Franz Rudnick

Franz Rudnick

출생 : 1931-10-13, Berlin, Germany

사망 : 2005-10-13

프로필 사진

Franz Rudnick

참여 작품

Eine Frau mit Pfiff
Herr Hoppenstein
Hotel Mama - Die Rückkehr der Kinder
Der kleine Prinz
Fuchs (Stimme)
Die Bombe
Michas Flucht
Kommissar Franke
Plötzlich und unerwartet
Inspector Appleton
Die Unbekannten im eigenen Haus
The Wannsee Conference
Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger
A real time recreation of the 1942 Wannsee Conference, in which leading SS and Nazi Party officals gathered to discuss the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Led by SS-General Reinhard Heydrich, the Wannsee Conference was the starting point for the Jewish Holcaust which led to the mass murder of six million people.
독일 자매
der Vater
Germany, 1968: The priest's daughters Marianna and Juliane both fight for changes in society, like making abortion legal. However their means are totally different: while Juliane's committed as a reporter, her sister joins a terroristic organization. After she's caught by the police and put into isolation jail, Juliane remains as her last connection to the rest of the world. Although she doesn't accept her sister's arguments and her boyfriend Wolfgang doesn't want her to, Juliane keeps on helping her sister. She begins to question the way her sister is treated.
Caleb Williams
Vater Williams
Die Judenbuche
Freiherr von Haxthausen
Reinhard Heydrich - Manager des Terrors
Heinrich Himmler
21 Hours at Munich
A dramatization of the incident in 1972 when Arab terrorists broke into the Olympic compound in Munich and murdered 11 Israeli athletes.
Das Netz
The aging writer Aurelio Morelli is disillusioned: although the critics like his books, they are barely read. He develops hatred on youth and their depraved moral. One night he goes with a callgirl - and kills her. The police doesn't have a clue, only the unscrupulous sensational journalist Bossi suspects him. Instead of naming him to the police, he persuades Morelli to write about the murder for his paper. Morelli uses the occasion to write his memoirs, in which he confesses lots of other crimes before this last one...
Revolte im Erziehungshaus
Erziehung durch Dienstmädchen
Lisa - Aus dem Leben einer Unentbehrlichen
Heinz Hefner
라콤 루시앙
2차 세계대전 중인 1944년 프랑스. 시골 청년 ‘라콤 루시앙’(피에르 블레이즈)은 아버지가 감옥에 들어간 사이 어머니가 다른 남자와 살게 되어 고향집에 머물 수 없게 되었다. 그리고 지하운동을 주도하는 학교 선생님에게 지하단원이 되고 싶다고 하지만 그것도 거절당한다. 루시앙은 우연히 한 호텔에서 독일의 경찰 일을 해주는 프랑스인들과 친해지는데 무심코 고향 학교 선생님을 밀고하게 되어 독일 경찰이 되어 버리고 점차로 권력의 맛에 길들여지게 된다. 어느 날 경찰 동료가 ‘알베르 오른’이란 유태인 재단사가 숨어사는 곳에 루시앙을 데려가 양복을 맞춰주는데 루시앙은 오른의 딸 ‘프랑스’를 사랑하게 된다. 오른은 프랑스와의 문제로 루시앙을 만나러 호텔에 갔다가 유태인을 혐오하는 독일 경찰에게 잡혀 어디론가 보내진다. 한편 연합군의 반격으로 독일군은 수세에 몰리고 레지스탕스의 공격으로 루시앙의 동료 경찰들은 몰살당한다. 독일군인과 함께 유태인 검거에 나선 루시앙은 독일군인을 살해하고 프랑스와 프랑스의 할머니를 데리고 어디론가 도망치려고 한다.
This semi-fictional movie portrays the german soccer player Franz Beckenbauer. It shows the ups and downs of being a superstar.
Eigentlich hatte ich Angst... - Die Geschichte eines ungewöhnlichen Helden
Verrat ist kein Gesellschaftsspiel
Fritz Schaub
Ein Toter stoppt den 8 Uhr 10
Roderich Brüggemann
Love Is Only a Word
The 21-year-old student Oliver Mansfeld attends a boarding school in Frankfurt. There he meets the married banker's wife Verena. A passionate affair develops between them, which does not remain undiscovered by Verena's husband for long.
Vier Tage unentschuldigt
Erster Studienrat
Professor Glatz
Der Polizeiminister 1759-1820 Joseph Fouché
Napoleon I.
SS-Obergruppenführer Berger
Tod nach Mitternacht
Hans Schlesinger
