Assistant Director
While working as a counselor at a summer camp, college-student Marjorie Morgenstern falls for 32-year-old Noel Airman, a would-be dramatist working at a nearby summer theater. Like Marjorie, he is an upper-middle-class New York Jew, but has fallen away from his roots, and Marjorie's parents object among other things to his lack of a suitable profession. Noel himself warns Marjorie repeatedly that she's much too naive and conventional for him, but they nonetheless fall in love.
Assistant Director
친구를 사귀지 못하고 학교에 적응 못하는 소년 짐 스타크가 술을 마시고 경찰서에 잡혀 온다. 짐은 경찰서에서 밤길을 헤매다 잡혀온 주디와 강아지를 총으로 쏘아죽여 잡혀온 소년 플라토를 만난다. 청소년과의 경찰 레이는 짐이 부모에 대한 불만으로 괴로워하는 것을 알고 어려움이 있으면 자기를 찾아오라고 말한다. 며칠 후 새 학교에 등교한 짐은 주디와 버즈 일당과 부딪힌다. 패거리를 몰고 다니는 버즈는 짐이 만만치 않음을 느끼고 경주를 하자고 도전하는데..
Assistant Director
1917년, 캘리포니아 사리나스에서 농장을 경영하는 아담 트라스크는 두 아이들이 있다. 큰 아들 아론은 모범 청년이었지만 둘째 칼은 성격이 거칠고 언제나 불만에 찬 눈초리이다. 아담에게는 아내 케이트가 있었는데 그녀는 칼을 낳자 남편과 자식을 버리고 집을 나가 그는 아내는 죽었다고 생각하면서 살고 있고 그의 아들들 역시 어머니는 돌아가신 걸로 알고 있다. 아버지 아담은 아들 칼을 그런 부도덕한 아내의 피가 흐른다고 믿고 미워했으며 신앙심이 두텁고 공부를 잘하는 아론을 신뢰하고 사랑했다. 칼은 그런 아버지에게 반항하고 어머니가 도박장을 경영하는 바의 마담으로 있다는 얘기를 듣고 어느날 기차에 모임승차하여 근처의 어항인 몬트레이로 가 그곳에서 어머니를 만난다. 그러나 칼은 생모에게 그리움과 동시에 그녀의 부도덕한 생활에 혐오감을 느끼는데...
Unit Manager
1917년, 캘리포니아 사리나스에서 농장을 경영하는 아담 트라스크는 두 아이들이 있다. 큰 아들 아론은 모범 청년이었지만 둘째 칼은 성격이 거칠고 언제나 불만에 찬 눈초리이다. 아담에게는 아내 케이트가 있었는데 그녀는 칼을 낳자 남편과 자식을 버리고 집을 나가 그는 아내는 죽었다고 생각하면서 살고 있고 그의 아들들 역시 어머니는 돌아가신 걸로 알고 있다. 아버지 아담은 아들 칼을 그런 부도덕한 아내의 피가 흐른다고 믿고 미워했으며 신앙심이 두텁고 공부를 잘하는 아론을 신뢰하고 사랑했다. 칼은 그런 아버지에게 반항하고 어머니가 도박장을 경영하는 바의 마담으로 있다는 얘기를 듣고 어느날 기차에 모임승차하여 근처의 어항인 몬트레이로 가 그곳에서 어머니를 만난다. 그러나 칼은 생모에게 그리움과 동시에 그녀의 부도덕한 생활에 혐오감을 느끼는데...
