Francesco Frigeri


Buon compleanno Massimo
Il sesso degli angeli
Art Direction
A street priest struggling to save his church learns his late uncle left him a small business that could turn his fortune around: he'll soon realize that said business is in fact... a brothel!
Il sesso degli angeli
Production Design
A street priest struggling to save his church learns his late uncle left him a small business that could turn his fortune around: he'll soon realize that said business is in fact... a brothel!
Hill of Vision
Production Design
Italy, WWII. After his anti-fascist mother is arrested, Mario spends his childhood on the streets. In 1947 they are miraculously reunited and start a new life in America. Based on the life of Mario Capecchi, 2007 Nobel Prize in Medicine.
La Leyenda de la Bruja de Navidad: El Origen
Production Design
siglo 18. Paola, una joven e imprudente pilluela de la calle, sin darse cuenta se interpone en el camino de los planes del aterrador Baron De Michelis, un pequeño y mezquino jorobado siempre escoltado por su fiel (y maltratada) secuaz Marmotta, con una insaciable sed de poder y un inconmensurable odio por brujas La intervención de la dulce y poderosa Dolores, una bruja buena que ha dedicado su vida a los niños, salva a Paola de ser quemada en la hoguera. A través de un aprendizaje mágico, búsquedas vertiginosas, transformaciones increíbles y un montón de problemas, Paola descubrirá que el destino le tiene reservado algo realmente especial... Y así comienza la leyenda.
La primera Navidad
Production Design
Un ladrón y un sacerdote terminan transportados mágicamente en la Palestina del año 0, donde tendrán que asegurarse de que la Natividad siga su curso.
Se son rose...
Production Design
Leonardo is still single and immature as ever at 50. Tired to see him like that, his daughter texts all his exes "I'm a changed man: let's try again", setting in motion an unexpected trip down memory lane.
Religious Place of Worship
Production Design
Set on the small island of Porto Buio, the traditional live Christmas Nativity scene might not go ahead because the baby who’s always played Jesus has grown up and no new babies have been born on the island in years! With this fundamental tradition on the line, newly elected Mayor Cecco (Claudio Bisio) wants to ask the local Tunisian community to “borrow” one of their children, but there’s conflict between the two communities. Cecco enlists the help of local Islam convert Bilal (Alessandro Gassman) to cross the cultural divide… but both communities are not sure what to make of a baby Jesus that may need his nationality, and even his religion changed!
Christmas Dinner
Production Design
Secuela de "Io che amo solo te", basada en el best seller "La cena di Natale" de Luca Bianchini. En la espléndida Polignano a Mare, emblanquecida por la nieve, están más agitados que de costumbre: entre histerias, tests de embarazo, ansiolíticos, ascensores bloqueados, anillos desaparecidos, reencuentros y golpes de escenas, sucederá de todo.
Il professor Cenerentolo
Art Direction
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Il professor Cenerentolo
Production Design
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Solo te quiero a ti
Production Design
Ninella es una mujer de cincuenta años que tuvo un gran amor, don Mimì, con quien nunca se pudo casar. Pero el destino le hará un regalo inesperado: su hija Chiara mantiene una relación con Damiano, el hijo de su hombre soñado. Ambos deciden entonces casarse. La boda de Chiara y Damiano se transforma, de este modo, en un verdadero acontecimiento en Polignano a Mare, pueblo situado en uno de los ángulos más mágicos de la región de Apulia.
Si accettano miracoli
Production Design
Fulvio is the only one of the three brothers to have left the village to go to work in the city. Deputy chief of staff in a large company, he dismisses people without remorse until he gets fired himself and after being jailed for beating his superior, is entrusted to his brother, who's a pastor in the village where they grew up. Forced into a place far from the modern world, Fulvio decides to help the local church in crisis by inventing a miracle that makes everyone believe that the saint's statue weeps. Tourists and pilgrims rush to the village and are filling the pockets of local businesses until the Vatican decides to send someone to certify the event. Fulvio must confess the scam, but the entire village will rise to convince the envoys of the Holy City for the veracity of the invented miracle.