Der Fall Sorge
Max Klausen
Wie eine Träne im Ozean
Die Verschwörung
Der Arzt
Rebellion der Verlorenen
Nennen Sie mich Alex
Kim Philby war der dritte Mann
Im Auftrag der schwarzen Front
Staatsanwalt Volk
Epitaph für einen König
Die Freier
Hofrat Fiedler
Prüfung eines Lehrers
Tower of Screaming Virgins
Georges Landry
King's swordsman Captain Buridan, hero of the Flanders campaign, returns to Paris to find it in a grip of fear -a "vampire/witch" in the "Tower of Sin" is luring young men to their deaths by offering them a night of sexual ecstasy followed by savage slaughter. Buridan is holding secrets of his own and his battle to save France from an evil Chancellor, an impotent King and a lascivious, wanton Queen make the battlefields of war seem like child's play.
Eine Handvoll Helden
Kanonier Kurtz
An episode from the war in 1806 when a small troop of Prussian soldiers digs in at a mill in order to defend itself against the overwhelming advance of the French army. 
Pitchi-Poï ou La parole donnée
The German Inspector
May 1944, in Provence, a young Jewish woman fleeing Nazi persecution, entrusts her three-month-old granddaughter to a stranger, Mathieu, a solitary shepherd who will raise her alone. Once the war is over, he will leave with her, in search of the mother. A research that will last more than twenty years and that will lead them to several European countries.
Das Attentat - Heydrich in Prag
Dr. Lycka
Based on historical events, the film tells the story of Operation Anthropoid which led to the assassination of the German SS leader Heydrich in Prague by Czech rebels led by Josef Gabcik and Jan Kubis.
Flucht über die Ostsee
Gauleiter Erich Koch
Nur einer wird leben
Dr. Rousseau
The Defector
Dr. Saltzer (voice) (uncredited)
An American scientist is sent by the CIA to East Germany to retrieve a secret microfilm from a Soviet scientist interested in defecting to the West but the Stasi secret police's surveillance complicates matters.
Der Verrat von Ottawa
Dr. Nunn May
German telling of the Igor Gouzenko story
Preis der Freiheit
24 hours on the border between East and West Germany. In an outlying West Berlin district, police officers chat about their personal lives, take care of petty offence and at most, warn the odd rubbernecker away from the border to the “Soviet zone”. Meanwhile their East German counterparts are under enormous pressure. The day begins with disciplinary action after one of the border guards was found sleeping on duty. The supervisors demand utmost vigilance and a solid ideological bent, and suspicion and mistrust are the rule within the ranks of these soldiers of the National People’s Army (NVA). Unnoticed by the soldiers, four East Berlin students are preparing to flee to the west. But in the morning mists, only their accomplice, an NVA private, succeeds …
Der Fall Kapitän Behrens. Fremdenlegionäre an Bord
Legionär Witte
Der Fall Hau
Der schwarze Freitag
Senator Henderson
Willkommen in Altamont
Unsterblichkeit mit Marschmusik
Dr. Kröningk
The Violin Case Murders
The first film adaptation of Jerry Cotton. FBI agents Jerry Cotton and Phil Decker are tracing a group of six murderers. Disguised as a vagabond Jerry Cotton infiltrates the gang. Kitty, the leader's girlfriend, soon becomes Jerry's most important helper. With her help, he's able to prevent a bomb's explosion in a school. The deadly attack on a rich collector he can not prevent. The gangsters flee with the loot and a hunt to the death begins ...
Landarzt Dr. Vandamme
Dr. Claude Lafarge