Himself (archival footage) (uncredited)
Documentary focusing on the film careers F.W. Murnau, Frank Borzage and William Fox and their impact on the history of cinema.
Self (archive footage)
Jack L. Warner, Harry Warner, Albert Warner and Sam Warner were siblings who were born in Poland and emigrated to Canada near the turn of the century. In 1903, the brothers entered the budding motion picture business. In time, the Warner Brothers moved into film production and would open their own studio in 1923.
Himself (archive footage)
How the cinema industry does not respect the author's work as it was conceived, how manipulates the motion pictures in order to make them easier to watch by an undemanding audience or even how mutilates them to adapt the original formats and runtimes to the restrictive frame of the television screen and the abusive requirements of advertising. (Followed by “Filmmakers in Action.”)
In 1972 and '73, film critic Richard Schickel made an 8-part series for American public television: 'The Men Who Made the Movies'. Each episode featured a prominent Hollywood director discussing his career in an on-camera monologue (actually an interview, with Schickel's questions edited out), interspersed with generous clips from his most famous films, accompanied by somewhat overwrought narration (written by Schickel and spoken by Cliff Robertson). It's regrettable that Schickel did not include Fritz Lang, William Wyler and John Ford in this series: all three were alive at the time, although Ford was quite ill.
In 1883, US Cavalry lieutenant Matthew Hazard, newly graduated from West Point, is assigned to isolated Fort Delivery on the Mexican border of Arizona, where he meets commanding officer Teddy Mainwarring's wife Kitty, whom he later rescues from an Indian attack.
Following combat duty in Korea, a group of United States Marines (Tom Tryon, David Hedison and Tom Reese) are given a furlough in Japan.
Following combat duty in Korea, a group of United States Marines (Tom Tryon, David Hedison and Tom Reese) are given a furlough in Japan.
Following combat duty in Korea, a group of United States Marines (Tom Tryon, David Hedison and Tom Reese) are given a furlough in Japan.
미국인 갑부 로버트 탈보(록 허드슨 분)는 9월이 되면 이탈리아의 별장에서 이탈리아인 여자친구와 휴가를 보낸다. 어느 날 별장 관리인에게 연락을 하지 않고 별장에 들렀더니 별장 관리인이 자신 몰래 별장을 호텔로 사용하여 돈벌이를 하고 있음을 발견하고 투숙객들을 내쫓으려 하지만, 투숙객들은 이탈리아 여행에 부푼 꿈을 가득 안은 미국인 대학생 들이다. 이러지도 저러지도 못하는 사이 이탈리아인 여자 친구 리사 펠리니(지나 롤로브리지다 분)도 들이닥치고 별장 관리인은 투숙객들에게 로버트가 분개하는 이유는 2차 대전 때 뇌를 다쳐서 그렇다며, 그 후유증으로 자신이 호텔 주인인 줄 아니까 그런 척 해주라며 집주인 로버트를 정신병자로 몰고 간다. 로버트는 어린 학생들의 보호자가 된 마음에 진심으로 남녀관계에 관한 상담역을 하게 되고, 리사는 로버트의 상담 내용을 알게 되면서 로버트가 자신을 존중하지 않고 쉽게 여기고 있다고 느끼게 되는데...
구약성서의 에스더에 대한 이야기
구약성서의 에스더에 대한 이야기
구약성서의 에스더에 대한 이야기
Luigi, Jerry, and Mike are in boot camp when they are presented with a chance to represent their unit in competition on a national television show. The three guys are up to the challenge, which begins a chain of unusual circumstances that not only have them singing and dancing at the proper times, but also running into a trio of alluring young women.
English gunsmith, Jonathon Tibbs travels to the American West in the 1880s to sell firearms to the locals. He inadvertently acquires a reputation of quickness on the draw due to his wrist mounted Derringer style weapon. Soon gaining the post of sheriff, he endeavours to clean up the town using what skills he has—and by multilateral diplomacy.
커밍스 장군의 지휘 아래 섬에 상륙한 미군들 사이에는 전쟁에 대한 공포심이 만연해 있었다. 일본군과의 싸움에서 일부 병사들이 죽어가는 가운데 하버드 대학 출신의 '헌' 중위가 커밍스 장군의 부관으로 오게 된다. 헌 중위는 커밍스 장군의 전쟁을 바라보는 견해와 권위적인 지휘 방식이 맘에 들지 않고 이를 표출한다. 그러자 커밍스 장군은 그를 전방 부대로 복귀시키는데... (채널 더 무비)
비옥한 대농장에서 귀하게 자란 농장주의 딸 맨티는 아버지의 갑작스런 죽음 이후 자신의 어머니가 흑인 노예였다는 사실을 알게 된다. 슬퍼할 겨를도 없이 그녀의 삶은 급격하게 바뀌어 심지어 노예상인에게 팔려가기까지 한다. 하지만 맨티는 의외의 상대에게서 사랑을 느끼며 희망을 찾고, 남북전쟁이 발발하자 그녀의 삶은 다시 큰 전환을 맞는다. (한국시네마테크협의회)
Opportunistic con man Dan Kehoe ingratiates himself with the cantankerous mother of four outlaws and their beautiful widows in order to find their hidden gold.
In 1941, prostitute Mamie Stover (Jane Russell) has no choice but to flee San Francisco when the police turn on her and want her out of town. Figuring Hawaii would be a great place to begin anew, Stover books a trip aboard a Honolulu-bound boat, where she happens to meet writer Jim Blair (Richard Egan), who is quite taken with the former streetwalker. However, when the ship reaches Hawaii, Stover soon falls back into her old ways and begins working at a nightclub, much to Blair's dismay.
남북전쟁이 끝난 후 여기저기 떠돌던 클린트와 벤 형제는 우연히 만난 재스퍼의 돈을 훔치려 하지만 재스퍼로부터 의외의 제안을 받는다. 소떼를 몰고 몬타나까지 안전히 가준다면 더 큰 돈을 주겠다는 것이다. 제안을 수락한 형제는 거센 겨울 눈보라를 뚫고 목적지를 향하던 중 넬라라는 매력적인 여성을 만난다. (한국시네마테크협의회)
The dramatic story of US marines in training, in combat and in love during World War II. The story centres on a major who guides the raw recruits from their training to combat. Based on the novel by Leon Uris.
