Sidney Kean

출생 : 1950-10-01, London, England, UK

참여 작품

Chapel Of Rest
Father Jones
Father Jones is called in from out-of-town to perform a funeral. However, he isn't sure whose funeral it is. He is joined by Neil from the funeral home, and together they try to figure out who is in the coffin.
기괴한 숲 속 마을
제이슨과 니키 부부에게 의문의 여인이 하버 주막이라는 건물의 집문서를 전달해 주면서 15년 만에 고향을 찾은 마을 여인 레베카인 척하고 마을로 가라는 말을 한다. 부부는 하버 주막을 팔아 돈을 마련하기 위해 마을로 향하고 마을 사람들은 부인 니키를 보고 레베카라 믿고 환대한다. 하지만 하버 주막 2층에는 정체를 알 수 없는 이방인 노인이 무단 점거를 하고 있어서 건물을 마음대로 팔지도 못하는 상황. 그 후 마을에서는 점점 기묘한 일들이 벌어진다. 제이슨 부부는 마을을 떠나려 하지만 마을 사람들에 의한 파티 때문에 발이 묶이고 그러던 중 자신에게 집문서를 준 여인이 파티에 등장하는데... 과연 이 마을의 정체는? 집문서를 건네 준 여인의 정체는? 상상도 못할 끔찍한 결말을 향해 다가간다!
Lucas and Albert
Two aging hit-men are sent to clean up a bank robbery gone wrong some twenty years ago. Having always worked alone, they have been chosen by the infamous Mr. Mac to clean up the mess and get rid of any loose ends.
Older Hans
엘리트 SS장교 한스는 강제 수용소 아우슈비츠에 부임한다. 위생시설을 설계하라는 명령을 받지만 알고보니 인종청소를 위한 죽음의 가스실을 만드는 것이다. 수용자에게 연민을 느끼고 몰래 도와주지만 가스실이 완성되고 드디어 학살이 시작되는데… 인종청소의 홀로코스트를 목격한다!
런던잡 : 다이아몬드를 훔쳐라
John Collins
젊은 시절부터 절도를 일삼던 브라이언 외 일당은 브라이언의 소개로 등장한 바질이라는 새로운 보스의 제안에 세계적인 보석 거리인 런던의 해턴가든에서 다시 한번 범죄 역사에 길이 남을 그들만의 범행을 계획하게 된다. 부활절 연휴에 그들은 2억 파운드 상당의 금품을 훔쳐서 달아나지만 바질을 제외한 나머지 일당은 끝내 붙잡히고 만다. 바질은 훔친 금품 일부를 묘지에 두고 사라지지만 결국 바질의 완전범죄로 영화는 끝을 맺는데…
Orthodox tells the story of Benjamin, an Orthodox Jewish man who alienated himself from his community by becoming a boxer. When his life took a wrong turn he ended up in prison, losing his wife and children in the process. Now he is out and desperate to reintegrate, he finds that acceptance harder than he ever imagined. He turns back to his old boxing coach thinking there he has an ally, but a truth about the past emerges which leaves him even more isolated than he once thought. Benjamin must make a choice which will effect not just his own future but the life of a young Jewish boy whose life he can relate to. He is determined not to allow history to repeat itself.
Dilip's Castle
Dilip's Castle is the story of Sidney. He runs away from home after he finds out that his wife had an affair. Already on a destructive path, with a rapacious thirst for alcohol, he treads through the night and he discovers that what lurks in the dark is far worse than infidelity.
A couple walk across a field, suddenly she is alone, a stranger steps forward and a new landscape opens up.
Since A.D. 50, a mysterious sacred artifact known as the Loculus has been at the center of a bloody clandestine war. Missing for a few hundred years, the puzzling relic has suddenly reappeared in the present day, bringing with it a terrible secret that could spell doom for all of mankind. Now it's up to Magnus Martel to subvert a murderous secret society and uncover the truth behind the ancient treasure.
Doc Martin
Maitre’D (uncredited)
Doc Martin tells the tale of Martin Clunes' character in the film, in the months leading up to the Saving Grace story. Martin Bamford is a heart-broken London obstetrician, in a jealous rage after he finds out that his wife has been sleeping with three of his buddies. He escapes to a small Cornish fishing village, which he grows surprisingly attached to, and is extremely reluctant to return with his cheating wife when she comes to pick him up. Although he has only been looking for a week's R & R, Dr Bamford stumbles across a network of secrets in the village of Port Isaac, and finds himself embroiled in the most exciting scandal the village has seen for centuries.
Hanuman is the most lovable baby monkey one can imagine. He meets Tom who comes to visit the temple in the Valley of Monkeys and tries to protect it from the robbers. A warm relationship develops between the two.
하트의 여왕
Eddie Luca is the youngest son in a family of Italian immigrants who has moved to London. Beginning from nowhere, they open a cafe in an Italian neighbourhood. One day their father loses the cafe, the home and his wedding ring by gambling.
Brash Guard
헬리 혜성 탐사팀인 영국 우주선 처칠호는 전라의 여자와 남자가 캡슐 속에 있는 것을 발견한다. 한편 처칠호가 증발하자 미국 콜럼비아 우주선이 처칠호를 발견하고 그 외계인의 시체를 지구로 가져오는데...
Love and Bullets
Jackie Pruit is the girlfriend of notorious gangster Joe Bomposa. When it looks as if Bomposa's goons are threatening Jackie's life, the FBI moves in to protect her, hoping that she'll have incriminating evidence. Veteran agent Charlie Congers is assigned to watch over Jackie, and while it soon becomes apparent that she knows almost nothing about Bomposa that would be of any use to the FBI, he falls in love with her. Bomposa decides it would be more convenient to have Jackie out of the way, ordering her to be executed. Bomposa's henchmen slip through FBI security and murder her, but now they have to answer the angry and vengeful Congers.
Savage Messiah
Annoyed Man In Library (uncredited)
The film fictionalizes the real relationship between French sculptor Henri Gaudier and Polish writer Sophie Brzeska, twenty years his senior, who came to Paris, she says, for its “creative atmosphere.”