Marat Descartes

Marat Descartes

출생 : 1975-05-17, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

프로필 사진

Marat Descartes

참여 작품

Two friends go their separate ways at age 17, affected by the troubling teenage conflicts in the small and conservative city of Coti das Fuças, in the countryside of Brazil. Levi, a poet, tired of being mistreated, sticks to the friends’ plan of moving to a big city. Elias, opressed by a violent father, gives up on the idea of leaving. At age 50, Levi comes back to reunite with his friend during a funeral, when their memories are relived before the last goodbye. Inspired by the theater play Aldeotas, by Gero Camilo.
여전히 밤은 깊지만
Karen sings and plays the trumpet in a vigorous rock band in Brasilia, but no one there is interested in it. At 27, she has lost hope in the city her grandfather helped to build. She follows in the footsteps of her ex-partner in the band, Artur, and tries her luck in Berlin.
A Terra Negra dos Kawa
A group of scientists digs on land within the Amazon in search of fertile black earth, used for agricultural purposes. As they approach the site of the Kawa Indians, they notice that the land acquires energetic and sensory powers.
The passing of the years is merciless for everyone. In the film, seven seemingly ordinary characters lead their lives seeking, each one, what they believe brings personal satisfaction. But, even with different and distant lives, they come closer by the way they guide their existence based on worldly concerns.
Querida Mamãe
Dear Mom centers on the conflictive relationship between Heloisa, a recently divorced doctor, and her mother Ruth. Heloisa blames Ruth for her bad relationship with her own daughter, her failed marriage, and even her unsuccessful career. It’s a conflict that worsens when Ruth, after being diagnosed with cancer, finds out that Heloisa has fallen in love with Leda, a painter she met at the hospital where she works. The new relationship is not well accepted by her family, let alone by Ruth, which worsens the friction between them.
카벨레이라, 신성한 무법자
Quatro Olhos
그곳에 몸을 묻고 살던 카벨레이라는 아버지의 행방을 알아내기 위해 길을 떠난다. 그날이었다, 온 세상이 두려워할 암살자의 운명이 시작된 것은... 브라질의 무자비한 사막, 그곳에 고독한 살인자 카벨레이라가 있다. 킬러 중의 킬러에게 훈련받은 사신, 동시에 탐욕의 화신. 그의 표적이 되면 누구도 살아남지 못하리. 무법의 땅 배드랜드.
굿 매너스
Gatekeeper (voice)
상파울루의 빈민가 출신 클라라는 임신한 아나의 가정부로 취직한다. 아나는 전문 유모가 아닌 클라라가 미심쩍었지만 점점 그녀에게 의존하게 되고 급기야 두 사람 사이에 묘한 감정이 싹트기 시작한다. 그리고 보름달이 뜬 어느 날 클라라는 아나의 임신과 관련된 충격적인 비밀을 알게 되고 예정일에 앞서 아이가 태어나면서 겉잡을 수 없는 사건이 벌어지는데…
Nalu on the Border
Nalu lives with Ruben, her father, in a small country town near the Brazilian border with Uruguay. When Ruben realizes that his daughter is becoming a woman, an ambiguous closeness begins to develop between them.
Ballad of Return
One day, Eduardo arrives at his house and discovers that Julia, his wife, tried to commit suicide. She left her husband and two children without saying goodbye. After some time, she comes back home. He tries everything to set her straight, but the impossibility of knowing her fully grieves him. The shadow of the suicide and the inevitable ghost of a new chance hover over their heads. Eduardo insists on understanding his wife, but an increasing jealousy and an unexpected discovery of her past torture him. He does not realize that, most of the time, the search for control easily becomes an obsession.
Don't Call Me Son
Enfermeiro Lourenço
Pierre is seventeen and in the middle of puberty. He plays in a band, has sex at parties and secretly tries on women’s clothing and lipstick in front of a mirror. Ever since his father’s death, his mother Aracy has looked after him and his younger sister Jacqueline, spoiling them both. But when he discovers that she stole him from a hospital when he was a new born baby, Pierre’s life changes dramatically. In her new film, director Anna Muylaert explores the mother-child relationship through the eyes of a rebellious son whose whole world unravels overnight.
While It Lasts
