Art Direction
A street priest struggling to save his church learns his late uncle left him a small business that could turn his fortune around: he'll soon realize that said business is in fact... a brothel!
Production Design
A street priest struggling to save his church learns his late uncle left him a small business that could turn his fortune around: he'll soon realize that said business is in fact... a brothel!
Production Design
Italy, WWII. After his anti-fascist mother is arrested, Mario spends his childhood on the streets. In 1947 they are miraculously reunited and start a new life in America. Based on the life of Mario Capecchi, 2007 Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Production Design
마녀들이 존재하는 18세기, 거리의 부랑아 파올라는 괴팍한 성격의 곱추 미켈리스 남작에게 눈엣가시 같은 존재다. 파올라는 마녀로 몰려 화형 당할 위기에서 처하지만 착한 마녀 돌로레스에게 구출된다. 마법사가 되기 위한 훈련과 긴장감 넘치는 추격전, 황홀한 변신과 갖가지 기상천외한 모험이 가득한 파올라Paola의 전설이 지금부터 시작된다!
Production Design
A thief and a priest end up magically transported in the year 0's Palestine, where they'll have to make sure that the Nativity will follow its course.
Production Design
Leonardo is still single and immature as ever at 50. Tired to see him like that, his daughter texts all his exes "I'm a changed man: let's try again", setting in motion an unexpected trip down memory lane.
Production Design
Set on the small island of Porto Buio, the traditional live Christmas Nativity scene might not go ahead because the baby who’s always played Jesus has grown up and no new babies have been born on the island in years! With this fundamental tradition on the line, newly elected Mayor Cecco (Claudio Bisio) wants to ask the local Tunisian community to “borrow” one of their children, but there’s conflict between the two communities. Cecco enlists the help of local Islam convert Bilal (Alessandro Gassman) to cross the cultural divide… but both communities are not sure what to make of a baby Jesus that may need his nationality, and even his religion changed!
Production Design
In Polignano a Mare, covered in snow, they are more nervous than usual. Hysterics, anxiousness, pregnancy tests, lost rings and stuck lifts - what else can happen?
Art Direction
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Production Design
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Production Design
사랑과 결혼을 다룬 이야기이다. 50살이 된 니넬라는 사랑에 대한 환상을 아직도 가지고 있었다. 왜냐면 젊은 시절 사랑하던 사람과 결혼을 못했기 때문이다. 그런데 그들에게 새로운 운명적인 만남이 생기는데, 그녀의 딸과 옛 애인의 아들이 풀리아에서 결혼하게 되었고, 풀리냐노 해안가에서 불가능한 일이 실현되게 된다.
Production Design
Fulvio is the only one of the three brothers to have left the village to go to work in the city. Deputy chief of staff in a large company, he dismisses people without remorse until he gets fired himself and after being jailed for beating his superior, is entrusted to his brother, who's a pastor in the village where they grew up. Forced into a place far from the modern world, Fulvio decides to help the local church in crisis by inventing a miracle that makes everyone believe that the saint's statue weeps. Tourists and pilgrims rush to the village and are filling the pockets of local businesses until the Vatican decides to send someone to certify the event. Fulvio must confess the scam, but the entire village will rise to convince the envoys of the Holy City for the veracity of the invented miracle.
Production Design
한 달에 한 번 레스토랑에서 저녁식사 모임을 갖는 두 형제 부부. 이상적인 삶을 추구하는 소아과의사 동생과 물질적인 면을 중요시하는 변호사 형. 이들의 삶과 신념은 전혀 다르다. 그러던 어느 날, 이들의 평온한 저녁식사에 닥쳐온 비극. 자신들의 아이들이 벌인 범죄를 마주한 두 형제는 도덕적 선택의 기로에서 갈등하는데…
Production Design
Production Design
Middle-aged family man Arnaldo is kicked out by his wife because of a misunderstanding. Instead of despairing, Arnaldo takes advantage of the situation to turn around his unsatisfying adult life by going to live in a flat shared with four university students.
Production Design
The story of a father and a son. An on the road trip from South to North.
Production Design
Promotional short film for Lancia.
Art Direction
A middle-aged man finds out his late mother was sponsoring a Brazilian girl who has now become a beautiful model.
Production Design
A middle-aged man finds out his late mother was sponsoring a Brazilian girl who has now become a beautiful model.
Production Design
Jacopo, Duccio, Cecco, Manfredo and Filippo are five friends who live in Florence of the fifteenth century, during a plague epidemic.
Art Direction
During a séance with some friends, divorced carny Gualtiero successfully conjures the spirit of Marilyn Monroe — although he's the only one who can see her. With Marilyn's help, he tries to win back his wife, who left him for a lion tamer, and his teen daughter.
Production Design
During a séance with some friends, divorced carny Gualtiero successfully conjures the spirit of Marilyn Monroe — although he's the only one who can see her. With Marilyn's help, he tries to win back his wife, who left him for a lion tamer, and his teen daughter.
