Robert M. Young

Robert M. Young

출생 : 1924-11-22, New York City, New York, USA


Robert Milton Young (born November 22, 1924) is an American filmmaker.

프로필 사진

Robert M. Young
Robert M. Young

참여 작품

The Maze
William Kurelek's The Maze is a documentary film about the life of celebrated Canadian artist William Kurelek, "dramatically told through his paintings and his on-camera revelations." The film documents the artist's struggles with attempted suicide and what he called a "spiritual crisis."
Human Error
A comic story of three corporate drones trapped unaware in a decrepit and crumbling third world factory that's filled with corruption and deceit.
China: The Panda Adventure
Experience the world of the magnificent and rare Giant Panda as you travel back in time on an exciting expedition through the breathtaking splendor of 1936 China. Inspired by the true-life story of widowed New York socialite Ruth Harkness, a fiercely independent woman who dared to take up her late husband's expedition, journeying deep into the forests of China to study the Giant Panda.
A middle-aged couple has a drifter enter their lives. The fish-store owners find that the mysterious young man awakens the couple in ways they didn't expect. Things get tense when the drifter begins an affair with the woman of the house.
Solomon & Sheba
In the land of Israel, Solomon (Jimmy Smits) is trying to figure out a way to become the world’s supplier of frankincense. He sends an envoy to the tiny country of Sheba to announce his intentions. The Queen of Sheba, Nikaule (Halle Berry), is outraged by Solomon’s greedy plan.
Slave of Dreams
The Egyptian executioner's wife tries to seduce Hebrew slave Joseph to fulfill a dream they are experiencing simultaneously.
Gallo Morales is the proud patriach returning home after a seven-year stint for manslaughter. Seeking to re-establish his legendary status as a champion breeder, he comes back for the rooster bred by his father. But it is Hector, his son who inherits the prize-winning bird and neither are about to give in. The fall-out from their conflict has consequences for the whole family, especially for Angela, the sensitive 14-year-old daughter unable to cope with the brutal world that surrounds her and her own emerging womanhood, despite the best efforts of Juana, her strong but long-suffering mother.
분노의 아메리칸
Camera Operator
1943년 LA 폭동이 일어났을 때 어머니 에스페란자가 해군에게 겁탈당해 태어나게 된 산타나는 그의 친구 2명과 함께 어려서부터 갱단을 조직하여 범죄를 저지른다.그러다 소년원에 수감된 그는 그곳에서 자신에게 성적 희롱을 가하던 다른 원생을 살해한다. 어른이 되어서도 교도소를 집처럼 드나들던 산타나는 교도소내에서 '멕시칸 마피아'를 조직, 교도소는 물론 거리의 갱세계까지 지배하며 범죄 세계의 보스로 군림하게 되는데...
분노의 아메리칸
1943년 LA 폭동이 일어났을 때 어머니 에스페란자가 해군에게 겁탈당해 태어나게 된 산타나는 그의 친구 2명과 함께 어려서부터 갱단을 조직하여 범죄를 저지른다.그러다 소년원에 수감된 그는 그곳에서 자신에게 성적 희롱을 가하던 다른 원생을 살해한다. 어른이 되어서도 교도소를 집처럼 드나들던 산타나는 교도소내에서 '멕시칸 마피아'를 조직, 교도소는 물론 거리의 갱세계까지 지배하며 범죄 세계의 보스로 군림하게 되는데...
메이저리그 엔젤 야구팀의 스카웃 담당 버질(Virgil Sweet: 에드워드 제임스 올모스 분)은 야구시즌이 오길 손꼽아 기다리고 있다. 그러나 팀 구단주가 교체되면서 스카우팅 프로그램이 무산될 처지에 놓이게 되고 버질 자신도 일자리를 잃게 될 위기에 처한다. 그의 유일한 희망은 천부적 재능을 타고난 선수발굴이었다. 그 날도 그는 어디엔가 있을 천재선수를 찾아나섰는데, 우연히 세미라는 청년을 만나게 된다. 버질은 한 눈에 그가 대단한 재능을 가졌음을 알아보고 그를 선발하지만, 세미는 너무 긴장한 나머지 실수만을 연발하여 버질을 초조하게 만드는데...
유태계 그리이스인인 젊은 복서 살라모(윌리암 데포 분)는 아버지, 어머니, 동생 아브람, 그리고 누 줄리와 함께 넉넉한 살림은 아니어도 그리이스의 작은 항구도시에서 평화롭게 살면서 친구 자코와 어릴적부터 함께 권투를 배우며 자라왔다. 장래 세계 챔피언을 꿈꾸며 지역 미들급 챔피언 자닐 따나는 등 상당한 촉망 받는 젊은 권투선수이기도 하다. 그러나 나찌 독일군이 그리이스를 점령하면서 모든 상황은 갑자기 바뀐다. 친구 자코는 저항군에 가담하게 되고 그로 인해 자코의 가족은 독일군한테 사살된다. 모든 유태인들이 독일군을 피해 숨어 살게 되고 그 와중에도 살라모는 애인인 알레그라와 어두운 극장에서 몰래 만나 데이트를 즐긴다. 그러나 그것도 잠시뿐이었고 곧 살라모의 가족을 위시하여 알레그라의 가족 등 모든 유태인들이 독일군에 체포되어 강제로 기차에 실려 아우슈비쯔로 끌려간다. 아우슈비쯔수용소로 끌려간 모든 유태인들은 남녀로 나뉘어 인간이하의 대접을 받으며 강제로 노동에 시달린다. 그 와중에 작업 도중 죄수 감독관과 우연히 시비가 붙어 싸움을 벌이게 된 살라모는 뛰어난 권투 솜씨로 상대방을 때려 뉘고, 그것이 독일군 장교 라우셰의 눈에 띄어 죽음의 시합을 벌여야 하는 권투선수가 된다. 그러나 살라모는 모는 선수들을 다 물리치고 영원한 승자로 군림한다. 그러던 어느날 죽은 죄수들의 시체를 소각하는 일에 차출된 동생 아브람은 차마 인간 이하의 짓을 할 수가 없어 작업을 거부하다 죽음을 당하고 ...
Dominick and Eugene
Dominick and Eugene are twins, but Dominick is a little bit slow due do an accident in his youth. They live together, with Dominick working as garbage man to put Eugene through medical school. Their relationship becomes strained when Eugene must decide between his devotion to his brother, or his need to go away to complete his training. Things are also not helped by Dominick's co-worker, or Eugene's budding romance.
A woman escapes from the man who is about to rape her, but leaves her purse behind. Afraid that her attacker might come after her, she goes to the police, but with no proof of the incident, they can do nothing. In fact, the man does use the information in her bag and comes to her apartment with the intent of rape, but she sprays him in the face with insect repellent, and then holds him captive. She is then faced with deciding whether to go to the police who might not believe her and release him, or to kill him.
