Sverrir Gudnason

Sverrir Gudnason

출생 : 1978-09-12, Lund, Skåne län, Sweden

프로필 사진

Sverrir Gudnason
Sverrir Gudnason

참여 작품

Northern Comfort
A special forces veteran, an uptight property developer, an influencer with half a million followers and an incompetent instructor are thrown together on a high-end fear of flying course. The course's final challenge is an experience flight from London to Iceland, which ends up being a horrendous ordeal. Lost in Iceland, freezing and terrified, they must find a way of facing their fears and working together to spread their wings... and fly.
Burn All My Letters
Alex Schulman
The film’s story is based on Swedish author Alex Schulman’s successful novel of the same name, and is inspired by true events. It revolves around Karin Stolpe’s complex relationship with her husband Sven Stolpe and her passionate love affair with Olof Lagercrantz which starts in the 1930s. The film shows the impact of passion, jealousy and anger across 70 years, involving different generations.
서로에 대한 오해와 주변에 널린 유혹으로 인해 한때 열정적이었던 부부의 결혼 생활이 천천히 파탄에 이르는 과정을 재밌는 디오라마를 통해 설명한다.
Vasa Jankovic
대통령궁이 공격당했다! 독립기념일 만찬 중인 대통령궁. 무장 테러리스트들이 습격해 점령하고 대통령과 각국 외교관을 인질로 협상조건을 내민다. 일급비밀 EU특수팀의 진압작전이 시작되고 놈들은 대통령을 납치해 공항으로 탈출하는데… 대통령을 구출하라! 끝까지 추격해서 모두 제거한다!
더 북 오브 비전
Eva, a mysterious doctor, searches for an answer to her urgent dilemma as she unravels Dr. Anmuth's Book of Vision. Henry gets involved in her life and is forced to confront his own nature, as Eva faces the biggest decision of her life.
Willis (23 - 43 Yrs)
인종, 성별, 성정체성에 대한 편견으로 뭉친 고집 센 아버지가 있다. 동성애자인 아들은 시골 농장에 홀로 살던 그를 집으로 모셔 오지만 감당하기 쉽지 않다. 지독한 차별주의자인 아버지는 치매 증상까지 있어 번번이 주위 사람들을 당황시킨다. 아들이 남자와 결혼해서 살고 있지만 아들의 결혼을 인정하지 않고, 흑인이나 여성에 대한 태도도 개선의 여지가 없다. 영화는 아버지의 과거를 보여주는 플래시백을 통해 이 남자의 젊은 시절을 구원했던 여자인 어머니의 존재를 보여준다. 그들의 사랑 역시 오래가지 못한다. 어머니도 이 남자의 비뚤어진 마음을 바로잡는데 실패한다. 마주치고 싶지 않은 불쾌한 노인의 삶을 들여다보면서 그도 구원받을 기회가 있었다는 사실을 안타까워하는 영화.
알리세는 양육권 싸움에서 자신이 질 거라는 사실을 깨닫고,남편의 동의 없이 두 아이를 데리고 휴가를 떠나 아이들의 마음을 돌리려 한다.
거미줄에 걸린 소녀
Mikael Blomkvist
젊은 천재 해커 리스베트(클레어 포이)는 여성을 괴롭히는 남성을 찾아가 자신만의 방법으로 처단해서 악의 심판자라 불린다. 한 의뢰인으로부터 자신의 연구 결과를 해킹해달라는 제안을 받은 그녀가 이번에 해킹해야 하는 곳은 미 정보국 NSA. 무사히 해킹에 성공하지만 괴한의 공격을 받고 자료를 뺏기게 된 그녀는 자료를 되찾기 위해 추적을 시작하고, 이 일이 국제 해커 범죄 조직 스파이더와 그녀의 쌍둥이 여동생 카밀라(실비아 훅스)가 관련돼 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 사건의 진실과 스파이더스의 정체를 파헤칠수록 더 큰 위협에 처하게 되는데...
From a young age, Jill has acted as the responsible adult in her small family. She cares for her loving but mentally unstable mother and her younger brother. The news that their estranged father will be visiting on Jill's birthday gives the children much needed hope. When the family is struck by tragedy, Jill keeps it a secret.