The Dinner
Production Design
Story about two brothers and their wives, and the interactions between them and their two high school age children. When the kids get into serious trouble together, how will the parents relationships change with and among each other? Will the parents protect the kids or force them to face the consequences of their actions?
Ti amo troppo per dirtelo
Production Design
Un fantastico via vai
Production Design
Middle-aged family man Arnaldo is kicked out by his wife because of a misunderstanding. Instead of despairing, Arnaldo takes advantage of the situation to turn around his unsatisfying adult life by going to live in a flat shared with four university students.
Sun in Buckets
Production Design
The story of a father and a son. An on the road trip from South to North.
She Was Here
Production Design
Inspirado en la mítica atmósfera de las noches romanas de los años 50 y 60, cuenta la historia del periodista Roberto y de su primer amor: la diva americana Hilary Harris. La actriz llega a Roma para el estreno de su última película y, acordándose de Roberto, decide llamarle para una cita en honor de los tiempos pasados. Después de un encuentro fugaz, los dos protagonistas prometen verse al día siguiente para empezar una nueva vida juntos. Sin embargo, Roberto romperá la promesa. Lo encontraremos vagando por el paseo marítimo de Ostia y reflexionando sobre lo que acaba de perder. ¿Será aquella diva americana el amor de su vida?
Finalmente la felicità
Art Direction
A middle-aged man finds out his late mother was sponsoring a Brazilian girl who has now become a beautiful model.
Finalmente la felicità
Production Design
A middle-aged man finds out his late mother was sponsoring a Brazilian girl who has now become a beautiful model.
Amici miei - Come tutto ebbe inizio
Production Design
Jacopo, Duccio, Cecco, Manfredo and Filippo are five friends who live in Florence of the fifteenth century, during a plague epidemic.
Io & Marilyn
Art Direction
During a séance with some friends, divorced carny Gualtiero successfully conjures the spirit of Marilyn Monroe — although he's the only one who can see her. With Marilyn's help, he tries to win back his wife, who left him for a lion tamer, and his teen daughter.
Io & Marilyn
Production Design
During a séance with some friends, divorced carny Gualtiero successfully conjures the spirit of Marilyn Monroe — although he's the only one who can see her. With Marilyn's help, he tries to win back his wife, who left him for a lion tamer, and his teen daughter.
The Big Dream
Production Design
En 1968, los jóvenes italianos soñaban con cambiar el mundo; era aquel un tiempo en el que las normas se violaban, se reivindicaba el amor libre y todo parecía posible. Nicola, un atractivo joven de Puglia, a pesar de que sueña con ser actor, se hace policía y acaba introduciéndose en calidad de "topo" en el agitado mundo estudiantil. En la universidad conoce a Laura, una joven de familia católica de clase media y, además, una estudiante brillante y apasionada que sueña con un mundo sin injusticias. Allí también conoce a Libero, un estudiante y trabajador líder del movimiento estudiantil que sueña con la revolución.
The Case of Unfaithful Klara
Production Design
In Prague, a musician is consumed by jealousy for his beautiful girlfriend Klára. He hires a private eye to spy on her, but the plan backfires, setting in motion a series of out-of-control events.
A Beautiful Wife
Production Design
Mariano has been married for 10 years with Miranda, a woman way out of his league. Their small-town life is disrupted by womanizing photographer Andrea, who — struck by her good looks — offers Miranda a one-time modelling job. Albeit hesitant, the couple eventually accepts his invitation to the Seychelles...