The dramatic story of US marines in training, in combat and in love during World War II. The story centres on a major who guides the raw recruits from their training to combat. Based on the novel by Leon Uris.
Story of blood brothers whose bonds are tested when marauding Sioux Indians cross the border to enlist the peaceful Cree in a battle against the Great White Father.
캘리포니아에 가서 결혼 생활을 하려던 제니와 워런은 결혼식을 하려고 마차를 타고 가다 슬레이튼이란 무법자에게 강도를 당해 워런은 총에 맞아 쓰러지고 제니는 납치를 당한다. 여자를 끌고 가는 걸 못마땅하게 여기던 동료 제스는 슬레이튼에게 반항하다 사막에 묶이게 된다. 그러나 죽은 줄 알았던 워런은 죽지 않고 슬레이튼을 쫓고 이 와중에 제스와 슬레이튼에게 원한을 가지고 있는 인디언을 만나 함께 가게 된다. 결국 슬레이튼은은 여자와 제스를 맞바꾸자고 제안을 하고 워런은 그의 말에 따르지만 슬레이튼은 제스를 죽이고 이에 격분한 워런은 그를 끝까지 쫓아가 죽인다.
A charismatic peddler from the bayous finds his true calling in politics. Is he a demagogue in the making?
Gilliatt, a fisherman-turned-smuggler on the isle of Guernsey, agrees to transport a beautiful woman to the French coast in the year 1800. She tells him she hopes to rescue her brother from the guillotine. Gilliatt finds himself falling in love and so feels betrayed when he later learns this woman is a countess helping Napoleon plan an invasion of England. In reality, however, the "countess" is an English agent working to thwart this invasion. When Gilliatt finds this out, he returns to France to rescue the woman who's true purpose has been discovered by the French.
After being released from prison, ex-gunfighter John Wesley Hardin hopes to have his autobiography published in order to rehabilitate his tarnished reputation.
Honest Robert Maynard finds himself serving as ship's surgeon under the infamous pirate Blackbeard.
조나단 선장은 무역을 하면서 살아가는 유능한 선장이다. 어느 날 그는 샌프란시스코에 와서 알래스카를 사들일 계획을 시작한다. 그때 마침 정략결혼이 싫어서 샌프란시스코로 도망쳐 와있는 러시아 공주는 알래스카로 갈 배를 구하기 위해서 조나단 선장에게 자신이 공주라는 것을 숨기고 접근한다. 하지만 조나단 선장과 공주는사랑에 빠지고, 조나단 선장은 공주의 정채를 모른 채 그녀를 위해서 자신의 일을 뒤로하고 알래스카로 떠나는데...
A New Orleans boxer backs out of a bout and leaves his girlfriend for Korea.
1840년 플로리다에서 인디언들에게 참패를 당하고 있던 미국 군인들. 그곳으로 리차드 터츠라는 미국 해병중위가 배를 가지로 플로리다주 퀴시 와이어트 대령 밑으로 발령 받았다. 그곳에서 40명의 군인만 가지고 요새를 무너 뜨리라는 터무니 없는 미션을 받는다. 하지만 와이어트 대장의 지도력을 바탕으로 요새를 무너 뜨리는데 성공하지만 후에 인디언들의 추격을 받는다. 그곳에서 와이어트 대장은 마난 여인과 사랑에 빠지게 되고 궁지에 몰린 와이어트 대장 일행은 죽음의 늪이라 불리우는 에버글레이즈로 들어간다. 거기서 반으로 나뉜 일행은 서로 떨어져 만나기로 한장소에 가지만 그곳에서 뜻밖의 일들이 발생한다.
New Federal marshal Len Merrick saves Tim Keith from lynching at the hands of the Roden clan, and hopes to get him to Santa Loma for trial. Vindictive Ned Roden, whose son Ed was killed, still wants personal revenge, and Tim would like to escape before Ned catches up with him again. Can the marshal make it across the desert with Tim and his daughter? Even if he makes it, will justice be served?
Captain Horatio Hornblower leads his ship HMS Lydia on a perilous transatlantic voyage, during which his faithful crew battle both a Spanish warship and a ragged band of Central American rebels.
An Australian sheep man comes to Montana looking for grazing space, is opposed by local ranchers and a wealthy cattle-woman.
코디 자렛과 그의 어머니를 포함한 갱들은 열차 강도를 한 후 산 속에 숨는다. 코디는 발작적인 두통에 시달리고 있다. 한편 갱의 일원 중에는 보스가 되길 원하며 코디의 부인인 버나를 탐내는 빅 에드라는 인물이 있다. 경찰에 체포된 코디는 감옥에서 빅 파도와 친해진다. 그러나 빅은 사실은 비밀 수사를 하고 있는 경찰이다. 코디는 빅 에드와 버나가 자신의 어머니를 살해했다는 사실을 전해 듣고 충격을 받는다. 그는 빅의 도움을 받아 탈옥을 감행한다. 30년대 갱스터 영화와 전후 필름 느와르의 교차점에 위치하는 범죄영화의 걸작. 라월 월시의 대표작일 뿐만 아니라 영화사상 최고의 터프 가이로서의 제임스 캐그니의 연기도 눈여겨볼 만하다.
Raoul Walsh (uncredited)
A waitress at the Warner Brothers commissary is anxious to break into pictures. She thinks her big break may have arrived when actors Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan agree to help her.
무법자 웨스 맥퀸은 감옥에서 친구의 도움으로 나오게 된다. 그리고 그 친구를 도와 마지막으로 한 건을 하려고 하지만 그는 그의 새로운 동료가 마음에 들지 않는다. 범행을 준비하던 중 서부로 이주해 온 줄리 앤이라는 처녀와 그녀의 아버지를 도와주게 되고, 웨스는 그녀의 순수함에 빠져든다. 그러나 범행준비는 자꾸 꼬여만가고, 웨스에게 위기가 닥친다. 이제는 정말 벗어나야 할 시간이다. 그러나 불행히도 그의 목에는 만달러의 현상금이 걸려있다. 죽느냐 사느냐 그것이 문제인 것이다.