보리 vs 매켄로
Björn Borg
최고의 권위를 자랑하는 윔블던 대회. 포커페이스로 완벽한 승리를 이끄는 테니스의 제왕과 동물적인 감각으로 경기를 지배하는 코트 위의 악동이 라이벌로 만났다. 세계 최초 윔블던 5연패 달성에 도전하는 ‘보리’와 새로운 기록을 꿈꾸는 ‘매켄로’의 박빙승부! 전세계를 뜨겁게 달군 격렬한 빅매치가 시작된다!
스톡홀름의 마지막 연인
Arvid Stjärnblom
촉망 받는 젊은 기자 아비드와 화가의 딸 리디아는 첫눈에 서로에게 빠져든다. 그러나 리디아의 아버지가 갑작스러운 죽음을 맞이하면서 미래를 장담할 수 없는 현실이 두 사람의 사이를 갈라놓고, 젊은 연인의 눈부신 계절은 그렇게 지나간다. 10년이 흐른 뒤 재회한 두 사람. 헤어져있던 시간만큼 애틋함이 밀려오고, 걷잡을 수 없이 서로를 갈망하게 되는데…
The Circle
Max Rosenqvist
An otherworldly evil is slipping into a small town in Sweden. Six unrelated girls have been chosen to fight this evil. Together they must overcome their differences in order to save themselves and the world.
Leo Morgan
Beaten up, bruised, and scared, a young writer hides in a Stockholm apartment, writing the story of its disappeared inhabitants: the flamboyant and charismatic Morgan brothers.
블로우플라이 파크
Blowfly Park is a psychological thriller which follows Christian Kretschmann, a day-nursery teacher, who may have committed a violent murder. This is the film debut of choreographer Jens Östberg.
My So-Called Father
A daughter helps her estranged father who's lost his memory.
The Swedish Empire
A live action role-playing game takes place in the 17th century. A less committed player deviates.
왈츠 포 모니카
Sture Åkerberg
스웨덴의 작은 마을 출신인 모니카는 어린 딸과 가족의 품을 떠나 재즈 가수의 꿈을 키운다. 아름답고 매력적인 그녀는 마침내 스톡홀름에서 성공적인 데뷔로 재즈 가수의 길에 들어서고 유명 가수들과 배우들에 둘러싸여 화려한 나날을 보낸다. 하지만 유명세와 성공의 이면에 도사리고 있는 어두운 현실을 직시하게 되면서 일상이 조금씩 흔들리기 시작한다. 알코올로 하루하루를 버티던 그녀는 어느 날, 다량의 수면제 복용 후 깨진 유리잔에 발을 베인 채 쓰러져있는 모니카가 발견되는데… 그녀는 다시 예전의 모습으로 돌아갈 수 있을까?
Love and Lemons
아그네스는 훌륭한 직장에 사랑하는 남자친구, 그리고 항상 그녀를 위해주는 친구들까지 모든 것을 가졌다. 하지만 어느 날, 직장에서 해고당하고 남자친구에게도 차이고 만다. 그런 그녀에게 옛 동료는 새 레스토랑의 공동 운영을 제안하고, 그 제안을 받아들인 그녀는 손님이 찾지 않는 식당을 성공시키고 일과 사생활 모두에서 성공하기 위해 모든 것을 걸게 된다.
콜 걸
우연히 친구들을 따라간 은밀한 장소. 아이리스는 사회 고위층의 간부들에게 하룻밤을 제공하기만 하면 그 대가로 화려한 사치를 누릴 수 있다는 사실을 깨닫는다. 가족에게, 친구들에게, 세상에게 모두 외면 받는 그녀지만 이곳에서는 아름다운 얼굴과 몸매만으로도 누구보다 사랑 받고 찬사 받는다. 그 값비싼 명품과 뜨거운 욕망 모든 것에 중독되어가는 그녀. 그러나 어느 새 자신도 모르게 점점 더 위험 속에 빠져들기 시작한다.
