Eduard Fernández

Eduard Fernández

출생 : 1964-08-25, Barcelona, Spain

프로필 사진

Eduard Fernández
Eduard Fernández

참여 작품

신의 구부러진 선
Samuel Alvar
편집증에 시달린다며 정신병원에 입원하는 사립 탐정. 사실 그녀의 목적은 다른 환자의 미스터리한 죽음을 파헤치는 것이다.
La broma
Elena and her lover Javier set in motion a plan to assassinate her husband Alberto, a successful businessman.
Mediterraneo: The Law of the Sea
Oscar Camps
Autumn 2015. Profoundly affected by the picture of a little boy who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea, lifeguards Oscar and Gerard travel to Lesbos (Greece). Once there, the reality is horrific: thousands of people risk their lives every day, crossing the sea in precarious boats and fleeing from armed conflicts. But nobody bothers to rescue them. With Esther, Nico and other members of the team, they will fight to do what they came to do, helping those who need it. For all of them, this initiation voyage will become a life-changing odyssey. Mediterráneo is the struggle to survive in the sea, an often hostile medium where every life counts.
A Thief's Daughter
Sara has been alone all her life. She’s 22, has a baby, and wants to form a normal family with her young brother and the father of her child. Her own father, Manuel, decides to come back into their lives after years of absence and his release from prison. Sara knows he’s the main obstacle to her plans and she makes a difficult decision: to distance him from herself and her brother.
전쟁의 시간
1936년, 프랑코를 내세운 스페인 군대는 정권을 잡으려는 야욕을 드러내고, 이후 시작된 스페인 내전으로 수많은 사람들이 고통 받는다. 뛰어난 학문적 성취와 인품으로 사람들의 존경을 받던 학자이자 작가인 미구엘은 새로운 정치를 요구했던 자신의 말과 글이 결과적으로 군부를 도운 건 아니었는지 자문한다. 한편 미구엘은 부당하게 탄압받는 한 정치인으로부터 도움의 요청을 받는다.
누구나 아는 비밀
동생의 결혼식에 참석하기 위해 아이들과 함께 고향을 찾은 라우라. 오랜만에 만난 가족과 마을 사람들 모두가 모여 떠들썩한 결혼식 파티를 즐기던 중 사랑하는 딸이 감쪽같이 사라진다. 거액의 몸값을 요구하는 메시지를 받은 라우라와 그녀의 가족들, 그리고 오랜 친구이자 과거 연인이었던 파코까지 나서 딸을 찾기 위해 애쓴다. 그러나, 이 모든 것이 가족을 잘 아는 주변인에 의해 시작됐을 거란 이야기를 들은 라우라. 점점 시간이 지날수록 라우라와 가족 모두는 미묘한 긴장감 속에 서로를 의심하고 지금껏 모두가 숨겨온 과거의 비밀이 서서히 드러나게 되는데…
Crimes Against Humanity
A reflection about the urgent necessity of a Universal Jurisdiction enabled to act where other initiatives fail. We are resolved to give voice to the forgotten victims of the Spanish Franco regime and determined to become an agent of change for the dissemination of some events which have left a mark on the Spanish society and which are still unknown nowadays by most of the population, who thinks to know them, but actually got a manipulated version in the best-case scenario.
페르펙토스 데스코노시도스
During a lunar eclipse, seven friends gather for dinner and decide to play a game in which they must share with each other the content of every message, email or phone call they receive throughout the evening.
Like Shooting Stars
An Italian composer in crisis takes a break in Valencia, where he takes a shine to a famous singer.
1898: 필리핀의 마지막 병사들
Cpt. Enrique de las Morenas
16세기부터 19세기까지 스페인의 식민지였던 필리핀은 긴 독립 운동 끝에 1898년 6월 12일, 스페인으로부터 독립한다. 영화는 이 혼란의 시기를 배경으로 필리핀 ‘반군’과 마지막까지 싸운 스페인의 군인들을 그린다. 이들은 패배가 거의 코앞에 다가왔음에도 조국의 영광을 지키기 위해 외딴 요새에 틀어박혀 현실을 받아들이지 않는다. 2017년 고야상 의상상 수상.