Assistant Director
사제관에서 일하는 켈러(Otto Keller: O.E. 헷세 분)는 돈을 훔치기 위해 변호사 빌렛의 집에 들어갔다가 우발적으로 빌렛을 죽이고 만다. 켈러가 살인을 저질렀다는 것을 고백 성사를 통해 알게 된 로건 신부(Father Michael Logan: 몽고메리 클리프트 분)는 고백 성사의 비밀을 지키려다가 오히려 빌렛의 살인범으로 의심을 받게 된다. 빌렛 살인 사건의 담당 형사인 라우루 경감(Inspector Larrue: 칼 몰든 분)은 로건 신부를 범인으로 단정짓고 로건 신부에 대한 수사를 진행한다. 로건 신부의 옛 애인인 루스(Ruth Grandfort: 앤 박스터 분)는 로건이 살인 용의자로 의심을 받고 있다는 것을 알고, 사건 당일날 밤, 자신과 로건이 함께 있었다는 사실을 밝힌다. 루스는 경찰의 조사에서, 자신과 로건 신부가 예전에 애인 사이였고, 전쟁 때문에 헤어지게 되어 지금의 남편과 결혼하게 되었으며, 죽은 빌렛은 자신과 로건의 관계를 폭로하겠다고 협박했다는 사실까지 고백하게 된다. 이에 따라 로건의 혐의는 점점 짙어지고, 진범인 켈러는 오히려 로건을 범인으로 몰기 위해 계락을 꾸미게 된다. 결국 로건 신부는 살인죄로 법정에서 재판을 받게 되지만, 증거 불충분으로 무죄를 언도받는다. 남편이 범인이라는 것을 알면서도 사실을 밝히지 못한 채 죄책감에 시달리던 켈러의 아내 알마(Alma Keller: 돌리 하스 분)는 법정에서 나오면서 자신의 남편이 진범임을 밝히려 하다가 켈러가 쏜 총에 맞아 죽는다. 켈러는 경찰과 끝까지 대치하다가 결국 경찰이 쏜 총에 목숨을 거두고 로건 신부의 결백은 밝혀지게 된다.
Assistant Director
Alcoholic newspaperman Lew Marsh hits bottom, loses his job and is rehabilitated by Charley Dolan. After six years on the wagon he gets his job back and devotes himself to other recovering alcoholics.
Assistant Director
블랑쉬는 욕망이라는 이름의 전차를 타고 미국 남부 항구도시인 뉴올리언스에 도착한다. 명문 가문 출신인 그녀는 이 퇴락한 도시와는 어울리지 않는 차림새를 하고 여동생의 좁고 허름한 아파트를 수소문해 찾아간다. 여동생의 남편, 스탠리는 폴란드 출생의 노동자로 다혈질에다 거침없는 성격의 소유자이며 음주와 도박을 일삼는 난폭한 사내이다. 그는 뭔가 환상을 쫓고 있는듯하고 자신이 경멸하는 것같은 블랜치에게 처음부터 적개심을 갖게 되었다. 확실히 블랜치는 이 도시가 어울리지 않다. 현실을 쉽게 받아들여 현실에 녹아들 수 없었던 그녀는 자꾸 자신의 내부로 도피 하려고만 했고 이러한 블랜치를 스탠리는 도저히 참을 수 없다. 그래도 스탠리의 친구 미치는 블랜치에게 관심이 간다. 그녀와 데이트도 하고 그녀를 자기의 어머니에게 소개하려고도 한다. 그러나 스탠리의 방해로 미치는 불랜치의 곁을 떠나고, 스텔라가 아이를 출산하러 병원에 간 사이, 스탠리는 블랜치를 능멸한다. 스텔라의 집앞에 의사와 간호원이 기다리고 있다. 블랜치를 정신병원으로 데려가려고 하는 것이다. 처음에는 따라나서기를 거부하던 블렌치는 의사의 친절한 말에 이끌려 결국 따라나선다.
Production Manager
A man - trapped in a cistern - reflects on the dark events that lead to his lonely entrapment.
Assistant Director
Former World War II flying ace Matt Brennan takes a position as a test pilot for a commercial aircraft corporation and bumps into his old girlfriend, Jo Holloway, who now works as a receptionist for the company.
Production Manager
Dave Joslin, the managing editor of a big-city newspaper, is demoted and moved to the Miss Lonely Hearts column-writing department by the newspaper's publisher, J. B. Grennell, because Joslin refuses to desist in printing stories linking a gangster, Matthew Keever, to a murder. But Joslin, aided by Kit Williams, a newspaper woman with whom he is in love, investigate the murder case on their own time.
Lt. Ruiz
2중 3중으로 벌어지는 추격전의 속에 돈을 둘러싼 음모도 있고 로맨스까지 골고루 다 들어 있는데 매끈하게 연결된다.
Production Manager
A jealous wife suspects the worst when her dingaling husband hires his former girlfriend for a position at his company.