Los virreyes
Art Direction
Basada en la novela homónima de Federico De Roberto. A mediados del siglo XIX, últimos años de la dominación borbónica en Sicilia, en vísperas del nacimiento del Estado italiano. El funeral de la princesa Teresa es la ocasión para presentar a la familia Uzeda, descendientes de los virreyes de España. A través de la mirada de un niño, Consalvo, último heredero de los Uzeda, se desvelan los misterios, las intrigas, las complejas personalidades de los miembros de la familia, dominados por grandes pasiones y obsesiones.
Los virreyes
Production Design
Basada en la novela homónima de Federico De Roberto. A mediados del siglo XIX, últimos años de la dominación borbónica en Sicilia, en vísperas del nacimiento del Estado italiano. El funeral de la princesa Teresa es la ocasión para presentar a la familia Uzeda, descendientes de los virreyes de España. A través de la mirada de un niño, Consalvo, último heredero de los Uzeda, se desvelan los misterios, las intrigas, las complejas personalidades de los miembros de la familia, dominados por grandes pasiones y obsesiones.
Mi hermano es hijo único
Production Design
En 1961, Italia vive una revolución social y económica que no parece afectar a Accio, un adolescente rebelde y problemático que vive en Sabaudia, una pequeña ciudad del Lacio. Sólo por irritar a sus padres, Accio se une a un partido neofascista. Mientras tanto, Manrico, su hermano mayor, es el líder local de la izquierda. La actitud política de Accio avergüenza tanto a Manrico que deja de hablarle a su hermano. La única vía de comunicación entre ellos es Francesca, la novia de Manrico, de la que Accio se enamora perdidamente. Las diferencias y enfrentamientos entre ambos hermanos son el reflejo de una sociedad dividida entre dos formas de entender la política.
I Love You in Every Language in the World
Art Direction
Divorced high school PE teacher Gilberto falls in love with Margherita, unaware that she is the mother of Paolina, a student that has been sending him "I love you" notes written in every language in the world.
I Love You in Every Language in the World
Production Design
Divorced high school PE teacher Gilberto falls in love with Margherita, unaware that she is the mother of Paolina, a student that has been sending him "I love you" notes written in every language in the world.
La pasión de Cristo
Production Design
Año 33 de nuestra era. En la provincia romana de Judea, un misterioso carpintero llamado Jesús de Nazareth comienza a anunciar la llegada del "reino de Dios" y se rodea de un grupo de humildes pescadores: los Apóstoles. Durante siglos, el pueblo judío había esperado la llegada del Mesías - personaje providencial que liberaría su sagrada patria e instauraría un nuevo orden basado en la justicia-. Las enseñanzas de Jesús atraen a una gran multitud de seguidores que lo reconocen como el Mesías. Alarmado por la situación, el Sanedrín, con la ayuda de Judas Iscariote, uno de los doce Apóstoles, arresta a Jesús. Acusado de traición a Roma, Cristo es entregado a Poncio Pilato, quien, para evitar un motín, lo condena a a morir en la cruz como un vulgar criminal.
El paraíso de improviso
Art Direction
Un técnico de efectos especiales que está en Isquia por trabajo conoce a una mujer fascinante que cambia su cínica opinión sobre el amor... pero las apariencias engañan.
El paraíso de improviso
Production Design
Un técnico de efectos especiales que está en Isquia por trabajo conoce a una mujer fascinante que cambia su cínica opinión sobre el amor... pero las apariencias engañan.
El juego de Ripley
Production Design
Tom Ripley es un refinado y cruel traficante de obras de arte que se ha retirado a vivir al Véneto (Italia) con una violonchelista. Inesperadamente sus negocios se complican, pero en esta ocasión no quiere intervenir personalmente; lo que quiere es poner a prueba la honradez de un honrado padre de familia gravemente enfermo.
Il principe e il pirata
Production Design
After his father's death, elementary school teacher Leopoldo discovers he has to share the inheritance with a half-brother he didn't know existed: hustler and small-time crook Melchiorre, currently in jail.