A separated couple still share the same roof as a seemingly conventional family. The balance is broken with the arrival of the new ex-husband's girlfriend, highlighting the neuroses of the family's routine.
웬 아이 워즈 얼라이브
직장과 가족을 잃은 주니어는 매력적인 세입자 브루나가 살고 있는 아버지의 집으로 돌아오는데 돌아가신 어머니의 물건들을 발견하면서 잊고 있던 과거를 회상하게 되고 이상한 기운에 사로잡히게 되는데...
시간과 바람
Licurgo Terra Cambará
Erico Verissimo의 동명 소설 3부작을 원작으로 한 Time and Wind 는 150년 간의 테라 캄바라 가족과 그들의 적대자인 아마랄 가족의 이야기를 따릅니다. 두 가문의 투쟁의 역사는 예수회 선교 시대를 기점으로 19세기 말까지 이어진다 . 이 영화는 또한 리오그란데두술(Rio Grande do Sul) 주의 형성 기간 과 포르투갈 왕실과 스페인 왕관 사이의 영토 분쟁을 다루고 있습니다 .
A Violent Dose of Anything
Pedro has taken the road and he does not know where he is going. Lucas does not know it either. After meeting at a roadside café, they travel through the Brazilian Savannah seeking for a violent dose of anything.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Produced for TV Cultura within the project Telefilmes IV: Music and City, this made-for-TV film follows the story of Erica, a 14-year-old teenager growing up in Brazil, who has to learn how to deal with her British mother who is going off the rails. Living amidst an anxiety that switches between fear and love for her mother, Erica tries to find her way in a ship that seems to be sinking rapidly. It is in this moment that she picks up a guitar, and in her relationship with it, finds a way to re-shape her reality.
Super Nothing
Guto, aspiring actor, dreams of hitting the big-time in São Paulo. He takes classes, rehearses, works out, auditions. He knows his big chance could find him anyplace, at any moment. His idol and role model is Zeca, an old-school TV comedian who—even on his last legs— still lives on in the hearts of a generation. When their paths intersect, Guto’s luck begins to change. But is that really possible?
Two Rabbits
Edgar is a young upper-middle class man, close to completing 30 years old, he lives a full life crisis and is in a position common to the vast majority of Brazilians. On the one hand the power, represented by a corrupt state, abusive and absent in their taxes before their obligations. On the other, crime increasingly organized violence became a constant in the lives of citizens in large cities. Edgar responds to all this as a modern vigilante. With the help of ingredients such as technology, counter-information and manipulation, Edgar concocts a brilliant plan, using the greed of their opponents as the reason for its destruction. As the plot unfolds, we know more about the dark past of each character as Edgar fit the pieces together in an intriguing puzzle that makes up the film's plot.
Corpo Presente
Three desperate stories about working life in São Paulo.
중산층의 평범한 주부 헬레나는 자신의 꿈이었던 슈퍼마켓 사업을 시작하지만 남편의 실직과 경기 침체 등 그녀의 원대한 꿈은 시작부터 덜컹거린다. 어느 날 가게 한쪽 벽에 정체를 알 수 없는 검은 얼룩이 발견되고 얼룩이 커져가면서 그녀의 사업과 일상도 흔들리게 되는데... 느슨한 미스터리 플롯에 중산층의 위기감과 미묘한 계급갈등을 능숙하게 엮어내는 수작. (2012년 제16회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
위 어 투게더
Dr. Gaspar
젊고 능력 있는 여의사 까르멩은 꿈 꿔왔던 생활을 시작하게 된다. 그건 바로, DJ로 활동하는 단짝 친구 무릴로와 함께 출신 도시에서 벗어나 역동적인 도시, 상파울루에서 독립해 살아가는 것이다. 하지만 예기치 않은 병으로 그녀의 생활은 변해가고, 그러던 중 정체불명의 남자와의 관계를 이어나가는 동시에 뮤지션 후앙과 사랑에 빠지게 되는데... (2016 브라질 영화제)
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
In São Paulo, Brazil, the lonely 40-something guitar teacher Baby lives a tedious life in a low middle-class apartment. She is addicted to her only companions: cigarettes. Baby has a constant conflict with her two sisters, over a couch she inherited from their deceased aunt. When Max, a restaurant musician, moves to the next door apartment, Baby has a crush on him and sees a chance to have a life again. Soon they start having a love affair, and Baby decides to quit smoking. However, her abstinence will be tough to deal with, when she notices Max still misses his ex-wife.
The Tenants
Valter's life turns upside-down when a gang of smalltime criminals move in next door. Valter's wife Iara wants something to be done about their new neighbors whos nigthtly activities does not allow them to sleep. Valter just wants to be left alone.
A Stem
Clarisse notices a small green leaf growing out of her right arm.