants of the Moscow's communal apartment: Kostik, who is a college student, lives with his aunt while studying; Arkady Velyurov who is a performing artist; Khobotovs, who are a divorced couple; and Sava, who is Margarita Khobotov's new fiancé. All these people live in one apartment and their lives constantly touch each other's.
Flights in Dreams and in Reality
Alisa's Friend
On the eve of his fortieth anniversary Sergei Makarov looks back at his life and learns that he has achieved nothing. He was not able to be happy and to bring happiness to the closest people in his life, neither to his long-suffering wife nor young mistress nor friends nor work... It is about the men who never grew up and could not find themselves in the time of stagnation – gifted, charming, but infantile and lost, they never were able to realize themselves...
One of the most popular movies tells, in an ironic manner, about complicated relationships between close people. Among the film’s achievements is not only splendid acting, but also the fact that “Kinfolk” remains as contemporary and topical as before. The relations between a son-in-law and a mother-in-law are as everlasting a theme as love itself. Especially when the role of the son-in-law Stasik is brilliantly played by Yuri Bogatyryov, and that of the mother-in-law by the incomparable Nonna Mordyukova. Marusya Konovalova, a kind, simple-hearted country woman, comes to Moscow to visit her only daughter (Svetlana Kryuchkova) and tries to help “glue together” her broken-up family. Acting with best intentions, she cannot understand why her interference provokes a stormy protest… Ruscico.com
I Wait and Hope
1942 The Great Patriotic War is in full swing. The German command begins an intensified struggle with partisan detachments. One of these detachments, operating in Polissya, is surrounded by enemy troops. There is only one way out of this situation - it is necessary to disorient the enemy and break through the cordon. But how to do that?