Production Design
68혁명 시기를 전후한 이탈리아. 영화배우가 되고 싶어하는 경찰인 니콜라는 사복을 입고 나갔다가 기성세대와 베트남전에 대한 반대, 성의 자유를 부르짖는 학생들 틈에서 라우라를 만난다. 어느 날 니콜라의 신분이 탄로나고 그녀는 그를 떠난다.
Production Design
In Prague, a musician is consumed by jealousy for his beautiful girlfriend Klára. He hires a private eye to spy on her, but the plan backfires, setting in motion a series of out-of-control events.
Production Design
Mariano has been married for 10 years with Miranda, a woman way out of his league. Their small-town life is disrupted by womanizing photographer Andrea, who — struck by her good looks — offers Miranda a one-time modelling job. Albeit hesitant, the couple eventually accepts his invitation to the Seychelles...
Art Direction
In late 19th-century Sicily, the noble Uzeda family – whose lineage dates back to the ancient viceroys that ruled those lands – fights to preserve its waning power in the face of the newly unified Italian regime.
Production Design
In late 19th-century Sicily, the noble Uzeda family – whose lineage dates back to the ancient viceroys that ruled those lands – fights to preserve its waning power in the face of the newly unified Italian regime.
Production Design
Accio and Manrico are two working-class brothers in 1960s Italy: older Manrico is handsome, charismatic, womanizing, and loved by all, while younger Accio is moody, hotheaded, and lives everything as if it was a war, much to his parents' chagrin. When the former is drawn into left-wing politics, Accio joins the fascists out of spite. His flimsy beliefs are put to test when he meets Manrico's like-minded girlfriend, falling in love with her.
Art Direction
Divorced high school PE teacher Gilberto falls in love with Margherita, unaware that she is the mother of Paolina, a student that has been sending him "I love you" notes written in every language in the world.
Production Design
Divorced high school PE teacher Gilberto falls in love with Margherita, unaware that she is the mother of Paolina, a student that has been sending him "I love you" notes written in every language in the world.
Production Design
마지막 만찬 후에 겟세마니 동산에 올라간 예수는 그 곳에서 사탄의 유혹을 물리친다. 그러나 그 곳에서 예수 그리스도는 유다에게 배신 당해 체포되어 예루살렘으로 끌려온다. 바리새인들은 예수 그리스도를 신성모독죄로 단죄하고, 재판에서 사형을 선고한다. 팔레스타인의 로마 제독, 빌라도는 바리새인들의 주장을 들으며 그의 앞에 끌려온 예수 그리스도를 어떻게 처리할지 고민한다. 자신이 정치적 위기에 직면해 있음을 깨달은 빌라도는 이 문제를 헤롯왕에게 의논한다. 헤롯왕은 빌라도에게 예수 그리스도를 돌려보낸다. 이에 빌라도가 군중들에게 그리스도와 죄수 바라바 중 누구를 석방할지 결정하도록 하자, 군중들은 바라바에게 자유를 예수 그리스도에게 처형을 주장한다. 로마 병사들로부터 처참하게 채찍질을 당한 그리스도는 빌라도 앞에 다시 끌려오게 된다. 빌라도는 만신창이가 된 예수 그리스도를 군중에게 보이며, ‘이 정도면 충분하지 않은가?’라고 묻지만 피에 굶주린 군중들은 만족하지 못한다. 딜레마에 빠진 빌라도는 군중들이 원하는 대로 처리하도록 부하들에게 명령한다. 그리하여 예수 그리스도는 예루살렘 거리를 지나 골고다 언덕까지 십자가를 메고 가도록 명령을 받는다. 골고다 언덕 위에서 예수 그리스도는 십자가에 못 박히게 되고 그 곳에서 마지막 유혹에 직면한다. 그의 아버지가 그를 버렸을 지도 모른다는 두려움 때문이었다. 하지만 예수 그리스도는 두려움을 극복하고 어머니인 마리아를 바라보며 그녀만이 완전히 이해할 수 있는 마지막 한 마디를 하고 죽는다. “다 이루었도다.”“내 영혼을 아버지 손에 맡기나이다.”...
Art Direction
Lorenzo is a confirmed bachelor who creates atmospheric SFX for movies. His beliefs about love are put to the test when he meets Amaranta, a beautiful woman who has commissioned a fake snowfall as a surprise to her boyfriend—who doesn't show up, forcing Lorenzo to take his place in the romantic trip Amaranta had planned.
Production Design
Lorenzo is a confirmed bachelor who creates atmospheric SFX for movies. His beliefs about love are put to the test when he meets Amaranta, a beautiful woman who has commissioned a fake snowfall as a surprise to her boyfriend—who doesn't show up, forcing Lorenzo to take his place in the romantic trip Amaranta had planned.