마리 크뢰이어
Hugo Alfvén
화폭에 빛을 옮겨놓은 듯한 아름다운 그림으로 당대 최고의 명성을 얻은 화가 P.S. 크뢰이어. 그에게는 예술적 영감을 선사하는 아름다운 뮤즈이자 함께 그림을 그리는 동반자인 아내 마리가 있다. 누구보다 그의 그림을 사랑하는 마리, 하지만 점점 예술에 대한 집착으로 난폭해지는 남편 때문에 불안에 시달리기 시작한다. 휴식을 위해 여행을 떠난 마리는 그곳에서 스웨덴 출신의 재능 있는 음악가 휴고를 만나게 되고 그에게 마음이 흔들린다. 결국 그녀는 모두가 동경하는 삶을 버리고 자신의 진정한 행복을 위해 위험한 사랑을 선택하게 되는데…
Dark Water
Daniel is a young and ambitious real estate agent with a view to becoming a partner in the company. Along with the boss' wife Marie, he dares to spend a secret and passionate weekend in a luxurious archipelago house which he is supposed to sell. Once there, both Daniel and Marie discover that they are not as alone as they thought. George, a Polish craftsman, has stayed behind to finish work on the house and prepare it for sale. Soon however, what should have been a passionate and intimate weekend develops into something far more unpleasant.
나의 멋진 친구들
알렉스는 연극배우이지만 존재감도 재능도 없는 반 백수신세. 결국 극단에서 쫓겨나고 여자친구에게서도 이별통보를 받는다. 지적 장애인시설에서 일하게 된 알렉스는 매일이 실수연발, 좌충우돌의 연속이지만 순수하고 특별한 재능을 가진 이들과 점차 마음을 열고 친구가 된다. 알렉스는 이들에게 폐쇄적인 생활에서 탈피해 세상 밖으로 나갈 것을 권유하지만, 자식들이 상처받을까 두려운 가족들과 지원단체의 극심한 반대에 부딪힌다. 친구들이 세상에 나가 새로운 경험을 하고 좀 더 행복해지길 바라는 알렉스는 서로의 믿음과 자신감을 바탕으로 일생 일대의 결심을 하게 되는데...
Wallander 25 - The Collector
A young woman is killed and robbed in her apartment. The trail leads to her indebted ex-boyfriend, a bouncer. In the investigation, the police officer Pontus notices that his colleague is nervous. Isabell carries around a dark secret: one of the suspects, in this case, has a means of pressure against her in her hand. Commissioner Wallander has a great deal on the capable young policewoman, whose loyalty to her fatherly superior is subjected to a hard test of endurance.
A Silent Child
A child never cries nor screams when it gets injured. All the terrible consequences involved.
Wallander 24 - The Heritage
When Manfred Stjarne is stabbed to death outside the Brada cider factory his wife Claire has inherited - suspicion falls on Polish worker Jan Kowalski, with whose wife Manfred was having an affair, but Jan is found hanged - later evidence suggesting foul play. Benjamin Wilkes, an ex-psychologist who helped Manfred select redundancy candidates, is killed in the same way as Manfred, putting disgruntled ex-Brada employees in the frame, but a third slaying implicates a former patient of Wilkes, who has connections to the Stjarne family. A newly loved-up Isabelle and Pontius start to fool around whilst on surveillance, taking their eye off the ball and allowing this suspect to confront Claire.
Wallander 23 - The Ghost
Arson is suspected when a house burns to the ground following a gas explosion, and a man and a woman are found dead. Wallander investigates and uncovers an intricate web of lies.
Wallander 22 - Angel of Death
A choir of young women gives a guest performance in a country church outside Ystad. But when an 18-year-old member of the choir disappears, Wallander is brought in to investigate.
Wallander 21 - The Sniper
When a small-time crook is killed by a sniper, Wallander and the Ystad police investigate. Meanwhile, trainee policeman Pontus is forced to reconsider his career.