Saving Grace
A newly-elected Pope Leo XIV finds himself accidentally locked out of the Vatican. Unknown to the outside world, he winds up in an impoverished Italian village, where his adventures ultimately teach the Pope and his new friends some important lessons about friendship and self-esteem. Written by Chris DeSantis
코르테즈의 애가
닮았다는 이유로 누명을 쓰고 억울하게 체포되어 탈옥한 실제 인물을 그린 영화.코르테즈는 산 안토니오에서 지명수배범과 닮았다는 이유로 체포된다. 누명을 벗기위해 코르테즈는 자신은 범인이 아니라고 항변하지만 영어를 못하는 그에게는 너무 힘겨운 일이다. 그러던 중 공권과 싸우던 코르테즈는 실수로 보안관을 죽이고 만다. 이에 그는 탈옥해서 끝없는 도주를 시작한다.
코르테즈의 애가
닮았다는 이유로 누명을 쓰고 억울하게 체포되어 탈옥한 실제 인물을 그린 영화.코르테즈는 산 안토니오에서 지명수배범과 닮았다는 이유로 체포된다. 누명을 벗기위해 코르테즈는 자신은 범인이 아니라고 항변하지만 영어를 못하는 그에게는 너무 힘겨운 일이다. 그러던 중 공권과 싸우던 코르테즈는 실수로 보안관을 죽이고 만다. 이에 그는 탈옥해서 끝없는 도주를 시작한다.
One Trick Pony
An aging rock star trying to put together a new album in the face of an indifferent record label and a talentless producer. At the same time, he's struggling to save his failing marriage.
Rich Kids
Two 12-year-olds, the products of Upper West Side broken homes, struggle to make sense of their parents lives and their own adolescent feelings.
Director of Photography
After the birth of his first child, Roberto, a young Mexican man, slips across the border into the United States. Seeking work to support his family back home, he finds that working hard is not enough.
After the birth of his first child, Roberto, a young Mexican man, slips across the border into the United States. Seeking work to support his family back home, he finds that working hard is not enough.
After the birth of his first child, Roberto, a young Mexican man, slips across the border into the United States. Seeking work to support his family back home, he finds that working hard is not enough.
Short Eyes
A young man who is charged with child molestation is placed in New York City’s infamous Tombs prison. When the other inmates in his cell block find out what he is charged with, life becomes extremely difficult for him.
To Fly!
Early IMAX documentary about the development of human flight.
Children of the Fields
Children of the Fields (1973), was produced for a television series on children sponsored by the Xerox Corporation and dealt with migrant farmworkers. To make it, Young immersed himself in the lives of Mexican American migrant laborers in the Southwest. He befriended the Galindo family—Polo; his wife, Lili; and their five young children—who all toiled in the fields. They agreed to permit Young to follow them during the harvesting season and to be the subjects of his film.
The Plot Against Harry
Director of Photography
A small-time Jewish racketeer, just out of prison, finds himself in a quandary. Returning to his old neighborhood, he finds that the streets that he and his friends once controlled have now been taken over by blacks and Hispanics. On top of that, he must try to get back with his family, who want nothing to do with him.
The Plot Against Harry
A small-time Jewish racketeer, just out of prison, finds himself in a quandary. Returning to his old neighborhood, he finds that the streets that he and his friends once controlled have now been taken over by blacks and Hispanics. On top of that, he must try to get back with his family, who want nothing to do with him.
J. T. Gamble, a shy, withdrawn Harlem youngster, shows compassion and responsibility when he takes on the care of an old, one-eyed, badly injured alley cat days before Christmas and secretly nurses it back to health.
낫씽 벗 어 맨
A proud black man and his school-teacher wife face discriminatory challenges in 1960s America.
낫씽 벗 어 맨
Director of Photography
A proud black man and his school-teacher wife face discriminatory challenges in 1960s America.
낫씽 벗 어 맨
A proud black man and his school-teacher wife face discriminatory challenges in 1960s America.
SIT-IN (1960) is filmmaker Robert M. Young’ (Nothing But A aman, The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez) seminal documentary on how the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and Students of Fisk University desegregated the lunch counters in Nashville, TN.
Secrets of the Reef
Director of Photography
A BAFTA award nominated underwater documentary exploring the life of the ocean-bed inhabitants off the Florida coast.
Secrets of the Reef
A BAFTA award nominated underwater documentary exploring the life of the ocean-bed inhabitants off the Florida coast.
Secrets of the Reef
A BAFTA award nominated underwater documentary exploring the life of the ocean-bed inhabitants off the Florida coast.