천의 얼굴 프란시스코
Francisco Paesa
부패공직자가 횡령한 돈을 둘러싼 여러사람의 음모와 술수를 그린 작품.
The Night My Mother Killed My Father
Isabel is torn between the need to feel valued as an actress and her insecurities and contradictions. One night, she hosts a very special dinner: her husband Ángel, who is a scriptwriter, and Susana, Ángel's ex-wife and film director, want to convince Argentinian actor Diego Peretti to star in a movie. But at some point something unexpected happens that surprises everyone and disturbs the evening.
여러 해 동안 헤어져 지낸 어린 시절의 두 친구. 둘은 함께 웃고 추억을 떠올리고 눈물을 흘리면서 잊지 못할 며칠을 보낸 후, 작별을 고한다. 우정과 사랑의 비가이자, 죽음을 삶의 일부로 받아들이는 용기를 유머러스하고 정직하게 그린 초상화다.
Far from the Sea
A love story between a terrorist and his victim.
Sara's Runaway
Sara lives in a foster-care facility. Her youth days seem to slip through her fingers while she awaits for her father to come back.
Happy 140
A group of friends and family reunite at the fancy new holiday home of a woman who is about to turn 40.
Mouth Shut
Emma is 15 and has a strong personality that she does not know how to manage. Today she got herself into trouble again, but awaiting her in the principals office are two people that she is not expecting: her parents.
Dying Beyond Their Means
Presentador Telediario
Isaki Lacuesta presents a social satire in which five common or garden citizens, from a country pretty much identical to our own, see their lives ripped apart by the economic crisis. With nothing more to lose, they come up with a crazy plan to save the Spanish and world economy: kidnap the chairman of the Central Bank and demand that he return everything to the way it used to be.
엘 니노
엘 니노는 모터 보트를 수리하고 테스트하는 지브롤터 해협과 가까운 라니나에 사는 어린 청년이다. 친구인 엘 컴파와 한밤의 파티가 끝난 후, 그들은 삼촌인 마약 판매상 라치드의 친구인 젊은 이슬람교인 할릴을 만난다. 엘 컴파에 의해 확신을 얻은 엘리노는 아프리카에서 모터 보트로 스페인을 가로지르는 마약 운반책으로 일을 하기로 한다. 한편 경찰인 “지서스“ 는 그의 파트너인 에바의 도움을 받아 지브롤터의 해협에서 활동하는 중요한 마약품 판매상인 엘 잉그리스를 찾고 있던 중에…
The Absent
An old man lives alone in a shabby cabin in a remote mountainous area of Mexico. His house is set to be demolished in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the area. He doesn't know how to protect his house. Time goes by and one day a young man shows up on his doorstep. Looking exhausted, he starts his new routine here, cooking and doing laundry just like the old man.
A biological mother, Sara, and a foster mother, Virginia, share a girl. Sara lost custody due to problems with alcohol and drugs. Five years later, the girl is returned to her.
Barefoot on Red Soil
Pere Casaldàliga
Since he arrived in Sao Felix do Araguaia, in Brazil, the Catalan bishop Pere Casaldàliga fights for the disadvantaged and the indigenous peoples. Casaldàliga must confront the landowners of the region and rethink the role of the Catholic Church.
People in Places
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.
Todas las mujeres
Tells the story of Nacho, a veterinarian, who faces women who have meant something in his life. Before him appears his lover, his mother, his psychologist, his partner, his ex-girlfriend and her sister. With all of them have outstanding accounts and they all have to face to resolve.