Production Manager
Brothers who rode with a notorious outlaw gang led by Frank and Jesse James decide to go straight and try to get pardons so they can return to a law-abiding life.
Production Manager
Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?
Production Manager
Eddie, a small-time hoodlum is forced to care for Marie he accidentally hits with his car during a crime. He is broke and hits up his very displeased mob boss for cash. To make matters worse, Eddie and Marie begin to fall for each other.
Production Manager
멕시코 탐피코 마을. 일거리를 찾지 못하던 돕스는 팻에게 고용되어 목수 일을 하게 된다. 팻이 임금을 주지 않자 돕스는 커틴과 함께 팻의 돈을 훔쳐 달아난다. 여관에서 우연히 만난 노인 하워드가 사금이 나온다는 계곡 이야기를 들려주자 둘은 함께 금을 찾으러 떠나는데...
존 휴스턴의 페르소나라 할 수 있는 험프리 보가트와 아버지 월터 휴스턴이 함께 연기한 작품으로, 인간의 탐욕을 적나라하게 그려냈다.
Jim "Lucky" Moore, an insurance salesman, comes up with a novel policy for his friend, Steve: a 'love insurance policy', that will pay out $1-million if Steve does not marry his fiancée, Cynthia. The upcoming marriage is jeopardized by Steve's ex-girlfriend, Mickey, and Cynthia's disapproving Aunt Kitty. The policy is underwritten by a nightclub owner, Roscoe, who sends two enforcers - Abbott and Costello - to ensure that the wedding occurs as planned.
Don Jose Monterico
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
Don Jose del Torre
The story, based on a novel by Johnston (Zorro) McCulley, concerns a group of aristocratic vigilantes, who go about trying to restore their prominence in Mexico by killing anyone who stands in their way.
Lieutenant Cabana
A supense-thriller-comedy set against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War.
Tony Cortez
Kitty Reily (Patsy Kelly) and Lena Marchetti (Lyda Roberti) meet each other at an amateur Radio Show. Kitty quickly learns to greatly dislike incompetent Lena. They keep running into each other until Kitty resigns to being friends with Lena when they become hospital nurses and share a dorm room.
Armand Recard
A federal agent sets out to track down his partner's killers.
Don Luis Espinosa
It is California in 1852 that only recently being surrendered by Mexico to the United States and admitted into the union. Most of the land-owners of California were the descendants of the Dons who had colonized it a hundred years before and whose title deeds bore the signature and seal of a long-dead Spanish king. But, by a loop-hole in the law, the title-deeds of the Dons could not be recognized, and this opened the door of organized gangs of land-grabbers, such as the one led by Joe Kincaid, to operate with a prime excuse for legitimate plunder and robbery. In most cases the law was unable to cope with the situation. Then Rosita Castro, the daughter of Don Pasqual Castro, masked and disguised as a man, organized a band of vigilantes to fight against the tyranny of the outlaws, aided by an undercover federal agent, Jim Kearney.
Rico Cesaro
A failed actor finds success as a radio singer.
축제의 열기가 한창인 스페인. 파스콸은 안토니오에게 미모의 콘차 페레즈가 자신에게 실연의 상처를 안겼다며 그녀를 조심하라고 경고한다. 하지만 파스콸의 경고에도 안토니오는 그녀의 매력에 빠져들어 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 결국 콘차 페레즈를 사이에 두고 파스콸과 안토니오는 결투를 하기에 이르는데, 여인은 파스콸에게 안토니오를 다치게 하지 말라고 애원한다. 피에르 루이스의 소설 「여인과 꼭두각시」를 토대로 한 작품으로, 독일에서부터 인연을 이어온 스턴버그와 디트리히가 마지막으로 함께 작업했다. 스턴버그는 자신이 스페인의 축제에서 경험한 초현실적이고 환상적인 분위기를 바로크적인 장식들로 완벽하게 재현해냈다. 이후 1977년에는 루이스 브뉴엘이 원작 소설을 토대로 "욕망의 모호한 대상"을 만들기도 했다.
Señor Martinez, a famous theater owner, visits a local café in Mexico because of its reputation for good food and to audition the famous dancer who performs there. Martinez tells the café owner that if the dancer is as good as he has heard, he will offer the dancer a contract to perform in his theater. The café's female singer hears about this and is determined that he won't leave the café without her.