The third film version of James Hagan's play, this time with songs added, starring Dennis Morgan as a dentist who marries patient and loyal Dorothy Malone despite his constant infatuation with sexy flirt Janis Paige. Filmed previously in 1933 ("One Sunday Afternoon") and 1941 ("The Strawberry Blonde").
During World War II, an insubordinate fighter pilot finds the shoe on the other foot when he's promoted.
Unjustly booted out of the cavalry, Mike McComb strikes out for Nevada, and deciding never to be used again, ruthlessly works his way up to becoming one of the most powerful silver magnates in the west. His empire begins to fall apart as the other mining combines rise against him and his stubbornness loses him the support of his wife and old friends.
Slick gambler James Wylie (Dennis Morgan) is apprehended by the law and given the option to forgo a prison sentence if he poses as a bandit. His mission is to uncover the identity of the Poet, a notorious outlaw who has been holding up bank-owned stagecoaches and leaving verses at the crime scenes to taunt the authorities. James finds time to woo the Poet's lovely wife, Ann (Jane Wyman), who initially cold-shoulders him. But, as a romance develops, they partner up to find the robber.
A veterinarian and a novelist compete for the heart of a lady rancher.
어렸을 적에 가족들이 몰살을 당하고 혼자 살아남게 된 제브는 캘럼 부인의 손에 의해 그 집안에서 자라게 된다. 하지만 그의 뇌리에 남아있는 기억은 간헐적으로 그를 괴롭힌다.
서부극이면서도 당시 유행하던 필름 느와르의 스타일을 차용해 '느와르 웨스턴'이라 불린 걸작이다. 당대 최고의 액션감독이었던 라울 월시의 대표작중의 하나이다.
Tough torch singer Petey Brown, visiting her family, finds a nest of troubles: her sister, brother, and the neighbor's wife are involved in various ways with shady nightclub owner Nicky Toresca. Petey has what it takes to handle Nicky, but then she meets San Thomas, formerly great jazz pianist now on the skids, and falls for him hard.
A trumpet player in a radio orchestra falls asleep during a commercial and dreams he's Athanael, an angel deputized to blow the Last Trumpet at exactly midnight on Earth, thus marking the end of the world.
A gambler and his buddy find a wise-guy jockey for their long-shot horse.
A group of men parachute into Japanese-occupied Burma with a dangerous and important mission: to locate and blow up a radar station. They accomplish this well enough, but when they try to rendezvous at an old air-strip to be taken back to their base, they find Japanese waiting for them, and they must make a long, difficult walk back through enemy-occupied jungle.
In occupied France, a convicted thief and murderer escapes the guillotine when a bombing raid strikes the prison, but is quickly re-captured by the inspector of the Surete responsible for his original arrest. Fearing the guillotine more than his actual death, the convict inveigles the inspector to help him with a plan to rescue 100 Frenchmen taken by the Gestapo following an act of sabotage: he will confess to being the saboteur and allow himself to be executed by firing squad, the Gestapo's method of execution, thus freeing the 100 men.
Canadian Mountie Steve Wagner captures a German Luftwaffe officer on a spy mission, who later escapes from the prison camp. To catch the spy ring, the Mounties employ a ruse so that the spies, believing Steve to be sympathetic, enlist him in their plans.
An American gets caught up in wartime action in Turkey.
베어너클시대(맨주먹복싱시합)였던 1880년대, 미국의 전설적인 헤비급 복서 존 L. 설리반에게 복싱의 신기술을 보여주며 당당히 KO승을 한 제임스 코벳의 실화를 바탕으로 만든 영화. 1880년대 샌프란시코에서 복싱은 불법에다 저급 스포츠로 취급되었다. 유명 회원제 클럽의 회원들은 글로브를 장착하고 KO룰을 적용시킨 이른바 ‘퀸즈베리룰’이 복싱을 좀 더 신사적인 스포츠로 만들어 줄 것이라 생각하고 새로운 룰의 적용을 지지한다. 클럽의 회원들은 후원하던 젊은 복서 제임스 코벳은 퀸즈베리룰 도입이래 최고의 선수가 되었다. 그러나 아직 어린 짐에게 성공의 달콤한 맛은 독이 되었고 결국 그는 자만과 욕심으로 후원자까지 잃게 되었다. 그러나 이 같은 시련 속에서도 그는 자신만의 스텝을 갈고 닦아 승승장구했으며 결국 세계챔피언이자 자신의 어린 시절 우상이었던 존 L. 설리번과 경기를 하게 된다. 당시 최고의 미남배우였던 에롤 플린이 주인공 짐 코벳 역을 맡았으며 사실적인 권투경기의 묘사로 평론가로부터 호평을 들었던 작품이다.
During WWII, when an allied bomber is shot down over Germany, the five surviving crew are captured but cleverly escape detention after learning German secret information and knocking out a Nazi major. With the angry major in hot pursuit, aided by military personnel, Gestapo agents and Hitler-loyal citizens, the five wend their way across perilous Germany, intent on reaching the UK with the secrets they have learned.
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
Hank McHenry and Johnny Marshall work as power company linesmen. Hank is injured in an accident and subsequently promoted to foreman of the gang. Tensions start to show in the road crew as rivalry between Hank and Johnny increases.
Biff Grimes is desperately in love with Virginia, but his best friend Hugo marries her and manipulates Biff into becoming involved in his somewhat nefarious businesses. Hugo appears to have stolen Biff's dreams, and Biff has to deal with the realisation that having what he wants and wanting what another has can be very different things.