Il pesce innamorato
Production Design
Carpenter Arturo writes kids' stories in his spare time until a chance encounter propels him into literary stardom. At the peak of his success, he has a one-night stand with beautiful Matilde. Months after, when he retreats in the woods to work on new stories, Matilde shows up holding a baby in her arms...
Gunslinger's Revenge
Production Design
The idealistic lifestyle of an old West farmer, his Indian wife, and half-breed son is interrupted when the boy's old gunslinger father returns. They are not happy with his return despite the old gunslinger's intention to retire. Things take a turn for the worse when another gunslinger arrives in town, trying to force a battle with the father.
La leyenda del pianista en el océano
Production Design
Historia de un niño que fue abandonado sobre el piano del Virginia, un enorme trasatlántico. El niño es adoptado por un maquinista y le pone por nombre "Novecento", ya que lo encuentra justo en el cambio de siglo. Novecento se convertirá en un fabuloso pianista y amenizará las noches del Virginia. Pero nunca pisará tierra firme, ni tan sólo tras las súplicas de su amigo Max.
Fuochi d'artificio
Production Design
Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.
Il decisionista
Production Designer
Rome, 1990s. Gian Luigi, an unscrupulous financial administrator, finds himself embroiled in a journalistic investigation that aims to unmask shady monetary dealings. The recklessness of the fixer has the hours numbered.
Il ciclone
Production Design
The everyday life of accountant Levante, his family and the other people of a small town in the Tuscan countryside is taken by storm by the serendipitous arrival of five beautiful flamenco dancers from Spain.
I laureati
Production Design
Four thirtysomething university students share a flat in Florence: Leonardo pursues beautiful Letizia, her brother Rocco works night shifts to pay for his rent, Bruno has to graduate to inherit his father-in-law's business (while cheating on his wife with her sister), and Pino dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian.
La puta del rey
Production Design
Set in the 17th-century, an Italian nobleman weds an impoverished countess, who is wooed by the King of Piedmont and faces pressure from his entire court to succumb to his wishes.
Il caso Moro
Production Design
On March 16, 1978, far-left terrorists of the Red Brigades kidnap Aldo Moro, leader of the Christian Democracy, the ruling party in Italy since the end of WWII. 55 days later, his body will be found in the trunk of a car. This is a neutral and factual account of what happened in between.
Non ci resta che piangere (Sólo queda llorar)
Production Design
Saverio, profesor en una escuela, y Mario, conserje de la misma se pierden en el campo dándose cuenta que han viajado atrás en el tiempo hasta el siglo XV. Allí jugarán a las cartas con Leonardo da Vinci y tratarán de impedir que Cristobal Colón descubra América...
Historia de Piera
Production Design
En un pueblo italiano vive Piera, una mujer que carece de principios morales. Sus modales no están bien vistos entre sus vecinos. Cuando era pequeña acompañaba a su madre a sus citas con hombres y ella misma inicia una relación incestuosa con su propia hija. La ausencia de moral y de estabilidad familiar que han marcado su vida desde la niñez acabarán creándole problemas de salud.
Journey with Papa
Assistant Production Design
Armando is the daddy, Cristiano is the adult son. Each of them lives his life in a different way respect the other: Armando is an old play-boy and often he "buys" his women with his money; Cristiano is a shy guy who lives in a community with other guys like him. The movie proceeds showing us, ironically, the differences, the different ways to think, to act, to treat the women between father and son.
El marqués del Grillo
Assistant Production Design
En la Roma de principios del XIX, el noble Onofrio del Grillo dedica su vida a los placeres mundanos ignorando sus obligaciones con el Papa Pío VII.
Cuarto de hotel
Assistant Production Design
Tres jóvenes aficionados al "cinéma verité" y un productor de Cinecittà (Gassman) colocan una cámara en la habitación de un hotel con la esperanza de que registre algo interesante que sirva de base para hacer una película. El problema es que lo que ocurre es demasiado escandaloso.