Dyer is buying ranches and then retrieving his check by having his gang kill the owner. Bob Worth arrives just as Buck Morton is killed and gets blamed for the murder. Fleeing from the Sheriff, Bob teams up with the Mexican outlaw Golinda. Having seen Dyer pay off his men, he has a plan to trap him and Golinda is just the man he needs to make it work.
Conte Valenti
Greta Nissen stars as an Italian noblewoman living a dangerous double life as a spy. A remake of the celebrated German thriller Spione am Werk. Co-starring noted German actor Karl Ludwig Diehl and American matinee idol Don Alvarado. The film takes place in Vienna, 1912. When an Austrian staff officer is implicated by association with a known Italian spy he goes on the run. Three years later - as the Great War gets into full swing - he returns and begs the Austrian Secret Service to allow him to clear his name from suspicion.
Don Frederico
A young bank employee is sent to South America to bring some valuable bonds to a client there. Unfortunately for him, he tends to drink a bit too much and winds up getting involved with a gang that's planning on stealing the bonds to start a revolution.
Davey Heron
Adapted from Lady Eleanor Smith’s novel, this 1934 feature tells the story of Joe Prince, an orphan child of circus people who, after many struggles, achieves his life-long ambition of owning a circus.
Pepi Velez
Wildly optimistic chatterbox Eva Lovelace is a would-be actress trying to crash the New York stage. She attracts the interest of a paternal actor, a philandering producer, and an earnest playwright. Is she destined for stardom, or will she fade like a morning glory after its brief blooming?
Black Beauty is being trained to run in the steeplechase race, upon which the Cameron family has staked its fortune. However, the horse is injured racing for a doctor when its owner is hurt, and it looks like it won't recover in time to compete in the race.
Jose Moreno
A beautiful blonde makes a career out of seducing and then blackmailing wealthy married men. She is found murdered after demanding a $5000 payoff from her latest victim, and the detective investigating the case finds out that she was involved in a lot more than just blackmail.
Contrabando is an adventure film. The film tells of the millionaire Hernández who smuggles weapons from the United States into Mexico. He does this because he is planning an uprising. The hotel attendant Carlos is informed of this. Hernández and his troops are defeated by the army. Carlos is acquitted and can marry his lover Lolita. The film Contrabando was shot in locations on the border with the United States, such as Tijuana, Ensenada and Playas de Rosarito. It was shot in Spanish and in English under the title Contraband. The role of Lolita was cast for the English version with Dorothy Sebastian. Contrabando's plot was inspired by an actual 1929 rebellion led by José Gonzalo Escobar.
Ramon Alvarez
A middle aged millionaire falls in love with a gorgeous, but stupid blonde gold digger, being guided by her ever-present shrewish friend.They marry but the man soon regrets his rash move when she's constantly bored and looking for dancing and excitement, leaving him feel his age. He conspires with a loyal friend to find a suitable man she might run away with so he can divorce her.
Count Felipe DeLatorie
A struggling writer divorces his wife to pursue his career without interference, but they meet in Europe years later after she has remarried.
Carlos Santiagos
A wealthy girl hires a male escort to make one of her male friends jealous. She spreads rumours about her character that makes her popular amongst all bachelors in the city including her friend.
Ramon Gonzales
An American joins the French Foreign Legion in order to rescue a boyhood friend.
A notorious Mexican bandit goes all soft and mushy when he falls for a beautiful senorita. Warner Bros.' Captain Thunder contains some of the darndest Mexican accents you've ever heard in your life. The star is Hungarian-born Victor Varconi, portraying a legendary south of the border outlaw who tries to force Canadian senorita Fay Wray to marry a rival rustler whom she despises. She pleads with the bandito so pathetically that he is moved to grant her a single wish. Without hesitation she chooses her poor but true love. The bandit king, being a somewhat honorable fellow grants the wish and without a twitch, guns down the wicked cattle thief. Fortunately the film was played for comedy, a wise decision since it probably would have garnered laughs as a straight drama anyway.
Larry Mitchell
A matinée idol and a bumbling manager fight for the love of a would-be starlet. Estrellados is the Spanish version of Free and Easy (1930) with Hispanic/Spanish-speaking actors.