A Gun in Each Hand
J. is depressed. E. lives peacefully. S. tries to get back with his wife. G. resorts to anxiolytics. P. plays seduction games. María and Sara exchange their husbands. L. calls his lover in a peculiar way.
Sao Felix Do Araguaia
Orange Honey
Andalusia in the fifties. Enrique and Carmen just meet and fall deeply in love. Carmen gets him to stay in military service in a court of the city. Enrique, in view of the injustices he witnesses every day, realizes that to change the course of things he has to act. Soon he will be involved in risky actions that endanger their lives and those of their peers.
카지노를 털어라
La Bestia
Winning Streak is the astonishing story of a group of young down-and-outs who are presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; to change their luck and set off on the adventure of their lives. Thanks to an infallible method based on the roulette wheel’s imperfection, their lifestyle is about to become better than their wildest dreams, as they set out to break the banks at casinos around the world.
내가 사는 피부
교통사고로 인한 화상으로 아내가 죽은 후 저명한 성형외과 의사인 로버트 박사는 12년간 그만의 비밀실험실에서 완벽한 인공피부를 만드는 데 집착한다. 로버트 박사의 비밀스런 실험대상인 베라는 박사의 대저택 안에 감금되어 그녀를 보호해주는 바디슈트만을 입은 채 생활하고, 로버트 박사의 오른팔인 하녀 마릴리아가 그녀를 돌본다. 어느 날, 로버트가 집을 비운 사이 자신을 마릴리아의 아들이라고 밝히는 손님이 저택에 찾아오게 되면서 로버트와 베라를 둘러싼 비밀이 하나씩 밝혀지며 걷잡을 수 없는 파란이 시작되는데...
The Mosquito Net
Maria suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Luis, Maria's fifteen-year-old grandson, doesn't say very much either; he shuts himself off in his own silent world to escape his parent's marital crisis, spending time instead picking up stray cats and dogs off the street. His father, Miguel, wants to put a stop to this eccentric behavior, but his protective mother Alice indulges him. Nevertheless, the animals begin to appear at home in increasing numbers, making life complicated for the family in their flat.
나는 마약을 사고 팔고 밀입국자들을 짝퉁가방 공장에 알선하는 인력브로커다. 고질병 때문에 찾아간 병원에서 암이란다. 남은 시간 3개월… 엄마의 우울증 때문에 못난 아빠와 함께 사는 나의 착한 두 아이는, 아직 어리다. 죽은 자와 대화할 수 있는 나의 특별한 능력은… 불행히도 나의 죽음을 보게 한다. 너무나 많은 이들에게 끔찍한 죄를 저질렀다. 마지막 순간, 실패한 인생이라 불릴 것이다. 하지만 내가 태어나기도 전에 죽은 얼굴도 모르는 아버지를 여전히 그리워하는 것처럼, 험한 세상에 남겨질 나의 아이들에게는 좋은 기억을, ‘아름다운’ 세상을 선물하고 싶다. 3개월 한달 하루 한 시간 일분… 나의 아이들아, 미안하다… 그럼에도 불구하고.. 살아야 한다.
Black Bread
In the harsh post-war years' Catalan countryside, Andreu, a child that belongs to the losing side, finds the corpses of a man and his son in the forest. The authorities want his father to be made responsible of the deaths, but Andreu tries to help his father by finding out who truly killed them. In this search, Andreu develops a moral consciousness against a world of adults fed by lies. In order to survive, he betrays his own roots and ends up finding out the monster that lives within him.
La princesa de Éboli
Felipe II
Luna caliente
In the autumn of 1970, Juan, a Spanish poet living in Paris working for UNESCO, returns on vacation to his hometown, Burgos. The city is under heavy police and military surveillance due to the so-called Burgos process, a summary military trial against a group of ETA members and other militants against Francisco Franco’s regime.