은행강도 로이 얼은 수감 8년만에 빅 맥의 도움으로 출감한다. 빅 맥은 리조트 타운의 호텔털이를 제안하고, 얼은 3명의 동료를 소개받고 함께 범행을 준비한다. 동료인 마리는 주도면밀하고 냉소적인 얼에게 관심을 보이나, 얼은 외딴 산 속 은신처를 찾아오는 동안 만난 벨마의 순진함에 마음을 빼앗긴다. 얼은 절름발이인 벨마의 다리를 고쳐주고 청혼을 하지만 다리가 완치된 벨마는 세속적으로 변해 얼의 청혼을 거절한다. 설상가상으로 얼 일당의 내분과 탐욕으로 보석 강탈이 대대적으로 보도되고, 매드 독이라는 악명을 얻게 된 얼은 미국에서 가장 높은 휘트니 산으로 도피한다.
Joe and Paul Fabrini are Wildcat, or independent, truck drivers who have their own small one-truck business. The Fabrini boys constantly battle distributors, rivals and loan collectors, while trying to make a success of their transport company.
When transplanted Texan Bob Seton arrives in Lawrence, Kansas he finds much to like about the place, especially Mary McCloud, daughter of the local banker. Politics is in the air however. It's just prior to the civil war and there is already a sharp division in the Territory as to whether it will remain slave-free. When he gets the opportunity to run for marshal, Seton finds himself running against the respected local schoolteacher, William Cantrell. Not is what it seems however. While acting as the upstanding citizen in public, Cantrell is dangerously ambitious and is prepared to do anything to make his mark, and his fortune, on the Territory. When he loses the race for marshal, he forms a group of raiders who run guns into the territory and rob and terrorize settlers throughout the territory. Eventually donning Confederate uniforms, it is left to Seton and the good citizens of Lawrence to face Cantrell and his raiders in one final clash.
프랑스에서 정전협정이 조인된 후, 미국 병사 세 명이 그들의 미래에 대해 고심한다. 에디 바틀렛은 예전의 직업인 차 수리공을 할 수 있을 거라고 굳게 믿고 있으며, 한때 술집 지배인을 했던 죠지 할리는 최근에 제정된 금주령 같은 건 안중에도 없다. 또한 법대생이었던 로이트 하트는 법 공부를 계속할 계획을 갖고 있다. 하지만 그들이 돌아왔을 때 미국은 많이 변해있다. 에디는 실업자들이 넘쳐나는 통에 차 수리공 자리는 얻지도 못하고 할 수 없이 택시를 운전하게 된다. 어느 날 에디는 나이트클럽 여주인인 파나마 스미스 앞으로 가는 밀주를 배달하다가 경찰에 체포되지만 파나마에게 불리한 증언을 하지 않는다. 파나마는 고마움의 표시로 에디가 밀주업에 참여할 수 있게 도와준다.
A Broadway musical comedy star tires of the same old grind and flees the city. She runs into the skipper of a showboat who befriends her, and they make plans to put together a musical revue. But a competing carnival owner hatches a scheme to put an end to the show before it begins.
Gracie Alden tries to graduate from college to get an inheritance.
A Paris cabaret singer dreams of becoming a Metropolitan Opera singer. A press agent arranges her Manhattan debut by way of Africa.
An ad man gets his model girlfriend to pose as a debutante for a new campaign.
American racketeer Jimmie Dean travels to England, where he assumes the identity of a Canadian whom he has been falsely accused of murdering. Jimmie is then forced to join the British army in the dead man's place. He falls in love with the Canadian's childhood playmate, Sally Briggs, and becomes a hero after saving an isolated English colony in China.
A London cat burglar falls for the girlfriend of a stockbroker who used to be his partner.
A profligate, polo-playing playboy (Henry Fonda) is married to a beautiful but superficial heiress (Mary Brian). They divorce, and the wife gets all the money. But the humbled (and impoverished) Fonda finds true love in the arms of Pat Paterson, who cares nothing for material things.
A profligate, polo-playing playboy (Henry Fonda) is married to a beautiful but superficial heiress (Mary Brian). They divorce, and the wife gets all the money. But the humbled (and impoverished) Fonda finds true love in the arms of Pat Paterson, who cares nothing for material things.
Sassy manicurist Eve Fallon is recruited as an even more brassy reporter and she helps police detective boyfriend Danny Barr break a jewel theft ring and solve the murder of a baby.
Sassy manicurist Eve Fallon is recruited as an even more brassy reporter and she helps police detective boyfriend Danny Barr break a jewel theft ring and solve the murder of a baby.
A San Francisco singer flees Chinatown on murder charges and poses as a missionary in Alaska.
Three young girls working in an agency have build a singing trio. They want to "lease" the Dictaphone of their boss to make a record of their singing, but they are caught and fired. When they are not able to pay their rent any longer, they decide to try it on an amateur contest at a radio station.
Thanks to a series of comic mishaps, a timid, small-town office clerk finds himself wanted by the police and labeled by the media as "Public Enemy No. 2." Comedy.
Two members of a crew of "sandhogs", men who work on an underwater tunnel project, battle each other over the same woman and a rival team of sandhogs to see who will finish their half of the tunnel first, with the winning team getting more money and guaranteed future work.
The film tells the story of Sylvia, a French teacher at an all-girl school, who wants to find love. When she hears Bill Williams on the radio, she decides to go visit and thank him. However, difficult problems lay ahead when Lili gets in the way.
"In the Gay Nineties New York had grown up into bustles and balloon Sleeves ... but The Bowery had grown younger, louder and more rowdy until it was known as the 'Livest Mile on the face of the globe' ... the cradle of men who were later to be famous.
Peggy and her friend Millie are strolling down Broadway while Jimmy and Mac are trolling Broadway, and the four get together...
U.S. sailor Jimmy Harrigan, on shore leave in San Pedro, meets and falls for Sally Brent She promises to wait for him when he ships out to San Francisco, but Jimmy becomes jealous and tells her off when he learns Sally has entered a marathon dance contest sponsored by a lecherous snake named Baron Portola. Along with several of his Navy pals, Jimmy goes to the ballroom the night of the dance marathon, to try to change Sally's mind and win her back.
Jaunty young policeman Danny Dolan falls in love with waterfront cafe waitress Helen Riley.
Salomy Jane, a California mountain girl, is sought after by a number of men in the nearby small town of Redwood City. She is affected when two criminals are pursued by authorities: one for killing a hypocritical mayoral candidate, the other for robbing the stagecoach.
