Victor French

Victor French

출생 : 1934-12-04, Santa Barbara, California, USA

사망 : 1989-06-15


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Victor Edwin French (December 4, 1934 – June 15, 1989) was an American actor and director. He is remembered for roles on the television programs Little House on the Prairie, Highway to Heaven and Carter Country, cl.

프로필 사진

Victor French
Victor French

참여 작품

Little House: The Last Farewell
Isaiah Edwards
While Charles and Caroline are visiting Walnut Grove, the townspeople learn that a land development tycoon has acquired title to all the land in Hero Township. They are inspired by Laura to vent their anger at this injustice.
Little House: Bless All the Dear Children
During preparation for Christmas baby Rose Wilder is kidnapped by the woman who recently lost her child. Looking for her Laura, Almanzo and Mr Edwards meet lonely orphan boy, who finally stays with that woman.
Little House: Look Back to Yesterday
Albert Quinn Ingalls wants to be a doctor. But soon he discovers that he is fatally ill. He decides to spend the rest of his life in Walnut Grove. Meanwhile children from school are preparing for their traditional climbing of the mountain.
Little House: Look Back to Yesterday
Isaiah Edwards
Albert Quinn Ingalls wants to be a doctor. But soon he discovers that he is fatally ill. He decides to spend the rest of his life in Walnut Grove. Meanwhile children from school are preparing for their traditional climbing of the mountain.
사관과 신사
Joe Pokrifki
해군 아버지 밑에서 불우한 어린시절을 보낸 잭 메이어(리처드 기어)는 해군 항공 사관학교에 입학한 후 남을 늘 감싸고 배려하는 동료 시드 월리(데이빗 키스)와 교관 폴리(루이스 고셋 주니어)를 만나 혹독한 훈련 속에서도 인간애를 느낀다. 훈련 4주째, 생도들을 위한 파티에서 제지공장에 다니는 여공 폴라(데브라 윙거)와 리넷(리사 브라운트)을 만난 잭과 시드. 폴라는 시간이 갈수록 자신이 진심으로 잭을 사랑한다는 것을 깨닫지만 이에 부담을 느낀 잭은 이별을 고한다. 월리 역시 리넷과 헤어지려 하나 리넷이 임신을 했다고 하자 자신이 원하는 삶을 찾기 위해 소위 임관 2주를 남겨놓고 자퇴를 하고 리넷에게 청혼한다. 하지만 해외에 나가 근사하게 살고 싶었던 리넷은 월리가 자퇴를 했다는 말을 듣는 순간, 거짓 임신임을 고백하며 청혼을 거절한다. 리넷의 사소한 거짓말은 월리를 절망에서 자살로 몰고 가는데...
Gary Carluccio
A popular high school student seems to have it all; a spot on the football team, the love of playing music in the school orchestra and a girlfriend. His world seems to come apart when the school doctor discovers he is partially deaf, causing him to be cut from the football team on the advice of the doctor. The student's friends fight to keep him on the team; while he struggles with his problem by withdrawing from everything he loves and starts falling in with the wrong crowd.
Louis L'Amour's The Cherokee Trail
Scant Luther
In the late 19th Century, Mary Breydon, a widow, and Peggy Breydon, her daughter manage a stagecoach stop on The Cherokee Trail. The story is told from the perspective of Peggy, looking back on her adventures.
The Ghosts of Buxley Hall
Sgt. Maj. Chester B. Sweet
Ghosts and a young cadet try to save a military academy from being closed.
The Golden Moment: An Olympic Love Story
Anatoly Andreyev
This Olympics film, tied in with the planned 1980 games from which the United States subsequently withdrew, focuses on an American athlete whose dreams of winning the Decathlon are threatened by his romance with a pretty Russian gymnast.
Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill
A variety of people are drawn together through their participation in an amateur talent contest in a country roadhouse.
The Nickel Ride
A world-weary crime boss is losing his grip on his organization.
The Tribe
A family tribe of Cro-Magnons faces hardships, such as hunger, animal attacks, Neanderthal attacks, and death from injuries as they migrate to find a more bountiful land to live on.
The House on Skull Mountain
Dr. Andrew Cunningham
When the relatives of a recently deceased voodoo priestess gather at her sinister house on Skull Mountain for the reading of the will, they discover a killer in their midst who wants to keep them from collecting their inheritance.
Little House on the Prairie
Mr. Edwards
The story of the Ingalls family who left their house in Wisconsin and moved to the west, wanting to find a new place for home.
인디언의 땅
Martin Hall
인디언 혼혈인 차토는 정당방위로 보안관을 살해하게 된다. 그는 백인 자경단원들에게 쫓기는 신세가 되자 산 속으로 도주한다. 산 속 깊숙이 들어온 백인들은 오히려 차토에게 위협을 당하는 신세가 된다. 백인들 사이에는 내부 분란이 일어나고 그 과정에서 차토의 약혼녀를 강간하게 된다. 복수심에 불탄 차토는 최후의 1인까지 응징하게 되는데... (CNTV)
디 아더
A series of gruesome accidents plague a small American farming community in the summer of 1935, encircling two identical twin brothers and their family.