Black Flowers
Following the failure of his last mission, RFG spy Michael Roddick decides to disappear, taking along Elena, the daughter of a Russian spy who died under strange circumstances. They settle in Barcelona and open a restaurant, to help them to forget about the past. Nevertheless, his former colleagues reappear alleging there are still some matters yet to be settled.
Tres dies amb la família
Josep Maria
Three Days with the Family deals with the relationship between three brothers and one sister, and with their wives and children, whose father has just died. They don't see each other often, and their different opinions about common problems soon become a problem itself.
Amores locos
체 게바라: 2부 게릴라
Ciro Algarañaz
혁명의 성공으로 쿠바에서의 모든 일이 끝났다고 판단한 체 게바라는 편지 한 장만을 남긴 채 홀연히 사라진다. 그 후 그는 볼리비아 혁명군의 리더로 게릴라 전을 펼치지만 부족한 자원과 외국인을 불신하는 국민들로 인해 일생일대의 위기와 마주하는데…
비포 더 폴
A meteorite will destroy the world in three days. For Ale (Victor Clavijo), that means 72 hours of alone time, getting as drunk as possible. But when a mysterious drifter (Eduard Fernández) appears, the self-serving Ale faces a more immediate danger. Now, he finds himself protecting his mother (Mariana Cordero) and his brother's children from his fellow man in humanity's final hours. Daniel Casadella co-stars in this thought-provoking drama.
Sexo en el plató
How are the sex scenes filmed? What tricks are used to fake the desire? How do the interpreters prepare and feel? Spanish actors and directors talk about the most intimate side of acting, about the tricks and work methods when narrating exposed sex. In Spain the general rule is that there are no rules. Each film, each interpreter, faces it in very different ways.
Alex, a shy and introverted, is a film director trying to finish writing his latest script. Decided to leave a few days of his wife and children to go to the Pyrenees and find there the peace and inspiration. In the town where he is met Monica, a violinist who is on vacation at a friend's house. Love grows between them and will face feelings that have to control and hide. Feelings that may never expressed.
Sebastián Copons
서서히 몰락하기 시작한 17세기 스페인을 배경으로 군인 디에고 알라트리스테의 이야기를 그린 시대극.
IMF-세계은행 합동총회가 열리는 마드리드에서는 세계화에 반대하는 8백여 단체와 수많은 시민이 신자유주의에 반대하는 시위가 한창이다. 그 와중에 한 건물에 자리 잡은 유명 회사 신입사원 선발 면접에 7명의 지원자가 모인다. 회사 측은 이들에게 ‘서바이벌 토론’을 통해 신입 사원을 선발할 것을 통보한다. 지원자들은 서로에게 갖가지 인신공격을 퍼붓고, 탈락자가 늘어가는 가운데 하나의 생존자만을 위한 최후의 토론이 시작되는데…. 무한 경쟁의 시대, 승지와 패자의 모습들을 통해 철저한 경제 논리가 인간의 존엄성을 얼마나 짓밟을 수 있는가를 보여주는 작품이다.
A rural drama set in Obaba, a mythical region in northern Spain, where a young filmmaker struggled to capture the feel of the area, which in turn leads to a wealth of self-discovery.
Ants in the Mouth
After languishing in a Barcelona prison for nearly a decade, a busted bank robber attempts to find the girl who made off with the cash in this suspenseful tale of revenge and betrayal starring Adriana Gil and Eduard Fernández. Ex-con Martin Losada is out of prison and on the hunt. When he and his band of anti-Franco bank robbers were busted after a botched heist ten years ago, the only member of their team never caught by police was his long-gone ex-girlfriend Julia. Now, on the eve of the 1958 revolution, the recently released ex-con sets his sights on Havana in a determined bid to find Julia, and stake his claim on his rightful share of the take.
Cosas que hacen que la vida valga la pena
Hortensia is a mature officer of the INEM office. She has been abandoned by her husband so she doesn't believe in love anymore. One day Eduardo Fernandez goes to the employment office because after overcoming a deep depression, he has decided that his life has to get better.