A young Russian girl is forced into a life of prostitution in Czarist Russia, and she and a British journalist find their lives endangered when she reveals to him information regarding the social crimes rampant in her country.
A young Russian girl is forced into a life of prostitution in Czarist Russia, and she and a British journalist find their lives endangered when she reveals to him information regarding the social crimes rampant in her country.
Marines Flagg and Quirt fought together in WWI and Panama. After some time in New York they go to Sweden and compete for the love of Else. Next they go to Nicaragua and help earthquake victims. Then to Egypt where Else is now in Prince Hassan's harem.
German-language version of The Big Trail with an alternate cast and co-director. Bill Coleman (named Breck Coleman in the U.S. version) leads settlers in covered wagons Westward, across the prairie and mountains.
A spoiled carefree rich kid gets into too much trouble for his father who sends him out on his own to prove himself capable of making a respectable man of himself.
A spoiled carefree rich kid gets into too much trouble for his father who sends him out on his own to prove himself capable of making a respectable man of himself.
미국 각 지역에서 모인 사람들이 서부로 향하기 위해 미시시피 강가에 모였다. 이들은 새로운 땅을 찾아 멀리 오래곤 북부까지 4천 킬로가 넘는 긴 여정을 시작할 것이다. 뛰어난 칼솜씨를 가진 사냥꾼 브랙 콜먼은 길을 안내해 달라는 사람들의 제안에도 불구하고 무법자들에게 희생된 친구의 복수를 위해 그들을 잡으러 가려 한다. 떠나기 전 리지 부인의 집을 찾아가 인사를 하려했던 그는 남부에서 온 아름다운 여인 루스를 그만 다른 사람으로 오해하고 키스한다. 그의 무례함에 루스는 화가 나고 콜먼은 그녀의 오해를 풀어주려 하지만 쉽지 않다. 콜먼은 일행을 이끄는 리더 레드 플렉을 보고 그가 자신이 찾던 무법자라는 확신에 함께 합류하기로 한다. 또한 루스에게 청혼한 도르프도 그녀를 돌봐주겠다는 이유로 합류하지만 사실 그는 레드 플렉과 한 패거리. 그들의 여행은 강과 협곡을 지나고 인디언을 만나는 등 힘들고 지친 하루하루를 보내지만 서부개척의 꿈을 지닌 사람들은 계속 서부로 향한다. 콜먼은 새침한 루스에게 조금씩 관심을 갖게 되고, 루스 또한 콜먼이 무례한 사람이라며 함부로 대하지만 조금씩 그에게 이끌려가는데...
A romantic adventure musical film directed by Raoul Walsh....The film is believed to be lost.
A romantic adventure musical film directed by Raoul Walsh....The film is believed to be lost.
Two Marines are sent to South Sea island where they fight over a local island girl.
Two Marines are sent to South Sea island where they fight over a local island girl.
Tasia (Dolores del Río), a beautiful dancer lower class of Russia, falls heir to the throne Prince, Grand Duke Eugene (Charles Farrell), but only admired from a distance. At the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, the Duke falls in captivity and this allows Tasia be near him.
Told in the form of a diary, the story details the rise and fall of gangster boss Jimmy Williams.
Told in the form of a diary, the story details the rise and fall of gangster boss Jimmy Williams.
A young, beautiful prostitute named Sadie Thompson arrives on the South Pacific island of Pago Pago looking for honest work and falls for Timothy O'Hara, an American sailor who is unfazed by her unsavory past. However, Mr. Davidson, a missionary who arrived on the island at the same time, aims to "save" Sadie from her sinful life and petitions to have her separated from her beau and deported back to San Francisco.
Sergeant Timothy 'Tim' O'Hara
A young, beautiful prostitute named Sadie Thompson arrives on the South Pacific island of Pago Pago looking for honest work and falls for Timothy O'Hara, an American sailor who is unfazed by her unsavory past. However, Mr. Davidson, a missionary who arrived on the island at the same time, aims to "save" Sadie from her sinful life and petitions to have her separated from her beau and deported back to San Francisco.
A young, beautiful prostitute named Sadie Thompson arrives on the South Pacific island of Pago Pago looking for honest work and falls for Timothy O'Hara, an American sailor who is unfazed by her unsavory past. However, Mr. Davidson, a missionary who arrived on the island at the same time, aims to "save" Sadie from her sinful life and petitions to have her separated from her beau and deported back to San Francisco.
A young, beautiful prostitute named Sadie Thompson arrives on the South Pacific island of Pago Pago looking for honest work and falls for Timothy O'Hara, an American sailor who is unfazed by her unsavory past. However, Mr. Davidson, a missionary who arrived on the island at the same time, aims to "save" Sadie from her sinful life and petitions to have her separated from her beau and deported back to San Francisco.
The Loves of Carmen is a 1927 American silent romantic drama film directed by Raoul Walsh. The film, based on the novella Carmen by Prosper Mérimée, stars Dolores del Río in the title role, and Don Alvarado as Jose.
Part of a 7-part series exploring all aspects of Hollywood.
In 1927 Olive Borden starred in Fox drama The Monkey Talks directed by Raoul Walsh. She played a circus performer who meets a man pretending to be a talking monkey.
U.S. Marine sergeants Quirt and Flagg are inveterate romantic rivals on peacetime assignments in China and the Philippines. In 1917, W.W. I brings them to France, where Flagg, now a captain, takes up with flirtatious Charmaine, inn-keeper's daughter. Of course, Quirt has to arrive and spoil his fun. But the harsh realities of war and the threat of a shotgun marriage give the two men a common cause...
Rafi arrives in the city in search of Pervaneh who was taken by the Sultan. He is joined by Hassan the confectioner. Rafi is captured by the Sultan, but Hassan leads a surprise attack on the palace and the lovers are united.
Convent-bred to assume her position of nobility when the time comes, Princess Antoinette plays hooky from school one day to attend a theatrical performance. Here she meets a handsome young American, and it's love at first sight. Meanwhile, in the Princess' home country, the Prime Minister plots to quell a rebellion by arranging a marriage between Antoinette and the Grand Duke.