The Spaniard
In this melodrama, a dancer works in a sleazy Marseilles portside dive that is really the front for a bordello. While dancing one night she meets a sailor and agrees to be his bride. Unfortunately, one of her former suitors suddenly shows up and a terrible fight ensues.
A sculptor dreams about his work coming to life and having various adventures.
Roberto Ferguson
Capt. James Stewart pursues the bandit "The Kinkajou" over the Mexican border and falls in love with Rita. He suspects, that her brother is the bandit.
This first cinematic version of the classic book is a part-talkie, although the only surviving print is silent (housed in the George Eastman House, Rochester, NY). It is a straight-forward telling of the intermingled lives of a group of strangers doomed to die in a collapsing bridge accident. The Art Direction, paltry and unremarkable, surprisingly won an Oscar over the far more remarkable work nominated in THE IRON MASK. The special effect scene of the lovers plummeting with the bridge into the chasm is unforgettable and remarkably done.
Pierre Dumont
The Apache (1928)
Babe Winsor
Gum-chewing frizzy-haired golddigger Marie Skinner cooks up a scheme with her lover Babe Winsor, a jazz hound, to fleece a portly middle-aged real estate tycoon, William Judson. Marie moves into Judson's apartment building and contrives to meet and seduce him, plying him with compliments, music, swoons, décolletage, and batted eyes. When his loyal wife (and their two children) see him out catting with Marie at a night club, mom's devastated and confronts him. He moves out. Babe wants Marie to sell Judson worthless bonds. Will mom commit suicide? Will sis shoot the floozy? Will pops figure out he's being a fool?
Prince Nicholas
Silent film drama...
No Other Woman
Count Leonardo de Alvia
A princess is betrothed to a deformed monarch, but falls hard for his handsome brother.
While plotting together to win back their lovers, the rich Madeleine and the penniless Pierre fall for each other.
The Loves of Carmen is a 1927 American silent romantic drama film directed by Raoul Walsh. The film, based on the novella Carmen by Prosper Mérimée, stars Dolores del Río in the title role, and Don Alvarado as Jose.
Sam Wick
In 1927 Olive Borden starred in Fox drama The Monkey Talks directed by Raoul Walsh. She played a circus performer who meets a man pretending to be a talking monkey.
Ed Nolan
Rin Tin Tin drama!
A giant condor decimates a herd of sheep, and Rin-Tin-Tin is accused of having turned killer.
Young lawyer Dick Gregory, is hard pressed to pay the bills of his wife, Gloria, and equally hard pressed to keep up with the frantic pace of her life. Edward Martindel, an attorney who represents a corporation against which Dick is litigating, attempts to bribe Dick with a substantial sum of money; Dick refuses, and Gloria develops a complaint against him on this account. After a particularly bitter argument, Gloria leaves Dick and joins some friends for a moonlight cruise. Alec Seymour, a friend of the Gregorys', tells Dick that the boat on which Gloria is sailing has not met safety standards, and Dick goes after her, saving her life when the boat sinks. Gloria repents of her wild and wicked ways, and she and Dick settle into calm domesticity.
Tommy Wiswell
Joan Wiswell, Ted Workman, and wholesome Helen Ripley are among the half-dozen or more suspects, all for good reasons of their own, murdered a high-society crook called Genne Cassenas.
A young lady plans her devious revenge on a Russian aristocrat of fantastic wealth, who will not give her his permanent affections.
Matador (uncredited)
In England, Don Pedro de Barrego meets Dolores Annesley, and he decides he must have her. Dolores, however, refuses to have anything to do with him. Later, when she visits Spain, she discovers he is a famous bullfighter.
Undetermined Role
Renée (Mae Murray) is the heiress of a Mexican ranch, granddaughter of a woman known for her recklessness and frivolity at night. This first "Mademoiselle Midnight" is banished in the opening scene by Napoleon III at Empress Eugenie's insistence to Mexico. Renee is kept locked at the hacienda at night by her father to prevent her following in her grandmother's wayward footsteps. She falls in love with a visiting American (Monte Blue) but is also pursued by the craven outlaw Manuel Corrales. Miss Murray gets to do some of her trademark dancing, but this one isn't a comedy, despite comic relief provided by Johnny Arthur.