In the City
The film portrays the daily lives, secrets, lies, loneliness and frustrations of a group of eight thirty-something friends living in Barcelona.
The Galíndez File
On March 12, 1956, Basque Nationalist Jesús de Galíndez Suarez disappears from his apartment in New York, never heard from again. He had been working with the FBI and was about to publish a book critical of Dominican strongman, Trujillo. In 1988, a graduate student, Muriel Colber, wants to make Galíndez the subject of her dissertation. She's in Spain doing research; finding little, she goes to Santo Domingo. At every turn, the CIA, in the person of agent Robards, tries to thwart her; and, at each turn, as she considers abandoning the project, someone offers new information, often contradictory. She wants the truth behind the Galíndez mystery; will she find it?
Smoking Room
The Spanish branch of an American company is obliged to enforce the ban on smoking in their offices. From now on, those who want to smoke during working hours must do so in the street. Ramirez, one of the employees of this small office composed mainly of men, decides to begin collecting signatures against what he considers unfair. What Ramirez intends is to be use an unoccupied office as smoking room
The Shanghai Spell
A fourteen year old lad discovers his first love at the point of his pencil whilst drawing the portrait of a sickly but coquettish fifteen year old girl. In the neighbourhood an old freedom-fighter pits himself against bad types, a pretty cinema-ticket girl takes to the streets at night and a young anarchist dedicates himself to telling tall stories. Far away, in Shanghai, a hero of the Republic meets a beautiful femme fatal with oriental eyes. Reality and fiction become fused in an embrace.
울리시스는 한 작은 해변의 고등학교에 문학선생으로 부임한다. 지중해의 달콤한 분위기에 흠뻑 젖은 그는 마르티나라는 여자와 정열적으로 사랑에 빠져들고 아이를 낳고 가정을 꾸리게 된다. 그러던 어느날 울리시스는 낚시를 하러 나갔다가 돌아오지 않는다. 기다리던 마르티나는 부유한 건축가 시에라와 결혼하게 되고 호사스러운 생활을 하지만, 끝내 채워지지 않는 무엇인가가 있다. 그런 그녀에게 울리시스가 다시 나타나고 둘은 은밀한 만남을 계속하게 되지만, 이제 삼각관계일 수밖에 없는 운명은 그들에게 행복을 허락치 않는 것처럼 보인다. (출처: 부산국제영화제)
His Master's Voice
Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In Bilbao, a gray city dominated by political corruption and nationalist terrorism, Charli works as a chauffeur for Oliveira, a businessman engaged in shady deals. Alarmed by a series of threats and attacks, Oliveira decides to entrust Charli with the protection of his daughter Marta.
Fausto 5.0
On his way to a medical convention, Dr Fausto runs into a man who claims the Doctor removed his stomach eight years ago in a surgical operation. Against all odds, he is still alive. The man turns up repeatedly and promises Fausto to make all his wishes come true. Reality starts dissolving and Fausto begins to lose control
The Goalkeeper
Ramiro Forteza is a Premier League goalkeeper whom the Civil War and the rigors of the war led to make a living visiting villages and challenging locals to mark him penalty goals. One evening he arrives to a town in Asturias and meets Manuela, a young widow with a son, who survives sewing for Ursula, Andrade's wife, the Civil Guard sergeant.
Washington Wolves
Miguel (as Eduardo Fernández)
Alberto and Miguel have a bar, but things are not going very well. They need to get out of this black hole and they need money to do it. Alberto is divorced and alcoholic, Miguel has a big secret... Their old friend Claudio is very rich. Why not steal some of his money? Troubles grow when Claudio's wife is planning to steal this money too... The Washington wolfs, in a circus near all this, are the silent witnesses of all that happens that night.
Dos mujeres
Claudia lives happily married with an architect and is part of a rich family of builders. In a children's party going on an apparently unrelated to it: a clown found hanged.
Martí Marcos