Production Design
천재적인 사기꾼 리플리는 결혼과 함께 프랑스의 아름다운 전원주택에서 평온한 나날을 보내고 있었다. 우연히 참석한 조나단 부부의 파티에서 그를 '돈은 많지만 예술은 모르는 미국인'이라고 비난하는 조나단의 발언은 리플리의 자존심에 금이 가게 만드는데.... 리플리의 옛 친구 리브스는 그에게 사업상 라이벌을 죽여달라는 부탁을 하지만 일언지하에 거절당한다. 그날 밤, 아내로부터 자신을 모욕한 조나단이 백혈병 말기라는 사실을 전해 듣게된 리플리의 머릿속에 재미있는 계획이 떠오른다. 바로 자신에게 들어온 살인청부를 조나단에게 넘기는 것. 거액을 돈을 제시하며 조나단에게 살인을 의뢰하는 리브스. 평범한 조나단에게 받아들이기 힘든 제안이었지만 그의 목숨은 이제 얼마 남지 않았고 아내와 아들은 남겨진다는 불안감에 조나단은 돈을 선택한다. 베를린에서 조나단의 첫 번째 살인이 무사히 끝나고 그는 양심의 가책 대신 묘한 흥분을 느낀다. 리플리는 그런 그의 변화를 즐거워하며 지켜본다. 하지만 리브스가 조나단에게 두 번째 살인을 제의하면서부터 모든 일은 리플리의 예상과는 다르게 흘러가기 시작하는데....
Production Design
After his father's death, elementary school teacher Leopoldo discovers he has to share the inheritance with a half-brother he didn't know existed: hustler and small-time crook Melchiorre, currently in jail.
Production Design
Carpenter Arturo writes kids' stories in his spare time until a chance encounter propels him into literary stardom. At the peak of his success, he has a one-night stand with beautiful Matilde. Months after, when he retreats in the woods to work on new stories, Matilde shows up holding a baby in her arms...
Production Design
The idealistic lifestyle of an old West farmer, his Indian wife, and half-breed son is interrupted when the boy's old gunslinger father returns. They are not happy with his return despite the old gunslinger's intention to retire. Things take a turn for the worse when another gunslinger arrives in town, trying to force a battle with the father.
Production Design
1900년, 유럽과 미국을 오가는 버지니아 호에서 태어나 평생을 바다 위에서 살아온 천재 피아니스트 ‘나인틴 헌드레드’. 유일한 친구인 트럼펫 연주자 ‘맥스’와 첫사랑이자 마지막 사랑 ‘퍼든’, 그의 소문을 듣고 찾아온 재즈 피아니스트를 만나며 조금씩 바다 밖 세상을 배워가던 그의 인생에 새로운 변화가 찾아오는데...
Production Design
Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.
Production Designer
Rome, 1990s. Gian Luigi, an unscrupulous financial administrator, finds himself embroiled in a journalistic investigation that aims to unmask shady monetary dealings. The recklessness of the fixer has the hours numbered.
Production Design
The everyday life of accountant Levante, his family and the other people of a small town in the Tuscan countryside is taken by storm by the serendipitous arrival of five beautiful flamenco dancers from Spain.
Production Design
Four thirtysomething university students share a flat in Florence: Leonardo pursues beautiful Letizia, her brother Rocco works night shifts to pay for his rent, Bruno has to graduate to inherit his father-in-law's business (while cheating on his wife with her sister), and Pino dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian.
Production Design
Set in the 17th-century, an Italian nobleman weds an impoverished countess, who is wooed by the King of Piedmont and faces pressure from his entire court to succumb to his wishes.
Production Design
On March 16, 1978, far-left terrorists of the Red Brigades kidnap Aldo Moro, leader of the Christian Democracy, the ruling party in Italy since the end of WWII. 55 days later, his body will be found in the trunk of a car. This is a neutral and factual account of what happened in between.
Production Design
두 남자의 15세기로 시간여행
Production Design
Piera is a young woman who grows up under the parentage of two extremely original overseers: both her mother and father have incestuous relations with her before they are committed to insane asylums.
A special connection, between a mother and her daughter, full of sensuality and complicity, has allowed to portray a family full of fears, rather unbalanced, but nevertheless searching infinite love.
Assistant Production Design
Armando is the daddy, Cristiano is the adult son. Each of them lives his life in a different way respect the other: Armando is an old play-boy and often he "buys" his women with his money; Cristiano is a shy guy who lives in a community with other guys like him. The movie proceeds showing us, ironically, the differences, the different ways to think, to act, to treat the women between father and son.
Assistant Production Design
The marquess of Grillo is a good-natured, clever and women-loving man who is always inventing stories and cracking all types of jokes. The film tells the story of his life.
Assistant Production Design
A couple of young movie makers have secretly filmed for over a year what was going on in a hotel room, trying to realize a "live act" of common people living their life. They get in touch with old and money-tight producer Mengaroni to edit their movie, but while they contact the accidental actors for gathering authorization, he starts to manipulate their work.