Convent-bred to assume her position of nobility when the time comes, Princess Antoinette plays hooky from school one day to attend a theatrical performance. Here she meets a handsome young American, and it's love at first sight. Meanwhile, in the Princess' home country, the Prime Minister plots to quell a rebellion by arranging a marriage between Antoinette and the Grand Duke.
Jether, a shepherd, is lured from his home by Tisha, priestess of the goddess Ishtar. He journeys to the city of Babylon, where he lavishes Tisha with gifts and spends his share of his father's wealth on riotous living.
In England, Don Pedro de Barrego meets Dolores Annesley, and he decides he must have her. Dolores, however, refuses to have anything to do with him. Later, when she visits Spain, she discovers he is a famous bullfighter.
After being educated in England, Daisy Forbes returns to China, the country of her birth, and discovers that her father has recently died and that she has become a social outcast, owing to the public revelation that the oriental nurse who raised her was actually her mother...
옛 바그다드. 준수한 젊은 도둑 하나가 칼리파의 딸과 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 신분의 차이 말고도, 몽골의 침략 등 사랑을 허락하지 않는 수많은 난관이 그들을 기다리는데.... 에너지가 넘치는 배우 페어뱅크스의 모습과, 그림자 애니메이션의 고전으로 잘 알려진 을 연상케 하는 환상적인 분위기의 특수 효과, 거장 라울 월쉬의 독창적인 연출이 맞물려 고전 영화 사상 가장 눈부신 작품 중 한 편을 탄생시켰다.
Faulke, a swindling white trader who persuaded Madge to leave Captain Blackbird, insists that her daughter, Lorna, marry Waki, a native leader, although Lorna loves Lloyd Warren. While in search of a doll for his other daughter, Baby Madge, Captain Blackbird comes to Pago Pago and gruffly refuses to aid Lloyd and Lorna, whom he does not recognize. A chance encounter with Faulke, however, reveals the trader's evil doings and Lorna's identity. The captain and his men rush to the island and rescue Lorna from the warring natives.
Discovering that her husband is a bigamist, Nan returns with her child to her Puget Sound logging town. She is treated as an outcast by all save Donald, her childhood sweetheart, the son of a millionaire....
Discovering that her husband is a bigamist, Nan returns with her child to her Puget Sound logging town. She is treated as an outcast by all save Donald, her childhood sweetheart, the son of a millionaire....
In the Spanish town of Magdalena live María and her sweetheart, Pancho, son of the governor. When the town is captured by brigands led by Ramírez, the governor is deposed, and Don Domingo Maticas is appointed in his place. Ramón, son of the new governor, becomes infatuated with María. She repulses him, but he is encouraged by her mother.
A 1920 film directed by Roy William Neill.
Doris Moore is a country girl who is conned by two crooks, Harry Leland and Pop Clark. They convince the naive girl to come with them to New York City and play the badger game on William Lake. But the intervention of Kate Fallon, who runs the gang's New York home, saves the innocent and traps the guilty. Instead of tricking Lake, Doris marries him.
The Strongest is a 1920 American silent drama film directed by Raoul Walsh and starring Renée Adorée, Carlo Liten, Harrison Hunter, Beatrice Noyes, Florence Malone, and Jean Gauthier DeTrigny. It is based on the 1919 French novel Les Plus Fort by Georges Clemenceau.
Scenario Writer
In the Canadian province of Acadia, young Evangeline is betrothed to Gabriel. But before their wedding can take place, the British imprison the men and send them into exile with their lands forfeit to the Crown Evangeline follows the exiled men in hopes of finding her beloved, but even after he and the other Acadians are released in Louisiana, she cannot find him, always arriving at some locale just after he has departed. But she dedicates her life to searching the continent for the man she loves.
In the Canadian province of Acadia, young Evangeline is betrothed to Gabriel. But before their wedding can take place, the British imprison the men and send them into exile with their lands forfeit to the Crown Evangeline follows the exiled men in hopes of finding her beloved, but even after he and the other Acadians are released in Louisiana, she cannot find him, always arriving at some locale just after he has departed. But she dedicates her life to searching the continent for the man she loves.
Hearing that the United States has just declared war on Germany, Bill Durham hurries to a recruiting station to enlist, but because he has flat feet, he is rejected. He falls in love with Barbara Knowles, whose guardian, August Myers, unknown to Barbara, is a German agent. When Bill learns that Myers plans to stir up trouble on the border of the United States and Mexico, he catches the train to New Mexico and routs out Myers' gang of bandits.
When the United States enters World War I, a mother sends her two eldest sons off to the battlefields with a smile, although her heart is breaking.
When the United States enters World War I, a mother sends her two eldest sons off to the battlefields with a smile, although her heart is breaking.
In this propaganda film, athletic silent star George Walsh plays reporter Jack Bartlett, who interviews President Wilson regarding the Fourth Liberty Loan. The story never appears in the paper, however, because its new owner, Otto Crumley, is pro-German. So Jack quits his job and begins canvassing for the Liberty Loans. In the midst of his vigorous campaigning he also halts Crumley's plans to inspire a strike at a munitions plant.
In this propaganda film, athletic silent star George Walsh plays reporter Jack Bartlett, who interviews President Wilson regarding the Fourth Liberty Loan. The story never appears in the paper, however, because its new owner, Otto Crumley, is pro-German. So Jack quits his job and begins canvassing for the Liberty Loans. In the midst of his vigorous campaigning he also halts Crumley's plans to inspire a strike at a munitions plant.
A German spy who is married to Lillian, the sister of Rosie O'Grady.
A German spy who is married to Lillian, the sister of Rosie O'Grady.
A German spy who is married to Lillian, the sister of Rosie O'Grady.