Wallander 20 - The Leak
The seemingly random murder of a jogger in woodland and the detonation of car bombs in central Ystad are but diversions to busy the police whilst a security van are robbed of 15 million kroner. Isabelle and Portus witness this and give chase but are attacked by the criminals and hospitalized. Given the security firm's meticulous contingency plan Wallander suspects a leak from the inside and aims for Micke Sterner, a compulsive gambler and the only staff member to know the encoded transit schedules. But some private sleuthing by over-worked Svartman, who has found the robbers' den, and Wallander's suspicions of an ex-cop turned security officer with connections to the firm provide the real break-through.
Wallander 19 - The Priest
A priest is shot outside a hotel in Ystad and is fighting for his life in hospital. Wallander has no clues to the shooter until he finds out that the priest was having an affair.
Wallander 18 - The Cellist
A Russian cellist is subject to a bomb attack following a performance in Ystad. It turns out that she is a witness in a murder prosecution against a member of the Russian mafia.
Wallander 17 - The Thief
Homes are being burgled in Ystad and three neighbors form their own vigilante group. Soon Wallander is convinced the group has committed a double murder, although no bodies have been found.
Henry has been acting the human chameleon all his life - a pale reflection of other people's expectations. One day Henry's best friend Jon talks him into opening a restaurant with him in Spain. Before leaving Henry is caught up in a maelstrom of bizarre events. In order to get control over his life Henry needs to stop being a pale copy and transform himself to the sparkling original he really is.
Wallander 16 - Kuriren
After the murder of a motorcyclist, an investigation reveals that bikers are being used as drug couriers from Denmark to Sweden and that the killing was part of a cartel power struggle.
Wallander 15 - Skulden (The Guilt)
When a young boy disappears from pre-school, Wallander joins a desperate search to find him. Suspicions immediately fall on a pedophile recently released from prison.
Everyone is having kids, except for Julia and Bruno. It's a mystery, the doctors can find nothing wrong, they are both normal. Usually Julia doesn't value normalcy, rather the opposite, but more and more she is starting to think that the meaning of life is to have children.
Wallander 14 - The Revenge
Kurt Wallander has bought a dream house by the sea, but his peace and quiet is soon shattered when a man is murdered and an explosion in one of Ystad's power grids shuts down the electricity in the whole city.
A teenager visits his teacher after an attack on a refugee camp.
Min frus förste älskare
"My Wife's First Love" - Vivi and Magnus, a middle-aged couple who have been married for 25 years, are suddenly reminded of the carefree life they led in the 1970s. Vivi unexpectedly meets her old beau Robert while Magnus is planning a reunion of his old rock band 'Grapes of Wrath'.
Jocke is with Lina. He lives a life without unnecessary thoughts about the future. One day, Lina is proposing to Jocke. The question doesn't exist in Jocke's head.
6 points
Set in a small Swedish town, the story is centered around three best friends aged 20. Michelle, a photo model, has a drinking problem which leads to a string of one-night-stands, including sex with the hot tempered boyfriend of Anna. She has just moved in with him and is too much in love too see his faults. Petra is their clever friend who must combine being pregnant with operating her own café.
Miss Sweden
Moa is in her early 20s, works at a factory and lives by herself in a cottage in the forest. She is a vegan and follows her friends and demonstrations, mostly to fit in. But at home, by herself, she listens to pop music and use make-up.
A Breach in the Wall
Lars interrupts his studies in mathematics at Uppsala University. Instead he takes a job as a teacher in an industrial community. When he discovers that one of his students is a mathematical genius, his desire for studies awakens.
A Swedish IT-company gets a new boss, who turns out to be a soulless hatchet man in Schildt's dark satire on the evils of the corporate world. He's opposed by Daniel, one of his employees, and eventually comes crashing down, impaled on his own hubris. So Daniel gets given the poisoned chalice of leadership in his place, just to end up as amoral and platitudinous as the man and values he initially stood up against.
17 years old Lina goes to the Arvika Festival with her boyfriend Calle despite that her mother forbade her. At the festival she meets the singer Marc and they start to like each other but things are getting difficult.
Jesus lever
Felix Eriksson
In an idyllic small town unpleasant things happen. A pastor gets upset by the wife walking on hot coals, his former wife's grave is desecrated and his son's girlfriend suddenly disappears. What is happening?