Inês Salgado

참여 작품

펠레: 버스 오브 어 레전드
Costume Design
브라질의 축구 선수를 넘어 20세기 최고의 천재 축구 선수 펠레. 브라질의 조그만 마을에서 태어나 어릴때부터 아이들과 축구를 하며 자라던 펠레는 산토스 축구팀에 입단하면서 세계 무대로 입성하게 된다. 짜여진 축구의 기술보다 브라질의 감성을 담은 축구를 하고 싶었던 펠레는 그만의 기술로 한발짝씩 성장해 가는데…… 7월, 월드컵의 함성과 함께 축구의 감동을 느껴 보자
Meus Dois Amores
Costume Designer
Manuel is a crafty cowboy and swindler who lives to serve his two great loves – his fiancée Das Dô, and his mule Beija-fulô – and his business of selling unsound horses to suckers. The killer Targino arrives in town looking for a horse. Thinking that he is being clever, Manuel sells a sick horse to the assassin. Targino swears that he is going to kill Manuel, and dishonor Das Dô’s reputation after he’s dead. Under pressure, Manuel calls on the magic of Toniquinho das Pedras to protect his body. However, the witchdoctor demands the mule Beija-fulô as payment. Manuel, sees himself in the dilemma between having to choose between his fiancée Das Dô, and the mule, Beija-fulô.
Maré, Our Love Story
Costume Design
Free adaptation of Romeo and Juliet translated to the harsh life in Favela da Maré, one of largest and most violent slums in Rio de Janeiro. Living in a slum divided between two rival gangs of drug traffickers, Analídia is the daughter of one of the gangs' leaders and Jonathan is a childhood friend of the other gang leader. Both study in a dance group situated exactly in the middle of the two territories, looking for solace in art.
시티 오브 갓
Costume Design
빈민가가 막 형성되기 시작한 1960년대, 마을을 지나가는 배달 트럭을 털면서 가족을 부양하는 텐더 삼총사가 주름잡던 그 시기에는 엄연한 룰이 존재했다. 돈은 훔치되 살인은 삼가는 것이다. 이들은 엉뚱한 용의자를 사살하고도 지갑을 챙기는 악질 경찰에 비하면 약자에 불과했다. 텐더 트리오 시대에 종지부를 찍은 제빼게노는 큰 돈을 만지기 위해서는 마약을 다뤄야 함을 알게 된다. 단짝친구 베네는 악랄하기만 할 뿐 주변을 다독일 줄 모르던 제빼게노를 보좌하며 또 다른 룰을 만들어내지만, 위태로운 평화의 유효기간은 그리 길지 않다.
Brave New Land
Diogo is a cartographer and artist who is encharged to set the new frontiers of Portuguese Colonies in South America. When he reaches the center of the continent, finds apparently nothing but wilderness and ‘uncivilized’ natives with strange ways of living. But Captain Pedro, the rude scout who guides him through the jungle, involves Diogo in an involuntary act of violence which will tie him in an unusual way to that far away country. At the same time, the Portuguese colonists are trying to make peace with Guaicuru Indians (one of the few natives with horse-riding abilities). But peace doesn’t ever have a low price.
Sermões - A História de Antônio Vieira
Costume Design
Based upon the life story of Father Antonio Vieira, born in Lisbon in 1608 and deceased in Salvador, Bahia, in 1697. He's considered the first Brazilian writer and one of the most important aesthete of linguistic and of the Portuguese language of all times, a master in the art of metaphor, of verbal relations and analogy. He was persecuted and condemned by the Portuguese Court of Inquisition due to his position against native slavery, against the intolerance to the Jewish people and to the colonial politics of exploration.