Jack La Salle marries South American heiress Blanquetta Del Castillo, and the two settle into a happy life in New York City. Following the birth of their son, Jack, Jr., however, Jack becomes involved in an affair with the notorious Josie Sabel and thereafter ignores his wife. Outraged upon learning that Jack has taken their son to Josie's apartment, Blanquetta files for divorce, the court finally ruling that the boy must live with each parent for a portion of the year. As the time of little Jack's departure from his father approaches, Jack, Sr. declares that he will never return the boy to his mother, whereupon the tortured Blanquetta shoots and kills her faithless husband.
Jack La Salle marries South American heiress Blanquetta Del Castillo, and the two settle into a happy life in New York City. Following the birth of their son, Jack, Jr., however, Jack becomes involved in an affair with the notorious Josie Sabel and thereafter ignores his wife. Outraged upon learning that Jack has taken their son to Josie's apartment, Blanquetta files for divorce, the court finally ruling that the boy must live with each parent for a portion of the year. As the time of little Jack's departure from his father approaches, Jack, Sr. declares that he will never return the boy to his mother, whereupon the tortured Blanquetta shoots and kills her faithless husband.
The life of Sam Houston, soldier, statesman, patriot and one of the founders of the Republic of Texas, is depicted.
The life of Sam Houston, soldier, statesman, patriot and one of the founders of the Republic of Texas, is depicted.
Scenario Writer
A potentially lost film, this film tells the story of a man is convicted unjustly of a crime and then subjected to inhumane torment in a prison run by corrupt administrators.
A potentially lost film, this film tells the story of a man is convicted unjustly of a crime and then subjected to inhumane torment in a prison run by corrupt administrators.
Based on Henrik Ibsen's play from 1877.
Scenario Writer
Peasant girl Vania is assaulted by a duke who murders her lover and sends her away to London.
Peasant girl Vania is assaulted by a duke who murders her lover and sends her away to London.
Scenario Writer
A Spanish soldier falls under the spell of a fiery gypsy girl named Carmen. His obsession with her leads to his ruin.
A Spanish soldier falls under the spell of a fiery gypsy girl named Carmen. His obsession with her leads to his ruin.
A fantasy from Ibsen's verse drama. Ne'er-do-well and braggart Peer Gynt has many adventures in varied countries, making and losing money, gaining fortune at others' expense, until he finds salvation in the love of Solveig.
At 10 years old, Owen becomes a ragged orphan when his mother dies. Abusive next-door neighbors the Conways take him in, and by 17, Owen has learned that might is right. At 25, he's a career gangster: loitering, gambling and drinking in dens of iniquity. Marie Deering arrives in Owen's area, eager to empower the impoverished, gang-affiliated youth through education. Owen slowly but surely leaves his old life behind, choosing the narrow path- all the while falling in love with Marie. Skinny, who's taken over Owen's role in the gang, reappears to him, spelling trouble.
At 10 years old, Owen becomes a ragged orphan when his mother dies. Abusive next-door neighbors the Conways take him in, and by 17, Owen has learned that might is right. At 25, he's a career gangster: loitering, gambling and drinking in dens of iniquity. Marie Deering arrives in Owen's area, eager to empower the impoverished, gang-affiliated youth through education. Owen slowly but surely leaves his old life behind, choosing the narrow path- all the while falling in love with Marie. Skinny, who's taken over Owen's role in the gang, reappears to him, spelling trouble.
Assistant Director
북의 스톤맨가는 과격한 노예제 폐지론자인 아버지 오스틴 스톤맨과 두 아들, 아버지를 보살피는 딸 엘지가 있었다. 카메론의 두 아들이 남부의 피에드몽에 있는 스톤맨가를 방문한다. 카메론가의 맏아들인 벤은 친구인 스톤맨이 갖고 있던 동생 엘지의 사진을 보고 한눈에 반한다. 그후 전쟁의 기운이 몰아치고 북의 통치를 거부하는 남의 분리선언으로 남북전쟁의 소용돌이에 휘말리고 두 가문의 남자들 역시 전쟁에 참가하게 된다. 2년반의 치열한 전투 끝에 남부는 항복을 하고 링컨은 남부에 온건 정책을 쓴다. 그러나 링컨이 존 윌키스에게 저격을 당하여 사망하자 스톤맨이 실권을 장악한다. 남부는 스톤맨의 총애를 받는 혼혈인 린치에게 그 권한이 넘겨진다. 그러나 남부의 무정부적 상태에서 벤의 여동생이 흑인 거스에 의하여 절벽에 떨어져 죽는다. 분노한 백인 암살단은 대학살을 예고하고...
남북의 대립 이전부터 친교를 갖고 있던 북과 남의 훌륭한 두 백인 가문, 스톤맨가와 카메론가의 가족들이 남북 전쟁을 전후로 하여 겪게 되는 사랑과 갈등, 치열한 삶과 죽음의 곡예, 그리고 이들의 정치적 대립과 의식의 변화 과정을 당시의 역사적인 사실을 바탕으로 하여 사실적으로 촬영되었다.
John Wilkes Booth
북의 스톤맨가는 과격한 노예제 폐지론자인 아버지 오스틴 스톤맨과 두 아들, 아버지를 보살피는 딸 엘지가 있었다. 카메론의 두 아들이 남부의 피에드몽에 있는 스톤맨가를 방문한다. 카메론가의 맏아들인 벤은 친구인 스톤맨이 갖고 있던 동생 엘지의 사진을 보고 한눈에 반한다. 그후 전쟁의 기운이 몰아치고 북의 통치를 거부하는 남의 분리선언으로 남북전쟁의 소용돌이에 휘말리고 두 가문의 남자들 역시 전쟁에 참가하게 된다. 2년반의 치열한 전투 끝에 남부는 항복을 하고 링컨은 남부에 온건 정책을 쓴다. 그러나 링컨이 존 윌키스에게 저격을 당하여 사망하자 스톤맨이 실권을 장악한다. 남부는 스톤맨의 총애를 받는 혼혈인 린치에게 그 권한이 넘겨진다. 그러나 남부의 무정부적 상태에서 벤의 여동생이 흑인 거스에 의하여 절벽에 떨어져 죽는다. 분노한 백인 암살단은 대학살을 예고하고...