와일드 로버스
Ross Bodine and Frank Post are cowhands on Walt Buckman's R-Bar-R ranch. Bodine is older and broods a bit about how he will get along when he's too old to cowboy. Post is young and rambunctious and ambitious for a better life than wrangling cows. When one of their fellow cowboys is killed in a corral accident, Post suggests a way into a better life for himself and his friend: robbing a bank. Bodine reluctantly joins in the plan and the two contrive to rob the local bank. They make good their escape initially, but Walt Buckman and his two sons, John and Paul, are incensed at this betrayal by their own trusted employees. John and Paul set out to bring Bodine and Post to justice.
Plimpton! Shoot-Out at Rio Lobo
George Plimpton got a job playing one of the bad guys in the Howard Hawks-directed John Wayne Western "Rio Lobo." In this special we see him talking to Hawks about whether he'll be killed off or not, to Wayne about how to cultivate a special walk to make oneself a star in movies and to himself as he attempts to rehearse his tiny part and while doing so is caught in the frame of a setup for another scene and chastised by Wayne. Wayne calls Plimpton "Pimpleton" throughout this special.
Sgt. Rafferty (Sheriff's Dept.)
Comedy based on the plight of modern Native Americans living on reservations.
패리스 피트먼은 수십만 달러를 탈취하여 자기만 아는 곳에 숨겨두었다. 매음굴에서 노닥거리던 피트먼은 결국 보안관 우드워드 로프먼에게 붙잡히고, 애리조나주 사막 한복판에 있는 교도소에 수감된다. 하지만 피트먼은 자신을 기다리며 잠자고 있는 수십만 달러를 생각하며 오랜 수감생활을 견딘다. 한편, 새로 부임한 교도소장 르고프는 자신의 이익을 위해서라면 수감자와의 거래도 마다하지 않는 부패한 인물. 르고프는 피트먼에게 탈옥의 기회를 줄 테니 숨겨둔 현금의 절반을 달라고 요구하는데....
리오 로보
코드 맥넬리는 남북전쟁 당시 남쪽에 정보를 팔아넘기는 배반자를 찾아내는 연방 장교다. 그를 중심으로 한 추적대는 배반자를 찾아 '리오 로보' 시로 가게 되는데...
Cutter's Trail
Alex Bowen
The Marshal of Santa Fe returns home to find his town almost wiped out by Mexican bandits and enlists the help of a young Mexican boy and his mother to track them down.
건파이터의 최후
Phil Miller
In the turn-of-the century Texas town of Cottownwood Springs, marshal Frank Patch is an old-style lawman in a town determined to become modern. When he kills drunken Luke Mills in self-defense, the town leaders decide it's time for a change. That ask for Patch's resignation, but he refuses on the basis that the town on hiring him had promised him the job for as long as he wanted it. Afraid for the town's future and even more afraid of the fact that Marshal Patch knows all the town's dark secrets, the city fathers decide that old-style violence is the only way to rid themselves of the unwanted lawman.
Vince Hackett
Jess Wade is innocently accused of having stolen a cannon from the Mexican revolutionary forces. He tries to find the real culprits, a gang of criminals.
태양은 가슴마다
Spencer Brother
Clay Spencer is a hard-working man who loves his wife and large family. He is respected by his neighbors and always ready to give them a helping hand. Although not a churchgoer, he even helps a newly arrived local minister regain his flock after he and Clay get into a bit of trouble. If he has one dream in life it's to build his wife Olivia a beautiful house on a piece of land he inherited on Spender's mountain. When his eldest son, Clayboy, graduates at the top of his high school class and has the opportunity to go to college, Clay has only one option left to him.
The Quick and the Dead
Milo Riley
A small group of soldiers capture a German observation post, but in turn are captured themselves. They soon escape and--with the aid of two women--try to fight their way to safety.
황야의 7인
Front Office Clerk
미국과 멕시코의 국경 지대에 있는 가난한 마을에 매년 칼베라(Calvera: 엘리 월라치 분)란 도적떼가 나타나 수확한 양식을 빼앗아 가자 마침내 마을 사람들은 도적떼와 싸우기로 결심하고 총잡이를 구하러 도시로 온다. 대가도 너무 싸고 싸움에 승산이 없다는 걸 알면서도 그들을 딱하게 여긴 크리스(Chris Adams: 율 브리너 분)라는 총잡이가 다섯 명의 일류 총잡이들을 설득한다. 드디어 여섯 명의 총잡이가 마을로 향해가고 있는데 젊은 청년 치코가 그들을 쫓아오며 자신도 끼워달라고 떼를 쓴다. 결국 그의 끈질김에 감탄하여 그들은 치코를 끼워주기로 한다. 마을에 도착한 7인의 총잡이들은 마을 사람들에게 총 쏘는 법을 훈련시키고 함정을 만들며 칼베라와 싸울 준비 태세를 갖춘다. 처음엔 총잡이들이 무서워 피하기만 하던 마을 사람들도 그들을 믿고 따르게 된다. 드디어 칼베라 일당이 후퇴를 한다. 그러나 칼베라가 완전히 도망간 게 아니고 끝까지 싸울 계획임을 알게 되자 마을 사람들은 지금이라도 항복하자는 패와 끝까지 싸우자는 패로 나뉜다. 결국 항복을 주장하던 마을 사람 하나가 칼베라를 마을에 몰래 끌어들여 7인의 총잡이들을 잡게 한다. 목숨만 구한 채 마을에서 쫓겨난 그들은 죽을 걸 알면서도 마을로 되돌아가 싸우기로 한다. 목숨을 걸고 싸우고 있는 그들의 모습에 마을 사람들도 두려움을 떨치고 합세하여 칼베라 일당을 모조리 죽인다. 그러나 7인의 총잡이 중 셋만이 살아남는다. 그 중 치코는 사랑하는 마을 처녀 옆에 남기로 하고 두 명만이 마을을 떠나 다시 황야로 향한다.