남북의 대립 이전부터 친교를 갖고 있던 북과 남의 훌륭한 두 백인 가문, 스톤맨가와 카메론가의 가족들이 남북 전쟁을 전후로 하여 겪게 되는 사랑과 갈등, 치열한 삶과 죽음의 곡예, 그리고 이들의 정치적 대립과 의식의 변화 과정을 당시의 역사적인 사실을 바탕으로 하여 사실적으로 촬영되었다.
북의 스톤맨가는 과격한 노예제 폐지론자인 아버지 오스틴 스톤맨과 두 아들, 아버지를 보살피는 딸 엘지가 있었다. 카메론의 두 아들이 남부의 피에드몽에 있는 스톤맨가를 방문한다. 카메론가의 맏아들인 벤은 친구인 스톤맨이 갖고 있던 동생 엘지의 사진을 보고 한눈에 반한다. 그후 전쟁의 기운이 몰아치고 북의 통치를 거부하는 남의 분리선언으로 남북전쟁의 소용돌이에 휘말리고 두 가문의 남자들 역시 전쟁에 참가하게 된다. 2년반의 치열한 전투 끝에 남부는 항복을 하고 링컨은 남부에 온건 정책을 쓴다. 그러나 링컨이 존 윌키스에게 저격을 당하여 사망하자 스톤맨이 실권을 장악한다. 남부는 스톤맨의 총애를 받는 혼혈인 린치에게 그 권한이 넘겨진다. 그러나 남부의 무정부적 상태에서 벤의 여동생이 흑인 거스에 의하여 절벽에 떨어져 죽는다. 분노한 백인 암살단은 대학살을 예고하고...
남북의 대립 이전부터 친교를 갖고 있던 북과 남의 훌륭한 두 백인 가문, 스톤맨가와 카메론가의 가족들이 남북 전쟁을 전후로 하여 겪게 되는 사랑과 갈등, 치열한 삶과 죽음의 곡예, 그리고 이들의 정치적 대립과 의식의 변화 과정을 당시의 역사적인 사실을 바탕으로 하여 사실적으로 촬영되었다.
Joe Reed
Helen and Joe are in love. He receives a letter from his uncle offering him a good position in his law office. He shows Helen the letter and she shows him one from the Standard, also a check for a short story. They have a quarrel over a slight thing and he leaves for his uncle's place. Six years go by and Helen is now a very successful writer on a large daily.
The Designing Guest
Country girl May loses at cards and must borrow $250 from Captain Stiles, but the wealthy roué's loan does not come without an expectation of repayment.
The Doctor
William Rock, assistant cashier in a business concern, has a sick daughter. The doctor urges that she be taken immediately to another climate, and Rock, unable to get an advance on his pay, is desperate. He has been in the habit of taking the deposits to the bank every Saturday, and then going direct from the bank home. He determines that week to steal the money. On Saturday Rock is followed on the street by a couple of crooks. He goes into a telephone booth to phone his daughter May and her fiancé, a young physician, that they can start south with the younger sister at once. Taking the money out of the bank satchel, he stuffs it in his inside vest pocket and leaves with the empty bag in his hand. He goes down an alleyway to get rid of the satchel, but is assaulted by the gunmen and the bag taken from him.
James Holden
Society man Arthur Lee is in love with society belle Helen Robinson, who is also admired by James Holden, a wealthy mine owner from the West. At her father's country place, Lee is unhappy because of her popularity but is appeased when she finally accepts his proposal and ring. Holden interrupts and claims a moment's talk. Telling Lee to wait for her in a favorite nook of the veranda, she goes with Holden while Lee strolls in the garden to await her. After proposing, Holden leaves her and hastens to the nook, seating himself with his back to the French windows. Lee is nearby in the garden finishing his smoke. He sees Holden in his chair, by the light of the latter's cigarette, and then sees Helen come from the lighted ballroom, approach the chair and throw her arms about Holden, sit in his lap and kiss him. Lee turns away in despair and anger and leaves the grounds.
Sierra Jim
Sierra Jim, wounded and desperate, flees from the sheriff and is given refuge in the cabin of a young girl, the sweetheart of the pony express rider.
Francis Carryl
Mabel Mack's mother is deserted by her father and the mother dies. All that Mabel retains of her family history is a group photograph of her father, mother and herself, in a locket which she always wears.
The Detective
John Stafford is unjustly arrested on the eve of his marriage for the murder of an old gentleman whose body was found in his guardian's library. The young man is taken to the penitentiary, but eludes his guards and escapes. His sweetheart engages a noted detective who finds a small Hindu image in the hand of the dead man.
Jack Colter
Nettie is beloved by all the boys in the mining camp. Magoon, a big, jovial miner, loves her most of all, however, and asks her to become his wife. Nettie is in love with Colter, a young Easterner, and though it pains her to do so, tells Magoon of the fact. Magoon leaves town to become sheriff of the adjoining county. A murder is committed in the mining camp, and Colter is unjustly accused. Nettie rescues him from jail and sends him to Magoon. The sheriff with admirable self-sacrifice hides his rival, and, when the posse arrives, points out what Nettie has done for the boys of the mining camp. Colter is released, and all the boys escort him back to Nettie.
Bud Parker
Kitty, the pretty young wife of a Texas businessman, feels neglected and unwanted as her husband pays more attention to his business interests than he does to her and spends more and more time away from home. A handsome young neighbor notices her emotional state and decides to try to take advantage of it. In her confused and lonely condition, Kitty finds herself attracted to the man and begins to think about running away with him.
Villa as a young man
Silent biographical action–drama film starring Pancho Villa as himself. The movie incorporates both staged scenes and authentic live footage from real battles during the Mexican Revolution.
Director of Photography
Silent biographical action–drama film starring Pancho Villa as himself. The movie incorporates both staged scenes and authentic live footage from real battles during the Mexican Revolution.
Silent biographical action–drama film starring Pancho Villa as himself. The movie incorporates both staged scenes and authentic live footage from real battles during the Mexican Revolution.
Silent biographical action–drama film starring Pancho Villa as himself. The movie incorporates both staged scenes and authentic live footage from real battles during the Mexican Revolution.